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Thread: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

  1. #1

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    Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    Hey guys I have written a pretty simple piece of code in visual basic 6.0 to simulate mouse clicks in a game I play, It seems to run perfectly fine up until the program has been running for a certain time (Roughly 2 hours I had to record it as it has happened multiple times at about 2 hours in)
    I can't seem to figure out why the labels and counter disappear from the program and the timers and program stop running (I have attached a couple of images below of what happens)

    Here is the code below any help would be much appreciated thank you.
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _
      ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
    Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
    Private Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2
    Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2
    Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
    Private Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
    Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetWindowDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
    Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2
    Public Sub Wait(Optional ms As Long = 2000)
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim tc As Long
        tc = GetTickCount
        While GetTickCount < tc + ms: Sleep 1: DoEvents: Wend
    End Sub
    Public Function RandomNumber(ByVal MinValue As Long, Optional _
    ByVal MaxValue As Long = 0)
      On Error Resume Next
      Randomize Timer
      RandomNumber = Int((MaxValue - MinValue + 1) * Rnd) + MinValue
    End Function
    Public Sub KeyDown(KCC As KeyCodeConstants)
        keybd_event KCC, 0, 0, 0
    End Sub
    Public Sub KeyUp(KCC As KeyCodeConstants)
        keybd_event KCC, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmd_Start_Click()
    If cmd_Start.Caption = "Start" Then
    cmd_Start.Caption = "Stop"
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Function initializeTrainer()
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 822, 480) = "4746367" Then 'Tree is spawned
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(750, 850), RandomNumber(420, 570)) ' Click tree
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Cutting"
    Timer2.Enabled = False
    lbl_Timeout.Caption = "0"
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (1600)
    Timer1.Enabled = True
    If lbl_Timeout.Caption = "20" Then
    cmd_Start.Caption = "Error"
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Error"
    Beep 500, 5000
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Idle..."
    Timer2.Enabled = True
    Wait (600)
    Call initializeTrainer
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 100, 55) = "0" Then
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Not cutting"
    Timer1.Enabled = False
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Clearing inventory..."
    Call clearInventory
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Function clearInventory()
    KeyDown vbKeyShift
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 808, 717) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(713, 728))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 850, 717) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(713, 728))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 892, 717) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(713, 728))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 934, 717) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(713, 728))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 808, 753) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(750, 765))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 850, 753) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(750, 765))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 892, 753) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(750, 765))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 934, 753) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(750, 765))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 808, 789) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(784, 799))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 850, 789) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(784, 799))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 892, 789) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(784, 799))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 934, 789) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(784, 799))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 808, 825) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(822, 833))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 850, 825) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(822, 833))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 892, 825) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(822, 833))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 934, 825) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(822, 833))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 808, 861) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(858, 871))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 850, 861) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(858, 871))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 892, 861) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(858, 871))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 934, 861) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(858, 871))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 808, 896) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(894, 907))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 850, 896) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(894, 907))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 892, 896) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(894, 907))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 934, 896) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(894, 907))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 808, 933) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(929, 940))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 850, 933) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(929, 940))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 892, 933) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(929, 940))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 934, 933) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(929, 940))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    Wait (300)
    KeyUp vbKeyShift
    Call initializeTrainer
    End Function
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Call SetWindowPos(Form1.hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
    lbl_Timeout.Caption = lbl_Timeout.Caption + 1
    End Sub
    Name:  1.png
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    Name:  222.png
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    Last edited by Shaggy Hiker; Oct 18th, 2020 at 09:03 AM. Reason: Added CODE tags.

  2. #2
    Sinecure devotee
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    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    You call GetWindowDC(0) repeatedly and you never call ReleaseDC ever.
    So, eventually you have used up every DC available from the pool provided by Windows, so programs can't get DCs when they need them, and your windows GUI environment begins to fail.

    You shouldn't be calling GetWindowDC(0) repeatedly in a sub anyway.
    You should call it once at the beginning of the sub where you need it, storing it in a variable, and use that variable as many times you need to reference the DC. At the end of the sub, call ReleaseDC to return the DC you used back to the pool.
    Quote Originally Posted by GetWindowDC documentation
    After painting is complete, the ReleaseDC function must be called to release the device context. Not releasing the window device context has serious effects on painting requested by applications.
    Quote Originally Posted by ReleaseDC documentation
    The application must call the ReleaseDC function for each call to the GetWindowDC function and for each call to the GetDC function that retrieves a common DC.
    Last edited by passel; Oct 15th, 2020 at 08:58 AM.
    "Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment" Robert Benchley, 1930

  3. #3

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    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    Cheers for your reply man, I'm not sure if i'm able to reduce the amount of times it is called as it needs to check the pixel to see if there is an item in the slot. I did a bit of research and put it in the code and ran it and it got a little bit further but still did the same thing (GUI crashed) have I put this in correctly? Thank you.

