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Thread: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

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    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    March 21, 2024:
    * Fixed problem with minimizing & maximizing.
    * Replaced collections with arrays, and fixed all the "Helper" functions.
    March 20, 2024:
    * Initial release.

    Notice: I looked into making this thing work with MDIChild forms, but VB6 does some very bizarre resizing with these MDIChild forms. To make it work, it would vastly increase the complexity of this thing, and I just didn't want to do that. So, no MDIChild forms.

    Ok, yeah, this has been done a couple of times before. But I've never been happy with what's out there. So here's my version.

    There's a sample project with everything in it. But I'm going through it here anyway.

    I've tried to make this as simple to use as possible (and also as fast as possible). It's all in one class module, with no references at all. To use it, here's all that's needed in a form:

    Option Explicit
    Dim Resizer As New Resizer
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Resizer.Init Me ' Just before user has an opportunity to resize the form.
        ' The rest of your Form_Load code.
    End Sub
    And that's it!

    Here's the code in the Resizer.cls module, for those who may want to stare at it before downloading.

    ' Usage:
    '   Put the following line at the top (just under Option Explicit) of your Form's code:
    '           Dim Resizer As New Resizer
    '   Then, in your Form_Load event, place the following code:
    '           Resizer.Init Me
    '   And that's it.  Your form should now resize all its controls when it's resized.
    '   If you dynamically (during runtime) add any controls, just call "Resizer.Init Me" again.
    '   Also, if you dynamically remove any controls, also call "Resizer.Init Me" again.
    '   You can call it as many times as you like, but be frugal.
    '   There are some "helper" properties in case you change any Left, Top, Width, Height,
    '   or Font.Size of the form or controls dynamically (with code).  These "helper"
    '   properties are seen below and are as follows:
    '           Property Get/Let Left(Optional ctrl As Control) [ = NewLeft ]
    '           Property Get/Let Top(Optional ctrl As Control) [ = NewTop ]
    '           Property Get/Let Width(Optional ctrl As Control) [ = NewWidth ]
    '           Property Get/Let Height(Optional ctrl As Control) [ = NewHeight ]
    '           Property Get/Let FontSize(Optional ctrl As Control) [ = NewFontSize ]
    '   If the ctrl isn't specified, it's assumed you want the form's properties.
    '   Again, if you're changing these in code, if you use these "helper" properties,
    '   this resizer will continue to work and reflect those changes.
    '   Don't forget to specify the Resizer object when calling these properties.
    '   And a couple more "helper" procedures:
    '           Sub ResizeToOriginal()                  ' To put form back to its original size.
    '           Sub AddCtrlException(ctrl As Control)   ' To prevent certain controls from resizing.
    '           Sub DelCtrlException(ctrl As Control)   ' To remove from above exception list.
    '           Sub ForceResize()                       ' Just a way to "force" a resize with the form its current size.
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Private Declare Function vbaObjSetAddref Lib "msvbvm60" Alias "__vbaObjSetAddref" (ByRef dstObject As Any, ByRef srcObjPtr As Any) As Long
    Private Declare Function ArrPtr Lib "msvbvm60" Alias "VarPtr" (a() As Any) As Long
    Private Declare Sub SafeArrayAllocDescriptor Lib "OleAut32" (ByVal cDims As Long, ByRef psaInOut As Long)
    Private WithEvents mFrm As Form
    Private miPrevWindowState As Long
    Private L    As Single    ' Original for the form.
    Private T    As Single    ' Original for the form.
    Private W    As Single    ' Original for the form.
    Private H    As Single    ' Original for the form.
    Private FS   As Currency  ' Original for the form.
    ' UDT for Original Control properties we're saving.
    Private Type CtrlPropsType
        ptr  As Long        ' The control's ObjPtr.
        ' No need to worry about the control's index of a control array.
        L    As Single      ' We just take whatever scalemode we get.
        T    As Single      ' We just take whatever scalemode we get.
        W    As Single      ' We just take whatever scalemode we get.
