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Thread: Runaway vscrollbar

  1. #1

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    Runaway vscrollbar

    I sized the vscrollbar to have only the UP and DOWN buttons visible.
    If I click the UP or DOWN then vscrollbar keeps firing.
    I need two features:
    1) click it and I get one firing
    2) if I hold it down I get firing until I release it. (using a timer so I can adjust the interval between each "Auto-Click".

    I need the vscrollbar to have .MIN = -1 and .MAX = +1 and after I raise the mouse (mouse button UP) vscrollbar.Value = 0 (a reset) such that a mouse click gives me +1 for up and -1 for down.

    Let's skip the "roll-my-own-control" for the moment.

    I have tried my stupid code (not shown because it is stupid) different ways and cannot find a solution.

    I did look at the UpDown control and it seems too complicated and I do not want a buddy so when I tried it I disabled the buddy stuff.

    Anybody got a viable solution.

    Thank you !

  2. #2
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: Runaway vscrollbar

    Ya know...certain inherent VB6 controls are designed for (generally) specific uses. I have no idea what your 'stupid code' is, or what control(s) it might utilize.
    So, I guess, my question to you is: "What are you attempting to accomplish?" Meaning, what are you going to be doing with those 'values' you hope to be getting by one click, or the 'constant click'. didn't want a 'roll your own', but possibly, just possibly, this little example using a two commandbutton array and a timer array, just might give you a solution (to whatever your real goal is).
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    Sam I am (as well as Confused at times).

  3. #3

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    Re: Runaway vscrollbar

    Thank you !

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