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Thread: .net Maui

  1. #1

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    Hyperactive Member
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    Apr 2012

    .net Maui

    Looking a making a .net maui app so I can build an application for windows and Mac.

    First of all

    a) is this the best way of doing it in?

    b) is it possible to build a form like you do in CSS which resizes and changes based on max screen width so you get a mobile and desktop view? how do people manage this

  2. #2
    Hyperactive Member
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    Jul 2022

    Re: .net Maui

    There is a good YouTube channel from a MS employee it all about MAUI, have a look at some of his videos.
    You can consider AvaloniaUI

    Electron does use web based tech to build multiplatform apps perhaps that is an easier avenue for you if you are more comfortable with it.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator dday9's Avatar
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    South Louisiana

    Re: .net Maui

    I tried to do some Maui development and found it a bit incomplete, not quite an afterthought, but also not quite fully production ready.

    When I was going through the "how to's" I actually used James Montemagno as well, although now I feel foolish because I was on a pay-for-use website and didn't realize he also had free YouTube videos
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