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Thread: Search text

  1. #1

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    Search text

    I need help with this code.

    I have a string containing multiple lines of text.

    I need to be able to detect if a match to my criteria exists.

    Say using Like for detecting ambiguous test and some AND and OR operators to do matching.

    I have tried and made a big mess of it all and cannot get my head around it.

    For example say the operators are {OR} and {AND} but others are ok.

    Example search searches:
    (d?g{OR}c*t){AND}(rather b?g{OR}Kind of smal*)

    Not stuck on () or {} as there may be better ways of doing it.

    I there is one match, then return True and it is done. One match is all that is required.

    I cannot use RegX. Too complex for the user.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Re: Search text

    Nice business model: have someone else do the work and you get paid.

  3. #3
    PowerPoster Zvoni's Avatar
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    Re: Search text

    Haven't understood a word.
    First post could have been written in chinese
    Last edited by Zvoni; Tomorrow at 31:69 PM.

    One System to rule them all, One Code to find them,
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  4. #4
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    Re: Search text

    Nani, I've never heard of such a problem.

  5. #5
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: Search text

    Maybe this can be of any help to you.
    It first creates a Reverse Polish Notation of the search string.
    Then for all elements in the RPN it either evaluates the operators (AND, OR) or it checks the for a string match
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Form_Load()
      Dim sSearchText As String
      Dim sSource As String
      ' Search for:
      '   d?g {AND} rather b?g
      '   {OR}
      '   c*t {AND} Kind of smal*
      sSearchText = LCase$("(d?g&rather b?g)|(c*t&Kind of smal*)")
      sSource = "The dog was rather big"
      Debug.Print pSearch(sSource, sSearchText)
      sSource = "the cat was rather big"
      Debug.Print pSearch(sSource, sSearchText)
      sSource = "the cat was kind of small"
      Debug.Print pSearch(sSource, sSearchText)
    End Sub
    Private Function pSearch(ByVal sSource As String, ByVal sSearchText As String) As Boolean
      Dim aRPN() As String, lRPN As Long
      Dim bStack() As Boolean, lStack As Long
      sSource = Replace(sSource, ",", "")
      sSource = Replace(sSource, ".", "")
      sSource = Replace(sSource, "?", "")
      sSource = Replace(sSource, "!", "")
      sSource = Trim$(sSource)
      aRPN = Split(Infix2RPN(sSearchText), vbTab)
      ReDim bStack(1 + (UBound(aRPN) / 2))
      lStack = -1
      For lRPN = 0 To UBound(aRPN)
        Select Case aRPN(lRPN)
          Case "&": bStack(lStack - 1) = bStack(lStack - 1) And bStack(lStack): lStack = lStack - 1
          Case "|": bStack(lStack - 1) = bStack(lStack - 1) Or bStack(lStack):  lStack = lStack - 1
          Case Else
            lStack = lStack + 1
            bStack(lStack) = pSearchPart(sSource, aRPN(lRPN))
        End Select
      Next lRPN
      pSearch = bStack(0)
    End Function
    Private Function pSearchPart(sSource As String, ByVal sSearch As String) As Boolean
      Dim lNofSearchWords As Long, lNofWords As Long
      Dim lWord As Long, sWord As String
      Dim bLike As Boolean
      sSearch = Trim$(sSearch)
      lNofWords = mvCount(sSource, " ")
      lNofSearchWords = mvCount(sSearch, " ")
      If InStr(1, sSearch, "?", vbBinaryCompare) Then bLike = True
      If InStr(1, sSearch, "*", vbBinaryCompare) Then bLike = True
      For lWord = 1 To lNofWords
        sWord = mvField(sSource, " ", lWord, lNofSearchWords)
        If sWord Like sSearch Then
          pSearchPart = True
          Exit For
        End If
      Next lWord
    End Function
    ' Procedure : Infix2RPN
    ' DateTime  : Nov 15, 2005
    ' Author    : Erik Oosterwal
    ' Purpose   : Routine to convert infix notation to RPN notation
    ' Source    :
    ' Revision  : Sep 11, 2008, Arnoutdv
    Public Function Infix2RPN(sExpression As String) As String
      Dim sWork As String
      Dim sSep As String, sStack(999) As String, sChar As String
      Dim lIndex As Long, lStack As Long
      sSep = vbTab      ' Set the token separator
      lIndex = 1        ' Start by looking at the first character in the input string
      lStack = 1        ' Start the operator stack at 1
      sWork = ""        ' Clear the output sting
      ' As long as there's characters in the string
      Do While lIndex <= Len(sExpression)
        ' get the next character.
        sChar = Mid$(sExpression, lIndex, 1)
        Select Case sChar
          Case "("
            ' Open parentheses get pushed on the stack
            sStack(lStack) = sChar
            lStack = lStack + 1
          Case ")"
            ' If we find a closing parenthesis clear the stack until we
            ' get to the opening parenthesis.
            Do While lStack > 1 And sStack(lStack - 1) <> "("
              sWork = sWork + sSep + sStack(lStack - 1)
              lStack = lStack - 1
            ' Decrease the stack pointer to overwrite the opening parenthesis.
            lStack = lStack - 1
          Case "&", "|"
            ' Boolean operators & = AND, | = OR
            ' Append a token separator to the output string.
            sWork = sWork + sSep
            ' If there are any operators on the stack pop them off
            ' the stack and append them to the output string.
            Do While lStack > 1 And sStack(lStack - 1) <> "("
              sWork = sWork + sStack(lStack - 1) + sSep
              lStack = lStack - 1
            ' Push the low operator on the stack.
            sStack(lStack) = sChar
            lStack = lStack + 1
          Case Else
            ' Numbers and variables get appended directly to the output string.
            sWork = sWork + sChar
        End Select
        ' Set the pointer to look at the next character
        lIndex = lIndex + 1
    '   All the input characters have been taken care of, now it's time to clear the stack.
      Do While lStack > 1
        ' As long as there's still operators on the stack
        ' take one off and append it to the output string
        sWork = sWork + sSep + sStack(lStack - 1)
        ' look at the previous operator
        lStack = lStack - 1
      ' Separated by Chr$(1)
      Infix2RPN = sWork
    End Function
    Public Function mvCount(sString As String, sSeparator As String) As Long
      Dim lPos As Long
      If Len(sString) = 0 Then Exit Function
      lPos = 0: mvCount = 1
        lPos = InStr(lPos + 1, sString, sSeparator, vbBinaryCompare)
        If lPos > 0 Then mvCount = mvCount + 1
      Loop Until lPos = 0
    End Function
    Public Function mvField(sString As String, sSeparator As String, ByVal lFieldNo As Long, Optional ByVal lNofFields As Long = 1) As String
      Dim lCurElem As Long, lLastElem As Long
      Dim lPos1 As Long, lPos2 As Long, lStart As Long
      If lFieldNo < 1 Then Exit Function
      lLastElem = lFieldNo + lNofFields - 1
      lPos2 = 1: lPos1 = 1: lStart = 1
      Do While lPos1 > 0
        lCurElem = lCurElem + 1
        lPos1 = InStr(lPos2, sString, sSeparator, vbBinaryCompare)
        If lCurElem = lFieldNo Then lStart = lPos2
        If lCurElem = lLastElem Or lPos1 = 0 Then
          If lPos1 = 0 Then
            If lCurElem >= lFieldNo Then mvField = Mid$(sString, lStart)
            mvField = Mid$(sString, lStart, lPos1 - lStart)
          End If
          Exit Do
        End If
        lPos2 = lPos1 + Len(sSeparator)
    End Function

