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Thread: A clsObjectExtender new version

  1. #1

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    A clsObjectExtender new version

    From 2005 the clsObjectExtender was a fine class for late binding objects with events. But how we can use if we have our own object which raise events and we want that object to be present on a VBScript script?
    The problem with the old clsObjectExtender was the use of Variants VT_VARIANT + VT_REF. So this new version refresh the old code to do the job properly.

    Also I test the code for leaks, using a 100000 loop.

    The program is in main() in a module. The events comes from an array of clsObjectExtender, in a module (so we can't use WithEvents), and we attach ShinkEvent, a class which have events and some subs as methods. So we place some SinkEvent objects, in a VBScript object, using names like Debug and Sum. At the execution of the VbScript script the code fire events from ShinkEvents objects and through clsObjectExtender (in an array), they call the same sub, in Module1.bas: EventRaised, with for parameters:
    oTarget is the object (ShinkEvent) who fires the event
    ID is a number which we give to clsObjectExtender for Identificarion in this sub.
    strName is the event name
    params() is a Variant type array to hold parameters. Although is a Variant type array, if the parameter isn't variant we have to keep the same type. But if the parameter is a variant type then we can change type. From the test the VBScript for numbers use automatic adjustment, so if we have variable j with a value 1 then this have a sub-type Integer. So if we get that by reference there are a chance to alter the type, in our code, and then return the new type. That can be done with this version. Also we can pass by reference Variant Arrays.

    Public Sub EventRaised(oTarget As Object, ByVal ID As Long, ByVal strName As String, params() As Variant)
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim i    As Long
        Dim Resp()
        If ID = 1001 Then
            If strName = "GetData" Then
                Resp() = oTarget.GetData()
                For i = LBound(Resp) To UBound(Resp) - 1
                   If pr Then Debug.Print Resp(i),
                Next i
                If i = UBound(Resp) Then
                    If pr Then Debug.Print Resp(i)
                End If
            ElseIf strName = "GetString" Then
                params(1) = "1234"
            ElseIf strName = "GetNumber" Then
                params(1) = params(1) * params(1)
            ElseIf strName = "GetArray" Then
                sum = sum + params(1)(2)
                params(1)(0) = sum
                Resp() = params(1)
                GoTo here
            ElseIf strName = "GetCalc" Then
                If params(1) = "multiply" Then
                    params(2) = params(3) * params(4)
                End If
                GoTo error1
            End If
        ElseIf ID = 1002 Then
            If strName = "GetNumber" Then
                params(1) = sum
                GoTo error1
            End If
        ElseIf ID = 1003 Then
            If strName = "GetVBString" Then
                params(1) = params(1) + "1234"
            ElseIf strName = "GetString" Then
                params(1) = params(1) + "123456"
            ElseIf strName = "GetDecimal" Then
               params(1) = params(1) + CDec("50000000000000000000000000")
            ElseIf strName = "GetData" Then
                Resp() = oTarget.GetData()
                GoTo here
            ElseIf strName = "GetCurrency" Then
            params(1) = params(1) + CCur("9999999999999")
                GoTo error1
            End If
            If pr Then Debug.Print "ID Event " & ID & " has no code for Events"
        End If
        Exit Sub
        If pr Then Debug.Print "Event " + strName + " has no code"
    End Sub

    In the Module1 there are some TestX subs where X=1 to 5. There are two globals, pr as boolean to switch the debug.print on or off, so for a lengthy run we use pr=false, and sum, a variable which alter between calls to Test sub, through events.

    Try the code. Any suggestions or improvements will be appreciated.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by georgekar; Nov 8th, 2021 at 09:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Hyperactive Member
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    I have used clsObjectExtender for a long time.
    I will try this new version.
    Thanks for updating and improving old modules.
    a greeting

  3. #3

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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    Version 2.0
    I forgot about BSTR, when they are byvalue. We have to preserve original pointer, because the caller has to free this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    how to get events name for WinHttpRequest?
    Dim EventTool As clsObjectExtender
    Dim oXmlhttp As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Set EventTool = New clsObjectExtender
        Set oXmlhttp = New WinHttpRequest
        'Set oXmlhttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
        EventTool.Attach oXmlhttp
        oXmlhttp.Open "GET", "", True
        'strOut = oXmlhttp.responseText
    End Sub
    Public Sub EventRaised(oTarget As Object, ByVal ID As Long, ByVal strName As String, params() As Variant)
    Debug.Print "event:" & strName
    End Sub

