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Thread: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privileges

  1. #1

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    Lightbulb [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privileges

    Name:  RunAsTI2.jpg
Views: 1843
Size:  104.3 KB
    RunAs TrustedInstaller (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM)
    Version 2.0 (Updated 24 Feb 2022)

    If you've been running Windows 10, 11, and even to some extent 7, you've no doubt found even a so-called Administrator account doesn't have permission to do many things. Certain files, registry keys, etc, can only be accessed with the SYSTEM account under which many OS services run. TrustedInstaller is particularly privileged among system processes: It's the owner of many protected files and registry keys, so even just running as SYSTEM would leave you needing adjust permissions to take ownership (which you might not even be able to do) before altering them. So if you look at programs that do one of the most highly protected operations, disabling Windows Defender, they impersonate this process rather than simply run as SYSTEM (and why programs like AdvancedRun have 'Run as TrustedInstaller' as a separate option in addition to 'Run as SYSTEM').

    This code shows you how to use the undocumented API NtImpersonateThread to have your thread impersonate TrustedInstaller, which allows full access to duplicate it's security token and start a process with the same privileges, running as the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM user. A big advantage of doing it this way is that we don't have to be running as a service, like the methods used by some other privilege escalating techniques.

    Nirsoft's AdvancedRun has a feature to do this, but which sadly isn't open source much less written in VB, so I wanted to create something like it in VB6. I'll probably add more features like it has in the future, but this was the most complicated and useful.

    Important: You must use Run As Administrator to use this code; it simply allows an admin to be an actual admin, it cannot escalate a unprivileged normal user to administrator. It does appear to work when run from the IDE, but that will of course need to also have been run with administrator privileges.
    Also, while the code is fully Unicode-supporting, the built-in VB6 TextBox is of course not. If you need to launch a command line with non-ASCII characters, you can replace the TextBox with one that supports Unicode, or otherwise pass Unicode strings to the LaunchAsTI function.

    No external requirements, but the program does require a manifest with Common Controls 6 enabled to show the security shield icon on the button.

    I've only tested this code on Windows 10 (1809/Enterprise LTSC), but it should work on all versions from XP through 11.

    Version 2.0 Changes
    -Added support for command line arguments. You can enter them with normal syntax: If the path to the program has a space, you must put it in quotes. Examples:
    "C:\folder name\prog.exe" /arg
    C:\path\prog.exe "C:\folder\filearg"
    C:\prog.exe -a -b -c:d
    Arguments parsed by PathGetArgsW in shlwapi.dll
    CreateProcessWithTokenW, like CreateProcess supports command line arguments via setting both lpApplicationName and lpCommandLine. The trick is you have to pass just the path as the former, and the full path+args as the latter.
    IMPORTANT: Supporting arguments this way means that even if you have none, if there's a space, the path must be enclosed in quotes, e.g.
    "C:\Program Files\Process Hacker 2\ProcessHacker.exe"

    -Error messages now have their descriptions looked up.

    -Replaced the 3-second wait for the TrustedInstaller service to start with continuous monitoring with system-suggested wait. This will avoid false errors on a busy system or if e.g. a hard drive spinup pauses the service launch.
    This also saved us from having to search for the process id as the QueryServiceStatusEx call returns that information.

    How the code works:
    (incomplete snippets included for conceptual illustration, download the entire project for complete code)

