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Thread: Fast Search Process Memory by vb6 or vba

  1. #1

    Thread Starter
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Fast Search Process Memory by vb6 or vba

    VisualFreeBasic is about 1 times faster than VB6
    VisualFreeBasic (Freebasic IDE,LIKE VB6,VB7)
    sorry,my code is chinese,so you can try Write Code by yourself
    use api:
     OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, pid)
    VBA code searches for 7 bytes of data in the memory, at the 72M position of process X

    vb6-IDE took 968 milliseconds
    EXCEL VBA 988 milliseconds, 10 measurements
    ACCESS VBA 981.3 milliseconds, 10 measurements
    When editing ACCESS-ACCDE, VBA=985.6 milliseconds, 10 times
    ACCESS binary array is 500M too large will overflow

    It seems that the ACCESS form is not compiled and run, it just parses the VBA code
    VFB is 26 times faster than EXCEL's vba code
    It has proved that it is very advantageous to make a VFB version of the vba framework, and the running speed can be increased by several times.

    Just load a DLL for any program EXE, you can add a VBA-like form with programmable functions, write

    Code, compile and run.
    A DLL is an IDE, visual form design, intelligent prompt of source code.

    100 Times tests
    VFB 64-bit-loop method level 3 optimization 37.3 ms
    VFB 64-bit-loop method level 2 optimization 46.5 ms

    VFB 32-bit-loop method level 3 optimization 36.2 ms
    VFB 32-bit-loop method level 2 optimization 55 ms
    VFB 32-bit-no optimization 111 ms
    VFB 32-bit-GCC without optimization 105 ms

    vb6 optimization takes 78.4 milliseconds
    vb6 normal time 143.8 milliseconds

  2. #2
    Frenzied Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Fast Search Process Memory by vb6 or vba

    Could you try to use VFB to call Scintilla.dll to develop a software similar to Notepad++? I believe that such a software is an excellent example to prove VFB, and it will greatly promote VFB.

  3. #3

    Thread Starter
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: Fast Search Process Memory by vb6 or vba

