seems like a straight-forward simple question but I cannot program it no matter what I try because it's hard to compact the logic in both cases forward and backwards and ignoring starting position (using starting position as well as going forward from starting position if necessary).

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1) If you start at Row 0, Column 0, Then Just 
    ~ Print out Row 0, Column 0.
    ~ If Processing is required can go to any Row 1,2 or itself Row 0.
2) If you start at Row 1, Column 0, Then 
    ~ If in Row 0, and Column `n..3` is Processed already, Go back to Row 1.
3) If you start at Row 2, Column 0, Then Print out Row 1, Column `n..3`.
    ~ Print Row 1, and Column `n..3` Then
    ~ Print Row 0, and Column `n..3`
    ~ If Row 1 and Row 0 are both already Processed. Go back to Row 2.
Here is the code I got.

    Public Structure Result
        Dim Answer As Short
        Dim CurrentRow As Long
        Dim CurrentColumn As Long
    End Structure

    Structure FoundValue
        Dim Value As Short
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim Column As Integer
    End Structure

    Public Uniques()() As Short
    Public ProcessedBits()() As Byte

    Function GetFirstRowUnique(UniqueArray()() As Short, CurrentRow As Integer) As Result

        Dim res1 As New Result
        res1.Answer = -1
        If UniqueArray Is Nothing Then Return res1 'Unique Array isn't initialized.

        Dim Row As Integer = 0
        Dim Column As Integer = 0

        Dim ValuesFoundInPath As New List(Of FoundValue)

        Dim isCurrentRow As Boolean = False

        Dim OriginalRow As Integer = CurrentRow

        Row = CurrentRow

        Dim CurrentValue As Short = -1
        Dim Increase As Boolean = False

        CurrentRow = OriginalRow

        Row = OriginalRow
        While Row >= 0
            If ((Row - 1) < 0 OrElse Row > UniqueArray.Length - 1) AndAlso ValuesFoundInPath.Count > 0 Then
                Exit While
            ElseIf Row = OriginalRow AndAlso (Row - 1) >= 0 Then
                Row -= 1 'If Original Row and can go down, then Lower the Row by 1.
            End If

            For Column = 0 To Uniques(Row).Length - 1 'Check each column in current row.
                If ProcessedBits(Row)(Column) = 1 Then Continue For 'If the Column is Processed, Then skip it and process the next one.

                Dim foundValue As New FoundValue
                foundValue.Value = UniqueArray(Row)(Column)
                foundValue.Row = Row
                foundValue.Column = Column
                Exit For

            If OriginalRow = 0 AndAlso Row = 0 Then
                Row += 1 'If OriginalRow failed, Increase Row by +1.
            ElseIf (Row - 1) = OriginalRow OrElse (((Row - 1) < 0 OrElse Row > UniqueArray.Length - 1) AndAlso ValuesFoundInPath.Count > 0) Then
                Exit While
            End If
        End While

'TODO: Logic removed, this is how to simulate a ProcessedBits.
ProcessedBits(Row)(Column) = 1

'TODO Logic removed this is just the end of it.
        Dim result As New Result
        result.Answer = ValuesFoundInPath(matchingIndex).Value
        result.CurrentRow = ValuesFoundInPath(matchingIndex).Row
        result.CurrentColumn = ValuesFoundInPath(matchingIndex).Column
        Return result 'The Next Row value which isn't Processed yet.
    End Function
