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Thread: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

  1. #1

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    vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    I have used vsFlexGrid, both the original VideoSoft product and the ComponentOne product, for years. Recently I wanted to find a row based on a partial match of the contents of a cell in a particular column.

    My example below uses vsFlexGrid 8.0 (OLEDB) version 8.0.20033.190.

    According to the documentation for FindRow, there are two boolean flags, CaseSensitive and FullMatch. Both flags are True by default.

    The syntax of the FindRow property is:

    val& = [form!]VSFlexGrid.FindRow(Item As Variant, [ Row As Long ], [ Col As Long ], [ CaseSensitive As Boolean ], [ FullMatch As Boolean])

    Create a test VB6 program.

    Add ComponentOne vsFlexGrid 8.0 (OLEDB) from the Components list. Name it fg.

    Add a Command button (Command1).

    Add the code below to the Click event. This code is based on the example given in the help file for FindRow. I want to find "Cell" or "cell", which is embedded in the string "MyCell". I cannot get FindRow to find it.

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    fg.TextMatrix(2, 5) = "MyCell"

    ' All tests below return -1
    ' It is impossible to find "Cell" with any combination of CaseSensitive and FullMatch

    ' Test find "Cell" (with C in upper case)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("Cell", , 5, False, False)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("Cell", , 5, False, True)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("Cell", , 5, True, False)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("Cell", , 5, True, True)

    ' Test find "cell" (with c in lower case)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("cell", , 5, False, False)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("cell", , 5, False, True)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("cell", , 5, True, False)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("cell", , 5, True, True)

    End Sub

  2. #2
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    where did you get vsFlexGrid 8.0? Free download somewhere?
    Sam I am (as well as Confused at times).

  3. #3

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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    There was a freebie CD some years ago. I can't remember where I got it from, perhaps a PC magazine, as back then PC mags had a CD, or later a DVD, on the cover. The CD contains all ComponentOne ActiveX controls.

    Edit: Not a CD. See my most recent reply in this thread.
    Last edited by LittleTyke; Sep 11th, 2024 at 04:42 PM.

  4. #4

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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    Actually, I've done a search of my archive PC and you can find more info here:
    Basically, you downloaded the VB.NET Resource Kit and that provided links to the free ComponentOne ActiveX controls, all above board.

    Edit: Also see here:
    Last edited by LittleTyke; Sep 11th, 2024 at 04:48 PM.

  5. #5
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    The original sample from CompontOne seems to work, but it's checking only the first characters of the cell content.
    I assume it needs to work like AutoComplete in some combo/listboxes. This only works for all matching starting characters. It's not a InStr() search

    Check the help for AutoSearch and ComboSearch, this explains how it works

    FindRow function which does use the InStr() method:
    Public Function FindRow(oFG As VSFlexGrid, ByVal sValue As String, Optional lStartRow As Long = -1, Optional lSearchCol As Long = -1, Optional CaseSensitive As Boolean = True, Optional FullMatch As Boolean = True) As Long
      Dim lRow As Long, lR1 As Long, lR2 As Long
      Dim bRowData As Boolean, iCompare As VbCompareMethod
      Dim sContent As String
      If lSearchCol = -1 Then bRowData = True
      bRowData = (lSearchCol = -1)
      If FullMatch Then iCompare = vbBinaryCompare Else iCompare = vbTextCompare
      If lStartRow = -1 Then lR1 = fg.FixedRows Else lR1 = lStartRow
      lR2 = fg.Rows - 1
      FindRow = -1
      For lRow = lR1 To lR2
        If bRowData Then sContent = fg.RowData(lRow) Else sContent = fg.TextMatrix(lRow, lSearchCol)
        If FullMatch Then
          If StrComp(sContent, sValue, iCompare) = 0 Then FindRow = lRow
          If InStr(1, sContent, sValue, iCompare) > 0 Then FindRow = lRow
        End If
        If FindRow <> -1 Then Exit For
      Next lRow
    End Function
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    ' All tests below return -1
    ' It is impossible to find "Cell" with any combination of CaseSensitive and FullMatch
    ' Test find "Cell" (with C in upper case)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("Cell", , 5, False, False)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("Cell", , 5, False, True)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("Cell", , 5, True, False)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("Cell", , 5, True, True)
    ' Test find "cell" (with c in lower case)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("cell", , 5, False, False)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("cell", , 5, False, True)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("cell", , 5, True, False)
    Debug.Print fg.FindRow("cell", , 5, True, True)
    Debug.Print "-----"
    ' Test find "Cell" (with C in upper case)
    Debug.Print FindRow(fg, "Cell", , 5, False, False)
    Debug.Print FindRow(fg, "Cell", , 5, False, True)
    Debug.Print FindRow(fg, "Cell", , 5, True, False)
    Debug.Print FindRow(fg, "Cell", , 5, True, True)
    ' Test find "cell" (with c in lower case)
    Debug.Print FindRow(fg, "cell", , 5, False, False)
    Debug.Print FindRow(fg, "cell", , 5, False, True)
    Debug.Print FindRow(fg, "cell", , 5, True, False)
    Debug.Print FindRow(fg, "cell", , 5, True, True)
    End Sub
    Last edited by Arnoutdv; Sep 12th, 2024 at 06:08 AM.

