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Thread: UDTs to Variants without a TypeLib File

  1. #1

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    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    UDTs to Variants without a TypeLib File

    I added "File" to the subject. If we create a "dynamic" typelib, that'd be fine.

    Ok, I've got this "sort of" working with some code written by Olaf (provided here). But The Trick is suggesting it can be done even more easily, just suggesting the following:

    Quote Originally Posted by The trick View Post
    Windows aready has the ability to build IRecordInfo:

    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Sub memcpy Lib "kernel32" _
                        Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
                        ByRef Destination As Any, _
                        ByRef Source As Any, _
                        ByVal Length As Long)
    Private Declare Function vbaObjSetAddref Lib "MSVBVM60.DLL" _
                             Alias "__vbaObjSetAddref" ( _
                             ByRef dstObject As Any, _
                             ByRef srcObjPtr As Any) As Long
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Dim cCreateTLB  As ICreateTypeLib
        Dim cCreateType As ICreateTypeInfo
        Dim cTLB        As ITypeLib
        Dim cInfo       As IRecordInfo
        Dim tVarDesc    As VARDESC
        Dim tGUID       As UUID
        Dim vUDT        As Variant
        Dim cCol        As New Collection
        Set cCreateTLB = CreateTypeLib2(SYS_WIN32, "temp")              ' // Create a library
        cCreateTLB.CreateTypeInfo "POINT", TKIND_RECORD, cCreateType    ' // Create POINT type
        tVarDesc.elemdescVar.tdesc.vt = VT_I4                           ' // Long type
        tVarDesc.memid = &H40000000
        cCreateType.AddVarDesc 0, tVarDesc                              ' // x field
        cCreateType.SetVarName 0, "x"
        tVarDesc.memid = &H40000001
        cCreateType.AddVarDesc 1, tVarDesc                              ' // y field
        cCreateType.SetVarName 1, "y"
        CoCreateGuid tGUID
        cCreateType.SetGuid tGUID                                       ' // Set UUID
        Set cTLB = cCreateTLB
        Set cInfo = GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo(cTLB.GetTypeInfo(0))      ' // Get IRecordInfo
        vUDT = MakePoint(cInfo)
        vUDT.x = 5
        vUDT.y = 10
        cCol.Add vUDT
    End Sub
    Private Function MakePoint( _
                     ByVal cRI As IRecordInfo) As Variant
        Dim lData(3)    As Long
        lData(0) = VT_RECORD
        lData(2) = cRI.RecordCreate
        vbaObjSetAddref lData(3), ByVal ObjPtr(cRI)
        memcpy ByVal VarPtr(MakePoint), lData(0), 16
    End Function
    But Trick, you can be such a tease sometimes. I searched all over for definitions of things like CreateTypeLib2 and some of the other things seen in there, with no success.

    I started this thread, hoping you might elaborate.

    Sorry if I'm cargo-culting, but I've got no clue as to how to get started. I thought of pasting in some of the structures I've got from Olaf's code, but that seems like a wild-goose-chase. And I've still got no reference for that CreateTypeLib2 call. Is it a Windows API call you've declared with a few Optional arguments?

    I'll continue reading the MSDN on IRecordInfo.
    Last edited by Elroy; Feb 3rd, 2023 at 06:07 PM.
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  2. #2
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    Re: UDTs to Variants without a TypeLib

    CreateTypeLib2 function (oleauto.h)

    I found examples of CreateTypeLib2 in the code for Matt Curland's book
    "Advanced Visual Basic 6"

    On my system, under Project -> References
    OLEEXP - Modern Shell Interfaces for VB6, v5.1

    ...which contains ICreateTypeLib and others.


  3. #3

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    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Near Nashville TN

    Re: UDTs to Variants without a TypeLib

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Caverly View Post
    CreateTypeLib2 function (oleauto.h)

    I found examples of CreateTypeLib2 in the code for Matt Curland's book
    "Advanced Visual Basic 6"

    On my system, under Project -> References
    OLEEXP - Modern Shell Interfaces for VB6, v5.1

    ...which contains ICreateTypeLib and others.

