So I've got a really full form and the routine is close to the limit for memory. I removed parts of the routine and it compiles fine.
One part of the routine has this line:
MsgBox "about to load form"
frmShowStuff.Show (1)
MsgBox "Finished loading form"
On my computer it runs just fine on my Windows 11 system. The form loads and displays - all good.
On a customers computer, (Running Windows 10) I see "about to load form" then immediately the line that reads frmShowStuff.Show (1) Generates an error 424 - Object Required.
I've put a message box in the form load and activate on frmShowStuff but neither trigger. The form is definitely part of the project and the project compiles.
Could it be that the routine is simply too large and the system has run out of memory?
I'm at a loss. Any help appreciated.