[RESOLVED] Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Hi, Consider you already filled a data grid view with a table of database file and you want to changeover from conventional "Tabular view" to sort of "Cellular view" which is a table layout panel with UserControls programmatically added in its cells.
This UserControl has TextBoxes, ProgressBars, Labels and so on next to a Public property called UniqueID to pass which row it supposed to show. Formerly CellValueChanged event with a bulky parallel for did the matter but the goal is to achieve a bidirectional relation meaning that changing a value on cellular view will also apply on data grid view (and dataset/adapter update later) right before new data comes (Causing your new data to discard and revert to original DGV given value).
What I tried: Adding a BindingNavigator to UserControl and link it to database won't do anything. Its records are always zero and linking it to corresponding table databinding on main form forces all UserControls to follow only one record.
Is there a way to achieve such desire?
Last edited by pourkascheff; Jul 8th, 2024 at 03:27 PM.
Re: Binding inner controls of UserControls to Database
OK, It seemed to be a problem with my expression. Consider following example. DGV works fine, inserting, removing, updating database works just fine codes were done. Row selection is out of concerns of this project. It supposed to be a small monitoring software. The goal is "Cellular" view based on a "Tabular" which you are witnessing on demo app to be linked together. Meaning that except ID NumericUpDown (Which I gave them) are visually OK but "Name", "Reading" and "Bool" controls were expected to follow corresponded row of table. Also any changes on either table or UserControls should apply on another. How can I achieve this? Any clues?
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Hey paul, thanks for your eXtreme support. I tried your suggestion in my UserControl_load event and refer desired controls to follow dgv in main form as shown below:
Public Class UserControl1
Public Property MyType As Integer = 0
Public Property MyAddress As Integer = 0
Private Sub UserControl1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If MyType = 0 Then
Me.Enabled = False
End If
SpinEdit1.DataBindings.Add("EditValue", Form1.MainTableBindingSource, "ID")
LabelControl1.DataBindings.Add("Text", Form1.MainTableBindingSource, "TankName")
SpinEdit2.DataBindings.Add("EditValue", Form1.MainTableBindingSource, "Field1")
CheckEdit1.DataBindings.Add("Checked", Form1.MainTableBindingSource, "Ullage")
SpinEdit1.Value = MyAddress 'Which Instrument to follow?
End Sub
End Class
Note that no DatabaseDataSets, MainTableBindingSources and MainTableTableAdapters were created automatically on "bottom controls box" of visual design environment of UC since I didn't bind the old property grid way.
Results are not OK and there are 2 problems:
1) All UserControls grid in Form1 show only row1 or any other rows of dgv that I clicked on in run-time. The goal is one UC per each row.
2) Updating dgv cell values will not applied on UCs and vice versa manipulating UC won't effect dgv cell values UNTIL I lose focus on each row for both mentioned direction (I guess some AcceptChanges/Update/Refresh thing is required here)
Didn't consider binding world is this much tricky. Any instruction manuals or yt videos are also welcome here. peace/.
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
It's almost definitely a matter of timing. After setting up your Form1.MainTableBindingSource, or in your Form1_Shown event if you don't do that in code...
Public Class UserControl1
Public Property MyType As Integer = 0
Public Property MyAddress As Integer = 0
Private Sub UserControl1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If MyType = 0 Then
Me.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Bind(ByVal bs As BindingSource)
SpinEdit1.DataBindings.Add("EditValue", bs, "ID")
LabelControl1.DataBindings.Add("Text", bs, "TankName")
SpinEdit2.DataBindings.Add("EditValue", bs, "Field1")
CheckEdit1.DataBindings.Add("Checked", bs, "Ullage")
SpinEdit1.Value = MyAddress '??? Not sure why you're trying to modify here?
End Sub
End Class
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
What am i thinking? You only need the one UC. DataBinding works by changing the UC values when you change the row in the DGV. Is that NOT what you want?
