[RESOLVED] Read custom colors from a file , then load custom colors into color dialog box.
Dim ColorDialog1 As New ColorDialog
Dim cMyCustomColors(16) As Color
'read custom colors out of file and load into custom color array
If IO.File.Exists(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini") Then
' Step 1: read lines from the file.
For Each line In File.ReadLines(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini")
' Step 2: separate each line on the comma char.
Dim parts = line.Split(","c)
' Step 3: print out the parts of the line.
For Each value In parts
cMyCustomColors(parts(0)) = Color.FromArgb(parts(1), parts(2), parts(3)) 'RGB color values
End If
'Convert colors to integers
Dim colorBlue As Integer
Dim colorGreen As Integer
Dim colorRed As Integer
Dim iMyCustomColor As Integer
Dim iMyCustomColors(cMyCustomColors.Length - 1) As Integer
For index = 0 To cMyCustomColors.Length - 1
'cast to integer
colorBlue = cMyCustomColors(index).B
colorGreen = cMyCustomColors(index).G
colorRed = cMyCustomColors(index).R
'shift the bits
iMyCustomColor = colorBlue << 16 Or colorGreen << 8 Or colorRed
iMyCustomColors(index) = iMyCustomColor
ColorDialog1.CustomColors = iMyCustomColors
If ColorDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
' Me.BackColor = ColorDialog1.Color
End If
The file values for all 16 boxes as index, RGB values in comma delimited file called 'customcolors2.ini'
Ok, I got it, finally!
This gives me the RGB values
What is the A attribute?
Except I don't need it AFAIK.
Easy enough then to output all the custom colors back to a file, once you have the RGB values of the custom colors.
For xx = 0 To 15
colorBlue = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(xx)).B
colorGreen = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(xx)).G
colorRed = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(xx)).R
'colorwwww = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(xx)).A
Last edited by sdowney1; Jun 15th, 2024 at 03:34 PM.
Re: [RESOLVED] Read custom colors from a file , then load custom colors into color di
This is my code for a public sub to the color of something, whatever control you want
Colornumber is the color
Boolcancel is if a user hits the cancel button
Owner, I don't need at all.
'colornumber is the color chosen,
'boolcancel user pressed the cancel button,
'owner is who called the dialog.
Public Sub modNumberColor(ByRef Colornumber As Color, ByRef BoolCancel As Boolean, ByRef Owner As Integer)
Dim ColorDialog1 As New ColorDialog
Dim cMyCustomColors(16) As Color
'Dim XX As Short = 0
'cc.hWndOwner = Owner
'read custom colors out of file and load into custom color array
If IO.File.Exists(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini") Then
' Step 1: read lines from the file.
For Each line In File.ReadLines(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini")
' Step 2: separate each line on the comma char.
Dim parts = line.Split(","c)
' Step 3: print out the parts of the line.
For Each value In parts
cMyCustomColors(parts(0)) = Color.FromArgb(parts(1), parts(2), parts(3)) 'RGB color values
End If
'Convert colors to integers
Dim colorBlue As Integer
Dim colorGreen As Integer
Dim colorRed As Integer
Dim iMyCustomColor As Integer
Dim iMyCustomColors(cMyCustomColors.Length - 1) As Integer
For index = 0 To cMyCustomColors.Length - 1
'cast to integer
colorRed = cMyCustomColors(index).R
colorGreen = cMyCustomColors(index).G
colorBlue = cMyCustomColors(index).B
'shift the bits
iMyCustomColor = colorBlue << 16 Or colorGreen << 8 Or colorRed
iMyCustomColors(index) = iMyCustomColor
ColorDialog1.CustomColors = iMyCustomColors
If ColorDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
BoolCancel = False
Colornumber = ColorDialog1.Color
'Dim c As Color = ColorDialog1.Color
'Dim valuec As Integer = ColorDialog1.Color.ToArgb()
'Colornumber = ColorDialog1.Color.ToArgb()
'user hit cancel
' this will tell calling sub to exit and not set the color
BoolCancel = True
'Dim c As Color = ColorDialog1.Color
'Dim valuec As Integer = c.ToArgb()
'Label7.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromOle(valuec)
End If
'write these back to customcolors2.ini
'If IO.File.Exists(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini") Then Kill(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini")
Using wr = New StreamWriter(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini", False)
For XX = 0 To 15
colorBlue = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(XX)).B
colorGreen = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(XX)).G
colorRed = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(XX)).R
'colorwwww = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(xx)).A??
wr.WriteLine(String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", XX, colorBlue, colorGreen, colorRed))
End Using
End Sub
This is what comes before calling sub? for the public sub.
Anyhow the whole thing has been working well.
I have extra unused lines in here as part of my testing.
Private Colorstuff as color is the dim statement.
Label1.forecolor = Colorstuff will assign the colordialog.color to a control, etc...
