Oct 10th, 2024, 07:36 AM
Post election prediction
Harris will initially win the popular vote and the electoral college. Then we will spend, I don't know how long, time on court challenges and the like. Most will be as idiotic as 2020 but the groundwork has been laid in a number of red states to challenge the results. There will be all kind of hair pulling, me included, and I can't predict how the court challenges will work out. If the republicans mange to force the house to decide. Trump will win. If it goes to the republican supreme court, Trump will win.
Please remember next time...elections matter!
Oct 12th, 2024, 07:07 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Hard to say, but why would you fear keeping the election honest?
How does one "initially win" an election? Do you mean before the vote has been vetted?
Do we even know who is running? Last I heard they want to swap out Walz with somebody else, perhaps Big Mike?
Oct 12th, 2024, 09:15 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Hard to say, but why would you fear keeping the election honest?
That would be nice. Without all the lies of a stolen election like last time. But Trump is still spreading that lie so unless he wins it will probably be more of the same nonsense.
How does one "initially win" an election? Do you mean before the vote has been vetted?
Your really trying to eat soup with a fork here. lol
Last I heard they want to swap out Walz with somebody else, perhaps Big Mike?
Sounds like you need to do some vetting on the people you listen to.
Last edited by wes4dbt; Oct 12th, 2024 at 09:19 PM.
Oct 13th, 2024, 02:14 AM
Re: Post election prediction
Hard to say, but why would you fear keeping the election honest?
Recent history.
How does one "initially win" an election? Do you mean before the vote has been vetted?
That means the votes are counted, the elections is decided, and then the BS begins. Just like last time.
Do we even know who is running? Last I heard they want to swap out Walz with somebody else, perhaps Big Mike?
Most of us do. I already voted.
It is just my prediction, it could go either way.
Please remember next time...elections matter!
Oct 13th, 2024, 04:31 AM
Re: Post election prediction
I told here before that Trump did a mistake with the debate, pommeling Biden and forced the democrats to change leader too soon.
So now it's suppose to be close and I haven't really kept with the run but be sure that I will be here to mock you if Trump wins 
Eventually I would like, what is better for the word in general and if Trump do as he says, stop the war, expose the secret files and give out pedophiles (hey Bill), stop illegal migration and go against the war lobby and the WOKE agenda then that would be my choice. The dems and the deep state obviously don't want to do any of that as they are years in the lead and are not doing anything.
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 13th, 2024, 11:11 AM
Re: Post election prediction
Trump do as he says? When has that ever happened? Stop the war...probably not, though side with Putin, probably so. What secret files would you have him expose? He WAS president for four years, so would those secret files be ones that he decided not to expose, or were they created just recently? As for pedophiles, don't be expecting Trump to do anything about that. He expressed his support for Epstein's fixer when she went to trial. He's pretty much situational on pedophilia.
Stopping illegal migration is far more fraught in this country than you may realize. In Greece, you have an immigration problem that has a pretty simple cause, from what I understand. You could sum it up as either "Turkey" or "Syria", and that would cover most of it. In the US, it's FAR weirder than that. Consider Idaho, a notably red state that likes to show it's conservative credentials in every way....except that a big chunk of the money and power in the state, while conservative, runs on migrant labor and is well aware of that fact, so there's a whole lot less tub-thumping in this state on that one issue than on any of the other conservative talking points.
I wonder how much of that leaks over into national politics. Trump is banging on about immigration, as it's his big issue, but the big employers of both legal and illegal immigrants seem to be all deeply red states. A whole lot of them are certainly aware that if Trump were to accomplish anything there, they'd take it in the shorts. So, do you really think it's the dems and the deep state that want nothing done there?
My usual boring signature: Nothing
Oct 13th, 2024, 01:28 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Trump do as he says? When has that ever happened? Stop the war...probably not, though side with Putin, probably so. What secret files would you have him expose? He WAS president for four years, so would those secret files be ones that he decided not to expose, or were they created just recently? As for pedophiles, don't be expecting Trump to do anything about that. He expressed his support for Epstein's fixer when she went to trial. He's pretty much situational on pedophilia.
His supporters do blindly overlook the fact that Trump has already been president and didn't solve any immigration or war issues. The way he coward down to Putin and supported him over our country was embarrassing.