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Public Class UserControl1
Public Property MyType As Integer = 0
Public Property MyAddress As Integer = 0
Private dtSource As DataTable
Private row As Integer
Private Sub UserControl1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If MyType = 0 Then
Me.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Bind(ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal row As Integer)
Me.dtSource = dt
Me.row = row
AddHandler dt.ColumnChanged, AddressOf Column_Changed
SpinEdit1.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Columns(0).Value
LabelControl1.Text = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Columns(1).Value
SpinEdit2.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Columns(2).Value
CheckEdit1.Checked = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Columns(3).Value
'If you want control edits to change your grid, you'll have to handle the control events and set dtSource manually
End Sub
Private Sub Column_Changed(sender As Object, e As DataColumnChangeEventArgs)
If e.Row = Me.row Then
SpinEdit1.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Columns(0).Value
LabelControl1.Text = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Columns(1).Value
SpinEdit2.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Columns(2).Value
CheckEdit1.Checked = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Columns(3).Value
End If
End Sub
End Class
Last edited by .paul.; Jul 10th, 2024 at 04:48 PM.
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Originally Posted by .paul.
Functioning is always a good idea. I replaced your snippet with the code below, since various type of databases were planned to feed to this windows form application and number of UserControls (corresponding to rows of main table) are indetermined.
For Each Ctrl As Control In TableLayoutPanel1.Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl Is UserControl1 Then
Dim UC As UserControl1 = DirectCast(Ctrl, UserControl1)
UC.Visible = True
End If
Originally Posted by .paul.
SpinEdit1.Value = MyAddress '??? Not sure why you're trying to modify here?
It was intended to mimicking a sort of virtual dgv_row_selection thing that you mentioned it is mandatory. They only set once I will suppress duplicates it is only because UCs order might be different than rows.
Originally Posted by .paul.
DataBinding works by changing the UC values when you change the row in the DGV. Is that NOT what you want?
I'm afraid not. Following picture might change your perspective to the problem in a better way:
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
I didn't miss it paul but since there were few errors with it I gave up rectifying them. Can you enlighten me a bit more about it? Please note that I'm still kind of new to VS, Option strict = On and also I am using DevExpress controls they may be different in some extent.
10 Errors in total and are included next to their lines by comment:
Public Sub Bind(ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal row As Integer)
Me.dtSource = dt
Me.ROW = row
AddHandler dt.ColumnChanged, AddressOf Column_Changed
SpinEdit1.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(0).Value 'Columns is not a member of 'DataRow'
LabelControl1.Text = dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(1).Value 'Columns is not a member of 'DataRow'
SpinEdit2.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(2).Value 'Columns is not a member of 'DataRow'
CheckEdit1.Checked = dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(3).Value 'Columns is not a member of 'DataRow'
End Sub
Private Sub Column_Changed(sender As Object, e As DataColumnChangeEventArgs)
If e.Row = Me.ROW Then 'Operator '=' is not defined for types 'DataRow' and 'Integer'
SpinEdit1.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(0).Value 'Columns is not a member of 'DataRow'
LabelControl1.Text = dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(1).Value 'Columns is not a member of 'DataRow'
SpinEdit2.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(2).Value 'Columns is not a member of 'DataRow'
CheckEdit1.Checked = dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(3).Value 'Columns is not a member of 'DataRow'
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckEdit1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckEdit1.CheckedChanged
dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(3).Value = CheckEdit1.Checked 'Is it what you're talking about to achieve bidirectional updatable binding?
'dtSource.AcceptChanges() 'ACCEPT/UPDATE/REFRESH
End Sub
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Originally Posted by .paul.
I haven’t tested this…
Well, I do.
Good news:
1) Each UserControls now show a row. I edited the local bind function to the following.