    VFB ide itself USE "SciLexer32.dll",VERSION DATE:‎2019‎-‎4-月‎25‎日

    findwindowex ,it's classname "Scintilla"
    Name:  Freebasic_IDE.jpg
Views: 338
Size:  41.4 KB
    #include Once ""
    Type Class_Scintilla 
    Protected : 
       hWndControl As .hWnd '控件句柄
       m_IDC As Long     '控件IDC
    Public : 
       pSci As Any Ptr 'Scintilla 对象句柄,用于 SciMsg 和Scintilla控件通信。
       Declare Constructor
       Declare Destructor
       Declare Property Enabled() As Boolean                 '返回/设置控件是否允许操作。{=.True.False}
       Declare Property Enabled(ByVal bValue As Boolean)
       Declare Property Visible() As Boolean                 '显示或隐藏控件。{=.True.False}
       Declare Property Visible(ByVal bValue As Boolean)
       Declare Property Tag() As CWSTR                       '存储程序所需的附加数据。
       Declare Property Tag(ByVal sText As CWSTR)
       Declare Property Left() As Long                   '返回/设置相对于父窗口的 X(像素)
       Declare Property Left(ByVal nLeft As Long)
       Declare Property Top() As Long                  '返回/设置相对于父窗口的 Y(像素)
       Declare Property Top(ByVal nTop As Long)
       Declare Property Width() As Long                '返回/设置控件宽度(像素)
       Declare Property Width(ByVal nWidth As Long)
       Declare Property Height() As Long               '返回/设置控件高度(像素)
       Declare Property Height(ByVal nHeight As Long)
       Declare Sub Move(ByVal nLeft As Long, ByVal nTop As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long = 0, ByVal nHeight As Long = 0) '设置窗口位置和大小,高度、宽度=0时不修改。
       Declare Sub Size(ByVal nWidth As Long , ByVal nHeight As Long ) '设置控件高度、宽度
       Declare Property IDC() As Long             '返回/设置控件IDC,控件标识符,1个窗口里每个控件IDC都是唯一的,包括控件数组。(不可随意修改,系统自动处理)
       Declare Property IDC(NewIDC As Long)
       Declare Sub SetFocus()  ' 使控件获取键盘焦点
       Declare Function Kill() As Boolean  '从窗体中销毁控件。成功返回 True
       Declare Property hWnd() As.hWnd                    '返回/设置控件句柄
       Declare Property hWnd(ByVal hWndNew As.hWnd)
       Declare Property hWndForm() As.hWnd         '返回/设置控件所在的父窗口句柄,主要用于多开同一个窗口后,要使用控件前,必须先指定控件所在的父窗口句柄,才能正常使用控件。如果用 SetParent 指定新父,使用时也需要用新父句柄。
       Declare Property hWndForm(ByVal hWndParent As.hWnd) '获取控件所在的父窗口句柄
       Declare Property WindowsZ(hWndlnsertAfter As.hWnd) '控件Z顺序 在某个控件之上或是{=.HWND_BOTTOM 所有控件之后.HWND_TOP 所有窗口最前.某控件句柄 将置于此控件前}
       Declare Sub Refresh()  '刷新窗口
       Declare Property UserData(idx AS LONG) As Integer      '返回/设置用户数据,idx索引号,范围为0至99。就是1个控件可以存放100个数值。
       Declare Property UserData(idx AS LONG, bValue As Integer)   
       Declare Property Text() As String         '返回/设置全部文本,UTF8编码,Scintilla 默认全部都是 UTF8编码文本
       Declare Property Text(Text_utf8 As String )
       Declare Property TextLine(nLine As Long) As String   '返回/设置 某行文本,行从0开始。
       Declare Property TextLine(nLine As Long,Text_utf8 As String )
       Declare Property TextSel() As String   '返回 选择中的文本 或替换它
       Declare Property TextSel(Text_utf8 As String)
       Declare Function TextAppend(Text_utf8 As String) As Long  '在尾部增加文本,返回新增的第一行, 返回-1 表示失败
       Declare Sub TextInsert(Text_utf8 As String)  '在当前位置插入文本 Text_utf8为utf8格式
       Declare Sub FoldAll()   '全部折叠
       Declare Sub FoldAllUn() '全部展开折叠
       Declare Sub FoldToggle(nLine As Long) '折叠开关 ,行从0开始。
       Declare Sub BookmarkToggle(nLine As Long) '切换书签 ,行从0开始。
       Declare Sub BookmarkNext() '下一个书签
       Declare Sub BookmarkPrev() '上一书签
       Declare Property CurrentLineNumber() As Long   '返回/设置 当前行号,行从0开始。
       Declare Property CurrentLineNumber(nLine As Long)
       Declare Property CurrentPos() As Long   '返回/设置 当前光标位置
       Declare Property CurrentPos(nPos As Long)
       Declare Property FirstVisibleLine() As Long   '返回/设置 屏幕上可见视图中第一条可见线的行号
       Declare Property FirstVisibleLine(nLine As Long)
       Declare Function FindText(Text_utf8 As String,startPos As Long =0,endPos As Long =-1,searchFlags As Long = SCFIND_NONE  ) As Long  '查找文本,找到返回 位置,未找到返回 -1 ,如同 InStr 的效果。 startPos 和endPos 是搜索范围 =-1 是最大值,开始大于结束为反向查找,搜索标记为组合多选,不是单选{4.SCFIND_NONE 不区分大小写.SCFIND_MATCHCASE 区分大小写.SCFIND_WHOLEWORD 后关键词字符.SCFIND_WORDSTART 前关键词字符.SCFIND_REGEXP 正则表达式.SCFIND_POSIX 解释部分带标记}   
       Declare Sub GoToPos(nPos As Long, Weizi As Long =0 , nLength As Long =0 ) '到当前位置的行,Weizi 是显示位置,nLength 是在当前位置后选择几个文字。 {1.0 位置偏上.1 位置中间.2 位置偏下} 
       Declare Sub GoToLine(nLine As Long, Weizi As Long =0 ) '到当前位置的行,Weizi 是显示位置 {1.0 位置偏上.1 位置中间.2 位置偏下} 
