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Thread: Advice / help reading this file to an array or better suggstion

  1. #1

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    Advice / help reading this file to an array or better suggstion

    I receive a text file with unknow number of messages, which I need to read and process each message.

    example of a message file. Each message starts with Message and ends with End Message
    Hi This is a test one line
    End Message
    This is a two line test
    Second line
    End Message

    I'm looking for help on the best way to read the file and separate it into each message so I can to do some processing on the message content. The only way I could think of is reading it to an array but I'm not sure of how and some messages may have 100+ lines and there is an unknown number of messages in each file.

  2. #2
    PowerPoster PlausiblyDamp's Avatar
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    Pontypool, Wales

    Re: Advice / help reading this file to an array or better suggstion

    You could do this with a RegEx e.g.

    Sub Main(args As String())
            Dim message = "Message
    Hi This is a test one line
    End Message
    This is a two line test
    Second line
    End Message"
            Dim regex = New Regex("(?<=Message[\s\S]*?From:)[\s\S]*?(?=End Message)")
            Dim matches = regex.Matches(message)
        End Sub

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