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Thread: [RESOLVED] Weird error

  1. #1

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    Resolved [RESOLVED] Weird error

    Anybody has an idea why the following code will result in the error message below?
    Load FrmMsgWait
    FrmMsgWait.LblMessage.Caption = "Writing AutoBackup file..."
    FrmMsgWait is a small form with nothing but a label called lblmessage I just used to display the above message so that the user can see something is happening but for the past couple of days it errors for some reason with the below error message:

    Name:  Error.PNG
Views: 246
Size:  6.4 KB

    If I disable the three lines of code everything works as it should.

    The code is inside a Sub (DoAutoBackup) that is called from the main form Unload event just before the main form is unloaded:
    Unload FrmRingneck
    Set FrmRingneck = Nothing
    Exit Sub

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: Weird error

    Quote Originally Posted by Bezzie View Post
    FrmMsgWait is a small form with nothing but a label called lblmessage I just used to display the above message so that the user can see something is happening but for the past couple of days it errors for some reason with the below error message:

    Name:  Error.PNG
Views: 246
Size:  6.4 KB
    Are you sure that form isn't doing anything else? That error message indicates that you are doing some database connection related stuff that is failing.

  3. #3

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    Re: Weird error

    There is no code in the FrmMsgWait form.

    In the unload event of the FrmRingneck where the FrmMsgWait is called I set the Caption of the message before FrmMsgWait.Show and after the backup file is written I close the FrmMsgWait with Unload FrmMsgWait.

    Any database related stuff (closing of databases and cleaning up) is done before the DoAutoBackup function is called.

  4. #4
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    Re: Weird error

    And what does the DoAutoBackup do? Sounds like it is trying to use a connection or object that you have closed before it is called.

  5. #5

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    Re: Weird error

    It compiles a list of the database files to include in the ZIP file and then add them to the ZIP file to have a backup of data files when the user changed some data.