  5. #5
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    If you open winhttpcom.dll typelib (i.e. the one with WinHttpRequest coclass) you can see that its events are declared in IWinHttpRequestEvents interface

          helpstring("IWinHttpRequestEvents Interface"),
        interface IWinHttpRequestEvents : IUnknown {
            void _stdcall OnResponseStart(
                            [in] long Status, 
                            [in] BSTR ContentType);
            void _stdcall OnResponseDataAvailable([in] SAFEARRAY(unsigned char)* Data);
            void _stdcall OnResponseFinished();
            void _stdcall OnError(
                            [in] long ErrorNumber, 
                            [in] BSTR ErrorDescription);
    . . . which is not a normal dispinterface like events from VB6 classes are implemented so this one is a bit weird.

    Furthermore it's a little known fact that events from WinHttpRequest instances might be raised on worker threads and so very bad things can happen in VB6 handlers as no synchronization is provided on accessing instance private data (no COM marshalling). For instance putting a breakpoint in OnResponseDataAvailable and pressing End button in IDE might crash it.


  6. #6
    Hyperactive Member
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    will you have time to write a twinbasic or vba64 version?

  7. #7
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    Quote Originally Posted by wqweto View Post
    If you open winhttpcom.dll typelib (i.e. the one with WinHttpRequest coclass) you can see that its events are declared in IWinHttpRequestEvents interface

          helpstring("IWinHttpRequestEvents Interface"),
        interface IWinHttpRequestEvents : IUnknown {
            void _stdcall OnResponseStart(
                            [in] long Status, 
                            [in] BSTR ContentType);
            void _stdcall OnResponseDataAvailable([in] SAFEARRAY(unsigned char)* Data);
            void _stdcall OnResponseFinished();
            void _stdcall OnError(
                            [in] long ErrorNumber, 
                            [in] BSTR ErrorDescription);
    . . . which is not a normal dispinterface like events from VB6 classes are implemented so this one is a bit weird.

    Furthermore it's a little known fact that events from WinHttpRequest instances might be raised on worker threads and so very bad things can happen in VB6 handlers as no synchronization is provided on accessing instance private data (no COM marshalling). For instance putting a breakpoint in OnResponseDataAvailable and pressing End button in IDE might crash it.

    I thought it was a callback in a multithreaded function, so I tried every function plus multithreaded VB6 header initialization also didn't work. Just crashed. No warning. It's weird. Maybe this isn't a normal event connection after all.
    I don't know if there's any other way.

    i don't khnow whats' this?
    Implements olelib.IOleClientSite
    'Implements olelib.IConnectionPoint
    Implements olelib2.IOleInPlaceSite
    Call CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WebBrowser, Nothing, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWebBrowser2, oUnk)
     CLSIDFromStringGUID StrPtr("{00000112-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"), UUID2
    oUnk.QueryInterface UUID2, IOleObject2
    Dim pClientSite As IOleClientSite
    Hr = oUnk.QueryInterface(UUID2, pClientSite)
     MsgBox "h0=" & Hr
       ' Get the WebBrowser interface
    ''  Set m_oWebBrowser = objWeb ' oUnk
      Set m_oWebBrowser = oUnk
    Hr = oUnk.QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, pCPC)
    Dim pCP As IConnectionPoint
    Set pCP = pCPC.FindConnectionPoint(IID__IAddEvents)
    Private Function IOleInPlaceSite_GetWindow() As Long
    maybe IOleInPlaceSite is ie event point?
    if you want do datagrid events,also user FindConnectionPoint?

    This is a method that needs to implement every event function. Make a separate class for each COM object type.
    There are 30 COM DLLS that need to implement 30 CLASS files.

    The late binding event method can support any COM DLL,OCX, without the need to implement any event entity.

  8. #8
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    it's only show event name,how to get params name,and params type, is byval or is ref?