Private Sub ColorView()
On Error GoTo errhandler
If frmlogonlog = False Then BoolCancel = True : Exit Sub 'Not authorized To change color
Owner_Renamed = Me.Handle.ToInt32
modNumberColor(Colorstuff, BoolCancel, Owner_Renamed) 'module2
If BoolCancel = True Then Exit Sub
'Colorstuff = Colornumber.Color.fromArgb()
'Colorstuff = ColorTranslator.FromOle(Colornumber)
'CommonDialog1Color.Color = ColorTranslator.FromOle(Colornumber)
Exit Sub
'color is not right has to be assigned
End Sub
This sub on a right click of Label1, will run colorview, which runs the public sub to open the colordialog
The value is returned in var Colorstuff and assigned to the Label1.forecolor
Private Sub Label1_MouseUp(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Label1.MouseUp
'search the catalog
If eventArgs.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then
If BoolCancel = True Then BoolCancel = False : Exit Sub
' Set the form's background color to selected color
Label1.ForeColor = Colorstuff
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
And that's the whole code needed right there.
It is how I did it.
All I need to do now is deal with if the file customcolors2.ini does not exist.
The public sub will always write a new file of all 16 custom colors
Re: [RESOLVED] Read custom colors from a file , then load custom colors into color di
Ok, here is the complete module including TRY error handling and all dims
I needed to add that incase the custom color file is badly hosed.
If the file is wiped and totally rebuilt, of course all custom colors will be gone. But if it that messed up, can't be used.
Can just restore from a backup file too.
On a catch, it will run a colordialog box to get a color without all the custom color coding loading.
Subsequent color dialogs will load that file with no custom colors as in they will be all the same, which a user would have to reestablish those colors.
Which they can do in the catch block.
Option Strict Off
Option Explicit On
Imports System.IO
Module Module2
Private CustomColors() As Byte
'colornumber is the color chosen,
'boolcancel user pressed the cancel button,
'owner is who called the dialog. Here not needed.
Public Sub modNumberColor(ByRef Colornumber As Color, ByRef BoolCancel As Boolean, ByRef Owner As Integer)
Dim ColorDialog1 As New ColorDialog
Dim cMyCustomColors(16) As Color
Dim colorBlue As Integer
Dim colorGreen As Integer
Dim colorRed As Integer
'read custom colors out of file and load into custom color array
If IO.File.Exists(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini") Then
' Step 1: read lines from the file.
For Each line In File.ReadLines(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini")
' Step 2: separate each line on the comma char.
Dim parts = line.Split(","c)
' Step 3: print out the parts of the line.
For Each value In parts
cMyCustomColors(parts(0)) = Color.FromArgb(parts(1), parts(2), parts(3)) 'RGB color values
'Convert colors to integers
Dim iMyCustomColor As Integer
Dim iMyCustomColors(cMyCustomColors.Length - 1) As Integer
For index = 0 To cMyCustomColors.Length - 1
'cast to integer
colorRed = cMyCustomColors(index).R
colorGreen = cMyCustomColors(index).G
colorBlue = cMyCustomColors(index).B
'shift the bits
iMyCustomColor = colorBlue << 16 Or colorGreen << 8 Or colorRed
iMyCustomColors(index) = iMyCustomColor
ColorDialog1.CustomColors = iMyCustomColors
End If
If ColorDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
BoolCancel = False
Colornumber = ColorDialog1.Color
'user hit cancel, this will tell calling sub to exit and not set the color
BoolCancel = True
'Dim c As Color = ColorDialog1.Color
'Dim valuec As Integer = c.ToArgb()
End If
'write these back to customcolors2.ini
'If IO.File.Exists(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini") Then Kill(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini")
Using wr = New StreamWriter(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini", False)
For XX = 0 To 15
colorBlue = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(XX)).B
colorGreen = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(XX)).G
colorRed = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(XX)).R
'colorwwww = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(xx)).A??
wr.WriteLine(String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", XX, colorBlue, colorGreen, colorRed))
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
'do it again as the file could be badly mangled
If IO.File.Exists(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini") Then Kill(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini")
'if an error boolcancel TRUE, then message, then try open again but no file involved
BoolCancel = True
Dim msg = ex.ToString()
MsgBox(msg, , "Error")
Dim ColorDialog1 As New ColorDialog
Dim colorBlue As Integer
Dim colorGreen As Integer
Dim colorRed As Integer
If ColorDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
BoolCancel = False
Colornumber = ColorDialog1.Color
'user hit cancel, this will tell calling sub to exit and not set the color
BoolCancel = True
End If
'write these back to customcolors2.ini
Using wr = New StreamWriter(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\customcolors2.ini", False)
For XX = 0 To 15
colorBlue = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(XX)).B
colorGreen = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(XX)).G
colorRed = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(XX)).R
'colorwwww = Color.FromArgb(ColorDialog1.CustomColors(xx)).A??
wr.WriteLine(String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", XX, colorBlue, colorGreen, colorRed))
End Using
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Last edited by sdowney1; Jun 17th, 2024 at 06:36 AM.