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Thread: Do we really need to use Angular for building C#, Web Application (MVC Based)

  1. #1

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    Do we really need to use Angular for building C#, Web Application (MVC Based)

    After starting and learning C# I've got little understandings of this versatile powerful programming language.

    Greatly thankful to all the members who guided me so far.

    My company wants to develop a new software for the entire company.
    They have decided to use C# and SQL Server.
    They've hired a C# Developer and who has preparing his team, picking programmers from our MIS Department.

    our HoD is demanding that
    1. Our application must be accessable locally and globally to all the end-users as well as to our Staff members.
    2. He has planned that if neighbor companies demand the similar facilities so we must be able to give access to those neighbor companies or simply we must be able to sell our software to them.
    3. Not only to our neighbors but even if another company asks for same software in far areas or even in other districts or other areas of state we could give them access.

    For this purpose, Our DBA hired an Angular Developer.
    he believes that Angular GIVES tremendous Single Page Application (SPA) facility as well as MVC framework.
    He said that:
    We will use C# + Angular + SQL Server.

    Under the umbrella of (Microsoft) .Net Framework, do our organization really need Angular to use?
    Does C# not support MVC on its own?
    Can't we work entirely on C# along with MVC for developing such application.
    Do we really need to depend on Angular for this type of application?

    Can't we simply develop an ASP.Net application, which will not be a website, but a Web application? Without using any Angular?

  2. #2

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    Re: Do we really need to use Angular for building C#, Web Application (MVC Based)

    Let me add something simple in my question?

    Is it mandatory to use Angular with C# or Project, which is based on MVC?

  3. #3
    PowerPoster PlausiblyDamp's Avatar
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    Re: Do we really need to use Angular for building C#, Web Application (MVC Based)

    Quote Originally Posted by colrh View Post
    Let me add something simple in my question?

    Is it mandatory to use Angular with C# or Project, which is based on MVC?
    There is no need to use Angular with C#, it is certainly possible but definitely not mandatory.

    Also is worth a quick read, MVC is a pattern and not specific to any one language or environment.

    Angular is a client-side Javascript model to approaching web apps (which implements the MVC pattern), dotnet's MVC Framework is more of a server-side model (that also implements the MVC pattern). If part of the requirement states you need to use MVC Framework then I would pin down exactly what this means, are they expecting you to use all of the framework (Controllers, Views, Routing etc.) or are they wanting the backend API to be developed in MVC but use Angular for the front end?

  4. #4

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    Re: Do we really need to use Angular for building C#, Web Application (MVC Based)

    Well asked.
    Yes they believe that C# will be used for APIs.
    Angular will be the front End.

    But they also said that We are using Angular because we don't want to put all the burden upon Database Servers. So some of the load will be shifted to Browsers and this will make the application faster than others.

    Another reason of using Angular is that they say that it works for Single Page Application.

    What you suggest now?

  5. #5
    PowerPoster PlausiblyDamp's Avatar
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    Re: Do we really need to use Angular for building C#, Web Application (MVC Based)

    Quote Originally Posted by colrh View Post
    Well asked.
    Yes they believe that C# will be used for APIs.
    Angular will be the front End.

    But they also said that We are using Angular because we don't want to put all the burden upon Database Servers. So some of the load will be shifted to Browsers and this will make the application faster than others.

    Another reason of using Angular is that they say that it works for Single Page Application.

    What you suggest now?
    Angular is certainly good for a Single Page Application, can't argue with that logic. However not sure why they think it will lessen the load on a Database Server, it doesn't matter what front end you use to display the data, if you are retrieving the same amount of data in the same way it will have the same impact regardless of the presentation!

  6. #6
    PowerPoster techgnome's Avatar
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    Re: Do we really need to use Angular for building C#, Web Application (MVC Based)

    TBH sounds like someone is trying to tick off marketing checkboxes ...

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  7. #7
    Superbly Moderated NeedSomeAnswers's Avatar
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    Re: Do we really need to use Angular for building C#, Web Application (MVC Based)

    Angular along with React & Vue is currently one of the most used JavaScript Frameworks for developing web apps. I haven't used it myself but I have used React a little and I quite liked it and plan to learn some more soon.

    In Web development JavaScript is pretty ubiquitous right now, even in Standard .NET MVC apps you end up using a hell of a lot of JavaScript.

    It sounds like its unlikely your company will change there decision to use Angular so why not embrace the challenge? Yes it will be unfamiliar and a learning curve but you would be learning an in demand new skill, increasing your value both to your company and on the job market.

    If I where in your shoes I would be trying my best to get on that project team, it sound like it's going to be a major project.

    If you decide you do want to be on the project, get to know the new Angular guy, I would imagine he isn't going to find a while team of developers at the company that already know the language so he will probably be looking for good devs who are keen to learn.
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