    Yeah, I found that too, but Trick has built a wrapper around it so that it returns a ICreateTypeLib interface.
    Any software I post in these forums written by me is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, and permission is hereby granted, free of charge and without restriction, to any person obtaining a copy. To all, peace and happiness.

  4. #4
    Frenzied Member VanGoghGaming's Avatar
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    Re: UDTs to Variants without a TypeLib File

    There's no wrapper, just add a reference to OLEEXP and the code runs correctly, the variant is created and added to the collection.

  5. #5
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    Re: UDTs to Variants without a TypeLib File

    Indeed, works as you said.

    Attachment 186877


  6. #6
    Hyperactive Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: UDTs to Variants without a TypeLib File

    Private Declare Function CreateTypeLib Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal StrSrc As Long, ByVal Path As Long, a As ICreateTypeLib) As Long
    'Private Declare Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal pvInstance As Long, ByVal offsetinVft As Long, ByVal CallConv As Long, ByVal retTYP As Integer, ByVal paCNT As Long, ByRef paTypes As Integer, ByRef paValues As Long, ByRef retVAR As Variant) As Long
    Private Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib "ole32" (id As Any) As Long
    Private Declare Function IIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal pstCls As Long, clsid As UUID) As Long
    Private Declare Function CLSIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal pstCls As Long, clsid As UUID) As Long
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Dim pCreateTypeLib As ICreateTypeLib
    Dim pTypeLib As ITypeLib
    Dim InterfaceTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo
    Const IID_IDispatch As String = "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
    Function CreateTLb(FileName As String, Optional RIID As String = "") As ICreateTypeLib
        Dim IID As UUID
        IID = StringToIID(RIID)
        CreateTypeLib SYS_WIN32, StrPtr(FileName), pCreateTypeLib  '创建类库
        Set pTypeLib = pCreateTypeLib
        pCreateTypeLib.SetGuid IID
    End Function
    Function CreateTypeInfo(TypeInfoName As String, Kind As TypeKind, Optional RIID As String = "") As ICreateTypeInfo
        Dim IID As UUID
        IID = StringToIID(RIID)
        pCreateTypeLib.CreateTypeInfo TypeInfoName, Kind, CreateTypeInfo
        Set pTypeLib = pCreateTypeLib
        CreateTypeInfo.SetGuid IID
    End Function
    'Private Sub Command1_Click()
    '    Dim pCreateTypeLib As ICreateTypeLib            '创建类库
    '    Dim pTypeLib As ITypeLib                        '类库
    '    Dim ModuleTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo           '模块
    '    Dim EnumTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo             '枚举
    '    Dim InterfaceTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo        '接口
    '    Dim DispInterfaceTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo    '事件接口
    '    Dim ComTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo              '组件
    '    Dim TypedefInfo As ICreateTypeInfo              '别名
    '    Dim StructTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo           '结构体
    '    Dim UnionTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo            '联合体
    '    Dim IID As UUID
    '    Dim Ret As Long
    '    Call CreateTypeLib(SYS_WIN32, StrPtr("c:\tmp.tlb"), pCreateTypeLib) '创建类库
    '    Set pTypeLib = pCreateTypeLib                                       '实现ICreateTypeInfo=ITypeInfo
    '    CoCreateGuid IID                '更新GUID
    '    With pCreateTypeLib             '类库设置
    '        .SetName "testLib"
    '        .SetVersion 1, 0
    '        .SetDocString "My Tlb"
    '        .SetGuid IID
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "testInterface", TKIND_DISPATCH, InterfaceTypeInfo           '接口
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "testDispInterface", TKIND_DISPATCH, DispInterfaceTypeInfo  'Disp接口
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "User32", TKIND_MODULE, ModuleTypeInfo                      '模块