  9. #9
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    Quote Originally Posted by loquat View Post
    will you have time to write a twinbasic or vba64 version?
    vba64 could possibly be done; the difficult part would be rewriting the assmebly thunk in a way that doesn't crash the very crash-prone VBA.

    tB can't support this even in 32bit mode right now, as classes don't yet implement all required interfaces.

  10. #10
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    IMO CallPointer can be implemented w/ DispCallFunc API to be x64 compatible i.e as a replacement for the x86 only ASM thunk.

    This will *not* fix WinHttpRequest troubles though.


  11. #11
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version


     Dim oITypeInfo   As olelib.ITypeInfo
     Dim oDispatch   As olelib.IDispatch
     Set oDispatch = obj
     Set oITypeInfo = oDispatch.GetTypeInfo(0, 2052)
        Call oITypeInfo.GetNames(dispid, strName, 1)
    Private Function GetMemberName(obj As Object, ByVal dispid As Long, iid As UUID) As String
        Dim oTypeLib    As ITypeLib
        Dim pTypeLib    As Long
        Dim pVTblTpLib  As Long
        Dim oTypeInfo   As ITypeInfo
        Dim pTypeInfo   As Long
        Dim pVTblTpInfo As Long
        Dim oDispatch   As IDispatch
        Dim hRet        As Long
        Dim dwIndex     As Long
        Dim pcNames     As Long
        Dim pVTbl       As Long
        Dim strName     As String
        ' get IDispatch from the object
        pVTbl = ObjPtr(obj)
        CpyMem pVTbl, ByVal pVTbl, 4
        CpyMem oDispatch, ByVal pVTbl, Len(oDispatch)
        ' get ITypeInfo
        hRet = CallPointer(oDispatch.GetTypeInfo, ObjPtr(obj), 0, LCID, VarPtr(pTypeInfo))
        If hRet Then Exit Function
        ' ITypeInfo VTable
        CpyMem pVTblTpInfo, ByVal pTypeInfo, 4
        CpyMem oTypeInfo, ByVal pVTblTpInfo, Len(oTypeInfo)
        ' let's first ty to get the name
        ' of the member by using the current TypeInfo
        hRet = CallPointer(oTypeInfo.GetNames, pTypeInfo, dispid, VarPtr(strName), 1, VarPtr(pcNames))
        If Len(strName) > 0 Then
            GetMemberName = strName
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' no, that didn't work.
        ' go for the whole type library
        ' GetContainingTypeLib
        hRet = CallPointer(oTypeInfo.GetContainingTypeLib, pTypeInfo, VarPtr(pTypeLib), VarPtr(dwIndex))
        If hRet Then
            GetMemberName = dispid
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' ITypeLib VTable
        CpyMem pVTblTpLib, ByVal pTypeLib, 4
        CpyMem oTypeLib, ByVal pVTblTpLib, Len(oTypeLib)
        ' GetTypeInfoOfGUID
        hRet = CallPointer(oTypeLib.GetTypeInfoOfGuid, pTypeLib, VarPtr(iid_event), VarPtr(pTypeInfo))
        If hRet Then
            GetMemberName = dispid
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' ITypeInfo VTable
        CpyMem pVTblTpInfo, ByVal pTypeInfo, 4
        CpyMem oTypeInfo, ByVal pVTblTpInfo, Len(oTypeInfo)
        ' GetNames
        hRet = CallPointer(oTypeInfo.GetNames, pTypeInfo, dispid, VarPtr(strName), 1, VarPtr(pcNames))
        If Len(strName) = 0 Then
            ' no string... :(
            ' instead return the dispip
            GetMemberName = dispid
            GetMemberName = strName
        End If
    End Function

  12. #12
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    Actually I take it back; twinBASIC can run this on 32bit, right now. The problem was I had DEP on.

    So it would be a lot of work to convert this to x64, since there's tons of raw pointer math and manipulation, but the biggest roadblock by far will be finding someone who can rewrite the assembly for x64 (I can't).

    @wqweto... It doesn't seem like DispCallFunc could replace much of the asm, which is already using CallWindowProc? But then I don't know. It would be nice to have a generic call-by-pointer for x64.