    1. The SeDebugPrivilege and SeImpersonatePrivilege privileges are enabled with AdjustTokenPrivileges so we can play around with other processes.
      lRet = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES Or TOKEN_QUERY, hToken)
          If SetPrivilege(hToken, SE_DEBUG_NAME, True) Then
          If SetPrivilege(hToken, SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME, True) Then
    2. This is used to access the token for winlogon.exe and use ImpersonateLoggedOnUser to elevate our access.
      Dim hWinLogon As Long
      Dim pidWinLogon As Long
      pidWinLogon = FindProcessByName("winlogon.exe")
      If pidWinLogon Then
          hWinLogon = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE Or PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, 0&, pidWinLogon)
          If hWinLogon Then
              lRet = OpenProcessToken(hWinLogon, TOKEN_QUERY Or TOKEN_DUPLICATE, hSysTkn)
              If lRet Then
                  If ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(hSysTkn) Then
    3. We start the TrustedInstaller service via Service APIs (and ignore any 'already running' error).
      hSCM = OpenSCManagerW(0&, 0&, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS)
      hSvc = OpenServiceW(hSCM, StrPtr("TrustedInstaller"), SERVICE_START)
      hr = StartServiceW(hSvc, 0&, 0&)
    4. We use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to get a list of running processes, identify the process id of the TrustedInstaller service, then use the same API to get a list of threads to find TI's thread.
      hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0&)
      If hSnapshot Then
          te32.dwSize = Len(te32)
          hr = Thread32First(hSnapshot, te32)
              If te32.th32OwnerProcessID = pid Then
                  GetFirstThreadId = te32.th32ThreadID
                  Exit Function
              End If
          Loop While Thread32Next(hSnapshot, te32)
      End If
    5. NtImpersonateThread is used to have our thread impersonate TrustedInstaller.
                  hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_DIRECT_IMPERSONATION, 0&, hTiTid)
                  If hThread Then
                      Dim sqos As SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE
                      sqos.Length = Len(sqos)
                      sqos.ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation
                      status = NtImpersonateThread(GetCurrentThread(), hThread, sqos)
    6. Since it's now in our thread, we can open 'our' token (impersonating TI) with TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS and duplicate it.
      lRet = OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, 0&, hTiToken)
      Dim hStolenToken As Long
      satr.nLength = Len(satr)
      lRet = DuplicateTokenEx(hTiToken, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, VarPtr(satr), SecurityImpersonation, TokenImpersonation, hStolenToken)
    7. The duplicate token can now be used with CreateProcessWithTokenW to start a process with the fully privileged token copied from TrustedInstaller running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
          Dim tStartInfo As STARTUPINFOW
          Dim tProcInfo As PROCESS_INFORMATION
          sDesktop = "WinSta0\Default"
          tStartInfo.cbSize = Len(tStartInfo)
          tStartInfo.lpDesktop = StrPtr(sDesktop)
          LaunchAsTI = CreateProcessWithTokenW(hStolenToken, LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, 0&, StrPtr(sCommandLine), CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, 0&, 0&, tStartInfo, tProcInfo)

    You can start something like ProcessExplorer or ProcessHacker, and right in the titlebar it will note it's running as SYSTEM, and you'll see all the stuff that previously just said access denied, even if you ran as administrator.


    This project was based on Norbert Federa's run-as-trustedinstaller and APTortellini's unDefender.

    SetPrivilege function borrowed from Nayan Patel at BinaryWorld's code found here. Some declares from DavidUK's Viewing Token Privileges CodeBank project.

    Background: The Art of Becoming TrustedInstaller.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by fafalone; Feb 28th, 2022 at 08:47 PM. Reason: Clarified why TrustedInstaller is useful beyond SYSTEM.

  2. #2

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    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    x64-compatible twinBASIC version

    There's now a native x64 compatible version of this project for twinBASIC: (or direct link to GitHub)

    Repository includes binary builds.

    Includes several additional features currently exclusive to the tB version: Unicode support for path, ComboBox with MRU instead of TextBox, a file picker to browse for the program to run, ability to specify process priority, support for environment variables in the path string, and the ability to run a program as TI by opening it with this program, bypassing the GUI.
    Last edited by fafalone; Jun 10th, 2023 at 08:52 AM.

  3. #3

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    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    Project updated.

    Version 2.0 Changes
    • Added support for command line arguments. You can enter them with normal syntax: If the path to the program has a space, you must put it in quotes. Examples:
      "C:\folder name\prog.exe" /arg
      C:\path\prog.exe "C:\folder\filearg"
      C:\prog.exe -a -b -c:d
      Arguments parsed by PathGetArgsW in shlwapi.dll.
      CreateProcessWithTokenW, like CreateProcess supports command line arguments via setting both lpApplicationName and lpCommandLine. The trick is you have to pass just the path as the former, and the full path+args as the latter.