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestEnum", TKIND_ENUM, EnumTypeInfo                        '枚举
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestCCom", TKIND_COCLASS, ComTypeInfo                      '组件
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestTypedef", TKIND_ALIAS, TypedefInfo                     '别名
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestStruct", TKIND_RECORD, StructTypeInfo                  '结构体
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestUnion", TKIND_UNION, UnionTypeInfo                     '联合体
    '    End With
    '    Dim telemdesc(4) As ELEMDESC
    '    telemdesc(0) = CreateParams(VT_I4)
    '    telemdesc(1) = CreateParams(VT_I4)
    '    telemdesc(2) = CreateParams(VT_PTR Or VT_I4)
    '    telemdesc(3) = CreateParams(VT_I4)
    '     CoCreateGuid IID
    '    Const IID_IDispatch As String = "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
    '    Dim s(4) As String
    '    s(0) = "Add"
    '    s(1) = "a"
    '    s(2) = "b"
    '    s(3) = "c"
    '    s(4) = "d"
    '    Const IID___Com = "{62DD544B-09E0-4340-8FF8-41CCC0FD0666}"
    '    With InterfaceTypeInfo          '接口设置
    '        .AddRefTypeInfo ImportInterface("C:\Windows\SysWOW64\stdole32.tlb", IID_IDispatch), Ret '设置父类
    '        .AddImplType 0, Ret
    '        .AddFuncDesc 0, CreateFunction(0, FUNC_DISPATCH, INVOKE_FUNC, 3, telemdesc)
    '        .SetFuncAndParamNames 0, s(0), 4
    '        .SetGuid StringToIID(IID___Com)
    '        .SetDocString "My Interface"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    CoCreateGuid IID
    '    With DispInterfaceTypeInfo       'Disp接口设置
    '        .AddRefTypeInfo ImportInterface("C:\Windows\SysWOW64\stdole32.tlb", IID_IDispatch), Ret '设置父类
    '        .AddImplType 0, Ret
    '        .AddFuncDesc 0, CreateFunction(0, FUNC_DISPATCH, INVOKE_FUNC, 4, telemdesc)
    '        .SetFuncAndParamNames 0, s(0), 5
    '        .SetGuid IID
    '        .SetDocString "My DispInterface"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    With EnumTypeInfo           'Enum接口设置
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(1, VT_I2, VAR_CONST, 0)
    '        .SetVarName 0, "test"
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(2, VT_I2, VAR_CONST, 1)
    '        .SetVarName 0, "tttt"
    '        .SetDocString "My Enum"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    With ModuleTypeInfo         '模块设置
    '        .SetDocString "My Module"
    '        .AddFuncDesc 0, CreateFunction(222, FUNC_STATIC, INVOKE_FUNC, 4, telemdesc)
    '        .SetFuncAndParamNames 0, s(0), 5
    '        .DefineFuncAsDllEntry 0, "user32.DLL", "MessageBoxW"
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(1, VT_BSTR, VAR_CONST, "fdsfdsf")
    '        .SetVarName 0, "tfff"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    Dim TypeTest As TYPEDESC
    '    With TypeTest
    '        .vt = VT_I4
    '    End With
    '    With TypedefInfo        '别名设置
    '        .SetDocString "My Typedef"
    '        .SetTypeDescAlias TypeTest
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    With StructTypeInfo      '结构体设置
    '        .SetDocString "My Struct"
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(1, VT_I2, VAR_PERINSTANCE)
    '        .SetVarName 0, "test1"
    '        .AddVarDesc 1, CreateVar(2, VT_I4, VAR_PERINSTANCE)
    '        .SetVarName 1, "test2"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    With UnionTypeInfo      '联合体设置
    '        .SetDocString "My Union"
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(3, VT_I4, VAR_PERINSTANCE)
    '        .SetVarName 0, "test3"
    '        .AddVarDesc 1, CreateVar(4, VT_I2, VAR_PERINSTANCE)
    '        .SetVarName 1, "test4"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    CoCreateGuid IID
    '    Const CLSID_Com = "{920DCEED-B3DD-4110-8F2F-981A554E07FF}"
    '    With ComTypeInfo        '组件设置
    '        .SetDocString "My ComClass"
    '        .SetGuid StringToIID(CLSID_Com)
    '        .AddRefTypeInfo pTypeLib.GetTypeInfo(0), Ret  '设置子掊口
    '        .AddImplType 0, Ret
    '        .SetImplTypeFlags 0, IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT   '默认 'default、dual、oleautomation、hidden、source(事件)
    '        .AddRefTypeInfo pTypeLib.GetTypeInfo(1), Ret  '设置事件掊口
    '        .AddImplType 1, Ret