       Declare Function PosToLine(nPos As Long) As Long  '获取位置在第几行,失败返回 -1,行数从0开始,第一行是0
       Declare Function PosToX(nPos As Long) As Long  '获取位置在某行的第几个字符,字数从0开始,第1个字为 0
       Declare Function LineToPos(nLine As Long) As Long  '获取第几行的第一个字符位置,位置从0 开始。失败返回 -1
       Declare Function GetTextLength() As Long  '返回以字节为单位的文档长度。
       Declare Function GetLineCount() As Long  '返回文档中的行数。空文档包含1行。仅包含行尾的文档有2行。
       Declare Function GetLineSonscreen() As Long  '返回屏幕上可见视图的总行数
       Declare Function GetModify() As Long  '如果修改了文档,则返回非零;如果未修改,则返回0。文档的修改状态由相对于保存点的撤消位置确定
       Declare Function GetSelectionStart() As Long  '返回选择的开始位置
       Declare Function GetSelectionEnd() As Long  '返回选择的位置
       Declare Function TextWidth(Text_utf8 As String) As Long  '绘制的字符串的像素宽度
       Declare Function TextHeight(nLine As Long = 0) As Long  '行高度(以像素为单位)。当前所有行的高度都相同。
       Declare Function IsCanPaste() As Long  '是不是可以粘贴,返回 False 不允许,非0  True 允许{=.True.False}
       Declare Function IsSelection() As Long  '是不是有选择,返回 False 不允许,非0  True 允许{=.True.False}
       Declare Function IsCanUndo() As Long  '是不是可撤消,返回 False 不允许,非0  True 允许{=.True.False}
       Declare Function IsCanRedo() As Long  '是不是可重做,返回 False 不允许,非0  True 允许{=.True.False}
       Declare Function SendMessage( Msg  As ULong, wParam  As WPARAM, lParam  As LPARAM ) As LRESULT  '控件内部直联消息,比 SendMessage 效率高。 和控件联系都是用这个。
       Declare Sub SetFont(FontName_utf8 As String,FontSize As Long=9,Bold As Long =0 ,Italic As Long=0 ,Underline As Long=0 , FontCharSet As String ="") '设置默认字体,参数:字体名,字体大小,加粗,斜体,下划线, 字符集
       Declare Sub SetColors(FORE As Long ,BACK As Long ) '设置颜色,参数:文本色,底色 RGB颜色值(用 BGR(r, g, b) 获取)
       Declare Sub SetLineSpace(RAASCENT As Long ,RADESCENT As Long ) '设置行间距  字符上空位,字符下空位 
       Declare Sub SetCaretLineVisible(show As Long ) '是否高亮当前行
    End Type
    Constructor Class_Scintilla
    End Constructor
    Destructor Class_Scintilla
       '注意:由于窗口类是永久的,全局变量,因此为了可以完成特殊功能,Destructor 会重复执行
       '1,每次窗口销毁  就执行1次 Destructor  ,多次显示和关窗口就重复操作
       '2,退出软件  执行1次 Destructor    
    End Destructor
    Property Class_Scintilla.Enabled() As Boolean                 '使能
      Return IsWindowEnabled(hWndControl)
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Enabled(ByVal bValue As Boolean)
      EnableWindow(hWndControl, bValue)
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Visible() As Boolean                 '可见
      Return IsWindowVisible(hWndControl)
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Visible(ByVal bValue As Boolean)
      If bValue Then
          ShowWindow(hWndControl, SW_SHOW)
          ShowWindow(hWndControl, SW_HIDE)
      End If
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Tag() As CWSTR
       Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
       If fp Then
          Return fp->Tag
       End If
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Tag(ByVal sText As CWSTR)
       Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
       If fp Then
          fp->Tag = sText
       End If
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Left() As Long                '
      Dim rc As Rect
      GetWindowRect hWndControl, @rc          '获得窗体大小
      MapWindowPoints HWND_DESKTOP, GetParent(hWndControl), Cast(LPPOINT, @rc), 2
      Return rc.Left
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Left(ByVal nLeft As Long)
       If IsWindow(hWndControl) Then
          Dim rc As Rect
          GetWindowRect hWndControl    ,@rc          '获得窗体大小
          MapWindowPoints HWND_DESKTOP ,GetParent(hWndControl) ,Cast(LPPOINT ,@rc) ,2
          SetWindowPos(hWndControl ,0 ,nLeft , ,0 ,0 ,SWP_NOZORDER Or SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOACTIVATE)
          Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
          if fp then
             fp->nLeft = AfxUnscaleX(nLeft)  'VFB 内部记录的是响应DPI的数值,就是永远是 DPI=100%时的数值
          end if
       End If
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Top() As Long     '
      Dim rc As Rect
      GetWindowRect hWndControl, @rc     '获得窗体大小
      MapWindowPoints HWND_DESKTOP, GetParent(hWndControl), Cast(LPPOINT, @rc), 2
      Return rc.Top
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Top(ByVal nTop As Long)
       If IsWindow(hWndControl) Then
          Dim rc As Rect
          GetWindowRect hWndControl    ,@rc          '获得窗体大小
          MapWindowPoints HWND_DESKTOP ,GetParent(hWndControl) ,Cast(LPPOINT ,@rc) ,2
