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Thread: TwoUp a match two game

  1. #1

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    Hyperactive Member Mallard8's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    TwoUp a match two game

    This is the start of a match two game. Zip attached so you can down load and run it, all code below.
    I placed it in the code bank as beginners may find bit’s they can use in their own projects.
    Game play click the labels and they roll up to reveal the image underneath, if they match stay open if not close.
    If they do match reveal some of the main picture on the right.
    Would welcome feedback, good or bad.
    Future ideas,
    • Add sound?
    • A timer so you can see how long it took to complete?
    • Top ten times?
    • Smaller squares from 100 x 100 to 50 x 50 making a bigger grid?
    • Different sets of images?
    • Allow user to use images of their own?
    And anything else anyone can think of.
    Name:  TwoUp.jpg
Views: 284
Size:  38.4 KB
    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Imports System.Threading
    Public Class Form1
        Dim pb As PictureBox
        Dim lbl, lblHide As Label
        Dim j, k, vy As Integer
        Private selectedDoor1 As Label = Nothing
        Private selectedDoor2 As Label = Nothing
        Private firstImage As String = Nothing
        Private secondImage As String = Nothing
        Private ReadOnly r As New Random
        Private lastClickedLabel As Label
        Dim numbers As List(Of Integer)
        Dim savedNames(32) As String
        Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
            lastClickedLabel.Height -= vy
            If lastClickedLabel.Height = 0 Then
                If selectedDoor2 IsNot Nothing Then WaitTime() 'If selectedDoor2 IsNot Nothing then two doors are open go check if they match
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub Clickme(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            If Timer1.Enabled = True Then Exit Sub 'Can not click if doors are opening
            If selectedDoor2 IsNot Nothing Then Exit Sub 'Can not click while checking for a matching pair
            lastClickedLabel = DirectCast(sender, Label)
            If selectedDoor1 Is Nothing Then
                selectedDoor1 = lastClickedLabel
                'Get the name from the array and place it in variable firstImage
                firstImage = savedNames(CInt(lastClickedLabel.Tag))
                selectedDoor2 = lastClickedLabel
                secondImage = savedNames(CInt(lastClickedLabel.Tag))
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub HideMainImage()
            'Cover the main picture with Labels
            Dim hiddenX As Integer = PictureBox1.Location.X
            Dim hiddenY As Integer = PictureBox1.Location.Y
            For i = 1 To 32
                lblHide = New Label With {
                .Size = New Drawing.Size(50, 44),
                .Location = New Point(hiddenX, hiddenY),
                .BackColor = Color.Beige,
                .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle,
                .Name = "lblHidden" & i,
                .Tag = i
                hiddenX += 50
                If hiddenX >= 648 Then 'If labels cover width of main picture
                    hiddenY += 44 ' Drop down to next row
                    hiddenX = PictureBox1.Location.X
                End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            vy = 10
            j = 10
            k = 10
            For i As Integer = 1 To 16 'Create 16 picture boxes
                pb = New PictureBox With {
                    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D,
                    .Size = New Drawing.Size(100, 100),
                    .Location = New Point(j, k),
                    .Name = "pbxFrame" & i,
                    .Tag = i
                lbl = New Label With {
                    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D,
                    .BackgroundImage = My.Resources.RedBack,
                    .Size = New Drawing.Size(100, 100),
                    .Location = New Point(j, k),
                    .Name = "lblDoor" & i,
                    .Tag = i
                AddHandler lbl.Click, AddressOf Clickme
                Me.Controls.Add(pb) 'Add picture boxes to form
                Me.Controls.Add(lbl) 'Add labels to form
                j += 100
                If j >= 400 Then
                    j = 10
                    k += 100
                End If
                lbl.BringToFront() 'Place Labels on top of Picture Boxes
            numbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 32).OrderBy(Function(x) r.NextDouble).ToList()
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnRed_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRed.Click
            For i = 1 To 16
                DirectCast(Controls("lblDoor" & i), Label).Image = My.Resources.RedBack
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnBlue_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBlue.Click
            For i = 1 To 16
                DirectCast(Controls("lblDoor" & i), Label).Image = My.Resources.BlueBack
        End Sub
        Private Sub BtnStartGame_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStartGame.Click
        End Sub
        Private Sub AssignImagesToSquares()
            Dim animalName As String
            Dim indices() As Integer = Enumerable.Range(0, 16).OrderBy(Function(x) r.NextDouble).ToArray
            Dim i As Integer = 1
            For Each x As Integer In indices
                Dim b As Bitmap = DirectCast(ImageList1.Images(x), Bitmap) 'Get number in Imagelist
                DirectCast(Me.Controls("pbxFrame" & i), PictureBox).Image = b 'Place images in PictureBoxes
                animalName = ImageList1.Images.Keys(x) 'Get image name from ImageList
                savedNames(i) = animalName 'Place image names in an array
                i += 1
        End Sub
        Private Sub WaitTime()
            If firstImage = secondImage Then
                selectedDoor1 = Nothing
                selectedDoor2 = Nothing
                firstImage = Nothing
                secondImage = Nothing
                For i = 0 To 3
                    DirectCast(Me.Controls("lblHidden" & numbers(0)), Label).Visible = False
                Exit Sub 'Found a match Return
            End If
            selectedDoor1.Height = 100 'No match shut doors
            selectedDoor2.Height = 100
            selectedDoor1 = Nothing 'Reset selectedDoor1 and Two
            selectedDoor2 = Nothing
            firstImage = Nothing
            secondImage = Nothing
        End Sub
    End Class
    Learning is a never ending subject.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator jmcilhinney's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sydney, Australia

    Re: TwoUp a match two game

    I haven't looked closely at your code and nor have I looked at my code for quite a while but I thought that I'd provide a link to a similar thread of mine, just in case there might be something in there of use to you:

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