Jul 30th, 2024, 05:45 AM
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New Member
Neural networks in VBA
If you guys have some experience from Pytorch or other major deep learning frameworks, and have some time to spare, give my simple neural network project (maybe the first one in VBA?) a test run. Big plus if you can test it with OpenBLAS dll which you put inside the same folder as the Excel workbook and edit the dll path in BlasFunctions module -- OpenBLAS provides prebuilt binary packages here https://sourceforge.net/projects/ope...files/v0.3.27/:
Option Explicit
Const MODEL_NAME As String = "MyModel"
Private m_oModel As Sequential
Public Sub SetupAndTrain()
Dim lBatchSize As Long
Dim lNumEpochs As Long
Dim oTrainingSet As DataLoader
Dim oTestSet As DataLoader
lBatchSize = 10
lNumEpochs = 50
Set oTrainingSet = DataLoader(ImportDatasetFromWorksheet("ConcreteTrain", 8, 1, True), lBatchSize)
Set oTestSet = DataLoader(ImportDatasetFromWorksheet("ConcreteTest", 8, 1, True), lBatchSize)
Set m_oModel = Sequential(L2Loss(), SGDM())
m_oModel.Add FullyConnectedLayer(8, 200)
m_oModel.Add LeakyReLULayer()
m_oModel.Add FullyConnectedLayer(200, 100)
m_oModel.Add LeakyReLULayer()
m_oModel.Add FullyConnectedLayer(100, 50)
m_oModel.Add LeakyReLULayer()
m_oModel.Add FullyConnectedLayer(50, 1)
m_oModel.Fit oTrainingSet, oTestSet, lNumEpochs
Serialize MODEL_NAME, m_oModel
End Sub
Public Sub ContinueTraining()
Dim lBatchSize As Long
Dim lNumEpochs As Long
Dim oTrainingSet As DataLoader
Dim oTestSet As DataLoader
lBatchSize = 10
lNumEpochs = 50
Set oTrainingSet = DataLoader(ImportDatasetFromWorksheet("ConcreteTrain", 8, 1, True), lBatchSize)
Set oTestSet = DataLoader(ImportDatasetFromWorksheet("ConcreteTest", 8, 1, True), lBatchSize)
Set m_oModel = Unserialize(MODEL_NAME)
m_oModel.Fit oTrainingSet, oTestSet, lNumEpochs
Serialize MODEL_NAME, m_oModel
End Sub
Last edited by drgs; Jul 30th, 2024 at 06:19 AM.
Aug 17th, 2024, 09:13 AM
Re: Neural networks in VBA
I am interested in NN.
I have implemented a simple one in VB6 that can evolve using backpropagation or Neuroevolution. (all from scratch)
I would like to try yours because I think it is more advanced (Deep). And maybe it could also be used for "style transfer" on images.
I have (sort of) never worked in VBA, so, do you have a VB6 version ?
Aug 17th, 2024, 03:57 PM
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New Member
Re: Neural networks in VBA
Originally Posted by reexre
I am interested in NN.
I have implemented a simple one in VB6 that can evolve using backpropagation or Neuroevolution. (all from scratch)
I would like to try yours because I think it is more advanced (Deep). And maybe it could also be used for "style transfer" on images.
I have (sort of) never worked in VBA, so, do you have a VB6 version ?
For me it is the opposite -- I have never worked with VB6. I do rely on saving models to worksheets and reading data from worksheets, so I guess it won't work without modifications.
I only have very basic layers to put together a MLP, but by its modular design it's only a matter of adding new layer classes...
(Currently I'm trying to integrate an extra dll for vector math (Intel Performance Primitives) to speed things up, so I ended up rewriting a few thing.)
For style transfer on images you need at least convolutional layers + pooling layers, I think. Plus, a way to read images from disc, with color channels and everything.
It's possible, but not really what I intended it for
Btw, curious to have a peek at your code, but cant seem to find any source...
Last edited by drgs; Aug 17th, 2024 at 04:20 PM.
Aug 18th, 2024, 01:06 PM
Re: Neural networks in VBA
Thank you for reply
Originally Posted by drgs
Btw, curious to have a peek at your code, but cant seem to find any source...
it's in the #2 post NNandGA.zip
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