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Thread: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

  1. #1

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    School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    A small town north of Auckland is divided after a local primary school switched from the usual bell to a loudspeaker system playing AC/DC and other music.

    “We found the kids started looking forward to the start of class, even the parents skip in and out of school grounds,” he said.
    The bells, which play anything from Thunderstruck by AC/DC to the theme from The Muppets, mark the beginning and end of class periods.
    However, neighbours of the school have started a petition to get rid of the bells - which they claim “disturb the peace” and cause “noise pollution” in the area.
    Maybe replace "Thunderstruck" with "Rock'n Roll ain't noise pollution"?

    Everything said:
    Brilliant idea of the principal! That's what i call "correct parenting"

    BUT: Could be in Germany with the reaction of the neighbors.....
    Last edited by Zvoni; Tomorrow at 31:69 PM.

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  2. #2
    Super Moderator FunkyDexter's Avatar
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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    Can't help feeling Alice Cooper's Schools Out would be a good fit.
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  3. #3

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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    Quote Originally Posted by FunkyDexter View Post
    Can't help feeling Alice Cooper's Schools Out would be a good fit.
    Agreed. Especially for the last bell of the day
    Last edited by Zvoni; Tomorrow at 31:69 PM.

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  4. #4
    Super Moderator Shaggy Hiker's Avatar
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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    That's hilarious. I almost got caught right after college graduation, as I was trying to exchange the bells soundtrack used by the school with AC/DC's Hells Bells. If you know that song, it starts with several tolls of a bell. Some people would have realized that it was the wrong bells, and a bunch of people would have recognized which bell it was...but nobody would have been able to turn it off before the guitar joined in.
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  5. #5
    Wall Poster TysonLPrice's Avatar
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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy Hiker View Post
    That's hilarious. I almost got caught right after college graduation, as I was trying to exchange the bells soundtrack used by the school with AC/DC's Hells Bells. If you know that song, it starts with several tolls of a bell. Some people would have realized that it was the wrong bells, and a bunch of people would have recognized which bell it was...but nobody would have been able to turn it off before the guitar joined in.
    That doesn't ring true to me. Is that BS? I just felt I had to chime in. I'm not trying to ding your post....
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  6. #6

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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    Quote Originally Posted by TysonLPrice View Post
    That doesn't ring true to me. Is that BS? I just felt I had to chime in. I'm not trying to ding your post....
    Considering what we know of Shaggy, i think that's right up his alley....

    "I'm rolling thunder, pouring rain.....I'm coming on like a hurricane...."

    EDIT: btw.... don't the Detroit Lions have Hell's Bells for third down of opponent teams?
    I think i heard it yesterday for the Thanksgiving match with the Bears
    Last edited by Zvoni; Nov 29th, 2024 at 05:43 AM.
    Last edited by Zvoni; Tomorrow at 31:69 PM.

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  7. #7

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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC


    Metallica - For whom the Bell tolls

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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    Maybe throw in "Time" by Pink Floyd once in a while.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Shaggy Hiker's Avatar
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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    We had figured out that the 'bells' in the tower were really just big speakers, so we knew there had to be some kind of system in there. We weren't tolled about it, though. There were a couple of us involved, though I wouldn't call it a ring. We thought we'd loosen things up. Really set the bell free.
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  10. #10
    Wall Poster TysonLPrice's Avatar
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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy Hiker View Post
    We had figured out that the 'bells' in the tower were really just big speakers, so we knew there had to be some kind of system in there. We weren't tolled about it, though. There were a couple of us involved, though I wouldn't call it a ring. We thought we'd loosen things up. Really set the bell free.
    Did they ask for whom the bell tolls, or did you get away with it?
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  11. #11

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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    Quote Originally Posted by TysonLPrice View Post
    Did they ask for whom the bell tolls, or did you get away with it?
    "dudum.. dudum...splash...didadidaaaaaaa...didadi..dudum.....dudum......splash......didadidaaaaaa...didadi"
    Last edited by Zvoni; Tomorrow at 31:69 PM.

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  12. #12
    Super Moderator Shaggy Hiker's Avatar
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    Re: School in New Zealand replaces school Bell with AC/DC

    I wasn't able to swap the music, but I also didn't get caught. My buddy, who was acting as a lookout, got caught, but he was still in his graduation gown and just said that he was, "saying goodbye to the place." They bought it, and just chased him off. Meanwhile, I was lying in the dust of the landing (nobody was allowed up there, so it wasn't getting cleaned) just over their heads, and remained there for several minutes before making my way out.
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