
working with dotnet 4.X

I've created my own listview with ownerdraw throu WndProc. Now I want to add the groupfooter. I can set it and I see the footer when I'm not using ownerdraw. However I can't paint it myself becourse I can't figer out how to retreive the footertext.

I set it with this code
Private Shared Sub SetGrpFooter(ByVal lstvwgrp As ListViewGroup, ByVal footer As String)
            If Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6 Then Return
            If lstvwgrp Is Nothing OrElse lstvwgrp.ListView Is Nothing Then Return
            If lstvwgrp.ListView.InvokeRequired Then
                lstvwgrp.ListView.Invoke(New CallbackSetGroupString(AddressOf SetGrpFooter), lstvwgrp, footer)
                Dim GrpId As System.Nullable(Of Integer) = GetGroupID(lstvwgrp)
                Dim group As New LVGROUP
                group.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(group)
                If (footer = String.Empty) Then
                    group.pszFooter = Nothing
                    group.pszFooter = footer
                End If

                group.mask = ListViewGroupMask.Footer 
                Dim ip As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(group.cbSize)
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(group, ip, False)
                If GrpId IsNot Nothing Then
                    group.iGroupId = GrpId.Value
                    SendMessage(lstvwgrp.ListView.Handle, LVM_SETGROUPINFO, GrpId.Value, ip)
                    group.iGroupId = GrpId
                    SendMessage(lstvwgrp.ListView.Handle, LVM_SETGROUPINFO, GrpId.Value, ip)
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
Anybody has insights?