Oct 13th, 2024, 01:32 PM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by Shaggy Hiker
Trump do as he says? When has that ever happened? Stop the war...probably not, though side with Putin, probably so. What secret files would you have him expose? He WAS president for four years, so would those secret files be ones that he decided not to expose, or were they created just recently? As for pedophiles, don't be expecting Trump to do anything about that. He expressed his support for Epstein's fixer when she went to trial. He's pretty much situational on pedophilia.
Stopping illegal migration is far more fraught in this country than you may realize. In Greece, you have an immigration problem that has a pretty simple cause, from what I understand. You could sum it up as either "Turkey" or "Syria", and that would cover most of it. In the US, it's FAR weirder than that. Consider Idaho, a notably red state that likes to show it's conservative credentials in every way....except that a big chunk of the money and power in the state, while conservative, runs on migrant labor and is well aware of that fact, so there's a whole lot less tub-thumping in this state on that one issue than on any of the other conservative talking points.
I wonder how much of that leaks over into national politics. Trump is banging on about immigration, as it's his big issue, but the big employers of both legal and illegal immigrants seem to be all deeply red states. A whole lot of them are certainly aware that if Trump were to accomplish anything there, they'd take it in the shorts. So, do you really think it's the dems and the deep state that want nothing done there?
Got some spare time so:
Stop the war...probably not, though side with Putin
I would call that..., I don't want to insult you, so let's move on.
What secret files would you have him expose?
There was an interview with Musk said Trump will expose if he gets elected. So will see.
In Greece, you have an immigration problem that has a pretty simple cause, from what I understand. You could sum it up as either "Turkey" or "Syria"
? What ? Explain better please that is waaaaay off.
I would have to say that I'm not fully aware of the migration problem in US. You don't have a migration problem? Then fine Trump don't have to do anything.
So, do you really think it's the dems and the deep state that want nothing done there?
About migration I'll take a raincheck about everything else, he says he would act. If he gets elected we will have fun breaking the promises down, if not we will never find out and will be muffin out as we are doing for 3 years.
Also what war did he have to solve? Solve, not continue or start. What was the major wars (I saw plural) that US had going on and Trump had to get in there and solve? North and South Korea?
And he did not have to say that he will stop the war talking to Putin right? The whole US was expecting him to say that Putin is a war criminal and he will viciously continue fighting after he gets elected? And now let all of us show our gun collection. Lol
Last edited by sapator; Oct 13th, 2024 at 01:41 PM.
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 13th, 2024, 04:18 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Aren't your immigrants pretty much all coming via Turkey? Are you getting a bunch of boat people crossing the med? At one point I thought the bulk of your migrants were coming from Syria, but that probably isn't the case anymore.
The US has a migration problem, but one that we created over decades and aren't going to solve quite so simply. By law, if you are fleeing a reasonable chance of persecution, you can get asylum. Therefore, all people fleeing gang violence that is blowing up in some Central American countries, have a reasonable chance of asylum...except that there are a LOT of people fleeing gang violence and we don't have anywhere near the infrastructure to process the requests. Congress would have to authorize the funding for that. In the meantime, it takes years to process the average request, which creates a different problem that we are dealing with sluggishly, and have for decades, including while Trump was president.
And about the gangs that those folks are fleeing: We created those, too. The most violent gangs often formed in US prisons and got exported back to a country that totally lacked any means to deal with them. Some also make money by selling drugs to the worlds biggest market. No prize for guessing what THAT is.
It's more complex than that, too, as it goes back to the US propping up violent right-wing dictatorships during the 80s out of fear of left-wing insurgencies similar to Cuba. Also the removal of funding for programs that helped those same countries build institutions that would be able to counter the gang violence. I'm not sure who did that, but it was fairly recent, so it was either Trump or Obama. Either way, we basically sowed the seeds and are now reaping the crop.
And then there's the bit that there were a reported 60,000 Russians picked up at the US-Mexican border, and a similar number of Chinese, during 2023. I might be high by a few thousand, but its' an interesting stat.
As to whether or not it's an issue, it is for the border communities, but whether or not it is for the country is not a simple question. We have a birth rate for US citizens that is well below replacement values. We aren't Japan or South Korea, but perhaps like China. Our economy is mostly driven by us buying and selling services to one another. If our population declines, our economy does as well, which has all kinds of interesting economic impacts. We would be in decline without a certain amount of immigration. Perhaps not what we're seeing now, but some would be needed just to stay put. Immigrants consistently start businesses at a higher rate than native born US citizens, and create more jobs as a result. Immigrants also fill a whole bunch of agricultural, food supply, jobs. It's dairies and agriculture out here, and chicken processing plants in the Southeast. They aren't supplanting US workers in those jobs, either, cause those jobs suck big time. To get US citizens to do those jobs in the quantities required, you'd have to pay a LOT more, which would mean that either food prices in the US would soar, or we'd import far more food, or both.