    '        .SetTypeFlags TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE   '可以创建
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    pCreateTypeLib.SaveAllChanges
    'End Sub
    Function CreateVar(id As Long, VarType As VARENUM, Kind As VARKIND, Optional Value As Variant) As VARDESC
        With CreateVar                          '创建变量
            .memid = id                         'ID
            .VARKIND = Kind                     '类别
            If IsMissing(Value) = False Then .oInst_varValue = VarPtr(Value)    '值
            .elemdescVar.tdesc.vt = VarType     '类型
        End With
    End Function
    Function CreateParams(vt As VARENUM, Optional pTypeDesc As Long) As ELEMDESC
        With CreateParams                       '创建参数
            .tdesc.vt = vt                      '类型
            .tdesc.pTypeDesc = pTypeDesc
           ' .PARAMDESC.pPARAMDESCEX = vbNull
           ' .PARAMDESC.wParamFlags = IDLFLAG_FIN
        End With
    End Function
    Function CreateFunction(id As Long, FUNCKIND As FUNCKIND, invkind As InvokeKind, Optional paramCount As Long = 0, Optional params As Long = 0, Optional ret As VARENUM = VT_HRESULT) As FUNCDESC
        With CreateFunction                     '创建函数
            .memid = id                         'id
            .CallConv = CC_STDCALL              '约定
            .invkind = invkind                  'func get let set
            .oVft = 0
            If paramCount > 0 And params <> 0 Then
                .lprgELEMDESCParam = params   '参数
                .cParams = paramCount                   '参数个数
                .cParamsOpt = 0
            End If
            .elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt = ret        '返回值
        End With
    End Function
    Function ImportInterface(Optional LibPath As String = "", Optional IID As String = "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", Optional Index As Long = 0) As ITypeInfo
        Dim pTLibStdOle As ITypeLib, IdispatchIID As UUID
        Dim ptinfoIDispatch As ITypeInfo
        If LibPath = "" Then
            Set pTLibStdOle = pTypeLib
            Set pTLibStdOle = LoadTypeLib(LibPath)
        End If
        If IID = "" Then
            Set ImportInterface = pTLibStdOle.GetTypeInfo(Index)
            IIDFromString StrPtr(IID), IdispatchIID
            Set ImportInterface = pTLibStdOle.GetTypeInfoOfIID(IdispatchIID)
        End If
    End Function
    Function StringToIID(IID As String) As UUID
        If IID = "" Then
            CoCreateGuid StringToIID
          ' IID = "{3AC9C1E3-4E49-C648-921A-F3965F389DF8}"
            CLSIDFromString StrPtr(IID), StringToIID
        End If
    End Function
    Sub Save()
        On Error GoTo ErrLine
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command2_Click()
        Dim tlapp As Object ' New TLI.TLIApplication
        Dim TLb As Object ' TLI.TypeLibInfo
        Dim lib As ITypeLib
        Dim t As ITypeInfo
        Dim v As VARDESC
        Set lib = LoadTypeLib("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\com玩具\tlb\olelib.tlb")
        Set t = lib.GetTypeInfo(2)
        Dim l As Long
        l = t.GetVarDesc(0)
    '    Dim memid As Long, rgBstrNames As String, cMaxNames As Long
    '    t.GetNames  , rgBstrNames, 1
    '    Dim id As Long, n As String
    '    t.GetNames 1073741827, n, 1
        CopyMemory v, ByVal l, LenB(v)
        Set tlapp = CreateObject("TLI.TLIApplication")
        Set TLb = tlapp.TypeLibInfoFromFile("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\com玩具\tlb\olelib.tlb")
        Dim o As Object
        Dim i As Long
        For Each o In TLb.TypeInfos
            'Debug.Print o.TypeKindString
            If o.TypeKindString = "record" Then
                Debug.Print, o.TypeKindString ', o.Members(8).MemberId, i
            End If
            i = i + 1
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command3_Click()
        'testFunc 0, "21321", "3213", 0
    End Sub
    Public Property Let TlbName(ByVal Value As String)
        pCreateTypeLib.SetName Value
    End Property
    Public Property Let TlbVersion(wMajorVerNum As Integer, wMinorVerNum As Integer)
        pCreateTypeLib.SetVersion wMajorVerNum, wMinorVerNum
    End Property
    Public Property Let TlbDocString(ByVal Value As String)
        pCreateTypeLib.SetDocString Value
    End Property

