As OB1 stated...might I make a suggestion? Instead of, say, 40, in one of your lines, use 39.9999. If THAT ain't 'close enough', then use the Is Operator.
i don't mind the suggestion honestly.. but atm it really is working just fine. all i wanted was a 2 digit number and nothing after it.. no decimals or extra numbers. well in the case of 100 or more then yes a 3 digit number as it is doing.
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 9th, 2024 at 04:39 PM.
so moving forward to the next step.. is now UPDATING & DELETING an entry.. check out the updated project.. i really like how it's coming along.. a bit of will be coded into the module.
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 10th, 2024 at 10:56 AM.
The longer answer to what's going on, when VB sees & in a string when setting it to a label, it thinks you want an Accelerator Key associated with it. An accellerator is how short cut key are associated with Buttons, LAbels, Menus... For example in the File menu, the caption is "&File" ... that is what lets you use Alt+F to access it. So if you want an actual & in the caption, you "escape" it with another one: &&
updated... now it's ready to get coded for EDIT, DELETE a selected item.. check it out. i like it. the coding for this will go into the module... so that's something to look at.
oh and btw, i had to delete all former attachments so i could have room again to upload that's why you don't see any former images and zips.. shaggy told me how to make room to upload
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 10th, 2024 at 01:48 PM.
and yes, i did think of putting the second image stuff in a frame, but i didn't see a real reason for it. oh and i'm gonna make the txt's numeric only.. working on that now. i'm really liking how this is coming along so far..
ty everyone for yer help
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 10th, 2024 at 02:04 PM.
an old app i made years ago had this to accept only letters, but i'm looking for only numbers now for this instance:
If Not ((KeyAscii >= 97 And KeyAscii <= 122) Or _
(KeyAscii >= 65 And KeyAscii <= 90) Or (KeyAscii = 8)) Then
MsgBox ("Please enter letters only!"), vbInformation
KeyAscii = 0
End If
Look at that code you were given about letters only. You should be able to create one for numbers only.
to find the values you need, set form keyview to true and debug the ascii values when you hit the number keys. Then you can easily see how to make your text box allow only numbers (0 through 9) . OR, ask AI to write it for you. Very straight forward.
Another suggestion-start a New thread!!!! In your first post you can include your latest project. But this thread has gone down too many rabbit holes. Title no longer reflects your current situation/questions
Look at that code you were given about letters only. You should be able to create one for numbers only.
to find the values you need, set form keyview to true and debug the ascii values when you hit the number keys. Then you can easily see how to make your text box allow only numbers (0 through 9) . OR, ask AI to write it for you. Very straight forward.
i never said i couldn't do it.. and i don't need an AI to do it for me.
Another suggestion-start a New thread!!!! In your first post you can include your latest project. But this thread has gone down too many rabbit holes. Title no longer reflects your current situation/questions
yes, it does because it still hasn't gotten to the point of EDITING and DELETING an entry.. yes, we do have ADD entries but not the final 2 parts.. so it's still within the title. after those 2 are completed - (because we are still dealing with multiple record info).. then i can start a new thread.
unless you want to help speed it up with EDIT and DELETE entries so i can start a new thread - til then i'll continue with this thread as it is still within the title limits. once those 2 things are complete then this thread will reflect the title which makes me move onto a new thread. trust me, i'd like to move on.. i have other things to do with this project.. but i have to go in order.
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 11th, 2024 at 10:11 PM.
Look at that code you were given about letters only. You should be able to create one for numbers only.
to find the values you need, set form keyview to true and debug the ascii values when you hit the number keys. Then you can easily see how to make your text box allow only numbers (0 through 9) . OR, ask AI to write it for you. Very straight forward.
that part is done.. now it's just a matter of EDITING and DELETING entries and then i can move on to a new thread.
Private Sub txtEditedOnHand_keypres(keyascii As Integer)
Dim Keychar As String
If keyascii > 31 Then
Keychar = Chr(keyascii)
If Not IsNumeric(Keychar) Then
keyascii = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtEditedRequired_keypress(keyascii As Integer)
Dim Keychar As String
If keyascii > 31 Then
Keychar = Chr(keyascii)
If Not IsNumeric(Keychar) Then
keyascii = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 11th, 2024 at 03:25 PM.
@jdelano.. let me know which way to go with this as mentioned via PM's.. 2 forms OR 1 form with frames cause you coded in the "add item" to only what's available.. at this point i say leave the form alone and just create a new form as i have shown.. less headache to re-do it no?
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 13th, 2024 at 09:22 AM.