          SetWindowPos(hWndControl ,0 ,rc.Left ,nTop ,0 ,0 ,SWP_NOZORDER Or SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOACTIVATE)
          Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
          if fp then
             fp->nTop = AfxUnscaleY(nTop)  'VFB 内部记录的是响应DPI的数值,就是永远是 DPI=100%时的数值
          end if
       End If
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Height() As Long                  '
      Dim rc As Rect
      GetWindowRect hWndControl, @rc          '获得窗体大小
      Return  rc.Bottom - rc.Top
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Height(ByVal nHeight As Long)
      If IsWindow(hWndControl) Then
          Dim rc As Rect
          GetWindowRect hWndControl, @rc          '获得窗体大小
          SetWindowPos(hWndControl, 0, 0, 0, rc.Right - rc.Left, nHeight, SWP_NOZORDER Or SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOACTIVATE)
          Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
          if fp then
             fp->nHeight = AfxUnscaleY(nHeight)  'VFB 内部记录的是响应DPI的数值,就是永远是 DPI=100%时的数值
          end if      
      End If
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Width() As Long
      Dim rc As Rect
      GetWindowRect hWndControl, @rc          '获得窗体大小
      Return rc.Right - rc.Left
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Width(ByVal nWidth As Long)
       If IsWindow(hWndControl) Then
          Dim rc As Rect
          GetWindowRect hWndControl ,@rc          '获得窗体大小
          SetWindowPos(hWndControl ,0 ,0 ,0 ,nWidth ,rc.Bottom - rc.Top ,SWP_NOZORDER Or SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOACTIVATE)
          Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
          if fp then
             fp->nWidth = AfxUnscaleX(nWidth)  'VFB 内部记录的是响应DPI的数值,就是永远是 DPI=100%时的数值
          end if
       End If
    End Property
    Sub Class_Scintilla.Move(ByVal nLeft As Long ,ByVal nTop As Long ,ByVal nWidth As Long ,ByVal nHeight As Long)
       If IsWindow(hWndControl) Then
          Dim rc As Rect
          GetWindowRect hWndControl ,@rc          '获得窗体大小
          If nWidth <= 0  Then nWidth  = rc.Right  - rc.Left
          If nHeight <= 0 Then nHeight = rc.Bottom - rc.Top
          SetWindowPos(hWndControl ,0 ,nLeft ,nTop ,nWidth ,nHeight ,SWP_NOZORDER Or SWP_NOACTIVATE)
          Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
          if fp then
             fp->nLeft   = AfxUnscaleX(nLeft)
             fp->nTop    = AfxUnscaleY(nTop)
             fp->nWidth  = AfxUnscaleY(nWidth)  'VFB 内部记录的是响应DPI的数值,就是永远是 DPI=100%时的数值
             fp->nHeight = AfxUnscaleY(nHeight)
          end if
       end if
    End Sub
    Sub Class_Scintilla.Size( ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long)
        If IsWindow(hWndControl) Then   
          SetWindowPos(hWndControl ,0 ,0 ,0 ,nWidth ,nHeight ,SWP_NOZORDER Or SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOACTIVATE)
          Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
          if fp then
             fp->nWidth  = AfxUnscaleY(nWidth)  'VFB 内部记录的是响应DPI的数值,就是永远是 DPI=100%时的数值
             fp->nHeight = AfxUnscaleY(nHeight)
          end if      
       End if   
    End Sub
    Property Class_Scintilla.IDC() As Long
      Return m_IDC
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.IDC(NewIDC As Long)  
       m_IDC = NewIDC 
    End property
    Sub Class_Scintilla.SetFocus()  ' 获取键盘焦点
         .SetFocus hWndControl
    End Sub
    Function Class_Scintilla.Kill() As Boolean  '从窗体中销毁控件。成功返回 True
       Return DestroyWindow(hWndControl)
    End Function
    Property Class_Scintilla.hWnd() As.hWnd                    '句柄
      Return hWndControl
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.hWnd(ByVal hWndNew As.hWnd)        '句柄
      hWndControl = hWndNew
      m_IDC = GetDlgCtrlID(hWndNew)
      pSci = Cast(Any Ptr, .SendMessage(hWndControl, SCI_GETDIRECTPOINTER, 0, 0))
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.hWndForm() As.hWnd         '用于多开窗口时,要使用控件前,必须先指定控件的父句柄
      Return GetParent(hWndControl)
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.hWndForm(ByVal hWndParent As .hWnd)         '用于多开窗口时,要使用控件前,必须先指定控件的父句柄
       hWndControl = GetDlgItem(hWndParent, m_IDC)
       pSci = Cast(Any Ptr, .SendMessage(hWndControl, SCI_GETDIRECTPOINTER, 0, 0))