So, why is it such a big deal? Racists hate immigrants because they (mostly) aren't white. Xenophobes hate immigrants because they are foreigners. Conservatives fear immigrants because they tend to vote Democratic, especially when Republicans demonize them. And populists LOVE immigrants because they can be scapegoated for all the ills in the country. They make an excellent scapegoat, too, because they can be generally identified, they can't fight back effectively, and it's a problem that can't be fixed, so the fact that you fail to solve anything...well, the problem is simple, so it's the other side's fault.
My usual boring signature: Nothing
Oct 13th, 2024, 05:55 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Camela wins->invest in BTC/Monero/physical metals and commodities
Oct 13th, 2024, 09:22 PM
Re: Post election prediction
CNN calls it "bedwetting."
Oct 13th, 2024, 09:29 PM
Re: Post election prediction
It's refreshing to see an admission that support for open borders is about reaping the benefits and profits from a low paid working underclass by the well-heeled. Can you say Neo-Confederacy? I think you can.
Oct 13th, 2024, 09:43 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Immigrants also fill a whole bunch of agricultural, food supply, jobs. It's dairies and agriculture out here, and chicken processing plants in the Southeast.
People often overlook the fact that California is the largest agricultural state in the US. We have lots of everything you listed and much more. Without migrant labor it would all collapse. Many become citizens. In the county I live in whites are not the majority.
Race & Ethnicity
36% White.
2% Black.
0% Native.
6% Asian.
1% Islander.
0% Other.
4% Two+
50% Hispanic.
I had never checked before but it turns out thay whites are not the majority in California,
California's population by race and ethnicity is as follows:
Hispanic: 40% of California's population
White: 35% of California's population
Asian American or Pacific Islander: 15% of California's population
Black: 5% of California's population
Multiracial: 4% of California's population
Native American or Alaska Natives: Fewer than 1% of California's population
Last edited by wes4dbt; Oct 13th, 2024 at 09:49 PM.
Oct 14th, 2024, 05:38 AM
Re: Post election prediction
I don't think anyone here hates immigrants btw , I can speak from Greece so.
They are too many. We are heavily overpopulated.
Immigrants mostly do nothing here just get the 500 Euros check per month. We don't have that much of agriculture. 1-2mil immigrants could dig a canal from Greece to Calais.
Criminal rate. Again I've wrote that 60% of jails have foreigners but taken in consideration that it's 10% of the population, you get the idea.
The cannot be accumulated, see previous threads, Albanians etc
Most crossing now are young Muslims. I won't go to say that most of them are ready to be given the order when a war with Turkey happens as you seem not to except that but I would say that a lot of them have been arrested and proven as Turkish agents. Our idiots of a government just send them back to Turkey so they come back again.
There is no war on the regions they are coming from and the big question is why do they come from a Muslim state to a Christian state and not going to their rich Arab states that are closer and share the same customs?
Those countries seem not to want them so they are Racist and Xenophobes, non?
And Shaggy wrote Syria so that was waaay off but also they are passing from Italy from Africa from our North borders and pushed back from Europe as our prime idiot-traitor have an agreement to accept every one of that as long as we get some money.
Also that idiotic idea, that stupid idea that if we ever speak of an immigration problem we are racists. From what I can see racists are all the people that do not accept other people talking about immigration and immediately label them.
Also seen wes board I think that immigration racist remarks must be shifted the other way around as white people are not the majority.
So, do I tolerate immigration? Yes. Do I think the initial immigration on region wars was just? Yes. Do I think we are heavily over immigrating? Yes. Do I think that there is a mass immigration that will eventually change the country origin, religion and state in general? Yes.
That does not mean I will go our screaming, kill all humans. We have means to stop the immigration like stop giving free houses and money, don't let everyone pass through without cross check (immigrants offend found on official papers giving 3-4 names and origin but they pass in anyway) share with other countries, especially same Muslim religion countries and at least block our ground borders to the north.
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 14th, 2024, 08:28 AM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by sapator
I don't think anyone here hates immigrants btw , I can speak from Greece so.