Public Class UserControl1
Public Property MyType As Integer = 0
Public Property MyAddress As Integer = 0 '<-- That's why I declared it from the beginning of the thread
Private dtSource As DataTable = Form1.Database1DataSet.MainTable
Private ROW As Integer
Private Sub UserControl1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If MyType = 0 Then
Me.Enabled = False
End If
Me.ROW = MyAddress + 1 '<-- Get a role
End Sub
Public Sub MyBind(ByVal dt As DataTable) ', ByVal row As Integer)
Me.dtSource = dt
Me.ROW = MyAddress '<-- That's the public variable since this thread created
AddHandler dt.ColumnChanged, AddressOf Column_Changed
SpinEdit1.Value = CDec(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("ID"))
LabelControl1.Text = CStr(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("TankName"))
SpinEdit2.Value = CDec(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("Field1"))
CheckEdit1.Checked = CBool(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("Ullage"))
End Sub
Private Sub Column_Changed(sender As Object, e As DataColumnChangeEventArgs)
'If e.Row = Me.ROW Then
SpinEdit1.Value = CDec(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("ID"))
LabelControl1.Text = CStr(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("TankName"))
SpinEdit2.Value = CDec(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("Field1"))
CheckEdit1.Checked = CBool(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("Ullage"))
'End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckEdit1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckEdit1.CheckedChanged
'dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Columns(3).Value = CheckEdit1.Checked 'Is that what you're talking about to achieve bidirectional updatable binding?
'dtSource.AcceptChanges() 'ACCEPT/UPDATE/REFRESH
End Sub
End Class
Bad news:
1) This whole operation is "Row" depended. Meaning that sorting the table will ruin the order or arrangement of UserControls in desktop workspace. Is there a way to avoid that? Each UC follows a uniqueID PrimaryKey matched with its address variable?
2) "Column_Changed" event would never be raised. I used debugging buttons to perform refresh/update/accept stuffs but it seems once they've been created we're not able to manipulate it. Is it in contrast of binding nature?
3) I'm not sure what to write in controls value_changed events so that update the table bidirectional.
2) "Column_Changed" happens. Manual changes on DGV will not be validated (Error text: There is no rows at position 5) (found it with commenting)
Last edited by pourkascheff; Jul 15th, 2024 at 02:07 AM.
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
you're trolling, aye?
DevExpress GridControl does fancy stuffs.
ChatGPT always say things about gets and sets same as Microsoft says here.
Public Class LookupBox
Public Property DataSource() As Object
Return ComboBox1.DataSource
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Object)
ComboBox1.DataSource = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Should I consider changeover to another strategy and implementation?
wish England wins UEFA 2024 by the way. The final is being held.
Last edited by pourkascheff; Jul 14th, 2024 at 03:18 PM.
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Seriously, to change the uc layout on sort, it depends how you're sorting. If it's a built in sorting on your grid, i'm not sure how to rearrange your uc's
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Originally Posted by pourkascheff
Nah mate, this is a WinForm project. If it was a WPF I'd rather to ask in relevant forum.
It was the grid control that made me think it was WPF. Look through the events, see if you can find an after sorted event, then rearrange your user controls as I suggested
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Originally Posted by .paul.
it depends how you're sorting.
I need to tell you something. I only guessed the sort thing to be honest. At least assigning bindings later on a button_click event (Right after I sort ascending/descending by manually clicking on column headers randomly) It has no effect on the results and works fine. So, my bad.
I'm not familiar with WPF but wish it was WPF based since bindings are much accessible in a proper way (look at the two-way feature).
As a conclusion, we are able to A) give each UserControls a role to play as their "row" say. Also B) run-time updating cell values are now updating on equivalent UserControl control by code below:
Private Sub GridView1_CellValueChanged(sender As Object, e As DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs) Handles GridView1.CellValueChanged
If e.Column Is GridView1.Columns("Field1") Then 'Reading Updated
If CBool(GridView1.GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, "Ullage")) = False Then 'Automatic
GridView1.SetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, "Calculated", CUShort(e.Value) * 2) 'Calculations
End If
'Other cells
End If
Using dbCon As New OleDbConnection(My.Settings.Database1ConnectionString)
Dim changedRow As DataRow = GridView1.GetDataRow(e.RowHandle)
Dim sql As String = "UPDATE MainTable SET [TankName] = @Value1, [Field1] = @Value2, [Calculated] = @Value3, [Ullage] = @Value4 WHERE ID = @PrimaryKeyValue" 'Construct the SQL UPDATE statement
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(sql, dbCon)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Value1", changedRow("TankName"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Value2", changedRow("Field1"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Value3", changedRow("Calculated"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Value4", changedRow("Ullage"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PrimaryKeyValue", changedRow("ID"))
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() 'Execute the SQL statement to update the database
End Using
GridControl1.DataSource = Database1DataSet.MainTable
For Each Ctrl As Control In TableLayoutPanel1.Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl Is UserControl1 Then
Dim UC As UserControl1 = DirectCast(Ctrl, UserControl1)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
The problem is this code is visibly and tangibly SLOW! Different phases (sectioned by comments) are necessary to be present but is there a way to reduce overall load and fix it? It is possible some commands are repetitive or useless-ineffective.