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.WindowsZ(ByVal hWndlnsertAfter As .hWnd)
       SetWindowPos(hWndControl, hWndlnsertAfter, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_SHOWWINDOW)
    End Property
    Sub Class_Scintilla.Refresh() 
      InvalidateRect(hWndControl, Null, True)
    End Sub
    Property Class_Scintilla.UserData(idx AS LONG) As Integer      '返回/设置用户数据,就是1个控件可以存放100个数值。
       If idx < 0 Or idx > 99 Then Return 0
       Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE Ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
       If fp  Then
          Return fp->UserData(idx)
       End If   
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.UserData(idx AS LONG, bValue As Integer)
       If idx < 0 Or idx > 99 Then Return
       Dim fp As FormControlsPro_TYPE ptr = vfb_Get_Control_Ptr(hWndControl)
       If fp Then
          fp->UserData(idx) = bValue
       End If
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Text() As String 
       if pSci = 0 Then Return ""
       Dim nLen As Long
       Dim buffer As String
       nLen = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETLENGTH, 0, 0)
       If nLen < 1 Then Return ""
       buffer = String(nLen + 1, 0)
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETTEXT, nLen + 1, Cast(lParam, StrPtr(buffer)))
       Property = Trim(buffer, Chr(0))
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.Text(Text_utf8 As String)
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETREADONLY, 0, 0) '取消只读,避免只读时无法设置
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETTEXT, 0, Cast(lParam, StrPtr(Text_utf8)))
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_COLOURISE, 0, -1)  '启动语法分析
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER, 0, 0)  '设置无撤销
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.TextLine(nLine As Long) As String
       if pSci = 0 Then Return ""
       Dim nLen As Long
       Dim buffer As String
       nLen = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_LINELENGTH, nLine, 0)
       If nLen < 1 Then Return ""
       buffer = Space(nLen)
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETLINE, nLine, Cast(lParam, StrPtr(buffer)))
       Property = RTrim(buffer, Any Chr(13, 10, 0))
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.TextLine(nLine As Long, Text_utf8 As String)
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       Dim nStartPos As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, nLine, 0)
       Dim nEndPos As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION, nLine, 0)
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETTARGETSTART, nStartPos, 0)
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETTARGETEND, nEndPos, 0)
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_REPLACETARGET, Len(Text_utf8), Cast(lParam, StrPtr(Text_utf8)))
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.TextSel() As String 
       if pSci = 0 Then Return ""
       Dim nLen As Long
       Dim buffer As String
       nLen = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETSELTEXT, 0, 0)
       If nLen < 1 Then Return ""
       buffer = Space(nLen)
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETSELTEXT, 0, Cast(lParam, StrPtr(buffer)))
       Property = Trim(buffer, Chr(0))
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.TextSel(Text_utf8 As String )
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_REPLACETARGET, Len(Text_utf8), Cast(lParam, StrPtr(Text_utf8)))
    End Property
    Function Class_Scintilla.TextAppend(Text_utf8 As String) As Long  '
       if pSci = 0 Then Return -1 
       Function = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_APPENDTEXT, Len(Text_utf8), Cast(lParam, StrPtr(Text_utf8)))
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_COLOURISE, 0, -1)
    End Function
    Sub Class_Scintilla.TextInsert(Text_utf8 As String)
       if pSci = 0 Then Return  
       Dim nLen As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETSELTEXT, 0, 0)
       If nLen = 0 Then
           SciMsg(pSci, SCI_INSERTTEXT, -1, Cast(lParam, StrPtr(Text_utf8)))
           SciMsg(pSci, SCI_REPLACESEL, 0, Cast(lParam, StrPtr(Text_utf8)))
       End If
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_COLOURISE, 0, -1)
    End Sub
    Sub Class_Scintilla.FoldAll()
       if pSci = 0 Then Return  
       Dim i As Long
       Dim nLines As Long
       Dim nFoldLevel As Long
