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Thread: Which is the faster way to ZeroExtend 2 bytes to 4?

  1. #1

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    Frenzied Member
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    Which is the faster way to ZeroExtend 2 bytes to 4?

    <<Note that the code shown in this post is using the NASM syntax (first operand is destination).>>

    I can either zero the destination 4-byte register and then copy in the two bytes like this:
    xor eax,eax
    mov eax,[mem_ptr]

    or I can do it in one operation like this:
    movzx eax,[mem_ptr]
    While the MOVZX opcode takes only one line of assembly code to do 2 things, my question is if it's actually faster for the CPU to execute. Often times in programming, code that takes more lines to write seems to be faster to execute. It all depends on the number of clock ticks that are needed to execute the MOVZX instruction compared to the number of clock ticks that are needed to execute the 2 instrunctions XOR and then MOV (the sum of the clock ticks for each of these 2 added together).

  2. #2
    Frenzied Member 2kaud's Avatar
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    Re: Which is the faster way to ZeroExtend 2 bytes to 4?

    Intel provides detailed info re the various instructions that include clock cycles used. See: (vol 2)
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  3. #3
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    Re: Which is the faster way to ZeroExtend 2 bytes to 4?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben321 View Post
    It all depends on the number of clock ticks that are needed to execute the MOVZX instruction compared to the number of clock ticks that are needed to execute the 2 instrunctions XOR and then MOV (the sum of the clock ticks for each of these 2 added together).
    In your sample XOR and MOV are probably pipelined i.e. executed at the same time so effectively the second instruction takes 0 ticks to execute.

    There is a reason you'll often see several (for instance 4) XOR + MOV combos stacked together so these are executed together but on multiple pipelines simultaneously.

    The funny thing is that the question in OP is hard to even test properly. You don't execute these instructions on their own and usually these get pipelined i.e. get a lot of XOR + MOVs for free around more expensive (other) instructions.


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