They are too many. We are heavily overpopulated.
Yeah, I totally get that. Even if you are only 'on the road', your population isn't large enough to absorb all that many people. In the case of the US, we are NOT heavily overpopulated, and our population would be shrinking without immigration. Three hundred thousand immigrants a year is 0.1% of the population.
1-2mil immigrants could dig a canal from Greece to Calais.
That would be an interesting canal if it were a straight line. If it were not a straight line...isn't there already such a canal, just buried by the sea?
There is no war on the regions they are coming from and the big question is why do they come from a Muslim state to a Christian state and not going to their rich Arab states that are closer and share the same customs?
Cause those states treat them like crap? Places like Saudi Arabia have loads of migrant labor, but you don't hear many stories about the migrants being treated well. It could also be Shia/Sunni stuff. If Islam is roughly a thousand years old (give or take a few centuries), then if you look at where Christianity was at about that time, the Catholic/Protestant divide was downright deadly. Islamic states would have been more welcoming to a Protestant than a Catholic state, and more welcoming to a Catholic than a Protestant state. I don't know how much that comes into play, but Christian nations may be more welcoming.
Also that idiotic idea, that stupid idea that if we ever speak of an immigration problem we are racists. From what I can see racists are all the people that do not accept other people talking about immigration and immediately label them.
That's probably a European point of view. Race colors everything in the US, and always has. We can argue about the economics of immigration, labor impacts, tax base impacts, production impacts, and population impacts, but when you get to that last one, you don't have to scratch very deep before you find people talking about the Great Replacement Theory, which is explicitly racist. I don't get the impression that Europeans see it in quite the same way.
So, do I tolerate immigration? Yes. Do I think the initial immigration on region wars was just? Yes. Do I think we are heavily over immigrating? Yes. Do I think that there is a mass immigration that will eventually change the country origin, religion and state in general? Yes.
That does not mean I will go our screaming, kill all humans. We have means to stop the immigration like stop giving free houses and money, don't let everyone pass through without cross check (immigrants offend found on official papers giving 3-4 names and origin but they pass in anyway) share with other countries, especially same Muslim religion countries and at least block our ground borders to the north.
Every country is going to be different on this. The calculation can't be generalized very well.
My usual boring signature: Nothing
Oct 14th, 2024, 09:29 AM
Re: Post election prediction
Just vote for Trump and the problem goes away:
Appearing for the first time in one of the two cities where Trump said mass deportations of undocumented immigrants would begin if he wins in November, the GOP nominee said he was going to "solve this problem."
"I make this pledge and vow to you, November 5, 2024, will be liberation day in America," Trump told supporters. "I will rescue Aurora and every town that has been invaded and conquered."
As part of Operation Aurora, Trump said he would seek the death penalty for any undocumented migrant who killed an American citizen or law enforcement officer.
"Elite squads" from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Border Patrol, as well as federal law enforcement officers, would be sent to find undocumented immigrants and then remove them from the country, Trump said.
Please remember next time...elections matter!
Oct 14th, 2024, 09:36 AM
Re: Post election prediction
I agree on your point as I've said I don't know what is going on in US.
My only objection is the "Cause those states treat them like crap?" . If there are no stories then we can only assume. If we are saying that every Arab wealthy nation treat Muslims like crap we have to have some clues.
As you always love to say, "where is your proof"? And if they do tread them like crap then they are racists in their own race so that disproves that Christians are racists because they treat them well, as you say. So it's one way other, can't be both.
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 14th, 2024, 09:38 AM
Re: Post election prediction
Also, was there a 3rd attempt?
Can you maybe stop trying to kill the guy and do that after the elections if he wins?
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 14th, 2024, 12:56 PM
Re: Post election prediction
My only objection is the "Cause those states treat them like crap?" . If there are no stories then we can only assume. If we are saying that every Arab wealthy nation treat Muslims like crap we have to have some clues.
If you want to clear up your "only objection" then just Google "sauidi arabia immigrate labor treatment"
Here's one example,
Foreign workers have been raped, exploited, under- or unpaid, physically abused, overworked and locked in their places of employment. The international organisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) describes these conditions as "near-slavery" and attributes them to "deeply rooted gender, religious, and racial discrimination".
As for being labeled a racist if you speak about immigrants, that's not true here. But Trumps rhetoric is considered racist because it's mainly lies, it's basically a hate speech that portrays them as evil and a threat to our society.