Finally C) The opposite direction of this scenario, meaning that updating a control of UserControl will not be written in DGV. In spite of existing of following code. What are the deficiencies?
Private Sub CheckEdit1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckEdit1.CheckedChanged
Form1.GridView1.SetRowCellValue(Me.ROW, "ULLAGE", CBool(CheckEdit1.Checked))
End Sub
'Similar for other controls
Last edited by pourkascheff; Jul 16th, 2024 at 03:24 AM.
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Paragraph C rectified as follows:
EditValueChanged event is used instead of CheckedChanged, also tested for other types of controls.
Public Class UserControl1
Public Property MyType As Integer = 0
Public Property MyAddress As Integer = 0
Private dtSource As DataTable
Private ROW As Integer
Private Sub UserControl1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If MyType = 0 Then
Me.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Public Sub MyBind(ByVal dt As DataTable) ', ByVal row As Integer)
Me.dtSource = dt
Me.ROW = MyAddress - 1 '<-- Get a Role, That's the public variable since this thread created'AddHandler dt.ColumnChanged, AddressOf Column_Changed <-- Not sure why do we used it
SpinEdit1.Value = CDec(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("ID"))
LabelControl1.Text = CStr(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("TankName"))
SpinEdit2.Value = CDec(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("Field1"))
CheckEdit1.Checked = CBool(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("Ullage"))
End Sub
Private Sub LabelControl1_EditValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LabelControl1.EditValueChanged
Form1.GridView1.SetRowCellValue(Me.ROW, "TankName", CStr(LabelControl1.Text))
End Sub
Private Sub SpinEdit2_EditValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SpinEdit2.EditValueChanged
Form1.GridView1.SetRowCellValue(Me.ROW, "Field1", CDec(SpinEdit2.Value))
End Sub
Private Sub CheckEdit1_EditValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckEdit1.EditValueChanged
Form1.GridView1.SetRowCellValue(Me.ROW, "Ullage", CBool(CheckEdit1.Checked))
End Sub
End Class
Manual sorting randomly by clicking on header columns like before will stop binding from one way. Meaning that From DGV to UC performs correctly. But from UC to DGV does nothing. I may disable every possible ways to sort for user or using another way to "find" the row corresponding to UC Address (Paul called it Me.Row) Or MyBind argument should get row mandatorily (Same as paul first idea). I don't know...
For being slow and short visual unresponsiveness, Order of code execution were a bit reordered, Accept/Update/Refresh lines were commented and "Re-Bind" then "Save" operations were also fed through a BackGroundWorker and results are relatively better than before. Please correct me If there's something wrong with the approach or codes. Thanks:
Private Sub GridView1_CellValueChanged(sender As Object, e As DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs) Handles GridView1.CellValueChanged
If Not BackgroundWorker1.IsBusy Then
RowHandleObj = e.RowHandle 'SINCE e IS LOCAL ONLY IN THIS SUB
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted
For Each Ctrl As Control In TableLayoutPanel1.Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl Is UserControl1 Then
Dim UC As UserControl1 = DirectCast(Ctrl, UserControl1)
End If
Using dbCon As New OleDbConnection(My.Settings.Database1ConnectionString)
Dim changedRow As DataRow = GridView1.GetDataRow(RowHandleObj)
Dim sql As String = "UPDATE MainTable SET [TankName] = @Value1, [Field1] = @Value2, [Calculated] = @Value3, [Ullage] = @Value4 WHERE ID = @PrimaryKeyValue"
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(sql, dbCon)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Value1", changedRow("TankName"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Value2", changedRow("Field1"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Value3", changedRow("Calculated"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Value4", changedRow("Ullage"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PrimaryKeyValue", changedRow("ID"))
End Using
End Sub
So, dear reader - who you also might have same concerns like I do - we mimicked a bidirectional binding for now.