    • Error messages now have their descriptions looked up.

    • Replaced the 3-second wait for the TrustedInstaller service to start with continuous monitoring with system-suggested wait. This will avoid false errors on a busy system or if e.g. a hard drive spinup pauses the service launch.
      This also saved us from having to search for the process id as the QueryServiceStatusEx call returns that information.
    Last edited by fafalone; Feb 24th, 2022 at 08:07 AM.

  4. #4

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    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    Run As Local Security Authority

    Just wanted to add... while TrustedInstaller is under NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and has a lot of powerful privileges and is the owner of many critical objects, there are still some permissions denied to it. For instance, you can't enable the SeCreateToken privilege.

    To gain that privilege, you can use the same method to steal the token from lsass.exe (Local Security Authority Process) instead.

    The following is a drop-in alternative for this project. Simply replace the StartAndAcquireToken procedure with the one below:

    Private Function StartAndAcquireToken() As Long
    'Yoink lsass.exe's token
    Dim hSCM As Long
    Dim hSvc As Long
    Dim hToken As Long
    Dim lPid As Long
    Dim lTiPid As Long
    Dim hThread As Long
    Dim hTiTid As Long
    Dim hr As Long
    Dim lastErr As Long
    Dim Status As Long
    Dim lRet As Long
    lTiPid = FindProcessByName("lsass.exe")
    If lTiPid > 0& Then
        PostLog "Found security authority pid..."
        hTiTid = GetFirstThreadId(lTiPid)
        PostLog "First thread id for pid=" & hTiTid
        If hTiTid Then
            lastErr = 0&
            hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_DIRECT_IMPERSONATION, 0&, hTiTid)
            lastErr = Err.LastDllError
            If hThread Then
                Dim sqos As SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE
                sqos.Length = Len(sqos)
                sqos.ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation
                Status = NtImpersonateThread(GetCurrentThread(), hThread, sqos)
                If Status = STATUS_SUCCESS Then
                    PostLog "NtImpersonateThread STATUS_SUCCESS. Opening current token..."
                    lastErr = 0&: lRet = 0&
                    lRet = OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, 0&, hTiToken)
                    lastErr = Err.LastDllError
                    If lRet Then
                        PostLog "OpenThreadToken success, return=0x" & lRet
                        lastErr = 0&: lRet = 0&
                        PostLog "Failed to open own token after NtIT, lastErr=" & GetErrorName(lastErr) & " (0x" & Hex$(lastErr) & ")"
                    End If
                    PostLog "NtImpersonateThread failed, NTSTATUS=" & GetNtStatusName(Status) & "(0x" & Hex$(Status) & ")"
                End If
                PostLog "Failed to open Security Authority thread, lastErr=" & GetErrorName(lastErr) & " (0x" & Hex$(lastErr) & ")"
            End If
            PostLog "Failed to get Security Authority thread id: 0x" & Hex$(hTiTid)
        End If
        PostLog "Failed to find Security Authority process, code 0x" & lTiPid
    End If
    End Function
    (There's no service to start, lsass is always running)


    I've also written the following Sub Main (to use as the Startup object instead of Form1 etc in project properties) that makes your app (assuming you run as admin) immediately respawns itself as running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM if compiled (or bypasses additional elevation if in the IDE). Note that in the Demo with the way it logs events, you also need to replace the PostLog function with the one below to prevent the form from being loaded by Form1.AppendLog if it's the initial run that just launches the elevated version:

