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Thread: By popular request, using IPreviewHandler in twinBASIC, and converting to x64 compat

  1. #1

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    Jul 2010

    Thumbs up By popular request, using IPreviewHandler in twinBASIC, and converting to x64 compat

    IPreviewHandler Example

    By request, I've brought my standalone IPreviewHandler usage demo project to tB. IPreviewHandler is what Explorer uses in the Preview Pane, to show previews of various filetypes-- not just images. Pleased to report that the initial import worked flawlessly, other than having to reimport mIID.bas because the relative path didn't match, and re-checking the reference to oleexp.tlb; both of these are common issues with downloaded VB6 projects, so no fault of tB there.

    The writeup for this takes you through the process of updating it for x64 compatibility. It shows off how much easier my WinDevLib project makes this. Rather than update 150 lines of Windows API declares, they're simply removed-- WinDevLib covers 100% of them, already in x64-compatible form. Then a number of little details and issues are sorted out, leading to the final version: PreviewHandlerDemo64.twinproj, a fully working implementation of using IPreviewHandler, compatible with 64bit--- which means it can use 64bit-only previewers, which is sometimes an issue for VB6.
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 22nd, 2024 at 12:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Frenzied Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Thumbs up Re: By popular request, using IPreviewHandler in twinBASIC, and converting to x64 com

    Thanks very much, faf.

    IPreviewHandler works fine in twinBASIC - both 32bit and 64bit

    Well worth adding to the new VBForums twinBASIC CodeBank.

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