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Thread: Does unregistering a TypeLib also unregister its Classes and Interfaces?

  1. #1

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    Does unregistering a TypeLib also unregister its Classes and Interfaces?

    If I use the API function UnRegisterTypeLib to unregister a TypeLib, that removes all its TypeLib entries in the registry. But what about the Interfaces and Classes that had also been put into the registry when the TypeLib was registered. Does UnRegisterTypeLib clean up all the other entries that were put into the registry that had been defined within that TypeLib (all the entries for the associated Interfaces and Classes)?

  2. #2
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    Sofia, Bulgaria

    Re: Does unregistering a TypeLib also unregister its Classes and Interfaces?

    You can test it with regmon.

    I bet it does not remove anything because registering a typelib does not add interface/coclass registry entries in first place. These are managed by COM server [un]registration i.e. using regsvr32

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