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Thread: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

  1. #1

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    New Member chrisfoo's Avatar
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    Arrow Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    I'll start, the longest code that I wrote was around 500 lines? I don't exactly remember what. but I think it was in Python.
    Share your experiences!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Shaggy Hiker's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    Do you mean for one application? If so, I think it was probably a few hundred thousand lines, though I've never counted.
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  3. #3

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    New Member chrisfoo's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    I was mainly talking about one script, but that's still impressive.

  4. #4
    Wall Poster TysonLPrice's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisfoo View Post
    I'll start, the longest code that I wrote was around 500 lines? I don't exactly remember what. but I think it was in Python.
    Share your experiences!
    Geez...I wrote COBOL for at least a decade. If you count the different divisions as code, I did a lot of typing. So thousands of lines of code. I also remember the biggest link program, dll in today's terminology, you could do was 512K
    Last edited by TysonLPrice; Oct 10th, 2024 at 06:15 PM.
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  5. #5
    PowerPoster Zvoni's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    My biggest/longest SQL-SELECT-Statement is 280 Lines long (at least in the SQL-Editor i use).
    At last count, 24 CTE's accessing some 30-40 tables via some 100 JOINS (didn't count, too lazy)

    And no: It's not each Column in its own line. I'm using pretty much the whole width of my 27" screen.

    And that's just the SQL-Statement. Don't remember how many lines the VBA-Code had, that used that thing....
    at a guess at least some 1000 Lines, scattered across different modules
    Last edited by Zvoni; Tomorrow at 31:69 PM.

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  6. #6
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    Just peeked at one recent stored procedure: 4'279 lines of code, file size of 168 KB

    Largest VB6 class in the same project: 20'123 lines of code, file size of 684 KB


  7. #7
    King of sapila
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    If I count the sp's I inherited and working with it would be 10-15.000 lines.
    For program that I personally wrote without colleagues it would, hold, I have it here... 248+247+10527+2808+332+607+188+189
    That was on the covid era o I had time in my hands.
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  8. #8
    Hyperactive Member gaouser's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisfoo View Post
    I'll start, the longest code that I wrote was around 500 lines? I don't exactly remember what. but I think it was in Python.
    Share your experiences!
    around 1000 lines at VB6!

    Experimental Software and stuff made by me with some being efforts of up to 3 months of endless VB6 IDE

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  9. #9
    Hyperactive Member gaouser's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    Quote Originally Posted by wqweto View Post
    Just peeked at one recent stored procedure: 4'279 lines of code, file size of 168 KB

    Largest VB6 class in the same project: 20'123 lines of code, file size of 684 KB

    20123? VB6 IDE would lag very badly at that point

    Experimental Software and stuff made by me with some being efforts of up to 3 months of endless VB6 IDE

    VBForums is made with VBulletin4, Fun Fact their first 2 letters are same.

    Gaouser is a weird name choice
    I love VB6 and NX 8.5 and CorelDRAW and C++ and HTML4.01 and obsolote stuff and retrocomputing!
    I custom ROM my phones
    Using Win32 API is easier in VB6 than VB.NET

  10. #10
    Super Moderator dday9's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    Before I started abstracting code there would be files (typically forms) with thousands of lines of code. I look back at that now and think of what a stooge I was.

    Today, if I see a class starting to exceed 400 lines, give or take, I start thinking about how I can abstract the code.
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  11. #11
    Hyperactive Member gaouser's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    Quote Originally Posted by dday9 View Post
    Before I started abstracting code there would be files (typically forms) with thousands of lines of code. I look back at that now and think of what a stooge I was.

    Today, if I see a class starting to exceed 400 lines, give or take, I start thinking about how I can abstract the code.
    If it exceeds 400 lines then it involves Win32 API.

    Experimental Software and stuff made by me with some being efforts of up to 3 months of endless VB6 IDE

    VBForums is made with VBulletin4, Fun Fact their first 2 letters are same.

    Gaouser is a weird name choice
    I love VB6 and NX 8.5 and CorelDRAW and C++ and HTML4.01 and obsolote stuff and retrocomputing!
    I custom ROM my phones
    Using Win32 API is easier in VB6 than VB.NET

  12. #12
    Fanatic Member Peter Porter's Avatar
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    Re: Developers, what is the longest code that you ever wrote?

    A few years ago, about a thousand lines. Today, I try to keep it around 300 or less per class and modules.

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