Oct 14th, 2024, 01:14 PM
Re: Post election prediction
There are 50 Arab countries tho not one and again google is not proof.
Also I read: Saudi Arabia has recently announced a new contract-based system to replace the kafala policy, which will allow most foreign workers to freely enter and exit the country; and to freely change employers one year into their first contract. So all good 
I have friends that migrated to Arab countries because of the Greek political traitors that ruined the land and they are yet to get raped, but night is still young.
 Originally Posted by wes4dbt
As for being labeled a racist if you speak about immigrants, that's not true here. But Trumps rhetoric is considered racist because it's mainly lies, it's basically a hate speech that portrays them as evil and a threat to our society.
So you say. If Trump gets voted then half of US will agree with him and and be labeled as racist. Also Trump if I'm not mistaken get votes from every minority or majority, so that would be...Multyracist.
First time I read that lies are instantly make you a racist not a liar. At this point I just want him to get elected so I can see the reactions here, it will be an amusement park Lol.
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 14th, 2024, 01:14 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Post election prediction? Are not all post election predictions completely correct given that they occur after the election?
Pre versus Post, I think you mean pre-erection, sorry election.
Skillset: VMS,DOS,Windows Sysadmin from 1985, fault-tolerance, VaxCluster, Alpha,Sparc. DCL,QB,VBDOS- VB6,.NET, PHP,NODE.JS, Graphic Design, Project Manager, CMS, Quad Electronics. classic cars & m'bikes. Artist in water & oils. Historian.
By the power invested in me, all the threads I start are battle free zones - no arguing about the benefits of VB6 over .NET here please. Happiness must reign.
Oct 14th, 2024, 01:19 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Good catch , tho if that was considered a lie it's clearly a racist remark.
But i think he meant what will happen after the election, when the voting would end...So I'm confused now
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 14th, 2024, 03:48 PM
Re: Post election prediction
There are 50 Arab countries tho not one
Really, you have a strange way of counting. lol
and again google is not proof.
Of course not, it's a research tool. Google it.
Also I read: Saudi Arabia has recently announced a new contract-based system to replace the kafala policy, which will allow most foreign workers to freely enter and exit the country; and to freely change employers one year into their first contract. So all good
What makes you think it's all good? I haven't read anything that even comes close to describing things as "all good". Have you?
If Trump gets voted then half of US will agree with him and and be labeled as racist
That's not even close to being true. There's no way half the US votes for him, I believe @ 74million voted for him last time. @ 340million people live the US. Many of the votes politicians get here are from people voting against the other candidate, not because they have the same views as who they voted for. But there are plenty of racist in the US, thankfully nothing near half the population.
Also Trump if I'm not mistaken get votes from every minority or majority, so that would be...Multyracist.
There are over 100 million people in the US that are considered part of a minority. How is it even statistically possible that they would all vote against Trump? It's not.
At this point I just want him to get elected so I can see the reactions here, it will be an amusement park
You will probably be disappointed. Most people know it wont be the end of the world. There will probably be more chaos if he loses.
Last edited by wes4dbt; Oct 14th, 2024 at 03:55 PM.
Oct 14th, 2024, 05:06 PM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by sapator
I agree on your point as I've said I don't know what is going on in US.
My only objection is the "Cause those states treat them like crap?" . If there are no stories then we can only assume. If we are saying that every Arab wealthy nation treat Muslims like crap we have to have some clues.
As you always love to say, "where is your proof"? And if they do tread them like crap then they are racists in their own race so that disproves that Christians are racists because they treat them well, as you say. So it's one way other, can't be both.
I don't know if that's the case, or not. All I have heard about is the treatment of migrant workers in Saudi Arabia, which could have all kinds of different causes...and I'm not sure the migrant workers are Muslim anyways. So, it's a possibility. Another would be that you go where you can find work. Which is right, I don't know, but Muslims only migrating to Muslim countries seems improbable.
My usual boring signature: Nothing
Oct 14th, 2024, 05:12 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Here is what we can look forward to if Trump loses, NOT, Harris..
Widespread false information
It could again take several days to declare a winner, as some swing states like Pennsylvania and Arizona take longer than others to count votes. As the public waits for results, false narratives could quickly spread.
Weeks-long recounts
Recounts are likely to spring up if the results are close, and they could last for weeks, particularly if they get bogged down in lawsuits over whether officials followed proper procedures.
