Jan 31st, 2025, 05:16 PM
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Hyperactive Member
.net Maui
Looking a making a .net maui app so I can build an application for windows and Mac.
First of all
a) is this the best way of doing it in?
b) is it possible to build a form like you do in CSS which resizes and changes based on max screen width so you get a mobile and desktop view? how do people manage this
Feb 4th, 2025, 08:27 AM
Re: .net Maui
There is a good YouTube channel from a MS employee https://www.youtube.com/@JamesMontemagno it all about MAUI, have a look at some of his videos.
You can consider AvaloniaUI https://avaloniaui.net/platforms
Electron does use web based tech to build multiplatform apps https://www.electronjs.org/ perhaps that is an easier avenue for you if you are more comfortable with it.
Feb 6th, 2025, 09:26 AM
Re: .net Maui
I tried to do some Maui development and found it a bit incomplete, not quite an afterthought, but also not quite fully production ready.
When I was going through the "how to's" I actually used James Montemagno as well, although now I feel foolish because I was on a pay-for-use website and didn't realize he also had free YouTube videos
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