        H    As Single      ' We just take whatever scalemode we get.
        FS   As Currency    ' Font.Size.
        XY   As Boolean     ' Basically, whether or not it's a "Line" control.
    End Type
    Private muCtrls()           As CtrlPropsType    ' Original control properties.
    Private miExceptions()      As Long             ' For ones that are NOT to be resized.
    Friend Sub Init(frm As Form)
        ' This must be called (preferrably in Form_Load) before the user has an opportunity to resize the form.
        ' This "Init" can be called multiple times, specifically if we change a Font.Size or move any of
        ' the controls around via code.  Also, if any controls are dynamically (during runtime) added.
        ' But preferrably, the coder will call the "helper" functions herein to change these things.
        ' Make sure initializations are done.
        SafeArrayAllocDescriptor 1&, ByVal ArrPtr(muCtrls())
        ' Save reference to form's object.
        Set mFrm = frm
        ' Save form's properties.
        L = mFrm.Left
        T = mFrm.Top
        W = mFrm.Width
        H = mFrm.Height
        FS = mFrm.Font.Size
        ' Make sure we've got more to do.
        If mFrm.Controls.Count = 0& Then Exit Sub
        ' Dimension our controls array.
        ReDim muCtrls(mFrm.Controls.Count - 1&)
        ' Populate collection of controls.
        Dim idx As Long
        Dim ctrl As Control
        For Each ctrl In mFrm.Controls
            muCtrls(idx).ptr = ObjPtr(ctrl)
            ' Lines are a bit different.
            If TypeName(ctrl) = "Line" Then
                muCtrls(idx).XY = True
                muCtrls(idx).L = ctrl.X1
                muCtrls(idx).T = ctrl.Y1
                muCtrls(idx).W = ctrl.X2
                muCtrls(idx).H = ctrl.Y2
                muCtrls(idx).FS = 0&
            ' Pretty much all else has Left,Top,Width,Height.
                On Error Resume Next ' Not all controls have all these properties.
                    muCtrls(idx).L = ctrl.Left
                    muCtrls(idx).T = ctrl.Top
                    muCtrls(idx).W = ctrl.Width
                    muCtrls(idx).H = ctrl.Height
                    muCtrls(idx).FS = ctrl.Font.Size
                On Error GoTo 0
            End If
            idx = idx + 1&
    End Sub
    ' ******************************************************************
    ' ******************************************************************
    '   Some "helper" procedures.
    '   Not necessarily needed for basic resizing to work.
    '   But, if you want to dynamically (with code) change
    '   the form's Width, Height, or Font.Size, or any of the
    '   control's Left, Top, Width, Height, or Font.Size, it's
    '   best to use these so the resizing will continue to work
    '   correctly.
    ' ******************************************************************
    ' ******************************************************************
    Friend Property Get Left(Optional ctrl As Control) As Single
        ' Returns the "Original" (just after compiling) property.
        ' Scalemode is whatever the user set.
        ' If the ctrl isn't passed, the form's FontSize is returned.
        ' If the control is a control array, just pass the specific control of the array you're interested in.
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            Left = L
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then Left = muCtrls(idx).L
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Property Let Left(Optional ctrl As Control, NewLeft As Single)
        ' For changing the "Original" value from code (not the same as a "resized" value).
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            L = NewLeft
            mFrm.Left = L ' Don't need to resize.
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then
                muCtrls(idx).L = NewLeft
                mFrm_Resize ' Resize things with this new information.
            End If
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Property Get Top(Optional ctrl As Control) As Single
        ' Returns the "Original" (just after compiling) property.
        ' Scalemode is whatever the user set.
        ' If the ctrl isn't passed, the form's Left is returned.
        ' If the control is a control array, just pass the specific control of the array you're interested in.
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            Top = T
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then Top = muCtrls(idx).T
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Property Let Top(Optional ctrl As Control, NewTop As Single)
