Treeview based version of ColinE66's Large Project Organizer
- dockable UserDocument mirrors vb6 project treeview on start
- auto shows for projects which had it open on close
- only supports a single project, no project groups (rare for me)
- regroup nodes by drag drop and add arbitrary new folders
- explicitly control child node layout/position
- auto synced with IDE events adding/renaming/removing files
- can save and restore last view to disk
- reloaded trees will diff against current IDE files
- add files its missing from IDE to default folder for type
- mark files removed from the IDE with ? icon
- keeps your groupings, position, node state etc (expanded/collapsed)
- add source files & folders to treeview by browse or drag/drop from explorer
- view file in IDE on double click in tree or find, or right click (source or designer)
- find dialog allows you to quickly search by name, group, or file name
- find form allows drag/drop to main tree to reorder
Screen shot (codeview is another free addin)