    The Form_Unload event:
    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
        Dim objForm As Form
        'cleanup any forms that are still open
        For Each objForm In Forms    'check all the forms
            If objForm.hwnd <> Me.hwnd Then    'not this form
                Unload objForm    'unload it
                Set objForm = Nothing    'clean it up
            End If
        Next objForm
        'cleanup all running timers
        TmrMnuItems.Enabled = False
        TimerToDoList.Enabled = False    'clear the timer which checks for the todo events
        TmrSplash.Enabled = False
        Clipboard.Clear        'clear the clipboard of any contents
        'drop the temporary table(s)
        Drop_TempTable_Code "TempTable"
        Drop_TempTable_Userdata "RBACertificate"
        Drop_TempTable_Userdata "TempBreedingDetails"
        Drop_TempTable_Userdata "TMP_PermitContacts"
        Drop_TempTable_Userdata "TMP_PermitBirdsBOY"
        Drop_TempTable_Userdata "TMP_PermitBirdsPurchased"
        Drop_TempTable_Userdata "TMP_PermitBirdsBred"
        Drop_TempTable_Userdata "TMP_PermitBirdsSold"
        Drop_TempTable_Userdata "TMP_PermitBirdsLost"
        Drop_TempTable_Userdata "TMP_PermitBirdsEOY"
        'cleanup objects
        Set TTRingneck = Nothing    'cleanup the tooltip class
        Set m_SKM = Nothing 'cleanup the shortcutkeysmanager class
        On Error Resume Next
        ADO_UserData.Close        'close the database connection
        On Error GoTo 0
        Set ADO_UserData = Nothing
        Set ADO_MMSLogs = Nothing
        Set ADO_BS_Data = Nothing
        Set ADO_BS_Code = Nothing
        Set rec = Nothing
        Set dbs = Nothing
        'cleanup the form
        Unload FrmRingneck
        Set FrmRingneck = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    The DoAutoBackup Sub:
    Private Sub DoAutoBackup()
        Dim cFileName As String
        Dim cVCString As String        'string to hold the program version number for control
        Dim nFile As Integer        'for a free file number to create the file we need
        Dim lonRetCode As Long        'for return code of vbzip to see if successful - 0 or not
        Dim iCounter As Integer        'loop counter
        Dim arrOfFiles() As String        'to hold the filenames to backup
        Dim nFiles As Integer        'number of files to compress
        Dim cMMVersion As String    'to hold the program version
        Dim cDatum As String    'to hold an character expression of the date
        Dim cMyDocuments As String    'to hold the directory where zip file must go
        'check if autobackup must be run
        If GetSetting("AMS.MM", "Settings", "lAutoBackup", True) = False Then Exit Sub    'exit if autobackup is not set
        'check if it's neccesary to do a autobackup
        'if anything was saved to the datafiles this flag
        'should be set to true
        If booAutoBackup = False Then Exit Sub    'not set so exit
    'display something so the user can see something is happening
    'Load FrmMsgWait
    'FrmMsgWait.LblMessage.Caption = "Writing AutoBackup file..."
        'need to create the autobackup filename for the program to use
        'this should include the path to the users my documents e.g.
        'C:\My Documents\MM6_Autobackup_Date.ZIP
        If GetSetting("AMS.MM", "Settings", "lDirectory", True) = True Then    'true is my documents
            cMyDocuments = fGetSpecialFolder(CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS)    'get the my documents folder
        Else    'specify selected must have a valid folder specified
            cMyDocuments = GetSetting("AMS.MM", "Settings", "AutoBackupDir")
        End If
        If Dir(cMyDocuments, vbDirectory) = "" Then
    '        Unload FrmMsgWait
            'show error message
            MsgBox "EM # 10001: AutoBackup folder not valid." & vbCRLFx2 & _
                   "The folder that's set for AutoBackup is not a valid folder. " & _
                   "Unable to continue AutoBackup." & vbCRLFx2 & _
                   "You can set the AutoBackup folder under Settings on the Miscellaneous Settings tab.", _
                   vbCritical + vbOKOnly + vbMsgBoxHelpButton, , HELP_FILE, 3100
                   Exit Sub
        End If
        cMMVersion = "MM" & App.Major 'get the major version number
        cDatum = ""
        If GetSetting("AMS.MM", "Settings", "nABDate", 1) = 1 Then    'date must be included
            cDatum = Format$(date, "yyyyMMdd")
        End If
        If GetSetting("AMS.MM", "Settings", "nABTime", 1) = 1 Then    'time must be included
            cDatum = cDatum & "_" & Format$(Time, "HHmm")
        End If
        If cDatum <> "" Then
            cDatum = "(" & cDatum & ")"
        End If
        cFileName = cMyDocuments & "\" & cMMVersion & " AutoBackup " & cDatum & ".zip"
        cFileName = Replace(cFileName, " .zip", ".zip")    'remove space if no date and or time selected
        'here we want to run a function that returns all the mdb datafiles
        'that is installed in the users version so we can add them all
        ReDim arrOfFiles(2)    'to hold the file names to backup
        arrOfFiles(1) = "UserData.mdb"    'first file always userdata.mdb
        arrOfFiles(2) = "MMS_Logs.mdb"    'second file always mms_logs.mdb
        For iCounter = 1 To UBound(aSpecies)
            If aSpecies(iCounter, 5) = True Then        'only for installed species
                'add the data file
                ReDim Preserve arrOfFiles(UBound(arrOfFiles) + 1)
                arrOfFiles(UBound(arrOfFiles)) = aSpecies(iCounter, 3)
                'add the code file
                ReDim Preserve arrOfFiles(UBound(arrOfFiles) + 1)
                arrOfFiles(UBound(arrOfFiles)) = aSpecies(iCounter, 4)
            End If
        Next iCounter
        'now we want to create a text file with backup version control
        'we will start with the version of the program that created the
        'backup file
        cVCString = App.Major & "." & App.Minor & ";"
        'then we want to add all the filenames as well
        For iCounter = 1 To UBound(arrOfFiles)
            cVCString = cVCString & arrOfFiles(iCounter) & ";"
        Next iCounter
        'remove the last delimiter ";"
        cVCString = Left$(cVCString, Len(cVCString) - 1)
        'Debug.Print cVCString
        'cvcstring will now contain all the filenames that should
        'be in the backup file namely only the files that is installed
        'on the users program
        'we can now write the version control file
        'see if the VersionCTRL file already exist
        If FileExist(cPathData & "\VersionCTRL.DAT") Then
            Kill cPathData & "\VersionCTRL.DAT"
        End If
        'get a free file number
        nFile = FreeFile()
        'open the file
        '    Open "VersionCTRL.bin" For Output Access Write As nFile
        Open cPathData & "\VersionCTRL.DAT" For Binary Access Write As #nFile
        'write the string to the file
        '    Write #nFile, cVCString
        Put #nFile, , cVCString
        'close the file
        Close #nFile
        'set the VBZip options we want
        zJunkDir = 1        'throw away path names as we don't need them anyway
        zDelEntries = 0        '??? this doesn't seem to work
        nFiles = UBound(arrOfFiles) + 1
        zArgc = nFiles        'number of files we are going to zip
        zZipFileName = cFileName        'set the zip filename
        zZipFileNames.zFiles(0) = cPathData & "\VersionCTRL.DAT"        'file 1
        'set all the installed species files this is the mdb files
        For iCounter = 1 To UBound(arrOfFiles)
            zZipFileNames.zFiles(iCounter) = cPathData & "\" & arrOfFiles(iCounter)
        Next iCounter
        zRootDir = ""
        lonRetCode = VBZip32        'zip the files and return the errorcode if any
        'code 0 will be no error anything else is an error
        If lonRetCode <> 0 Then        'there was an error
            'show error message
            MsgBox "EM # 10002: AutoBackup: " & vbCRLFx2 & _
                   "An error (ZipError # " & _
                   lonRetCode & ") occurred while zipping the files to " & _
                   zZipFileName & "! Unable to continue AutoBackup.", _
                   vbCritical + vbOKOnly    '+ vbMsgBoxHelpButton, , HELP_FILE, 3010
        End If
    'Unload FrmMsgWait
    End Sub
    The three lines in red above is where the error occurs. If I comment them out the Sub runs without a problem. It created the ZIP file and writes it to the directory specified. If I uncomment those three lines I get the error message and the sub doesn't reach the next line of code. I tried adding a MsgBox right after the three lines but it doesn't show.

