Ever need to display a message box for “Do not show again”, “auto-close”, “Open links”, specify how many buttons on a dialog along with the text? These are just a few example found in the following GitHub repository which shows how to use these options in both Windows Forms and WPF projects using a common class project created with .NET Core, C# 9.

For VB.NET see the following code sample.

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Suppose there is a need for displaying a dialog that needs to perform actions?

public static void Question(Control owner, string heading, Action yesAction, Action noAction)

    TaskDialogButton yesButton = new("Yes") { Tag = DialogResult.Yes };
    TaskDialogButton noButton = new("No") { Tag = DialogResult.No };

    var buttons = new TaskDialogButtonCollection

    TaskDialogPage page = new()
        Caption = "Question",
        SizeToContent = true,
        Heading = heading,
        Icon = new TaskDialogIcon(Properties.Resources.QuestionBlue),
        Buttons = buttons
    var result = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(owner, page);

    if ((DialogResult)result.Tag == DialogResult.Yes)
Specify a custom Icon (here hard coded while there are other samples that accept an Icon to be fluid), an option to center the dialog on a form or window? The following does both along with setting the default button.

public static bool Question(IntPtr owner, string caption, string heading, string yesText, string noText, DialogResult defaultButton = DialogResult.No)

    TaskDialogButton yesButton = new(yesText) { Tag = DialogResult.Yes };
    TaskDialogButton noButton = new(noText) { Tag = DialogResult.No };

    var buttons = new TaskDialogButtonCollection();

    if (defaultButton == DialogResult.Yes)
    TaskDialogPage page = new()
        Caption = caption,
        SizeToContent = true,
        Heading = heading,
        Icon = new TaskDialogIcon(Properties.Resources.question32),
        Buttons = buttons

    var result = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(owner, page, TaskDialogStartupLocation.CenterOwner);

    return (DialogResult)result.Tag == DialogResult.Yes;

Do not show again code works with a json configuration file with code to abide by the user's choice and method to reset.

public static (NoShowResult DialogResult, bool showAgain) DoNotShowAgain(ShowAgainOptions options)

    TaskDialogPage page = new ()
        Heading = options.Heading,
        Text = options.Text,
        Caption = options.Caption,
        Icon = new TaskDialogIcon(options.Icon),
        AllowCancel = true,
        Verification = new TaskDialogVerificationCheckBox()
            Text = options.VerificationText
        Buttons = new TaskDialogButtonCollection()
            TaskDialogButton.Yes, TaskDialogButton.No
        DefaultButton = TaskDialogButton.No

    if (TaskDialog.ShowDialog(options.IntPtr,page) == TaskDialogButton.Yes)

        bool showAgain = false;

        if (page.Verification.Checked)
            showAgain = false;
            showAgain = true;

        return (NoShowResult.StopOperation, showAgain);


        return (NoShowResult.No, true);


Auto-close, in this case partly hard coded with room to expand.

public static void AutoCloseDialog(IntPtr owner, Icon Icon, int seconds, string text, string okText = "OK", string cancelText = "Cancel")

    var remaining = seconds * 10;

    TaskDialogButton continueButton = new(okText);
    TaskDialogButton cancelButton = new(cancelText);

    TaskDialogPage page = new()
        Heading = "To cancel select the cancel button",
        Text = text,
        Icon = new TaskDialogIcon(Icon),
        Buttons = new TaskDialogButtonCollection() { continueButton, cancelButton },
        Caption = "Data operations"

    using Timer timer = new()
        Enabled = true,
        Interval = 100

    timer.Tick += (_, _) =>
        remaining -= 1;

        if (remaining != 0) return;
        timer.Enabled = false;
        if (continueButton.BoundPage is not null)

    TaskDialogButton result = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(owner, page);

    ContinueOperation?.Invoke(result == continueButton);