    Private Declare Function GetWindowDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long

    If GetPixel(GetWindowDC(0), 715, 465) = "7258534" Then 'Tree is spawned
    Call ReleaseDC(0, 0)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    West Virginia

    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    What he was saying is that you should call GetWindowDC() once at the top and assign it to a var then use that var in all your GetPixel() calls that follow rather than repeatign calling the GetWindowDC().

  5. #5
    Sinecure devotee
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    Southern Tier NY

    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    Dim screenDC As Long
    screenDC = GetWindowDC(0)
    If GetPixel(screenDC, 808, 717) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(713, 728))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    If GetPixel(screenDC, 850, 717) = "4617881" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(713, 728))
    Wait (RandomNumber(260, 360))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    lbl_Counter.Caption = lbl_Counter.Caption + 1
    End If
    ReleaseDC 0, screenDC
    Since you passed the value returned by the GetWindowDC as a parameter to GetPixel, you didn't save the value so had no way to return it.
    You have to save the value so you can return it,
    Since you have to return the DC given to you, "Call ReleaseDC(0, 0)" isn't doing any good as you wouldn't have been given an hDC equal to 0.
    "Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment" Robert Benchley, 1930

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Shaggy Hiker's Avatar
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    Aug 2002

    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    The more I thought about this, the more I realized I had to ask: Why???

    Clearly, this is intended to automate some kind of harvesting in a game. If the game allows that, then it's fine with us. If it doesn't then this will be a temporary thing, at best. So....what is the point of automating? It's a game. If you find it boring, don't play it. If you don't find it boring, then why automate it? If you can make real world money by automating it, then that would certainly be interesting, but also kind of...weird. Maybe that's just me. The thought of paying real money so that you can gain some kind of advantage in an electronic game just seems bizarre, to me.

    So, why are YOU doing it? Do you find that part boring? Does it make money?
    My usual boring signature: Nothing

  7. #7

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    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    I love playing the game, I just run it while i'm asleep and no it doesn't make any money haha.

