
I have to do this a lot. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do it faster than the way I am doing it below.

Any ideas welcome.


Private Type myBytes
b1 As Byte
b2 As Byte
B3 As Byte
B4 As Byte
End Type

Private Type myLong
Val As Long
End Type

Public Function tcpAgentLong2IP(ByRef ip As Long, ByRef ipAddress As String) As Boolean

10 On Error GoTo errorHandler

Dim l As myLong

Dim b As myBytes

Dim theIp As String

20 tcpAgentLong2IP = True

30 l.Val = ip

40 LSet b = l

50 ipAddress = (CStr(b.b1) & "." & CStr(b.b2) & "." & CStr(b.B3) & "." & CStr(b.B4))

70 Exit Function


80 errorDisplay Err.description, "tcpAgentLong2Ip", Erl

90 Resume endofitall

End Function