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Thread: TwinBASIC Pure Win32 GUI Sample.

  1. #1

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    Angel of Code Niya's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    TwinBASIC Pure Win32 GUI Sample.

    Short demo of a windowed application written in TwinBASIC using pure Win32 code.

    It's a very simple clock that displays the current date and time as text in Window. It's serves as a demonstration of just how powerful the TwinBASIC compiler is, even in this early stage of it's development. Even though TwinBASIC has no GUI tools, it's compiler is still powerful enough to leverage the Win32 API very comfortably to create a GUI anyway.

    Short video briefly showing the application running:-
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Treeview with NodeAdded/NodesRemoved events | BlinkLabel control | Calculate Permutations | Object Enums | ComboBox with centered items | .Net Internals article(not mine) | Wizard Control | Understanding Multi-Threading | Simple file compression | Demon Arena

    Copy/move files using Windows Shell | I'm not wanted

    C++ programmers will dismiss you as a cretinous simpleton for your inability to keep track of pointers chained 6 levels deep and Java programmers will pillory you for buying into the evils of Microsoft. Meanwhile C# programmers will get paid just a little bit more than you for writing exactly the same code and VB6 programmers will continue to whitter on about "footprints". - FunkyDexter

    There's just no reason to use garbage like InputBox. - jmcilhinney

    The threads I start are Niya and Olaf free zones. No arguing about the benefits of VB6 over .NET here please. Happiness must reign. - yereverluvinuncleber

  2. #2
    New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Re: TwinBASIC Pure Win32 GUI Sample.

    Often I tried something it failed because of this or that. This expample works without errors. I'm impressed. Thank you for sharing.

  3. #3

    Thread Starter
    Angel of Code Niya's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: TwinBASIC Pure Win32 GUI Sample.

    Quote Originally Posted by getgrowing View Post
    Often I tried something it failed because of this or that. This expample works without errors. I'm impressed. Thank you for sharing.
    You're welcomed.

    Working on a more advanced implementation that should prove to quite insightful to anyone wondering how a GUI is implemented in an environment like VB6 or .Net's WinForms.
    Treeview with NodeAdded/NodesRemoved events | BlinkLabel control | Calculate Permutations | Object Enums | ComboBox with centered items | .Net Internals article(not mine) | Wizard Control | Understanding Multi-Threading | Simple file compression | Demon Arena

    Copy/move files using Windows Shell | I'm not wanted

    C++ programmers will dismiss you as a cretinous simpleton for your inability to keep track of pointers chained 6 levels deep and Java programmers will pillory you for buying into the evils of Microsoft. Meanwhile C# programmers will get paid just a little bit more than you for writing exactly the same code and VB6 programmers will continue to whitter on about "footprints". - FunkyDexter

    There's just no reason to use garbage like InputBox. - jmcilhinney

    The threads I start are Niya and Olaf free zones. No arguing about the benefits of VB6 over .NET here please. Happiness must reign. - yereverluvinuncleber

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