        ' For changing the "Original" value from code (not the same as a "resized" value).
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            T = NewTop
            mFrm.Top = T ' Don't need to resize.
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then
                muCtrls(idx).T = NewTop
                mFrm_Resize ' Resize things with this new information.
            End If
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Property Get Width(Optional ctrl As Control) As Single
        ' Returns the "Original" (just after compiling) property.
        ' Scalemode is whatever the user set.
        ' If the ctrl isn't passed, the form's Width is returned.
        ' If the control is a control array, just pass the specific control of the array you're interested in.
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            Width = W
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then Width = muCtrls(idx).W
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Property Let Width(Optional ctrl As Control, NewWidth As Single)
        ' For changing the "Original" value from code (not the same as a "resized" value).
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            W = NewWidth
            mFrm_Resize ' Resize things with this new information.
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then
                muCtrls(idx).W = NewWidth
                mFrm_Resize ' Resize things with this new information.
            End If
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Property Get Height(Optional ctrl As Control) As Single
        ' Returns the "Original" (just after compiling) property.
        ' Scalemode is whatever the user set.
        ' If the ctrl isn't passed, the form's Height is returned.
        ' If the control is a control array, just pass the specific control of the array you're interested in.
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            Height = H
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then Height = muCtrls(idx).H
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Property Let Height(Optional ctrl As Control, NewHeight As Single)
        ' For changing the "Original" value from code (not the same as a "resized" value).
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            H = NewHeight
            mFrm_Resize ' Resize things with this new information.
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then
                muCtrls(idx).H = NewHeight
                mFrm_Resize ' Resize things with this new information.
            End If
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Property Get FontSize(Optional ctrl As Control) As Currency
        ' Returns the "Original" (just after compiling) property.
        ' If the ctrl isn't passed, the form's FontSize is returned.
        ' If the control is a control array, just pass the specific control of the array you're interested in.
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            FontSize = FS
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then FontSize = muCtrls(idx).FS
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Property Let FontSize(Optional ctrl As Control, NewFontSize As Currency)
        ' For changing the "Original" value from code (not the same as a "resized" value).
        If ctrl Is Nothing Then
            FS = NewFontSize
            mFrm_Resize ' Resize things with this new information.
            Dim idx As Long
            idx = CtrlArrayIdx(ObjPtr(ctrl))
            If idx >= 0& Then
                muCtrls(idx).FS = NewFontSize
                mFrm_Resize ' Resize things with this new information.
            End If
        End If
    End Property
    Friend Sub ResizeToOriginal()
        ' Does as its name suggests.
        'mFrm.Move L, T, W, H
        If mFrm.WindowState <> vbNormal Then mFrm.WindowState = vbNormal
        miPrevWindowState = vbMaximized     ' This helps with a timing issue.
        mFrm.Move mFrm.Left, mFrm.Top, W, H ' Just resize, no reposition.
    End Sub
    Friend Sub ForceResize()
        ' There shouldn't ever be a need to call this, as it's all automatic.
        ' However, I supply this method anyway.
        ' All it does is force-call the internal mFrm_Resize event.
    End Sub
    Friend Sub AddCtrlException(ctrl As Control)
        ' For "flagging" a control we don't want affected by this resizer.
        ' Make sure we're not adding a duplicate.
        Dim idx As Long
        For idx = LBound(miExceptions) To UBound(miExceptions)
            If miExceptions(idx) = ObjPtr(ctrl) Then Exit Sub
