no,maybe ca't support these api,no unicode api for exec,gettable。
Can you stop to claim false statements?
These API use UTF8. All of sqlite3 is UTF8.
Those API functions with a suffix 16 are just converters which takes a UTF16 string and pass internally to UTF8 function.
Can you stop to claim false statements?
These API use UTF8. All of sqlite3 is UTF8.
Those API functions with a suffix 16 are just converters which takes a UTF16 string and pass internally to UTF8 function.
oices" (from SQLite NWind.db):
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function sqlite3_get_table Lib "vb_cairo_sqlite" (ByVal hDB As Long, ByVal SQL As String, lpTable As Long, iRow As Long, iCol As Long, lpErrMsg As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub sqlite3_free_table Lib "vb_cairo_sqlite" (ByVal lpTable As Long)
Private Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib "kernel32" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpMultiByteStr As Any, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, lpWideCharStr As Any, ByVal cchWideChar As Long) As Long
Private Cnn1 As New VBSQLite10.SQLiteConnection, Cnn2 As vbRichClient5.cConnection
Private Sub Form_Load()
AutoRedraw = True
Dim Ds As SQLiteDataSet, Rs As cRecordset, T1$
Cnn1.OpenDB "c:\temp\nwind.db"
Set Cnn2 = New_c.Connection("c:\temp\nwind.db")
New_c.Timing True
Dim SArr() As String
SArr = GetTable(Cnn2.DBHdl, "Select * From Invoices")
Debug.Print "sqlite3_get_table", New_c.Timing
New_c.Timing True
Set Ds = Cnn1.OpenDataSet("Select * From Invoices")
Debug.Print "VBSQLite10-Select", New_c.Timing
New_c.Timing True
Set Rs = Cnn2.OpenRecordset("Select * From Invoices")
Debug.Print "vbRichClient-Select", New_c.Timing
End Sub
Public Function GetTable(hDB As Long, SQL As String) As String()
Dim pTbl&, Rows&, Cols&, pErr&, i&, j&, PArr&(), SArr$()
sqlite3_get_table hDB, SQL, pTbl, Rows, Cols, pErr
If pErr = 0 Then
ReDim PArr(0 To Cols - 1, 0 To Rows)
ReDim SArr(0 To Cols - 1, 0 To Rows)
New_c.MemCopy VarPtr(PArr(0, 0)), pTbl, (Rows + 1) * Cols * 4
For j = 0 To UBound(PArr, 2): For i = 0 To UBound(PArr, 1)
SArr(i, j) = StringFromPtr(PArr(i, j))
Next i, j
End If
If pTbl Then sqlite3_free_table pTbl
GetTable = SArr
End Function
Function StringFromPtr(ByVal pUTF8 As Long) As String
Dim Chars As Long
If pUTF8 = 0 Then Exit Function
Chars = MultiByteToWideChar(65001, 0&, ByVal pUTF8, -1, ByVal 0&, 0)
StringFromPtr = Space$(Chars - 1) 'a VB-BString already contains a trailing Zero, so we allocate it one char less
MultiByteToWideChar 65001, 0&, ByVal pUTF8, -1, ByVal StrPtr(StringFromPtr), Chars - 1
End Function
The results which are printed to the VB6-Debug-Window are (on my machine):
sqlite3_get_table 74.48msec(it's full test get table data )
VBSQLite10-Select 28.87msec ( need read all data to arrary (rows,cols ))
vbRichClient-Select 9.65msec ( need read all data to arrary (rows,cols ))
who can do full test ? ( need read all data to arrary (rows,cols ))
Last edited by xiaoyao; Jan 30th, 2020 at 01:24 AM.
converters in vb6,This is cumbersome and slowly.
if converters by vc++ in sqlite.dll ,This is of course the fastest method, and the most convenient and perfect.
an itA few days ago I took over a project and found that every time I insert data or read data to add fields, all operations need to be converted.
Writing code is cumbersome and error-prone.
Just like when we are traveling, in order to save tires, we deliberately call an excavator to put the car on, and then drive to the beach to travel.
we need enough unicode api,
At least three functions are needed.Execute the sql sentence to get all the data in the table and get one row of data.
It would be perfect if you could import or export csv format data.
vc++,I do n’t use these. I need a little technology. If you understand, you can easily modify it.
I test call sub or put value ,com activex dll is slowly (It takes more then 10 ~ 30 times(200%-400%).)
If you need to obtain a whole row of data, or all the data of the entire table, if this table has 10,000 rows and 30 columns, you need to call the API at least 1 million times, which is not only cumbersome but also very slow.
chinese: 我不会用vc++编程,需要一点技术,如果懂的人可以很轻松的给他修改,希望能够有高手花点时间,造福大家,非常感谢。
for i=1 to 1000000000
a=i or class1.a =i,activex.dll(class1.a or call method)
BasFile_Public_A=I used: 16.727 MS
ClassA.A =125.8725 MS
ActiveXDll.Class2.A =125.5622 MS
ClassA.MethedSetB( sub) =352.0073 MS
maybe call standard dll,or com object dll also slowly,so If we need to obtain the data of the entire table, it is best to convert it once in the sqlite source code (utf8 to unicode,) and use it directly in vb6.
chinese: 如果我们需要获取整个表格的数据,最好在sqlite源码里一次性给它转换完成(utf8 to unicode,),vb6直接使用。
Added a list of all callback functions which are __stdcall in the README on GitHub. (documented for a better reference)
The list may be expanded in future to improve __stdcall callback support.
The sqlite3 c source was upgraded from version 3.37.2 (2022-01-06) to 3.39.2 (2022-07-21).
Also upgraded the regexp c extension to the latest.
Important to note also is that all callback method/functions are now __stdcall.
Prior to this update it was only a few.. But now it is everything. Even the SQL functions or aggregates. (e.g. for overloading)