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Thread: [VB6] Code snippet: Run unelevated app from elevated app

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    Jul 2010

    [VB6] Code snippet: Run unelevated app from elevated app

    Surprised I didn't see an example of this, so wanted to post it.

    Here's a quick implementation of a method to run unelevated apps from your elevated app by routing it through Explorer, as outlined by Raymond Chen.

    -oleexp.tlb v5.01 or higher, with included addon mIID.bas (released the same day as this snippet... I had a partial set of the shell automation objects in oleeximp.tlb, not sure why it was complete, or not in oleexp.tlb, so for convenience I put out a quick new version with a complete set in oleexp.tlb. So you only need oleexp.tlb 5.01 (and mIID.bas) if you get the new version. Otherwise that, oleexpimp.tlb, and shell32).

    -Windows XP or newer


    Public Sub LaunchUnelevated(sPath As String, Optional sArgs As String = "")
    Dim pShWin As ShellWindows
    Set pShWin = New ShellWindows
    Dim pDispView As oleexp.IDispatch 'VB6 has a built in hidden version that will cause an error if you try to use it. Specify oleexp's unrestricted version.
    Dim pServ As IServiceProvider
    Dim pSB As IShellBrowser
    Dim pDual As IShellFolderViewDual
    Dim pView As IShellView
    Dim vrEmpty As Variant
    Dim hwnd As Long
    Set pServ = pShWin.FindWindowSW(CVar(CSIDL_DESKTOP), vrEmpty, SWC_DESKTOP, hwnd, SWFO_NEEDDISPATCH)
    pServ.QueryService SID_STopLevelBrowser, IID_IShellBrowser, pSB
    pSB.QueryActiveShellView pView
    pView.GetItemObject SVGIO_BACKGROUND, IID_IDispatch, pDispView
    Set pDual = pDispView
    Dim pDispShell As IShellDispatch2
    Set pDispShell = pDual.Application
    If sArgs <> "" Then
        pDispShell.ShellExecute sPath, CVar(sArgs)
        pDispShell.ShellExecute sPath
    End If
    End Sub
    And it's that simple. Just call LaunchUnelevated with a path to the exe.
    Last edited by fafalone; Jun 16th, 2022 at 02:57 AM.

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