Lawsuits that delay final results
Already Republicans and Democrats have filed dozens of lawsuits over how the 2024 election will be conducted. Many of them have been resolved, while others will get rulings in the coming weeks. Some litigation could persist beyond Election Day and influence how courts consider disputes that arise once votes begin to be tallied. In 2020, Trump or those who support him lost more than 60 lawsuits over the election.
Breakdown in certifying results
There is a tight timeline for determining a winner after election officials tally the results. Federal law requires states to certify their outcomes by Dec. 11. The presidential electors meet six days later, on Dec. 17, and send the results to Congress.
Disruptions at elector meetings
Once low-key affairs, the electoral college meetings in each state on Dec. 17 could draw protests. Some officials fear disruptions could prevent electors from voting and raise untested questions about how to tally the official results for each state.
Congress stalls certification
When House members are sworn in on Jan. 3, their first task will be to elect a speaker. In 2023, it took four days and 15 votes to elect a speaker. Later that year, it took three weeks to choose a new leader. Congress would be in uncharted territory if it didn’t have a speaker by Jan. 6, when it must meet to certify the presidential results. The House can perform few functions without a speaker, according to historians, and in October 2023 was largely immobilized while members debated who
Last edited by TysonLPrice; Oct 14th, 2024 at 05:23 PM.
Please remember next time...elections matter!
Oct 14th, 2024, 08:05 PM
Re: Post election prediction
Who is planning obstructionism?
Oct 15th, 2024, 02:51 AM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by wes4dbt
Really, you have a strange way of counting. lol
Of course not, it's a research tool. Google it.
What makes you think it's all good? I haven't read anything that even comes close to describing things as "all good". Have you?
That's not even close to being true. There's no way half the US votes for him, I believe @ 74million voted for him last time. @ 340million people live the US. Many of the votes politicians get here are from people voting against the other candidate, not because they have the same views as who they voted for. But there are plenty of racist in the US, thankfully nothing near half the population.
There are over 100 million people in the US that are considered part of a minority. How is it even statistically possible that they would all vote against Trump? It's not.
You will probably be disappointed. Most people know it wont be the end of the world. There will probably be more chaos if he loses.
Again does not prove anything also a million here a million there is the issue?
I will just stand to the last quote about amusement park (while waiting to get raped by furious racist Arabs). What I have seen is people here negating about Trump, all is good in the Dem camps. That of course is abnormal, you can't have all negative and all positive so that shows an extra will not to see him elected and I'm expecting extra reaction if he get elected. I for once will try to trigger the reactions if that is the case so are you completely sure that I will be disappointed? Hmm? 
What is the point of what Trump camp will do after the elections? It will be over and we are expecting Trump to do things so we can rub it in? How about concentrating what the new government will do when it gets elected? I mean we know what Trump says that will allegiantly do if he gets elected. Do we know what Kamala will do, or are we google it right now?
Last edited by sapator; Oct 15th, 2024 at 02:55 AM.
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 15th, 2024, 02:54 AM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by Shaggy Hiker
I don't know if that's the case, or not. All I have heard about is the treatment of migrant workers in Saudi Arabia, which could have all kinds of different causes...and I'm not sure the migrant workers are Muslim anyways. So, it's a possibility. Another would be that you go where you can find work. Which is right, I don't know, but Muslims only migrating to Muslim countries seems improbable.
From friends that migrated, there is no raping, still. (Oh I got stuck with the raping comment, what is wrong with me!! )
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 15th, 2024, 03:07 AM
Re: Post election prediction
I for once will try to trigger the reactions if that is the case so are you completely sure that I will be disappointed?
Sounds like your looking forward to being obnoxious. Some people want to help and make life better, you want to be obnoxious. Strange thing to look forward to doing.
How about concentrating what the new government will do when it gets elected? I mean we know what Trump says that will allegiantly do if he gets elected.
I expect he'll do the same thing he did the first time. Not much really. I didn't notice any change in my life.
Last edited by wes4dbt; Oct 15th, 2024 at 03:27 AM.
Oct 15th, 2024, 03:11 AM
Re: Post election prediction
As an outsider it seems it's not about Republicans vs Democrats and their ideologies, but all about Trump being either the savior of the country or the most narcissistic nuthead of the century.
