I got codes and need to do some changes based on it.
however, as a VB beeeeeeginner, so many questions I cannot solve.

Now, the error is as follow:
Error BC30002 Type 'AxMSChart20Lib.AxMSCharT' is not defined. exercise C:\DX_source\exercise\exercise\Module1.vb 8 Active

The code is as follow:
Public WithEvents MSChart1 As AxMSChart20Lib.AxMSCharT

Although I have tried to search the solution, but the method that adding a COM called "Microsoft Chart Control" through
"Menu Project ⇒Project property ⇒ References ⇒ add ⇒ Microsoft Chart Control 6.0(OLEDB)"
didn't work on my situation.

Is anybody know how to deal with this ERROR?