Hello trick,
I know how to call exports from msvbvm60.dll using vb6 applications by defining these exports in activex dll or standard dll from the examples in your code bank http://www.vbforums.com/search.php?d...&childforums=1.
How to use msvbvm60.dll exported functions in NON-VB6 languages directly for example in c/c++ without the need for vb6 application.
The following code for export rtcSin succeeds.
But if I use the same for export rtcInputBox etc it fails.Code:#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef double (WINAPI *rtcdouble)(double); int main() { HMODULE hModule; rtcdouble rtcSin; double result; printf("rtcSin Example\n\n"); hModule=LoadLibrary("msvbvm60.dll"); rtcSin=(rtcdouble)GetProcAddress(hModule,"rtcSin"); result=rtcSin(1.57); printf("Sin(pi/2)=%lf\n", result); return 0; }
Is there any generic way to call msvbvm60.dll any exported functions directly in c/c++ without fail for which I thank you.