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
The point of the row variable (Me.row) is to keep track of which row in the datatable that this data comes from. If you directly edit the datatable, then Refresh the grid, your data should change. The important part is keeping track of which datatable row to edit...
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
Originally Posted by .paul.
I’d directly edit the datatable, then refresh the grid
How would you do it? Sorry for asking, I'm a newbie...
Originally Posted by .paul.
If you directly edit the datatable, then Refresh the grid,
You keep saying Datatable, so it's a clue. Am I working with something else possibly wrong "The hardest way" as some say? And what do you mean by "directly"?
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
The datatable is passed in... no? MyBind(ByVal dt As DataTable) ... so edit dt instead of the grid: Form1.GridView1.SetRowCellValue(Me.ROW, "Ullage", CBool(CheckEdit1.Checked))
Personally I would have thought passing in a DataBindingSource would be better... that's what it's for... binding a single source to multiple controls and maintaining the datastate.
Althought looking back at it, I probably would have designed the UC a bit differently ...
and who knows what's been going on... I've had this window open for.... some time... :P
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
wow, my english skills are being challanged here tg, I must say.
Originally Posted by techgnome
The datatable is passed in... no? MyBind(ByVal dt As DataTable) ... so edit dt instead of the grid
Yes it does. I knew there was something wrong with my approach. I would be appreciated if you take time and give a code example. Which part was your point? A or B? (See code below) DataTable (tb) is inaccessible from another control sub since it is a local variable inside of MyBind so only dtSource remains and a proper method to update the mother table (DGV on Form1 which is an imaginary thing of a DataTable as you claimed.) which I'm suspected to ImportRow (not sure, just read its tooltip and found it relevant) otherwise there are .Rows, .LoadDataRow and .NewRow but the red part should be a DataRow data type instead of an integer.
Public Sub MyBind(ByVal dt As DataTable)
Me.dtSource = dt
Me.ROW = MyAddress - 1 '<-- Get a Role
SomeControl.Value = CDec(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("SomeTableColumn"))'<-- A
End Sub
Private Sub SomeControl_EditValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SomeControl.EditValueChanged
dtSource.ImportRow(Me.ROW) '<-- B
End Sub
Re: Binding Underlying Controls of UserControls to Database
I already showed you how to save the datatable, and the row in the datatable that refers to the data in a particular uc. Each uc should be initiated by passing in the datatable and the zero based row index...
Please don't keep chopping up the code you're given. That is the reason we've been going round in circles here. If you think you can improve my answer, check it's feasible before heading off in the wrong direction.
When binding the controls...
For x as integer = 0 to yourDataTable.Rows.Count - 1
youeUserControl.MyBind(yourDataTable, x)
Public Class UserControl1
Public Property MyType As Integer = 0
Public Property MyAddress As Integer = 0
Private dtSource As DataTable
Private row As Integer
Private Sub UserControl1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If MyType = 0 Then
Me.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Public Sub MyBind(ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal row As Integer)
Me.dtSource = dt
Me.row = row
AddHandler dt.ColumnChanged, AddressOf Column_Changed
SomeControl.Value = CDec(dtSource.Rows(Me.ROW).Item("SomeTableColumn"))'<-- A
End Sub
Private Sub Column_Changed(sender As Object, e As DataColumnChangeEventArgs)
SpinEdit1.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Item(0).Value
LabelControl1.Text = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Item(1).Value
SpinEdit2.Value = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Item(2).Value
CheckEdit1.Checked = dtSource.Rows(Me.row).Item(3).Value
End Sub
Private Sub SomeControl_EditValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SomeControl.EditValueChanged
dtSource.Rows(Me.row).item("SomeTableColumn") = SomeControl.Value
End Sub
End Class
Last edited by .paul.; Jul 18th, 2024 at 02:43 AM.