    Cheers for your replies I managed to fix the issue but am now having another issue here below after a few hours of runtime :\
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _
      ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
    Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
    Private Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2
    Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2
    Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
    Private Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
    Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
    Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
    Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2
    Public Sub wait(Optional ms As Long = 2000)
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim tc As Long
        tc = GetTickCount
        While GetTickCount < tc + ms: Sleep 1: DoEvents: Wend
    End Sub
    Public Function RandomNumber(ByVal MinValue As Long, Optional _
    ByVal MaxValue As Long = 0)
      On Error Resume Next
      Randomize Timer
      RandomNumber = Int((MaxValue - MinValue + 1) * Rnd) + MinValue
    End Function
    Public Sub KeyDown(KCC As KeyCodeConstants)
        keybd_event KCC, 0, 0, 0
    End Sub
    Public Sub KeyUp(KCC As KeyCodeConstants)
        keybd_event KCC, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmd_Start_Click()
    If cmd_Start.Caption = "Start" Then
    cmd_Start.Caption = "Stop"
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Function initializeTrainer()
        Dim scrHwnd As Long
        scrHwnd = GetDesktopWindow
        Dim shDC As Long
        shDC = GetDC(scrHwnd)
       Timer_Logout.Enabled = True
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Mining..."
         If Not GetPixel(shDC, 44, 157) = "0" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(310, 360), RandomNumber(490, 550)) ' 1st ore
    wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(2200, 2400))
    End If
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 44, 157) = "0" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(500, 580), RandomNumber(715, 775)) ' 2nd ore
    wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(2000, 2200))
    End If
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 44, 157) = "0" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(710, 780), RandomNumber(500, 600)) ' 3rd ore
    wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(1900, 2100))
    ReleaseDC scrHwnd, shDC
    Call clearInventory
    End If
    End Function
    Public Function clearInventory()
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Clearing..."
    KeyDown vbKeyShift
        Dim scrHwnd As Long
        scrHwnd = GetDesktopWindow
        Dim shDC As Long
        shDC = GetDC(scrHwnd)
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 44, 157) = "0" Then
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 820, 720) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '1
    wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(220, 360))
    End If '
    End If
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 44, 157) = "0" Then
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 862, 721) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '2
    wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(220, 360))
    End If
    End If
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 44, 157) = "0" Then
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 904, 719) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '3
    wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(220, 360))
    End If
    End If
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 44, 157) = "0" Then
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 945, 721) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '4
    wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(220, 360))
    End If
    End If
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 44, 157) = "0" Then
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 818, 757) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(750, 765)) '5
    wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(220, 360))
    End If
    End If
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 44, 157) = "0" Then
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 862, 756) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(750, 765)) '6
    wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(220, 360))
    End If
    End If
    KeyUp vbKeyShift
    ReleaseDC scrHwnd, shDC
    Call initializeTrainer
    End Function
    Private Sub Timer_Logout_Timer()
        Dim scrHwnd As Long
        scrHwnd = GetDesktopWindow
        Dim shDC As Long
        shDC = GetDC(scrHwnd)
    If GetPixel(shDC, 513, 270) = "65535" Then
    Timer_Logout.Enabled = False
    KeyUp vbKeyShift
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Relogging..."
    ReleaseDC scrHwnd, shDC
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(570, 590), RandomNumber(310, 320)) ' Existing user
    wait (RandomNumber(170, 320))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (1000)
    KeyDown vbKey7
    KeyUp vbKey7
    wait (RandomNumber(170, 320))
    KeyDown vbKey9
    KeyUp vbKey9
    wait (RandomNumber(170, 320))
    KeyDown vbKey8
    KeyUp vbKey8
    wait (RandomNumber(170, 320))
    KeyDown vbKey9
    KeyUp vbKey9
    wait (RandomNumber(170, 320))
    KeyDown vbKey5
    KeyUp vbKey5
    wait (1000)
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(400, 440), RandomNumber(340, 350)) ' Log in
    wait (RandomNumber(170, 320))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(19000, 21000))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(470, 550), RandomNumber(340, 380)) ' Play
    wait (RandomNumber(170, 320))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    wait (RandomNumber(2000, 3000))
    Call clearInventory
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Call SetWindowPos(Form1.hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE)
    End Sub
    Attachment 179070
    Attachment 179071
    Last edited by Shaggy Hiker; Oct 19th, 2020 at 08:17 AM.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Shaggy Hiker's Avatar
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    Aug 2002

    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    When you post code, please wrap it in tags. I prefer the [CODE][/CODE] tags, which you get with the # button, but some prefer the Highlight tags you get with the VB button.
    My usual boring signature: Nothing

  9. #9
    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Beside Waldo

    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    Quote Originally Posted by eqwlyz View Post
    I love playing the game, I just run it while i'm asleep and no it doesn't make any money haha.

    Cheers for your replies I managed to fix the issue but am now having another issue here below after a few hours of runtime :\
    You still have code where you are calling GetDC but may not be calling ReleaseDC.
    1) initializeTrainer
    2) Timer_Logout_Timer

    In both of those routines, your ReleaseDC call is inside an IF structure. If the code within that IF structure is not triggered because IF statement's condition returns false, then the ReleaseDC call is not executed.

    Re-look at those two routines. Use indentation in your source code to help visually find these types of logic errors.
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  10. #10

    Thread Starter
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    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    Hey guys I am still getting the same error after a few hours of runtime i'm pretty sure i've done everything you guys have said here,