        ' Create space.
        If UBound(miExceptions) = -1& Then
            ReDim miExceptions(0&)
            ReDim Preserve miExceptions(UBound(miExceptions) + 1&)
        End If
        ' Save this exception.
        miExceptions(UBound(miExceptions)) = ObjPtr(ctrl)
    End Sub
    Friend Sub DelCtrlException(ctrl As Control)
        Dim idx As Long
        For idx = LBound(miExceptions) To UBound(miExceptions)
            If miExceptions(idx) = ObjPtr(ctrl) Then
                Dim jdx As Long
                For jdx = idx + 1& To UBound(miExceptions)
                    miExceptions(jdx - 1&) = miExceptions(jdx)
                If UBound(miExceptions) = 0& Then
                    Erase miExceptions
                    SafeArrayAllocDescriptor 1&, ByVal ArrPtr(miExceptions())
                    ReDim Preserve miExceptions(UBound(miExceptions) - 1&)
                End If
                Exit Sub
            End If
        ' If we don't find it, just fall out.
    End Sub
    ' ******************************************************************
    ' ******************************************************************
    '       Private from here down.
    ' ******************************************************************
    ' ******************************************************************
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        SafeArrayAllocDescriptor 1&, ByVal ArrPtr(muCtrls())
        SafeArrayAllocDescriptor 1&, ByVal ArrPtr(miExceptions())
    End Sub
    Private Function CtrlArrayIdx(iObjPtr As Long) As Long
        ' This is a bit slow, and could be converted to a sort & binary search,
        ' but it's just used in the "helper" functions, so we're fine.
        Dim idx As Long
        CtrlArrayIdx = -1& ' Default for not found.
        For idx = LBound(muCtrls) To UBound(muCtrls)
            If muCtrls(idx).ptr = iObjPtr Then
                CtrlArrayIdx = idx
                Exit Function
            End If
    End Function
    Private Sub mFrm_Resize()
        ' This is raised AFTER the Form_Resize, and that's what we want.
        ' That way, if anything is moved around in the Form_Resize,
        ' it'll get correctly resized by this procedure.
        ' Don't do it if we're minimizing.
        If mFrm.WindowState = vbMinimized Then Exit Sub
        ' Calculate scaling.
        Dim fScaleW As Single
        Dim fScaleH As Single
        Dim fScaleFont As Single
        fScaleW = mFrm.Width / W
        fScaleH = mFrm.Height / H
        If fScaleW < fScaleH Then fScaleFont = fScaleW Else fScaleFont = fScaleH
        ' Scale the form's font.
        On Error Resume Next
            mFrm.Font.Size = FS * fScaleFont
        On Error GoTo 0
        ' Loop to go through all the "known" controls of this form, and resize them.
        Dim ctrl    As Control
        Dim idx     As Long
        For idx = LBound(muCtrls) To UBound(muCtrls)
            ' Make sure it's not in our exceptions list.
            Dim edx     As Long
            Dim bExcept As Boolean
            bExcept = False
            For edx = LBound(miExceptions) To UBound(miExceptions)
                If miExceptions(edx) = muCtrls(idx).ptr Then
                    bExcept = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            If Not bExcept Then
                ' Get the actual control from its ObjPtr.
                Set ctrl = Nothing
                vbaObjSetAddref ctrl, ByVal muCtrls(idx).ptr
                ' Scale the control (and its font).
                If muCtrls(idx).XY Then
                    ctrl.X1 = muCtrls(idx).L * fScaleW
                    ctrl.Y1 = muCtrls(idx).T * fScaleH
                    ctrl.X2 = muCtrls(idx).W * fScaleW
                    ctrl.Y2 = muCtrls(idx).H * fScaleH
                    On Error Resume Next ' Not all controls have all these properties.
                        ctrl.Left = muCtrls(idx).L * fScaleW
                        ctrl.Top = muCtrls(idx).T * fScaleH
                        ctrl.Width = muCtrls(idx).W * fScaleW
                        ctrl.Height = muCtrls(idx).H * fScaleH
                        ctrl.Font.Size = muCtrls(idx).FS * fScaleFont
                    On Error GoTo 0
                End If
            End If
        ' We have trouble coming back from maximized (or a "ResizeToOriginal"),
        ' so we sleep a moment and do it again (recurse once).
        If miPrevWindowState = vbMaximized Then
            miPrevWindowState = mFrm.WindowState
            Sleep 100&
            miPrevWindowState = mFrm.WindowState
        End If
    End Sub