  13. #13
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    @fafalone: This can invoke Long/HRESULT returning function pointers

    '--- Module1
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal pvInstance As Long, ByVal oVft As Long, ByVal lCc As Long, ByVal vtReturn As VbVarType, ByVal cActuals As Long, prgVt As Any, prgpVarg As Any, pvargResult As Variant) As Long
    Public Function DispCallByPfn(ByVal lPfn As Long, ParamArray A() As Variant) As Variant
        Const CC_STDCALL    As Long = 4
        Dim lIdx            As Long
        Dim vParam()        As Variant
        Dim vType(0 To 63)  As Integer
        Dim vPtr(0 To 63)   As Long
        Dim hResult         As Long
        vParam = A
        For lIdx = 0 To UBound(vParam)
            vType(lIdx) = VarType(vParam(lIdx))
            vPtr(lIdx) = VarPtr(vParam(lIdx))
        hResult = DispCallFunc(0, lPfn, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, lIdx, vType(0), vPtr(0), DispCallByPfn)
        If hResult < 0 Then
            Err.Raise hResult, "DispCallFunc"
        End If
    End Function
    '--- Module2
    Option Explicit
    Public Function Test(ByVal lA As Long, ByVal lB As Long) As Long
        Test = lA + lB
    End Function
    '--- Form1
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Debug.Print DispCallByPfn(AddressOf Test, 5, 6)
    End Sub

  14. #14
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    I've seen that method before but is it a replacement for how it's being done in the project in this thread? When people use asm thunks my initial presumption is there's a damn good reason for the extra trouble, though not knowing assembly myself in anything more than the most general sense, that may or may not be accurate.

  15. #15
    Hyperactive Member
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    i have made some tests on vba 64bit by using DispCallFunc api, many and many of the times crash office vba environment.

  16. #16
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    Yeah 64bit VBA does not like you doing anything with pointers *at all*.

    I've been frustrated for months because a simple callback doesn't work.

    Public Function TaskDialogCallbackProc(ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal uNotification As Long, ByVal wParam As LongPtr, ByVal lParam As LongPtr, ByVal lpRefData As LongPtr) As LongPtr
    Dim cTD As cTaskDialog
    CopyMemory cTD, lpRefData, LenB(lpRefData)
    TaskDialogCallbackProc = cTD.zz_ProcessCallback(hWnd, uNotification, wParam, lParam)
    ZeroMemory cTD, LenB(lpRefData)
    End Function
    I'm 100% sure I'm setting the AddressOf at the correct position (140/0x8C), but it crashes every single time (it works in twinBASIC in both 32 and 64bit, and VB6 in 32bit). Near as I can tell it never even enters the callback; tried breakpoints and signalling on the first line.

  17. #17

  18. #18
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    Yeah 64bit VBA does not like you doing anything with pointers *at all*.

    I've been frustrated for months because a simple callback doesn't work.

    Public Function TaskDialogCallbackProc(ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal uNotification As Long, ByVal wParam As LongPtr, ByVal lParam As LongPtr, ByVal lpRefData As LongPtr) As LongPtr
    Dim cTD As cTaskDialog
    CopyMemory cTD, lpRefData, LenB(lpRefData)
    TaskDialogCallbackProc = cTD.zz_ProcessCallback(hWnd, uNotification, wParam, lParam)
    ZeroMemory cTD, LenB(lpRefData)
    End Function
    I'm 100% sure I'm setting the AddressOf at the correct position (140/0x8C), but it crashes every single time (it works in twinBASIC in both 32 and 64bit, and VB6 in 32bit). Near as I can tell it never even enters the callback; tried breakpoints and signalling on the first line.

  19. #19
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    Sorry I'm having some trouble understanding the connection with that post... I'm not redirecting a vtable entry...

    I have a class module that fills out a UDT for TaskDialogIndirect, which includes the AddressOf the callback function in my post, which is located in a standard .bas module, not a class module, and the ref data is set to ObjPtr(class module). This works in some other scenarios; wqweto says timers work, without adding any extra members to account for a different signature.

    If you would be willing to help I do have an existing thread about the issue with code attached:

  20. #20

  21. #21
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    Quote Originally Posted by The trick View Post
    Let me check.


    The reason of the crash found - it's the VBA x64 bug.
    can we just bypass it?

  22. #22
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    Re: A clsObjectExtender new version

    Follow the link to the thread, The trick found a very simple to implement solution.

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