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_COLOURISE, -1, 0)
       nLines = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0)
       For i = 0 To nLines
          nFoldLevel = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL, i, 0)
             If SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETFOLDEXPANDED, i, 0) Then
                SciMsg(pSci, SCI_TOGGLEFOLD, i, 0)
             End If
          End If
    End Sub
    Sub Class_Scintilla.FoldAllUn() ''   全部取消折叠
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       Dim i As Long
       Dim nLines As Long
       Dim nFoldLevel As Long
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_COLOURISE, -1, 0)
       nLines = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0)
       For i = 0 To nLines
          '' 如果处于当前行号…
          nFoldLevel = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL, i, 0)
             If SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETFOLDEXPANDED, i, 0) = 0 Then
                SciMsg(pSci, SCI_TOGGLEFOLD, i, 0)
             End If
          End If
    End Sub
    Sub Class_Scintilla.FoldToggle(nLine As Long)
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       Dim nFoldLevel As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL, nLine, 0)
       If (nFoldLevel And SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG) = 0 Then
          nLine = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETFOLDPARENT, nLine, 0)
       End If
       If nLine > -1 Then
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_TOGGLEFOLD, nLine, 0)
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GOTOLINE, nLine, 0)
       End If
    End Sub
    Property Class_Scintilla.CurrentLineNumber() As Long
       if pSci = 0 Then Return -1
          Dim nPos As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0, 0)
          Property = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, nPos, 0)
    End Property
    Property Class_Scintilla.CurrentLineNumber(nLine As Long)
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
          Dim nPos As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, nLine, 0)
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETCURRENTPOS, nPos, 0)
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETANCHOR, nPos, 0)
    End Property
    Sub Class_Scintilla.BookmarkToggle(nLine As Long)
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       Dim fMark As Long  ' 必须是32位值
       fMark = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_MARKERGET, nLine, 0)
       If Bit(fMark, 0) = -1 Then
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_MARKERDELETE, nLine, 0)
          fMark = 0
          fMark = BitSet(fMark, 0)
          If SciMsg(pSci, SCI_MARKERNEXT, 0, fMark) = -1 Then '表示没书签
             SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 1, 0) ' 采用动态调整,有书签 时才显示
          End If
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_MARKERADD, nLine, 0)
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 1, AfxScaleX(16)) ' 采用动态调整,有书签 时才显示
       End If
    End Sub
    Sub Class_Scintilla.BookmarkNext()
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       Dim fMark As Long  ' 32 bit value
       Dim nLine As Long = CurrentLineNumber() + 1
       fMark = BitSet(fMark, 0)
       nLine = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_MARKERNEXT, nLine, fMark)
       If nLine > -1 Then
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GOTOLINE, nLine, 0)
          Dim pu As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_LINESONSCREEN, 0, 0)
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, nLine - pu / 2, 0)
          nLine = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_MARKERNEXT, nLine, fMark)
          If nLine > -1 Then
             SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GOTOLINE, nLine, 0)
             Dim pu As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_LINESONSCREEN, 0, 0)
             SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, nLine - pu / 2, 0)
          End If
       End If
    End Sub
    Sub Class_Scintilla.BookmarkPrev()
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       Dim fMark As Long  ' 32 bit value
       Dim nLine As Long = CurrentLineNumber() - 1
       Dim nLines As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0) - 1
