Aug 23rd, 2018, 07:35 AM
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Addicted Member
MySQL database connecting or reconnecting
Hello guys,
I have a very big project that previously was only used in a local environment and now it goes over the internet. The database in on a web server.
The project is designed to once connect to the database and use this global connection everywhere. It was using Access mdb database.
Now that the database is MySQL and on the web server if the connection is not used it triggers the timeout.
Would you:
1. go and reconnect the connection before using, or
2. would you rewrite the code to use a local connection and connect and disconnect
Last edited by Davor Geci; Aug 23rd, 2018 at 07:42 AM.
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Aug 23rd, 2018, 08:31 AM
Re: MySQL database connecting or reconnecting
3. rewrite the code to use a web service, and put a php web service on the web server with the DB.
4. Rewrite it as a web app. ( I know that may not be practical, just had to put it out there - as it's most often what I've ended up doing)
Last edited by DEXWERX; Aug 23rd, 2018 at 08:39 AM.
Aug 23rd, 2018, 11:05 AM
Addicted Member
Re: MySQL database connecting or reconnecting
VB6/MariaDB user here. The documentation on the subject is a web of incomplete, outdated and conflicting information, much of it 404 and requiring a visit to archive.org. I performed many tests to arrive at the below.
The project is designed to once connect to the database and use this global connection everywhere.
That's fine.
Now that the database is MySQL and on the web server if the connection is not used it triggers the timeout.
That's fine too. Open and close a connection on every query, but don't destroy it. Session/connection pooling will work if you open and close but not destroy
Private m_cn As ADODB.Connection
Private m_rs As ADODB.Recordset
Private m_cmd As ADODB.Command
When starting the program, instantiate and initialize a new connection,
Set m_cn = New ADODB.Connection
' Configure connection
connStr = m_config.dbConnDriver _
& ";SERVER=" & cfg.dbServer _
& ";DATABASE=" & cfg.dbName _
& ";UID=" & cfg.dbUser _
& ";PWD=" & cfg.dbPwd _
& ";PORT=" & cfg.dbPort _
& ";POOLING=true" _
& ";OPTION=3"
m_cn.ConnectionString = connStr
m_cn.CommandTimeout = 60
On every query you're executing, do this:
1. Check if the connection is open. If not, open it:
If m_cn.State <> adStateOpen Then
Call m_cn.Open
End If
2. Create a new command object:
If m_cmd Is Nothing Then
Set m_cmd = New ADODB.Command
m_cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
End If
3. Execute your query:
m_cmd.ActiveConnection = m_cn
m_cmd.CommandText = sqlQuery
Set m_rs = m_cmd.Execute
Do not close the connection yet as that would prevent access to m_rs.
4. Retrieve data from the recordset if you need to:
Dim apl As Apple
Dim col As Collection
Set col = New Collection
Do While Not m_rs.EOF
Set apl = New Apple
apl.id = m_rs("id") ' The column names
apl.color = m_rs("color")
If IsDate(m_rs("expiry")) Then
apl.expiry = m_rs("expiry")
apl.expiry = 0
apl.price = CCur(m_rs("price"))
col.Add apl, "key" & CStr(apl.id)
5. Now you can and should close the connection (but do not destroy it), destroy the command (parameterized queries require that the command is destroyed once its used, so that when a new query is run, old parameters don't linger) and destroy the recordset.
If Not m_rs Is Nothing Then
If m_rs.State <> adStateClosed Then
Call m_rs.Close
End If
Set m_rs = Nothing
End If
If m_cn.State <> adStateClosed Then
Call m_cn.Close
End If
Repeat the numbered steps for every query.
mysql-connector-odbc (or Windows?) should handle the pooling automatically. To test, you should be able to execute 10 000 queries one immediately after the other with no problems. It takes about 1 second to execute 1000 queries on my setup.
Heads-up: if you go to Control Panel > ODBC Sources, ignore the "Connection Pooling" stuff there. It doesn't seem to apply to mysql-connector-odbc.
Hope it helps.
Aug 26th, 2018, 04:52 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: MySQL database connecting or reconnecting
Devor, take the OldClock advice: "Open and close the connection on every query, but don't destroy it". I am in a similar situation but I preferred the SQLight instead of the mySQL. To rewrite a desktop app as web application could take months and the gain is not guaranteed in advance.
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Aug 27th, 2018, 04:22 AM
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Re: MySQL database connecting or reconnecting
Thanks, guys,
I will do a combination, in most cases, I will connect and disconnect this global connection. But in some cases where I have a situation where inside a function or sub another sub or function is called, there I will use a local connection and get the connection string from this global connection.
Thanks again,
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