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: UDTs to Variants without a TypeLib File

    Quote Originally Posted by loquat View Post
    Private Declare Function CreateTypeLib Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal StrSrc As Long, ByVal Path As Long, a As ICreateTypeLib) As Long
    'Private Declare Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal pvInstance As Long, ByVal offsetinVft As Long, ByVal CallConv As Long, ByVal retTYP As Integer, ByVal paCNT As Long, ByRef paTypes As Integer, ByRef paValues As Long, ByRef retVAR As Variant) As Long
    Private Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib "ole32" (id As Any) As Long
    Private Declare Function IIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal pstCls As Long, clsid As UUID) As Long
    Private Declare Function CLSIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal pstCls As Long, clsid As UUID) As Long
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Dim pCreateTypeLib As ICreateTypeLib
    Dim pTypeLib As ITypeLib
    Dim InterfaceTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo
    Const IID_IDispatch As String = "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
    Function CreateTLb(FileName As String, Optional RIID As String = "") As ICreateTypeLib
        Dim IID As UUID
        IID = StringToIID(RIID)
        CreateTypeLib SYS_WIN32, StrPtr(FileName), pCreateTypeLib  '????
        Set pTypeLib = pCreateTypeLib
        pCreateTypeLib.SetGuid IID
    End Function
    Function CreateTypeInfo(TypeInfoName As String, Kind As TypeKind, Optional RIID As String = "") As ICreateTypeInfo
        Dim IID As UUID
        IID = StringToIID(RIID)
        pCreateTypeLib.CreateTypeInfo TypeInfoName, Kind, CreateTypeInfo
        Set pTypeLib = pCreateTypeLib
        CreateTypeInfo.SetGuid IID
    End Function
    'Private Sub Command1_Click()
    '    Dim pCreateTypeLib As ICreateTypeLib            '????
    '    Dim pTypeLib As ITypeLib                        '??
    '    Dim ModuleTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo           '??
    '    Dim EnumTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo             '??
    '    Dim InterfaceTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo        '??
    '    Dim DispInterfaceTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo    '????
    '    Dim ComTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo              '??
    '    Dim TypedefInfo As ICreateTypeInfo              '??
    '    Dim StructTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo           '???
    '    Dim UnionTypeInfo As ICreateTypeInfo            '???
    '    Dim IID As UUID
    '    Dim Ret As Long
    '    Call CreateTypeLib(SYS_WIN32, StrPtr("c:\tmp.tlb"), pCreateTypeLib) '????
    '    Set pTypeLib = pCreateTypeLib                                       '??ICreateTypeInfo=ITypeInfo
    '    CoCreateGuid IID                '??GUID
    '    With pCreateTypeLib             '????
    '        .SetName "testLib"
    '        .SetVersion 1, 0
    '        .SetDocString "My Tlb"
    '        .SetGuid IID
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "testInterface", TKIND_DISPATCH, InterfaceTypeInfo           '??
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "testDispInterface", TKIND_DISPATCH, DispInterfaceTypeInfo  'Disp??
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "User32", TKIND_MODULE, ModuleTypeInfo                      '??
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestEnum", TKIND_ENUM, EnumTypeInfo                        '??
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestCCom", TKIND_COCLASS, ComTypeInfo                      '??
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestTypedef", TKIND_ALIAS, TypedefInfo                     '??
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestStruct", TKIND_RECORD, StructTypeInfo                  '???
    '        .CreateTypeInfo "TestUnion", TKIND_UNION, UnionTypeInfo                     '???
    '    End With
    '    Dim telemdesc(4) As ELEMDESC
    '    telemdesc(0) = CreateParams(VT_I4)
