Shell.Application, just like a folder, can list all the subitems and submenus, and then you can click on them. It's very fun.
I wonder if anyone is studying the development under LINUX, such as VisualFBEditor, WinFBE and Visual Free Basic.
It would be very convenient if all menus and functions under LINUX can also make a Shell.Application.
TWINBASIC developed all the objects of VB6.
If we can realize the functions like WINDOWS registry, Shell.Application, WMI, etc., it would be perfect to develop with the idea similar to WINDOWS.

Function GetPrintList() As String()

    Dim sh, I
    Dim JH As New Collection
    Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    For Each I In sh.NameSpace(4).Items
        Debug.Print "print:" & I.Name
        JH.Add I.Name
    Dim sARR() As String
    If JH.Count = 0 Then
    ReDim sARR(-1 To -1)
    ReDim sARR(JH.Count - 1)
    Dim a As Long
    For a = 0 To JH.Count - 1
        sARR(a) = JH.Item(a + 1)
    End If
    GetPrintList = sARR
End Function

Function GetPrintMenuList(PrintName As String) As String()

    Dim sh, I, VS
    Dim JH As New Collection
    Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    For Each I In sh.NameSpace(4).Items
            Debug.Print "PrintName:" & I.Name
            If I.Name = PrintName Then
                    For Each VS In I.Verbs
                           JH.Add VS.Name
                           'menu item=VS.Name
                           'If VS.Name = "***" Then VS.doit
                    Exit For
            End If
    Dim sARR() As String
    If JH.Count = 0 Then
        ReDim sARR(-1 To -1)
    ReDim sARR(JH.Count - 1)
    Dim a As Long
    For a = 0 To JH.Count - 1
        sARR(a) = JH.Item(a + 1)
    End If
    GetPrintMenuList = sARR
End Function