    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _
      ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
    Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
    Private Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2
    Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2
    Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
    Private Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
    Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
    Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
    Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2
    Public Sub Wait(Optional ms As Long = 2000)
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim tc As Long
        tc = GetTickCount
        While GetTickCount < tc + ms: Sleep 1: DoEvents: Wend
    End Sub
    Public Function RandomNumber(ByVal MinValue As Long, Optional _
    ByVal MaxValue As Long = 0)
      On Error Resume Next
      Randomize Timer
      RandomNumber = Int((MaxValue - MinValue + 1) * Rnd) + MinValue
    End Function
    Public Sub KeyDown(KCC As KeyCodeConstants)
        keybd_event KCC, 0, 0, 0
    End Sub
    Public Sub KeyUp(KCC As KeyCodeConstants)
        keybd_event KCC, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmd_Start_Click()
    If cmd_Start.Caption = "Start" Then
    cmd_Start.Caption = "Stop"
    Timer_Logout.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Function initializeTrainer()
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Mining..."
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(310, 360), RandomNumber(490, 550)) ' 1st ore
    Wait (RandomNumber(80, 120))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(2000, 2220))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(500, 580), RandomNumber(715, 775)) ' 2nd ore
    Wait (RandomNumber(80, 120))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(1800, 2020))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(710, 780), RandomNumber(500, 600)) ' 3rd ore
    Wait (RandomNumber(80, 120))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(1800, 1920))
    Call clearInventory
    End Function
    Public Function clearInventory()
        Dim scrHwnd As Long
        scrHwnd = GetDesktopWindow
        Dim shDC As Long
        shDC = GetDC(scrHwnd)
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Clearing..."
    KeyDown vbKeyShift
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 820, 720) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '1
    Wait (RandomNumber(80, 120))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(180, 460))
    End If
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 862, 721) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '2
    Wait (RandomNumber(80, 120))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(180, 460))
    End If
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 904, 719) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '3
    Wait (RandomNumber(80, 120))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(180, 460))
    End If
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 945, 721) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '4
    Wait (RandomNumber(80, 120))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(180, 460))
    End If
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 818, 757) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(750, 765)) '5
    Wait (RandomNumber(80, 120))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(180, 460))
    End If
    If Not GetPixel(shDC, 862, 756) = "2700606" Then
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(750, 765)) '6
    Wait (RandomNumber(80, 120))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(180, 360))
    End If
    KeyUp vbKeyShift
    ReleaseDC scrHwnd, shDC
    Wait (300)
    If lbl_Elapsed.Caption = "240" Then
    Timer_Logout.Enabled = False
    lbl_Elapsed.Caption = "0"
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Rebooting..."
    lbl_Reboots.Caption = lbl_Reboots.Caption + 1
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(876, 888), RandomNumber(970, 982)) ' Log out
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(1200, 1300))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(855, 909), RandomNumber(915, 930)) ' Log out
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(600000, 900000))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(558, 608), RandomNumber(300, 330)) ' Existing user
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(1200, 1300))
    KeyDown vbKey7
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyUp vbKey7
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyDown vbKey9
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyUp vbKey9
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyDown vbKey8
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyUp vbKey8
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyDown vbKey9
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyUp vbKey9
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyDown vbKey5
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyUp vbKey5
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyDown vbKey7
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyUp vbKey7
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyDown vbKey8
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyUp vbKey8
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyDown vbKeyReturn
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    KeyUp vbKeyReturn
    Wait (30000)
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(470, 550), RandomNumber(340, 380)) ' Play
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 180))
    cmd_Start.Caption = "Stop"
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(2000, 2100))
    Call initializeTrainer
    Call initializeTrainer
    End If
    End Function
    Private Sub Timer_Logout_Timer()
    lbl_Elapsed.Caption = lbl_Elapsed.Caption + 1
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Call SetWindowPos(frmMiner.hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE)
    End Sub
    Attachment 179136

  11. #11

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    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

  12. #12
    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Beside Waldo

    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    Don't see anything that would indicate memory leaks related to GetDC(); at least not with the code you posted in #10 above.

    However, you are basically creating an infinite loop and stack recursion. Stack recursion can cause out of memory errors. That may be causing your problems?
    Here's your code overview as is now:
    cmd_Start calls initializeTrainer
        initializeTrainer calls clearInventory
        in clearInventory...
            If lbl_Elapsed.Caption = "240" Then
                ' do stuff
                Calls initializeTrainer -- infinite loop + stack recursion
                Calls initializeTrainer -- infinite loop + stack recursion
            End If
    If you added a MsgBox immediately after your "initializeTrainer" line in the button's click event, that msgbox would never trigger with the code you have as of now. Try it and see if that's true.
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Oct 27th, 2020 at 12:14 PM.
    Insomnia is just a byproduct of, "It can't be done"

    Classics Enthusiast? Here's my 1969 Mustang Mach I Fastback. Her sister '67 Coupe has been adopted

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  13. #13

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    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    Hey I placed a message box in the button click event and it is true it doesn't trigger, i'm unsure how to fix this problem as it needs to run for long periods of time, Would it be better to have it restart the program every few hours or something?

  14. #14
    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Beside Waldo

    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    Simply call your recurring routine from within a timer.