    '    telemdesc(1) = CreateParams(VT_I4)
    '    telemdesc(2) = CreateParams(VT_PTR Or VT_I4)
    '    telemdesc(3) = CreateParams(VT_I4)
    '     CoCreateGuid IID
    '    Const IID_IDispatch As String = "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
    '    Dim s(4) As String
    '    s(0) = "Add"
    '    s(1) = "a"
    '    s(2) = "b"
    '    s(3) = "c"
    '    s(4) = "d"
    '    Const IID___Com = "{62DD544B-09E0-4340-8FF8-41CCC0FD0666}"
    '    With InterfaceTypeInfo          '????
    '        .AddRefTypeInfo ImportInterface("C:\Windows\SysWOW64\stdole32.tlb", IID_IDispatch), Ret '????
    '        .AddImplType 0, Ret
    '        .AddFuncDesc 0, CreateFunction(0, FUNC_DISPATCH, INVOKE_FUNC, 3, telemdesc)
    '        .SetFuncAndParamNames 0, s(0), 4
    '        .SetGuid StringToIID(IID___Com)
    '        .SetDocString "My Interface"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    CoCreateGuid IID
    '    With DispInterfaceTypeInfo       'Disp????
    '        .AddRefTypeInfo ImportInterface("C:\Windows\SysWOW64\stdole32.tlb", IID_IDispatch), Ret '????
    '        .AddImplType 0, Ret
    '        .AddFuncDesc 0, CreateFunction(0, FUNC_DISPATCH, INVOKE_FUNC, 4, telemdesc)
    '        .SetFuncAndParamNames 0, s(0), 5
    '        .SetGuid IID
    '        .SetDocString "My DispInterface"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    With EnumTypeInfo           'Enum????
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(1, VT_I2, VAR_CONST, 0)
    '        .SetVarName 0, "test"
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(2, VT_I2, VAR_CONST, 1)
    '        .SetVarName 0, "tttt"
    '        .SetDocString "My Enum"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    With ModuleTypeInfo         '????
    '        .SetDocString "My Module"
    '        .AddFuncDesc 0, CreateFunction(222, FUNC_STATIC, INVOKE_FUNC, 4, telemdesc)
    '        .SetFuncAndParamNames 0, s(0), 5
    '        .DefineFuncAsDllEntry 0, "user32.DLL", "MessageBoxW"
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(1, VT_BSTR, VAR_CONST, "fdsfdsf")
    '        .SetVarName 0, "tfff"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    Dim TypeTest As TYPEDESC
    '    With TypeTest
    '        .vt = VT_I4
    '    End With
    '    With TypedefInfo        '????
    '        .SetDocString "My Typedef"
    '        .SetTypeDescAlias TypeTest
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    With StructTypeInfo      '?????
    '        .SetDocString "My Struct"
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(1, VT_I2, VAR_PERINSTANCE)
    '        .SetVarName 0, "test1"
    '        .AddVarDesc 1, CreateVar(2, VT_I4, VAR_PERINSTANCE)
    '        .SetVarName 1, "test2"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    With UnionTypeInfo      '?????
    '        .SetDocString "My Union"
    '        .AddVarDesc 0, CreateVar(3, VT_I4, VAR_PERINSTANCE)
    '        .SetVarName 0, "test3"
    '        .AddVarDesc 1, CreateVar(4, VT_I2, VAR_PERINSTANCE)
    '        .SetVarName 1, "test4"
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    CoCreateGuid IID
    '    Const CLSID_Com = "{920DCEED-B3DD-4110-8F2F-981A554E07FF}"
    '    With ComTypeInfo        '????
    '        .SetDocString "My ComClass"
    '        .SetGuid StringToIID(CLSID_Com)
    '        .AddRefTypeInfo pTypeLib.GetTypeInfo(0), Ret  '?????
    '        .AddImplType 0, Ret
    '        .SetImplTypeFlags 0, IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT   '?? 'default?dual?oleautomation?hidden?source(??)
    '        .AddRefTypeInfo pTypeLib.GetTypeInfo(1), Ret  '??????
    '        .AddImplType 1, Ret
    '        .SetTypeFlags TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE   '????
    '        .LayOut
    '    End With
    '    pCreateTypeLib.SaveAllChanges
    'End Sub
    Function CreateVar(id As Long, VarType As VARENUM, Kind As VARKIND, Optional Value As Variant) As VARDESC
        With CreateVar                          '????
            .memid = id                         'ID
            .VARKIND = Kind                     '??