Oct 15th, 2024, 03:26 AM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by Arnoutdv
As an outsider it seems it's not about Republicans vs Democrats and their ideologies, but all about Trump being either the savior of the country or the most narcissistic nuthead of the century.
That's partly true. The problem is Trump holds power over the Republicans so they have to echo his nuthead rhetoric because of fear losing their positions. Some of it is harmless but some is causing serious harm. Just ask the FEMA working who have been receiving death threats because of Trumps lies. Election workers receiving death threats. He spreads hate like a virus.
Oct 15th, 2024, 03:30 AM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by Arnoutdv
As an outsider it seems it's not about Republicans vs Democrats and their ideologies, but all about Trump being either the savior of the country or the most narcissistic nuthead of the century.
The way I see it Trump owns the republican party even though he is far from the "traditional" republican. The "traditional" republicans are riding the Trump populism wave, throwing away all the "traditional" republican platforms for the power. They want to rule, not govern.
Please remember next time...elections matter!
Oct 15th, 2024, 03:47 AM
Re: Post election prediction
As crooked and corrupted as Trump is, why does he always assume that the Dems are committing voter fraud?
Where I come from, we have an old way of thinking-> "The Guilty Dog Barks First."
Wi-fi went down for five minutes, so I had to talk to my family....They seem like nice people.
Oct 15th, 2024, 04:08 AM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by wes4dbt
Sounds like your looking forward to being obnoxious. Some people want to help and make life better, you want to be obnoxious. Strange thing to look forward to doing.
Ye, like you don't know my comments. It may irritate 1-2 people but we know that , other than that it would be the usual good ol' fun. If you get irritated that is not my fault
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 15th, 2024, 04:10 AM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by Steve R Jones
As crooked and corrupted as Trump is, why does he always assume that the Dems are committing voter fraud?
Where I come from, we have an old way of thinking-> "The Guilty Dog Barks First."
That would also be an interesting thing to see if he wins. Will Dems accept defeat or talk about fraud?
Dil posted a video, can't watch as I'm at job but I think it might give a hint.
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 15th, 2024, 08:04 AM
Re: Post election prediction
The betting companies tho give an advantage to Trump.
That seems more safe than the poll predictions as there are money at stake.
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
Oct 15th, 2024, 09:56 AM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by sapator
That would also be an interesting thing to see if he wins. Will Dems accept defeat or talk about fraud?
Dil posted a video, can't watch as I'm at job but I think it might give a hint.
That's a fair point, especially from somebody outside the US. Trump is unlikely to win the popular vote, but the popular vote doesn't matter in the US, only the electoral college elects the president. If Trump loses the popular vote and wins the electoral college, that will be as it was in 2016.
The electoral college is a minoritarian construct designed to be able to counter the will of the majority when they get it 'wrong'. It could be removed by a Constitutional amendment, but that won't happen. It could also be removed by math, and that very well might happen. It might not, though, the more often it is shown to consistently benefit one party. If Trump were to lose the popular vote and win the electoral college, that would mean that the Republican's have won the popular vote at a nationwide level only one time since 1988.
If the 'will of the people' is really just a whole bunch of waves of various amplitudes and wavelengths, then that is just one more.
My usual boring signature: Nothing
Oct 15th, 2024, 11:50 AM
Re: Post election prediction
other than that it would be the usual good ol' fun
Fun for who? You, sure. But at the expense of others. Do you think the people you insult or "trigger" find it funny?
I wish you were funny, I like to laugh. Well, I have to admit, some of your claims are so absurd that they make me laugh.
Oct 15th, 2024, 11:55 AM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by Steve R Jones
As crooked and corrupted as Trump is, why does he always assume that the Dems are committing voter fraud?
Where I come from, we have an old way of thinking-> "The Guilty Dog Barks First."
I don't think he actually believes it. He just wants others to believe it.
Oct 15th, 2024, 01:17 PM
Re: Post election prediction
 Originally Posted by wes4dbt
Fun for who? You, sure. But at the expense of others. Do you think the people you insult or "trigger" find it funny?
I wish you were funny, I like to laugh. Well, I have to admit, some of your claims are so absurd that they make me laugh.
Says they guy that is always peaceful and caring for it's fellow forum members. Lol.
If you don't like em don't read em, it is what it is for all those years I don't intend to change so you can check your mark on the benevolence member forum behavior. If you don't like it take it to the mods.
...See haven't started the tease yet and you are irritated. Take it easy.
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
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