    Inside the timer event:
    1. Disable timer to prevent unwanted re-entrance due to your DoEvents calls
    2. Call your initializeTrainer routine
    3. Re-enable timer unless you want to set some restriction to end "trainer"

    Do not call initializeTrainer from clearInventory; only allow initializeTrainer to be called from within the timer event.
    Insomnia is just a byproduct of, "It can't be done"

    Classics Enthusiast? Here's my 1969 Mustang Mach I Fastback. Her sister '67 Coupe has been adopted

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  15. #15

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    Re: Help with an error in a simple mouse simulation script

    Hey man sorry to be a pain I thought I had resolved the issue but it seems to be doing the same thing, I've written another one here and the GUI crashed after about 6 hours in and I can't see where i'm going wrong with ReleaseDC.=.

    'Camera - 286
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _
      ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
    Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
    Private Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2
    Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2
    Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
    Private Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
    Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
    Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
    Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
    Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2
    Private Type POINTAPI
        x As Long
        y As Long
    End Type
    Public Sub Wait(Optional ms As Long = 2000)
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim tc As Long
        tc = GetTickCount
        While GetTickCount < tc + ms: Sleep 1: DoEvents: Wend
    End Sub
    Public Function RandomNumber(ByVal MinValue As Long, Optional _
    ByVal MaxValue As Long = 0)
      On Error Resume Next
      Randomize Timer
      RandomNumber = Int((MaxValue - MinValue + 1) * Rnd) + MinValue
    End Function
    Public Sub KeyDown(KCC As KeyCodeConstants)
        keybd_event KCC, 0, 0, 0
    End Sub
    Public Sub KeyUp(KCC As KeyCodeConstants)
        keybd_event KCC, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmd_Start_Click()
    If cmd_Start.Caption = "Start" And Not text_Spot.Text = "" Then
    cmd_Start.Caption = "Stop"
    text_Spot.Enabled = False
    Timer_Logout.Enabled = True
    Timer_Spot.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer_Logout_Timer()
    lbl_Elapsed.Caption = lbl_Elapsed.Caption + 1
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Call SetWindowPos(frm_FlyFishing.hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer_Spot_Timer()
        Dim scrHwnd As Long
        scrHwnd = GetDesktopWindow
        Dim shDC As Long
        shDC = GetDC(scrHwnd)
        Dim Found As Boolean
        Timer_Spot.Enabled = False
        Found = False
        lbl_Status.Caption = "Locating..."
        If text_Spot.Text = "1" Then
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(540, 514)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 545, 544) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 1 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(535, 545), RandomNumber(510, 520))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "1"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(538, 474)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 543, 504) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 2 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(530, 544), RandomNumber(470, 480))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "2"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(767, 217)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 772, 247) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 3 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(760, 773), RandomNumber(212, 222))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "3"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(764, 176)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 769, 206) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 4 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(758, 769), RandomNumber(170, 182))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "4"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(763, 144)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 768, 174) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 5 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(758, 768), RandomNumber(139, 149))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "5"
        End If
        End If
        End If
        If text_Spot.Text = "2" Then
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(540, 500)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 545, 530) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 2 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(535, 545), RandomNumber(495, 505))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "2"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(539, 541)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 544, 571) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 1 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(535, 544), RandomNumber(537, 546))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "1"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(764, 243)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 769, 273) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 3 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(758, 769), RandomNumber(238, 248))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "3"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(765, 210)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 770, 240) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 4 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(760, 770), RandomNumber(205, 215))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "4"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(762, 168)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 767, 198) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 5 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(757, 767), RandomNumber(163, 173))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "5"
        End If
        End If
        End If
        If text_Spot.Text = "3" Then
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(541, 513)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 546, 543) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 3 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(536, 546), RandomNumber(508, 518))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "3"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(541, 477)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 546, 507) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 4 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(536, 546), RandomNumber(472, 482))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "4"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(542, 437)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 547, 467) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 5 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(542, 552), RandomNumber(430, 447))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "5"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(313, 776)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 318, 806) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 2 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(308, 318), RandomNumber(771, 781))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "2"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(315, 820)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 320, 850) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 1 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(310, 320), RandomNumber(815, 825))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "1"
        End If
        End If
        End If
        If text_Spot.Text = "4" Then
