Generate a Prime number of 8 Digits (you can adjust if you need more).
I needed 8 digits pour internal security checks
Public Function EightDigitPrime() As Double
   ' #VBIDEUtils#***********************************************************
   ' * Author           : 
   ' * Web Site         : 
   ' * E-Mail           : 
   ' * Date             : 03/17/2003
   ' * Project Name     : 
   ' * Module Name      : Lib_Module
   ' * Module Filename  : Lib.bas
   ' * Procedure Name   : EightDigitPrime
   ' * Purpose          :
   ' * Parameters       :
   ' **********************************************************************
   ' * Comments         :
   ' *
   ' *
   ' * Example          :
   ' *
   ' * Screenshot       :
   ' *
   ' * See Also         :
   ' *
   ' * History          :
   ' *
   ' *
   ' **********************************************************************

   Dim dPrime           As Double
   Dim dMiddle          As Double
   Dim dCounter         As Double
   Dim dCheck1          As Double
   Dim dCheck2          As Double

   Dim nI               As Long

   Randomize Timer
   dPrime = CDbl(10000001) + CDbl(2) * Int(Rnd * 45000000)

   dMiddle = Int(dPrime / 2)
   dCounter = 2
   For nI = CDbl(3) To Sqr(dPrime) Step 2
      dCheck1 = dPrime / dCounter
      dCheck2 = Int(dPrime / dCounter)
      If dCheck1 = dCheck2 Then GoTo Restart
      dCounter = dCounter + 1
   EightDigitPrime = dPrime

End Function