            If IsMissing(Value) = False Then .oInst_varValue = VarPtr(Value)    '?
            .elemdescVar.tdesc.vt = VarType     '??
        End With
    End Function
    Function CreateParams(vt As VARENUM, Optional pTypeDesc As Long) As ELEMDESC
        With CreateParams                       '????
            .tdesc.vt = vt                      '??
            .tdesc.pTypeDesc = pTypeDesc
           ' .PARAMDESC.pPARAMDESCEX = vbNull
           ' .PARAMDESC.wParamFlags = IDLFLAG_FIN
        End With
    End Function
    Function CreateFunction(id As Long, FUNCKIND As FUNCKIND, invkind As InvokeKind, Optional paramCount As Long = 0, Optional params As Long = 0, Optional ret As VARENUM = VT_HRESULT) As FUNCDESC
        With CreateFunction                     '????
            .memid = id                         'id
            .CallConv = CC_STDCALL              '??
            .invkind = invkind                  'func get let set
            .oVft = 0
            If paramCount > 0 And params <> 0 Then
                .lprgELEMDESCParam = params   '??
                .cParams = paramCount                   '????
                .cParamsOpt = 0
            End If
            .elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt = ret        '???
        End With
    End Function
    Function ImportInterface(Optional LibPath As String = "", Optional IID As String = "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", Optional Index As Long = 0) As ITypeInfo
        Dim pTLibStdOle As ITypeLib, IdispatchIID As UUID
        Dim ptinfoIDispatch As ITypeInfo
        If LibPath = "" Then
            Set pTLibStdOle = pTypeLib
            Set pTLibStdOle = LoadTypeLib(LibPath)
        End If
        If IID = "" Then
            Set ImportInterface = pTLibStdOle.GetTypeInfo(Index)
            IIDFromString StrPtr(IID), IdispatchIID
            Set ImportInterface = pTLibStdOle.GetTypeInfoOfIID(IdispatchIID)
        End If
    End Function
    Function StringToIID(IID As String) As UUID
        If IID = "" Then
            CoCreateGuid StringToIID
          ' IID = "{3AC9C1E3-4E49-C648-921A-F3965F389DF8}"
            CLSIDFromString StrPtr(IID), StringToIID
        End If
    End Function
    Sub Save()
        On Error GoTo ErrLine
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command2_Click()
        Dim tlapp As Object ' New TLI.TLIApplication
        Dim TLb As Object ' TLI.TypeLibInfo
        Dim lib As ITypeLib
        Dim t As ITypeInfo
        Dim v As VARDESC
        Set lib = LoadTypeLib("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\com??\tlb\olelib.tlb")
        Set t = lib.GetTypeInfo(2)
        Dim l As Long
        l = t.GetVarDesc(0)
    '    Dim memid As Long, rgBstrNames As String, cMaxNames As Long
    '    t.GetNames  , rgBstrNames, 1
    '    Dim id As Long, n As String
    '    t.GetNames 1073741827, n, 1
        CopyMemory v, ByVal l, LenB(v)
        Set tlapp = CreateObject("TLI.TLIApplication")
        Set TLb = tlapp.TypeLibInfoFromFile("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\com??\tlb\olelib.tlb")
        Dim o As Object
        Dim i As Long
        For Each o In TLb.TypeInfos
            'Debug.Print o.TypeKindString
            If o.TypeKindString = "record" Then
                Debug.Print, o.TypeKindString ', o.Members(8).MemberId, i
            End If
            i = i + 1
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command3_Click()
        'testFunc 0, "21321", "3213", 0
    End Sub
    Public Property Let TlbName(ByVal Value As String)
        pCreateTypeLib.SetName Value
    End Property
    Public Property Let TlbVersion(wMajorVerNum As Integer, wMinorVerNum As Integer)
        pCreateTypeLib.SetVersion wMajorVerNum, wMinorVerNum
    End Property
    Public Property Let TlbDocString(ByVal Value As String)
        pCreateTypeLib.SetDocString Value
    End Property
    can you give me a sample for :make win32api.tlb
    like :findwindow,sendmessage?
    Call CreateTypeLib(SYS_WIN32, StrPtr("c:\tmp.tlb"), pCreateTypeLib)

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