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Thread: VB6 gets the CPU utilization of the specified process.

  1. #1

    Thread Starter
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    Jan 2020

    VB6 gets the CPU utilization of the specified process.

    Dim C As Currency
    C = CPUUSage(GetPidByHwnd(Me.hWnd))
    MSGBOX C & "%"

     Function GetPidByHwnd(hWnd As Long, Optional lThread As Long)
         lThread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, GetPidByHwnd)
     End Function
    Function CPUUSage(ProcID As Long) As Currency
     On Error Resume Next
     Dim n1, d1
     Dim n2, d2, nd, dd
        Dim objService, objInstance1
        Dim perf_instance2
        Dim PercentProcessorTime
     Set objService = GetObject("Winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\Root\Cimv2")
     For Each objInstance1 In objService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process where IDProcess = '" & ProcID & "'")
      n1 = objInstance1.PercentProcessorTime
      d1 = objInstance1.TimeStamp_Sys100NS
      Exit For
     For Each perf_instance2 In objService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process where IDProcess = '" & ProcID & "'")
      n2 = perf_instance2.PercentProcessorTime
      d2 = perf_instance2.TimeStamp_Sys100NS
      Exit For
     ' CounterType - PERF_100NSEC_TIMER_INV
     ' Formula - (1- ((N2 - N1) / (D2 - D1))) x 100
     nd = (n2 - n1)
     dd = (d2 - d1)
     PercentProcessorTime = ((nd / dd)) * 100
     CPUUSage = Round(PercentProcessorTime, 2)
    End Function

  2. #2

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    Re: VB6 gets the CPU utilization of the specified process.

    Using my software to detect the cpu utilization rate of this process is 60% on average. The task manager shows that this process only occupies 10% of the cpu, and the local cpu is idle 85%. But the total cpu utilization rate is 90%.
    My computer has turned on hyper-v virtual machine, so maybe it's more accurate to turn off virtualization, and turn on virtualization, and the whole process is in a mess?

    I am a 6-core cpu, and I have four threads running in an endless loop to perform a long operation.

    code from here:
    Last edited by xiaoyao; Jun 27th, 2024 at 12:57 AM.

  3. #3
    PowerPoster yereverluvinuncleber's Avatar
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    Norfolk UK (inbred)

    Re: VB6 gets the CPU utilization of the specified process.

    WMI is notoriously unreliable at providing accurate and current CPU usage levels.

    Private Declare Function GetSystemTimes Lib "kernel32" (lpIdleTime As Any, lpKernelTime As Any, lpUserTime As Any) As Long
    Private Function CPU_Usage_Percent() As Currency
        Dim idleTimeLive As Currency: idleTimeLive = 0
        Dim kernelTimeLive As Currency: kernelTimeLive = 0
        Dim usermodeTimeLive As Currency: usermodeTimeLive = 0
        Static idleTimeStored As Currency
        Static kernelTimeStored As Currency
        Static usermodeTimeStored As Currency
        On Error GoTo CPU_Usage_Percent_Error
        GetSystemTimes idleTimeLive, kernelTimeLive, usermodeTimeLive
        idleTimeStored = idleTimeLive - idleTimeStored
        kernelTimeStored = kernelTimeLive - kernelTimeStored
        usermodeTimeStored = usermodeTimeLive - usermodeTimeStored
        CPU_Usage_Percent = ((kernelTimeStored + usermodeTimeStored - idleTimeStored) / (kernelTimeStored + usermodeTimeStored)) * 100
        idleTimeStored = idleTimeLive
        kernelTimeStored = kernelTimeLive
        usermodeTimeStored = usermodeTimeLive
        On Error GoTo 0
        Exit Function
        MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure CPU_Usage_Percent, line " & Erl & "."
    End Function

    Skillset: VMS,DOS,Windows Sysadmin from 1985, fault-tolerance, VaxCluster, Alpha,Sparc. DCL,QB,VBDOS- VB6,.NET, PHP,NODE.JS, Graphic Design, Project Manager, CMS, Quad Electronics. classic cars & m'bikes. Artist in water & oils. Historian.

    By the power invested in me, all the threads I start are battle free zones - no arguing about the benefits of VB6 over .NET here please. Happiness must reign.

  4. #4

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    Jan 2020

    Re: VB6 gets the CPU utilization of the specified process.

    powershell,Python,They always have a lot of quick ways to get accurate numbers.

  5. #5

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    Jan 2020

    Re: VB6 gets the CPU utilization of the specified process.

    Quote Originally Posted by yereverluvinuncleber View Post
    WMI is notoriously unreliable at providing accurate and current CPU usage levels.

    Private Declare Function GetSystemTimes Lib "kernel32" (lpIdleTime As Any, lpKernelTime As Any, lpUserTime As Any) As Long
    Private Function CPU_Usage_Percent() As Currency
        Dim idleTimeLive As Currency: idleTimeLive = 0
        Dim kernelTimeLive As Currency: kernelTimeLive = 0
        Dim usermodeTimeLive As Currency: usermodeTimeLive = 0
        Static idleTimeStored As Currency
        Static kernelTimeStored As Currency
        Static usermodeTimeStored As Currency
        On Error GoTo CPU_Usage_Percent_Error
        GetSystemTimes idleTimeLive, kernelTimeLive, usermodeTimeLive
        idleTimeStored = idleTimeLive - idleTimeStored
        kernelTimeStored = kernelTimeLive - kernelTimeStored
        usermodeTimeStored = usermodeTimeLive - usermodeTimeStored
        CPU_Usage_Percent = ((kernelTimeStored + usermodeTimeStored - idleTimeStored) / (kernelTimeStored + usermodeTimeStored)) * 100
        idleTimeStored = idleTimeLive
        kernelTimeStored = kernelTimeLive
        usermodeTimeStored = usermodeTimeLive
        On Error GoTo 0
        Exit Function
        MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure CPU_Usage_Percent, line " & Erl & "."
    End Function
    How do I get the exact CPU footprint of each process?

  6. #6
    PowerPoster yereverluvinuncleber's Avatar
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    Norfolk UK (inbred)

    Re: VB6 gets the CPU utilization of the specified process.

    Not yet tried to do it. There is a task manager app in planet source code:

    But it does not look at CPU per process.
    Last edited by yereverluvinuncleber; Jun 27th, 2024 at 01:02 PM.

    Skillset: VMS,DOS,Windows Sysadmin from 1985, fault-tolerance, VaxCluster, Alpha,Sparc. DCL,QB,VBDOS- VB6,.NET, PHP,NODE.JS, Graphic Design, Project Manager, CMS, Quad Electronics. classic cars & m'bikes. Artist in water & oils. Historian.

    By the power invested in me, all the threads I start are battle free zones - no arguing about the benefits of VB6 over .NET here please. Happiness must reign.

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