    Just to say it, someone may have a custom User Control (UC) with several internal controls. In that case, this resizer isn't going to resize those internal controls, but it will resize the overall UC. However, for those designing UCs, they should typically put their own resizing code inside that UC, so all should be copacetic.

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Elroy; Mar 25th, 2024 at 09:07 AM.
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  2. #2
    Fanatic Member
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    Jun 2016

    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    Very good work.
    I have some problems when I maximize the window and restore it again it looks bad.
    All the best

  3. #3

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    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    Quote Originally Posted by yokesee View Post
    Very good work.
    I have some problems when I maximize the window and restore it again it looks bad.
    All the best
    Ohhh, I didn't think of that. I've also got a problem with the included "helper" procedures. I'll get an update out here soon.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    It works very well.

    I have some controls that freeze a lot when I resize.
    How could the solution be, just change the size when you release the mouse click.
    Is it possible to do this.
    All the best

  5. #5

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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    Quote Originally Posted by yokesee View Post
    It works very well.

    I have some controls that freeze a lot when I resize.
    How could the solution be, just change the size when you release the mouse click.
    Is it possible to do this.
    All the best
    Is it possible for you to post this FRM (and FRX) file so I can see what's going on here?
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  6. #6
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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    sorry I forgot to say.
    They are third party controls.
    They are not optimized and when the size is changed they update
    interface and if you do it too many times it freezes.
    Sorry I can't put code.

  7. #7

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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    Quote Originally Posted by yokesee View Post
    sorry I forgot to say.
    They are third party controls.
    They are not optimized and when the size is changed they update
    interface and if you do it too many times it freezes.
    Sorry I can't put code.
    Yokesee, sorry but I'm not going to be able to debug third-party controls like this. And, the way you describe it, it sounds like it's a problem with those controls. I'm not sure what "update interface" means, but that sounds dubious.

    Good luck with your project.

    Just as an FYI, if they were well-known controls (such as RTB for example), I'd be able to take a look. But not knowing anything about them, who knows what they're doing. That's one reason that I adamantly refuse to use any third-party controls these days unless I've also got the source code (or maybe if they're Microsoft controls).
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  8. #8
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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    How it works in MDI forms? I've tested it in an old app that use vkUserControlsXP and MDI forms and fails but I guess is not (only) for the control and when the MDI child loads it does not fit to the MDI windows, the class try to resize it to the screen size (has sense since it's maximized, but inside the MDI not in the screen).

  9. #9

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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    Quote Originally Posted by zx81sp View Post
    How it works in MDI forms? I've tested it in an old app that use vkUserControlsXP and MDI forms and fails but I guess is not (only) for the control and when the MDI child loads it does not fit to the MDI windows, the class try to resize it to the screen size (has sense since it's maximized, but inside the MDI not in the screen).
    Hi zx81sp,

    Yeah, I thought about MDI forms. However, since I virtually never use them (not even for the IDE's windows), I didn't do any testing with them.

    But, when I get some time, I'll test and see if there's an easy fix for making them work with MDI forms. I suspect there is, especially since I'm keeping a reference to the form being resized. I'm not basing anything off of the "screen" size though, so it's a bit puzzling to me why it's not working. But again, I'll take a look.
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  10. #10
    Lively Member
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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    Quote Originally Posted by Elroy View Post
    Hi zx81sp,

    Yeah, I thought about MDI forms. However, since I virtually never use them (not even for the IDE's windows), I didn't do any testing with them.

    But, when I get some time, I'll test and see if there's an easy fix for making them work with MDI forms. I suspect there is, especially since I'm keeping a reference to the form being resized. I'm not basing anything off of the "screen" size though, so it's a bit puzzling to me why it's not working. But again, I'll take a look.
    I've don't take a deep look to your code but I guess it's related to the form window state. The MDI child is usually in maximized state and it appears to be resized to the screen resolution, not the resolution of its container.

    Anyway the class hangs with MDI forms. I've added to your project a MDI form, convert form1 to a child, works of if I resize the child form, hangs when I maximize the child form (same as in my app). Attached example.
    Last edited by zx81sp; Mar 24th, 2024 at 12:54 PM.

  11. #11

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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    Ok, after more testing, it's clear that VB6 is doing some very bizarre resizing things with MDI-Child forms. To make this resizer logic work with them would require jumping through some hoops I'm just not willing to jump through. The main reason is, it would vastly increase the complexity of this thing. And, I'm not sure MDI-Child forms should have a lot of controls on them anyway, and the ones they do have probably don't need to be resized.

    So, no MDI-Child forms. I've put this notice on the OP as well.
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  12. #12
    Addicted Member
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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    thanks for this valuable work
    I have tested your code and it is working perfect except on one form where I 'm saving and loading control position in database.
    In form load event, If I place Load_FrmSettings after Resizer.Init Me, the new form settings are not loaded.
    If I place Load_FrmSettings after Resizer.Init Me, the controls and fonts looks weired.
    thamk you again

  13. #13

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    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Re: Form & Controls Resizer (including Font.Size)

    Please show some pictures.

    Also, you may need to move the loading of your settings to the Form_Activate event, possibly creating a Boolean flag to indicate whether or not it's already been done.
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