Hey, I made a few modifications to the project to make the code and component names more apparent.
I added code to the Add New Pantry form to add the new pantry table and initial item.
For others viewing this thread, the new code for creating / saving a new pantry
Private Sub btnSaveNewPantry_Click()
' has the user provided the pantry name
If Len(Trim(txtNewPantryName.Text)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "The pantry name is required", vbCritical, "Missing required data"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(Trim(txtNewPantryItem.Text)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "The pantry item name is required", vbCritical, "Missing required data"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim listItemIndex As Integer
Dim pantryNameExists As Boolean
pantryNameExists = False ' default the existance flag to false
' set this flag on the main form to prevent the listbox click event firing
' when it doesn't need to
frmMain.newPantryFormLoopingList = True
' check to see if the pantry is a duplicate
' loop the pantry names on the main form (frmMain) and compare existing names
listItemIndex = 0
Do While Not pantryNameExists And listItemIndex <= frmMain.lbPantryNames.ListCount - 1
frmMain.lbPantryNames.ListIndex = listItemIndex
pantryNameExists = UCase(frmMain.lbPantryNames.Text) = UCase(txtNewPantryName.Text)
listItemIndex = listItemIndex + 1
' as this code is done checking the listbox items against the pantry name
' on this form, the flag can be turned off
frmMain.newPantryFormLoopingList = False
If pantryNameExists Then
' can't continue due to duplicate pantry name
MsgBox "The pantry name already exists", vbCritical, "Duplicate Pantry Given"
Exit Sub
End If
' getting here means the new pantry can be created
On Error Resume Next
cnn.Execute "CREATE TABLE " & txtNewPantryName.Text & " (ID COUNTER, ItemName TEXT, numRequired NUMBER, numOnHand NUMBER);"
If err <> 0 Then
' there was an error creating the table for the new pantry
MsgBox "Error creating table '" & txtNewPantryName.Text & "'" & vbCrLf & "Error: " & Error(err), vbCritical, "Create Pantry"
Exit Sub
End If
' insert the record for the pantry item entered
cnn.Execute "Insert into " & txtNewPantryName.Text & " (ItemName, numRequired, numOnHand) Values ('" & _
txtNewPantryItem.Text & "'," & IIf(Len(Trim(Me.txtRequired.Text)) = 0, "0", Me.txtRequired.Text) & _
"," & IIf(Len(Trim(txtOnHand.Text)) = 0, "0", txtOnHand.Text) & ")"
If err <> 0 Then
' there was an error creating the table for the new pantry
MsgBox "Error saving item " & txtNewPantryItem.Text & vbCrLf & "Error: " & Error(err), vbCritical, "Save Pantry Item"
Exit Sub
End If
' when the code gets here, then the new pantry and initial pantry item have been saved
' fill the listbox with all available pantry names from the database
' close this form now that the pantry and initial item has been saved
Unload Me
End Sub
On Form1 (now frmMain) added this flag to tell the code in the list1 (now lbPantryNames) not to run the click event
Public newPantryFormLoopingList As Boolean
The form loads and calls a new LoadPantryNames sub (Public so the new pantry form can execute it)
Private Sub Form_Load()
newPantryFormLoopingList = False
End Sub
Public Sub LoadPantryNames()
' fill the listbox with the names of the pantries
' this is public to allow the new pantry form to call it after creating a new pantry
Set rs = cnn.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables, Array(Empty, Empty, Empty, "Table"))
Do Until rs.EOF
lbPantryNames.AddItem " " & rs!TABLE_NAME
' close and release the recordset object
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
i did notice on "add pantry section form".. frmNewPantrySection.. the code had to be changed to the following for the program to run and work:
For i = 0 To frmMain.lbPantryNames.ListCount - 1
List1.AddItem " " & frmMain.lbPantryNames.List(i)
Next i
i will also add some msgboxes as it will add an empty section and empty quantities and same with add item to a current section.. but after all this it's just the edit button part.. i want to be able to edit the quantities per item, but that will come later
ok, sorry to bring this post back up, but i have a serious issue here.. when creating a new pantry section OR editing a name/section in the DB i come across errors, well not so much as errors.. just it's NOT creating what i input to create.. like you can create a new pantry section IF you have a an underscore or something in between words.. like: "Canned_Goods" - creates a new table/section, but it doesn't create a new pantry section if you have a space in between words like: "Canned Goods". the form to be looking at is: frmNewPantrySection in the project.
frmNewPantrySection code:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If txtCategory = "" Then
MsgBox "You must select a pantry section!", vbCrtical, "Prepper Helper"
Exit Sub
If txtName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter an item name!", vbCrtical, "Prepper Helper"
Exit Sub
If txtRequired = "0" Or txtRequired = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a valid required amount which must be higher than 0!", vbCrtical, "Prepper Helper"
txtRequired.Text = ""
Exit Sub
If txtOnHand = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a valid on hand amount!", vbCrtical, "Prepper Helper"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End If
'when the above requirements are met, then proceed ...