    The FrmMsgWait does not contain any code at all. It's just a small form that pops up in the middle of the screen with the message "Writing AutoBackup File..."

    Is there a way I can make the program halt while the pc run/finish any code that might still be running from before the DoAutoBackup is called that might trigger the error?

  6. #6
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    Re: Weird error

    I would suggest setting a break point on that line that loads the msg form then single step through the code to see exactly where the error is occurring and then go from there.

  7. #7

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    Re: Weird error

    It has to be something before the DoAutoBackup that is causing the problem. I added some code right before the call to the DoAutoBackup just to waste some time and the error pops up earlier now. Must be in the Unload event that something is going wrong. Will move my time waste code around to try and find where it goes wrong.

  8. #8

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    Re: Weird error

    I narrowed it down to the closing of my database connections (I think).

    Did a search on the forum and find the following to close data connections:
        If Not myConnection Is Nothing Then
          If (myConnection.State And adStateOpen) = adStateOpen Then
          End If
          Set myConnection = Nothing
        End If
    So I tried the following (added the msgboxes to see what goes on at each step):
    If Not ADO_UserData Is Nothing Then
    'MsgBox ADO_UserData.State 'returns 1
    'MsgBox ADO_UserData.State = adStateOpen 'returns True
        If (ADO_UserData.State And adStateOpen) = adStateOpen Then
    'MsgBox ADO_UserData.State And adStateOpen = adStateOpen 'returns 1
            ADO_UserData.Close 'seems my error occurs here
    For i = 1 To 10 'just to waste some time and give pc time to do crap
        TxtFamTree(21).Text = "ADO_Userdata: " & i 'here it will display the first iteration of 
                                                   'the loop in my textbox then the error pops up
        Sleep (1000)
    Next i
    'MsgBox "Closed" 'doesn't get here
        End If
    'MsgBox "Set to nothing" 'doesn't get here
        Set ADO_UserData = Nothing
    End If
    'MsgBox "After if" 'doesn't get here
    I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! Worst part is it worked before without the error
    Last edited by Bezzie; May 17th, 2022 at 09:24 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: Weird error

    TxtFamTree(21).Text = "ADO_Userdata: " & i 'here it will display the first iteration of
    but the recordset /data source has been closed already
    i do my best to test code works before i post it, but sometimes am unable to do so for some reason, and usually say so if this is the case.
    Note code snippets posted are just that and do not include error handling that is required in real world applications, but avoid On Error Resume Next

    dim all variables as required as often i have done so elsewhere in my code but only posted the relevant part

    come back and mark your original post as resolved if your problem is fixed

  10. #10

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    Re: Weird error

    It's just a message that is displayed in a textbox on the screen. I is just a counter from 1 to 10.

  11. #11
    Smooth Moperator techgnome's Avatar
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    Re: Weird error

    I bet it's the DoEvents that's actually tripping things up.
    Putting in loops & sleeps and doevents isn't solving the problem, nor is it going to help find the problem. All it's doing is altering the flow, which is why your error keeps moving around. Remove all that and use Debug.Print statements to see where it's actually going.

    On a related note, back in the day, I used MsgBox to track where the code was going ... and it would work. Eh? So I took the MsgBox lines out... the code stopped working. I put them back in, it would work. Then I simply commented out the MsgBoxes ... and it continues to work. Out there somewhere is running production code that has a commented out MsgBox with a comment of "Don't remove this line. It keeps the code running as it should. Removing it will generate an error. I don't get it either but it works."

    Anyways, the point was that adding things that alter the flow of the code can actually hide the real problem.

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  12. #12

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    Re: Weird error

    Got it sorted but man was this a crap one to find.

    It turned out to be a call to the database in a function located in sub that was in the Activate event of my main form. So calling the small form with the message was not the culprit but that call in the Activate event. It showed the error before the small form were closed which led me to believe the error was with that small form

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