  6. #6

    Thread Starter
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    Re: Search text

    Thanks for the code. I will explore it.
    To conclusion jumpers who have no useful input - This is not for commercial use. For my family use !!!!
    I never have done for commercial use since I retired in 2008.
    What have you done for your country ?

  7. #7

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    Re: Search text

    Thank you Arnoutdv !
    I ran it and it look like a winner for me.
    I will put it through the paces and exhaust my ability to check it out, but so far WOW !
    InFix to RPN is new terminology to me.
    I know RPN but what is InFix in this context ?

  8. #8

    Thread Starter
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    Re: Search text

    I think this is a longshot however is it possible to get the character position in the text ?

  9. #9
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: Search text

    Quote Originally Posted by LorinM View Post
    Thank you Arnoutdv !
    I ran it and it look like a winner for me.
    I will put it through the paces and exhaust my ability to check it out, but so far WOW !
    InFix to RPN is new terminology to me.
    I know RPN but what is InFix in this context ?
    English is not my native language, but in this context there is infix and postfix.
    Infix: A or B, a subject an operator and the next subject
    Postfix: A B or, 2 subjects and their operator

    Quote Originally Posted by LorinM View Post
    I think this is a longshot however is it possible to get the character position in the text ?
    Pfff, I’m afraid that’s quite hard

  10. #10
    Fanatic Member
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    Re: Search text

    Quote Originally Posted by LorinM View Post
    InFix to RPN is new terminology to me.
    I know RPN but what is InFix in this context ?
    "InFix" is how you or I might write the expression:

    ( [like "d?g"] OR [like "c*t"] ) AND ( [like "rather b?g"] OR [like "Kind of smal*"] )
    "PostFix" or Reverse Polish Notation is closer to the way that most [stack-based] computers will process it:

    [like "d?g"]   [like "c*t"]   OR   [like "rather b?g"]   [like "Kind of smal*"]   OR   AND
    Regards, Phill W.

  11. #11
    PowerPoster Zvoni's Avatar
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    Re: Search text

    Remember in RPN, that you are responsible to respect Operator-Precedence.

    EDIT: Just saw it

    What about "rather big dog"

    (d?g{OR}c*t){AND}(rather b?g{OR}Kind of smal*)

    Should that return True or False?
    Last edited by Zvoni; Nov 14th, 2024 at 03:37 AM.
    Last edited by Zvoni; Tomorrow at 31:69 PM.

    One System to rule them all, One Code to find them,
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    in the Land of Redmond, where the Windows lie
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    Code is like a joke: If you have to explain it, it's bad

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