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Thread: MySql load Listview and run time column names + autosize, checked, color items

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    MySql load Listview and run time column names + autosize, checked, color items

    example using to load values into a list box
    at run time setup column names, autosize columns
    select checked
    color items a color with bold, then black regular

    mouse down select first column to display other text in a rtb

    add Try - Catch as you like, I leave it out at first and watch for exception in the debug window.
    	'example of working code
    	'ListView1.View = View.Details
    	'For Xx = 1 To 100
    	'Dim Litem As New ListViewItem With {
    	'.Text = "Around the Horn"
    	'	}
    	'Litem.SubItems.Add("Hardy Thomas")
    	'Litem.SubItems.Add("(171) 555-7788")
    	'Litem.SubItems.Add("(171) 555-6750")
    	With ListView1
    		.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details
    		.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.ListViewAlignment.Top
    		.LabelEdit = False
    		.View = View.Details
    		.Columns.Add("Deletion Date")
    		' Display check boxes.
    		.CheckBoxes = True
    		' Select the item and subitems when selection is made.
    		.FullRowSelect = True
    		' Display grid lines.
    		.GridLines = True
    		'goofy sort on first column Id not numerical order
    		' Sort the items in the list in ascending order.
    		'.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending
    	End With
    	'get count(id) from unbookdata
    	Dim numberID As Integer = 0
    	Dim ConStrUserVar As String = frmlogonConnectstring ' & "Allow User Variables=True;"
    	Dim conn As New MySqlConnection(ConStrUserVar)
    	Using conn
    		Dim cmd1 As New MySqlCommand("Select count(Id) as TOPID from unbookdata", conn)
    		Using RDR = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
    			If RDR.Read() Then numberID = RDR("TOPID")
    		End Using
    		If numberID = 0 Then
    			MsgBox("No records available to restore", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Record Management")
    			Exit Sub
    		End If
    		Me.Text = "Record Undelete Program - " & numberID & " records available."
    		'load list view with data
    		cmd1.CommandText = "Select unID, unDatetime, unTitles, unBarcode From unbookdata"
    		Using RDR = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
    			Do While RDR.Read()
    				Dim LItem As New ListViewItem()
    				LItem.Text = RDR("unID").ToString() '0
    				LItem.SubItems.Add(RDR("unBarcode").ToString()) '3
    				LItem.SubItems.Add(RDR("unDateTime").ToString()) '"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) '1
    				LItem.SubItems.Add(RDR("unTitles").ToString()) '2
    		End Using
    	End Using
    End Sub
    Uses couple buttons to select all items in lisview, then unselect all items in list view
    with Try Catch
    	Private Sub cmdSelect2_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSelect2.Click
    		'selects all
    			Xx = 0
    			Do Until Xx > ListView1.Items.Count - 1
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).Checked = True
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).Font = New Font(ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).Font, FontStyle.Bold)
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).SubItems.Item(1).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).SubItems.Item(2).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).SubItems.Item(3).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue
    				Xx += 1
    		Catch ex As Exception
    			Dim msg = ex.ToString()
    			MsgBox(msg,  , "Error")
    		End Try
    	End Sub
    	Private Sub cmdUnselect2_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdUnselect2.Click
    		'unselects all
    			Xx = 0
    			Do Until Xx > ListView1.Items.Count - 1
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).Checked = False
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).Font = New Font(ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).Font, FontStyle.Regular)
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).SubItems.Item(1).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).SubItems.Item(2).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
    				ListView1.Items.Item(Xx).SubItems.Item(3).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
    				Xx += 1
    		Catch ex As Exception
    			Dim msg = ex.ToString()
    			MsgBox(msg,  , "Error")
    		End Try
    	End Sub
    when mouse down on an item row, red line gets the text for the first column to get data to display in a rtb
    	Private Sub ListView1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListView1.MouseDown
    		'Dim info As ListViewHitTestInfo = ListView1.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)
    		'If Not IsNothing(info.SubItem) Then
    		'info will contain the information of the clicked listview column. You can then go through it's subitems for more information, if any.
    		'want only the id out of the clicked on item!!
    		'IdNumber = CInt(ListView1.Items.Item(ListView1.FocusedItem.Index).Text)
    		'End If
    		Dim ConStrUserVar As String = frmlogonConnectstring ' & "Allow User Variables=True;"
    		Dim conn As New MySqlConnection(ConStrUserVar)
    		Using conn
    			IdNumber = (Val(ListView1.Items.Item(ListView1.FocusedItem.Index).SubItems.Item(0).Text))
    			Dim cmd1 As New MySqlCommand("select unmarcdata From unbookdata where unId = " & IdNumber, conn)
    			Using RDR = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
    				If RDR.Read() Then rtxtMarc.Text = RDR("unmarcdata").ToString()
    			End Using
    		End Using
    	End Sub
    Will add example code for checked items later, as in I check a row, then I click a button to delete that row in table or restore that row to another table
    Last edited by sdowney1; Jul 12th, 2024 at 11:56 AM.

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