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Thread: is pixel an outline pixel

  1. #1

    Thread Starter
    Join Date
    Oct 2023

    is pixel an outline pixel

     Public Shared Function isOutLine(ByVal xPos As Integer, ByVal Ypos As Integer, ByVal image As Bitmap, ByVal bias As Integer) As Boolean
            Dim result As Boolean = False
            Dim change As Byte = 0
            If xPos > 0 And xPos < image.Width - 1 And Ypos > 0 And Ypos < image.Height - 1 Then
                Dim color1, color2, color3, color4, color5, color6, color7, color8, color9 As Color
                color1 = image.GetPixel(xPos - 1, Ypos - 1)
                color2 = image.GetPixel(xPos, Ypos - 1)
                color3 = image.GetPixel(xPos + 1, Ypos - 1)
                color7 = image.GetPixel(xPos - 1, Ypos + 1)
                color8 = image.GetPixel(xPos, Ypos + 1)
                color9 = image.GetPixel(xPos + 1, Ypos + 1)
                color4 = image.GetPixel(xPos - 1, Ypos)
                color6 = image.GetPixel(xPos + 1, Ypos)
                color5 = image.GetPixel(xPos, Ypos)
                If (CType(color5.R, Integer) > CType(color4.R, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.R, Integer) < CType(color4.R, Integer) + bias) Then
                    change += 1
                End If
                If (CType(color5.G, Integer) > CType(color4.G, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.G, Integer) < CType(color4.G, Integer) + bias) Then
                    change += 1
                End If
                If (CType(color5.B, Integer) > CType(color4.B, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.B, Integer) < CType(color4.B, Integer) + bias) Then
                    change += 1
                End If
                If (CType(color5.R, Integer) > CType(color8.R, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.R, Integer) < CType(color8.R, Integer) + bias) Then
                    change += 1
                End If
                If (CType(color5.G, Integer) > CType(color8.G, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.G, Integer) < CType(color8.G, Integer) + bias) Then
                    change += 1
                End If
                If (CType(color5.B, Integer) > CType(color8.B, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.B, Integer) < CType(color8.B, Integer) + bias) Then
                    change += 1
                End If
            End If
            'Dim sumR, sumG, sumB As Integer
            'sumR = (CType(color1.R, Integer) + CType(color2.R, Integer) + CType(color3.R, Integer))
            'sumR -= (CType(color7.R, Integer) + CType(color8.R, Integer) + CType(color9.R, Integer))
            ''sumG = (CType(color7.R, Integer) + CType(color8.R, Integer) + CType(color9.R, Integer))
            ''sumG -= (CType(color1.G, Integer) + CType(color2.G, Integer) + CType(color3.G, Integer))
            ''sumB = (CType(color1.B, Integer) + CType(color2.B, Integer) + CType(color3.B, Integer))
            ''sumB -= (CType(color7.B, Integer) + CType(color8.B, Integer) + CType(color9.B, Integer))
            'sumR = Abs(sumR)
            ''sumG = Abs(sumG)
            ''sumB = Abs(sumB)
            ''Dim sumR2, sumG2, sumB2 As Integer
            ''sumR2 = (CType(color1.R, Integer) + CType(color4.R, Integer) + CType(color7.R, Integer))
            ''sumG2 = (CType(color1.G, Integer) + CType(color4.G, Integer) + CType(color7.G, Integer))
            ''sumB2 = (CType(color1.B, Integer) + CType(color4.B, Integer) + CType(color7.B, Integer))
            ''sumR2 -= (CType(color3.R, Integer) + CType(color6.R, Integer) + CType(color9.R, Integer))
            ''sumG2 -= (CType(color3.G, Integer) + CType(color6.G, Integer) + CType(color9.G, Integer))
            ''sumB2 -= (CType(color3.B, Integer) + CType(color6.B, Integer) + CType(color9.B, Integer))
            ''sumR2 = Abs(sumR2)
            ''sumG2 = Abs(sumG2)
            ''sumB2 = Abs(sumB2)
            ''sumR2 = color1.R + color4.R + color7.R
            ''sumG2 = color1.G + color4.G + color7.G
            ''sumB2 = color1.B + color4.B + color7.B
            ''sumR2 -= color3.R + color6.R + color9.R
            ''sumG2 -= color3.G + color6.G + color9.G
            ''sumB2 -= color3.B + color6.B + color9.B
            If change = 6 Then
                result = True
            End If
            Return result
        End Function

  2. #2
    eXtreme Programmer .paul.'s Avatar
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    May 2007
    Chelmsford UK

    Re: is pixel an outline pixel

    Is this a working code snippet? What does it do, and is that what it's supposed to do?

  3. #3

    Thread Starter
    Join Date
    Oct 2023

    Re: is pixel an outline pixel

    Quote Originally Posted by .paul. View Post
    Is this a working code snippet? What does it do, and is that what it's supposed to do?
    the method checks a specific pixel at the (x,y) position of a bitmap, and checks if said pixel is a part of an outline (contour) of
    an object.

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