    Private Declare Function GetModuleFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleFileNameA" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
    Private bUI As Boolean
    Private Sub PostLog(smsg As String)
    If bUI Then Form1.AppendLog smsg
    End Sub
    Sub Main()
    'We need to not only run as admin, but run as superadmin.
    'Easiest way is to just impersonate the system, hijack the
    'security service's token, and respawn running natively
    'as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM with full security service
    'abilities, including enabled the create token privilege.
    If IsUserAnAdmin() Then
        If IsIDE() Then
            bUI = True
            PostLog "Running from IDE, bypassed elevation routine."
            If InStr(Command(), "/GO") Then
                bUI = True
                PostLog "Now running as fully elevated. Ready..."
                'AdjustPrivilegesEx - if you want to add more privileges just expand that routine
                Dim sLA As String
                'Put in quotes in case path has space; neccessary for parser.
                sLA = Chr$(34) & App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe" & Chr$(34) & " /GO"
                LaunchAsTI sLA
                Sleep 1000
            End If
        End If
        MsgBox "You must run this program as Administrator.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, App.Title
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Function IsIDE() As Boolean
       Dim buff As String
       Dim Success As Long
       buff = Space$(255)
       Success = GetModuleFileName(App.hInstance, buff, Len(buff))
       If Success > 0 Then
          IsIDE = InStr(LCase$(buff), "vb6.exe") > 0
       End If
    End Function
    Last edited by fafalone; Mar 10th, 2022 at 09:14 PM. Reason: Added different log sub needed for demo

  5. #5
    Hyperactive Member
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    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    Very good job works very well.

    a little problem i found

    using Main()
    two processes are created in taskmanager
    RunAsTI.exe /GO SYSTEM
    RunAsTI.exe USER

    when closed, RunAsTI.exe USER remains open in the taskmanager.

    a greeting

  6. #6

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    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    Sorry forgot to note that with the way the Demo logs messages you need to set a flag so that calls to PostLog don't load the form. I've updated the post.

    Note that the only reason you'd want to self elevate is if you were writing an app that itself needed elevated privileges; if you're just launching other apps, running the original Demo as administrator is fine; you don't need to self-elevate.
    Last edited by fafalone; Mar 10th, 2022 at 09:58 PM.

  7. #7

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    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    There's now a native x64 compatible version of this project for twinBASIC: (or direct link to GitHub)

    Repository includes binary builds.

    Includes several additional features currently exclusive to the tB version: Unicode support for path, ComboBox with MRU instead of TextBox, a file picker to browse for the program to run, ability to specify process priority, support for environment variables in the path string, and the ability to run a program as TI by opening it with this program, bypassing the GUI.
    Last edited by fafalone; Dec 3rd, 2022 at 04:22 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    twinbasic make exe ,1.4-1.8M(X64)
    VB6 MAKE exe ,only 60kb

  9. #9

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    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    twinBASIC does not have compiler optimization yet; and part of that is if you use GUI elements, it builds in the entire WinNativeForms package instead of only the parts you use. The roadmap has compiler optimizations starting within the next couple months.

    As an example, I built a command-line only version of this project, and the .exe was only 152KB, a much smaller difference.
    Last edited by fafalone; Jun 1st, 2023 at 01:00 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    Enabling privileges...
    AdjustPrivileges::Got process token.
    AdjustPrivileges::Enabled debug privilege.
    AdjustPrivileges::Enabled impersonate privilege.
    Impersonating system...
    Got winlogon pid, opening process...
    Got winlogon process handle, opening token...
    Successfully impersonated system!
    Service manager opened. Opening TrustedInstaller service...
    Attempting to start TrustedInstaller service...
    Service running, pid=4540
    First thread id for pid=4188
    NtImpersonateThread STATUS_SUCCESS. Opening current token...
    OpenThreadToken success, return=0x1
    Duplicating stolen TI token...
    Token duplicated. Creating process...
    LaunchAsTI::CreateProcessWithTokenW failed, lastErr=无法启动服务,原因可能是已被禁用或与其相关联的设备没有启动。 (0x422)
    LaunchAsTI return code=0x0 (FAIL)

  11. #11

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    Re: [VB6] Run process as TrustedInstalled (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) w/ full system privil

    That error is saying a service failed to start; what service are you trying to start? It may depend on a service that's not yet started.

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