       fMark = BitSet(fMark, 0)
       nLine = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_MARKERPREVIOUS, nLine, fMark)
       If nLine > -1 Then
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GOTOLINE, nLine, 0)
          Dim pu As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_LINESONSCREEN, 0, 0)
          SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, nLine - pu / 2, 0)
          nLine = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_MARKERPREVIOUS, nLines, fMark)
          If nLine > -1 Then
             SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GOTOLINE, nLine, 0)
             Dim pu As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_LINESONSCREEN, 0, 0)
             SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, nLine - pu / 2, 0)
          End If
       End If
    End Sub
    Function Class_Scintilla.FindText(Text_utf8 As String, startPos As Long = 0, endPos As Long = -1, searchFlags As Long = SCFIND_NONE) As Long
       if pSci = 0 Then Return -1
       dim nLen As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETLENGTH, 0, 0)
       if startPos = -1 Then startPos = nLen
       if endPos = -1 Then endPos = nLen
       Dim ccf As Sci_TextToFind
       ccf.chrg.cpMin = startPos
       ccf.chrg.cpMax = endPos
       ccf.lpstrText = StrPtr(Text_utf8)
       Function = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_FINDTEXT, searchFlags, Cast(lParam, @ccf))
    End Function
    Sub Class_Scintilla.GoToPos(nPos As Long, Weizi As Long =0 , nLength As Long =0 )
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       Dim nLine As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, nPos, 0) '目标行
       Dim aLine As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, 0, 0) '第一行
       Dim uLine As Long = SciMsg(pSci, SCI_LINESONSCREEN, 0, 0)  '可显示行数
       Dim mPos As Long =SciMsg(pSci, SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, nLine, 0) '返回与行首相对应的文档位置
       Select Case Weizi
          Case 0
             aLine = nLine - (uline / 3)
          Case 1
             aLine = nLine - (uline / 3 * 2)
          Case 2
             aLine = nLine - (uLine / 2)
       End Select
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SCROLLRANGE, mPos, nPos)
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, aLine, 0)
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETSEL, nPos, nPos + nLength)
    End Sub
    Sub Class_Scintilla.SetColors(FORE As Long ,BACK As Long )
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_STYLECLEARALL, 0, 0)  ' 将全局样式复制到所有其他样式
    End Sub
    Sub Class_Scintilla.SetLineSpace(RAASCENT As Long ,RADESCENT As Long )
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
    End Sub   
    Sub Class_Scintilla.SetCaretLineVisible(show As Long )
       if pSci = 0 Then Return
       SciMsg(pSci, SCI_SETCARETLINEVISIBLE, show, 0) '
    End Sub    
    Function Class_Scintilla.SendMessage( Msg As ULong, wParam  As WPARAM, lParam  As LPARAM ) As LRESULT  '控件内部直联消息,比 SendMessage 效率高。 和控件联系都是用这个。
       if pSci = 0 Then Return -1
       Function = SciMsg(pSci, Msg, wParam, lParam)
    End Function
    Last edited by xiaoyao; Feb 7th, 2021 at 11:09 AM.

  4. #4
    Frenzied Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Fast Search Process Memory by vb6 or vba

    I mean, if you use VFB to make a mature software product, it will be a good billboard for VFB. Thank you for your Scintilla code.
    Last edited by SearchingDataOnly; Feb 8th, 2021 at 09:53 AM.

  5. #5
    Hyperactive Member Daniel Duta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bucharest, Romania

    Re: Fast Search Process Memory by vb6 or vba

    xiaoyao, I am curious, how have you measured that "VFB is 26 times faster than EXCEL's vba code" ? On the other hand, I have noticed that on your site you promote the VFB with these words : "Are you still crazy about the limitations of VB6? Are you still struggling with the inefficiency of VB6 code execution?" So, which are those many advantages over vb6 ?
    "VB code is practically pseudocode" - Tanner Helland
    "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" - Matt Groening
    "If you wait until you are ready, it is almost certainly too late" - Seth Godin
    "Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see" - Edgar Allan Poe

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