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(539, 508)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 544, 538) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 4 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(539, 549), RandomNumber(503, 513))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "4"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(539, 545)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 544, 575) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 3 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(534, 544), RandomNumber(540, 550))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "3"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(540, 469)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 545, 499) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 5 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(535, 545), RandomNumber(464, 474))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "5"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(316, 804)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 321, 834) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 2 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(311, 321), RandomNumber(799, 809))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "2"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(313, 845)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 318, 875) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 1 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(308, 318), RandomNumber(840, 850))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "1"
        End If
        End If
        End If
        If text_Spot.Text = "5" Then
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(542, 501)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 547, 531) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 5 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(537, 547), RandomNumber(496, 506))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "5"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(539, 542)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 544, 572) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 4 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(534, 544), RandomNumber(538, 548))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "4"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(542, 580)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 547, 610) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 3 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(542, 552), RandomNumber(575, 585))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "3"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(315, 846)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 320, 876) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 2 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(310, 320), RandomNumber(841, 851))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "2"
        End If
        End If
        If Found = False Then
        Call SetCursorPos(315, 879)
        Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        If GetPixel(shDC, 320, 909) = "16777215" Then      ' Spot 1 Avail
            Wait (RandomNumber(900, 1200))
        Found = True
        Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(310, 320), RandomNumber(873, 883))
        Wait (RandomNumber(200, 300))
        Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "1"
        End If
        End If
        End If
        ReleaseDC scrHwnd, shDC
        If Found = False Then
        lbl_Status.Caption = "Error"
        Beep 500, 10000
        lbl_Status.Caption = "Fishing..."
        text_Spot.Text = lbl_SpotNew.Caption
        lbl_SpotNew.Caption = "0"
            Wait (8000)
        Timer_Status.Enabled = True
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer_Status_Timer()
        Dim scrHwnd As Long
        scrHwnd = GetDesktopWindow
        Dim shDC As Long
        shDC = GetDC(scrHwnd)
    If lbl_Elapsed.Caption = "240" Or lbl_Elapsed.Caption = "241" Or lbl_Elapsed.Caption = "242" Or lbl_Elapsed.Caption = "243" Or lbl_Elapsed.Caption = "244" Then
    Timer_Status.Enabled = False
    Timer_Logout.Enabled = False
    lbl_Elapsed.Caption = "0"
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Rebooting..."
    lbl_Reboots.Caption = lbl_Reboots.Caption + 1
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(876, 888), RandomNumber(970, 982)) ' Log out
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(1200, 1300))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(855, 909), RandomNumber(915, 930)) ' Log out
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(600000, 900000))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(558, 608), RandomNumber(300, 330)) ' Existing user
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(1200, 1300))
    KeyDown vbKey7
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyUp vbKey7
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyDown vbKey9
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyUp vbKey9
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyDown vbKey8
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyUp vbKey8
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyDown vbKey9
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyUp vbKey9
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyDown vbKey5
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyUp vbKey5
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyDown vbKey7
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyUp vbKey7
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyDown vbKey8
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyUp vbKey8
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyDown vbKeyReturn
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    KeyUp vbKeyReturn
    Wait (12000)
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(470, 550), RandomNumber(340, 380)) ' Play
    Wait (RandomNumber(160, 240))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(3000, 3300))
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 940, 938) = "2700606" Then
        ReleaseDC scrHwnd, shDC
        Call clearInventory
        ReleaseDC scrHwnd, shDC
        Timer_Logout.Enabled = True
        Timer_Spot.Enabled = True
        End If
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 66, 56) = "65280" Then
        Timer_Status.Enabled = False
        If Not GetPixel(shDC, 940, 938) = "2700606" Then
        ReleaseDC scrHwnd, shDC
        Call clearInventory
        ReleaseDC scrHwnd, shDC
        Timer_Spot.Enabled = True
        End If
        End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Function clearInventory()
    lbl_Status.Caption = "Clearing..."
    KeyDown vbKeyShift
    Wait (RandomNumber(600, 900))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '3
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(713, 728)) '4
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(750, 765)) '5
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(750, 765)) '6
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(750, 765)) '7
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(750, 765)) '8
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(784, 799)) '9
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(784, 799)) '10
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(784, 799)) '11
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(784, 799)) '12
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(822, 833)) '13
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(822, 833)) '14
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(822, 833)) '15
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(822, 833)) '16
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(858, 871)) '17
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(858, 871)) '18
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(858, 871)) '19
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(858, 871)) '20
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(894, 907)) '21
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(894, 907)) '22
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(894, 907)) '23
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(894, 907)) '24
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(810, 828), RandomNumber(929, 940)) '25
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(850, 868), RandomNumber(929, 940)) '26
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(890, 908), RandomNumber(929, 940)) '27
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Call SetCursorPos(RandomNumber(930, 948), RandomNumber(929, 940)) '28
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Mouse_Click (vLeftclick)
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    KeyUp vbKeyShift
    Wait (RandomNumber(120, 260))
    Timer_Spot.Enabled = True
    End Function

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