' add the data to the database
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
' create an insert statement to save the data
cmd.CommandText = "Insert Into " & txtCategory.Text & " (ItemName, numRequired, numOnHand) " & _
"Values ('" & txtName.Text & "'," & txtRequired.Text & "," & txtOnHand.Text & ")"
Me.Hide 'hide the form while keeping the info to show the info in the msgbox because we don't want to keep the form visible with the msgbox on top of it
MsgBox Trim(txtName.Text) & " has been added to " & Trim(txtCategory.Text) & "!", vbInformation, "Prepper Helper"
Unload Me 'unload the hidden form after pressing ok in the msgbox as the form is not needed anymore
Set cmd = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
For i = 0 To frmMain.lbPantryNames.ListCount - 1
List1.AddItem " " & frmMain.lbPantryNames.List(i)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub List1_Click()
txtCategory.Text = List1.Text
End Sub
Private Sub txtOnHand_keypres(keyascii As Integer)
'only allow numbers
Dim Keychar As String
If keyascii > 31 Then
Keychar = Chr(keyascii)
If Not IsNumeric(Keychar) Then
keyascii = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtRequired_keypress(keyascii As Integer)
'only allow numbers
Dim Keychar As String
If keyascii > 31 Then
Keychar = Chr(keyascii)
If Not IsNumeric(Keychar) Then
keyascii = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtName_keypress(keyascii As Integer)
'only allow letters, spaces and backspace
Select Case keyascii
Case 8 ' backspace
Case 65 To 90 'A-Z
Case 97 To 122 'a-z
Case 32 'blank space
Case Else
keyascii = 0
End Select
End Sub
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 17th, 2024 at 09:37 PM.
and say i rename a table in the DB from "Paper_Goods" to "Paper Goods".. and then run the program, i get one of these errors: it's like it doesn't like or know how to accept a space between words for a new section/table to create it.. whatever you wanna call it
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 17th, 2024 at 09:04 PM.
Putting spaces in the name of a table or a column is generally frowned upon. However, it can be done if needed, and I believe the way to make it work is to enclose the name in []. This would need to be done in every query and every place where either a table name or a column/field name may have a space in it, which may be cumbersome.
To "fix" this for the code you posted, this should work:
But as I said, this would need to be done everywhere else where you are referencing tables by name in other queries, so I will leave it up to you to figure out where those are and make the same fix.
well keep in mind.. the end user is creating a new pantry section/table.. so they would not know that..
True, but your program could prevent the user from ever entering a space in the textboxes where table or field names are input, which makes the issue moot.
True, but your program could prevent the user from ever entering a space in the textboxes where table or field names are input, which makes the issue moot.
true, agreed.. but if they wanted to say put "The Basement", i think they should have the right to have spaces in between words.. and not force them to making it 1 lined text like "TheBasement" or "thebasement" or The_Basement" or "the_basement". so why would i prevent them from doing so? it's how THEY want to create their sections afterall no? it's THEIR choice on how THEY want to name things out.. not mine.
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 17th, 2024 at 09:38 PM.
Well, I gave you code that should fix it in one place in your program. Not sure if you saw that or just ignored it and decided that you just want to argue.
Putting spaces in the name of a table or a column is generally frowned upon. However, it can be done if needed, and I believe the way to make it work is to enclose the name in []. This would need to be done in every query and every place where either a table name or a column/field name may have a space in it, which may be cumbersome.
To "fix" this for the code you posted, this should work:
But as I said, this would need to be done everywhere else where you are referencing tables by name in other queries, so I will leave it up to you to figure out where those are and make the same fix.
Translation: Don't come back after making this one single change in the one line of code I posted and say it isn't working. You must surround table names with [] in each and every query in your code yourself.
i saw the code, doesn't mean i have tested it out yet.. no need to come back at me back to back with it and explode it! my god, can i not have a conversation with you without you stirring things up? you need to chill out dude!
and no, i don't want to argue with you.. you just make me want to when you say or do certain things like you just did!
Last edited by BlakeSheldon; Sep 17th, 2024 at 10:19 PM.