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Thread: [RESOLVED] New text editor for my macro injection tool - formatting issues.

  1. #1

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    Resolved [RESOLVED] New text editor for my macro injection tool - formatting issues.

    I'm developing a macro tool and I have updated it from basic text default input boxes to a Quill text editor, where it has options to format the text, i.e making bold, italic, or bullet points etc, as well as enter images and code. I am using SQLite DB and how I can go about making the database accept this formatting as well as what configurations to my methods to accept and load from the database in the same formatting? Any advice you can recommend would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator jmcilhinney's Avatar
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    Re: New text editor for my macro injection tool - formatting issues.

    I'm not familiar with that control but, presumably, it uses HTML or RTF or the like to store the formatting information. The control would likely expose the markup via a property, much like the Rtf property of a RichTextBox control. You would need to save the value of the property to the database and set that property from the database to display existing data. Read the documentation for the control and find that property of the like.
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