  6. #6

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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    Quote Originally Posted by Arnoutdv View Post
    The original sample from CompontOne seems to work, but there the is for the first characters of the cell content.
    Please can you clarify the "...but there the is for the first characters..."

    I think you mean "...but that is for the first characters...".
    Because that is how FindRow actually works. That is, it will find "My" or "MyC" or "MyCe", but not "yCe" or "Ce" or "Cell" or "cell".

    I even tested an original VideoSoft vsFlexGrid from about 1999 and that appears to follow the same flawed logic. I say "flawed", because it was a ludicrous design decision in the original component not to search for partial matches anywhere in a word or phrase with the correct boolean flag used.

    I did an exhaustive search of all my previous VB programs (over 500) going back some 20 years, looking for forms or modules with FindRow in them. There are quite a few. On inspecting the code, it just so happened I never needed to match anywhere in the string! Just luck of the draw, I suppose. However, back when I was working as a programmer in 2000, using VideoSoft products, I remember communicating directly with the programmers at VideoSoft in the States to report bugs and they were always very helpful and responsive. Often I got a fix sent the same day. I've been retired now since 2001. Now I just write programs for my own use.

    To fix this particular issue I wrote my own function similar to what you've added to the thread above, using Instr. Thanks for your feedback!

  7. #7
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    Yeah, typing mistakes when correcting an already written sentence

    I think the behavior is by design, it does a quick lookup like autocomplete in other components, and how Excel works when typing in a cell.
    It's not a real search for a partial string in the grid.

    I use the vsFlexGrid for about 20 years now and always use my own search functions.

  8. #8

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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    Searching the C1Enterprise CD content from 2003 acquired through the VB.Net Resource Kit I found this in one of the update zips and in an updated help file:

    VSFlex8 Build Number 8.0.20041.200 Build Date: November 11, 2003

    A new property!

    FindRowRegex Property

    Returns the index of the row that contains a match or -1 if no match was found.


    Property FindRowRegex(Pattern As String, Row As Long, Col As Long) As Long


    The parameters for the FindRowRegex property are described below:

    Pattern As String

    Pattern containing the regular expression to look for (see the Pattern property in the VBScript Regex object for regular expression syntax).

    Row As Long

    The row where the search should start (use -1 to start at the first scrollable row).

    Col As Long

    The column to search.

    Data Type


    The version installed on my PC is 20033.190, which does not include FindRowRegex.

  9. #9
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    The version I bought (and updated) long time ago is: 8.0.20092.256
    This version is has a .FindRowRegex property, but I've never used this property

    The function I posted in post #5 does the partial match based on the InStr() method.

  10. #10
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    Is this vsFlexGrid more versatile than Krool's vbFlexGrid? I use the latter ALMOST exclusively (except oft times use the MSFlexGrid to aid folks on this forum who don't have it.)
    Sam I am (as well as Confused at times).

  11. #11

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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    I've not heard of Krool's vbFlexGrid. There are lots of grids out there. I started off 2 decades ago with VB's own MSFlexGrid, then found the VideoSoft version and my manager at the time was willing to buy several copies after I had tested it out.

  12. #12
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    Well, that's cool. Check out Krool's stuff if you get the opportunity. MAYBE their vbFlexGrid is better??? Not sure as I don't have the vsGrid....

    Sam I am (as well as Confused at times).

  13. #13
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: vsFlexGrid FindRow property seems buggy

    Quote Originally Posted by SamOscarBrown View Post
    Is this vsFlexGrid more versatile than Krool's vbFlexGrid? I use the latter ALMOST exclusively (except oft times use the MSFlexGrid to aid folks on this forum who don't have it.)
    I think that Krool used the existing methods and properties of the vsFlexGrid as inspiration for his vbFlexGrid
    And the vsFlexGrid hasn’t been updated for decades

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