Jan 27th, 2024, 10:22 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
ElseIf ((nmtvic.uStateNew And TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) = &H3000) And (mAutocheck = False) Then
DebugAppend "ItemExclude"
If mExCheckboxes Then
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked = False
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Excluded = True
SetTVItemStateImage nmtvic.hItem, tvcsEmpty
End If
Confirmed. These changes resolve the Tri-State-Bug when setting .Checkboxes = True in the code (control properties: Autocheck=false, Checkboxes=false, ExclusionChecks=false)
Jan 27th, 2024, 10:53 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Sorry, but i found another bug :-)
control properties:
ucTree.Checkboxes = False
Once a tree-view control is created with this style, the style cannot be removed. Instead, you must destroy the control and create a new one in its place.
You have to rebuild the treeview again in the "Public Property Let Checkboxes" if set to FALSE. Destroy the TV and call "InitTV" again?
Jan 27th, 2024, 11:21 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
i found some more bugs while testing the control:
1. ExpandZip is set to false but the zip file stills expands.
2. ItemClick event: the variable bFolder returns True if i click on a ZIP file.
control properties:
Jan 27th, 2024, 11:47 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by Mith
2. ItemClick event: the variable bFolder returns True if i click on a ZIP file.
Func "ucWndProc", Case NM_CLICK, Case NM_RCLICK
Dim b_isFolder As Boolean
If TVEntries(tVI.lParam).bZip = True Then
b_isFolder = False
b_isFolder = TVEntries(tVI.lParam).bFolder
End If
RaiseEvent ItemClick(TVEntries(tVI.lParam).sName, TVEntries(tVI.lParam).sFullPath, b_isFolder, MK_LBUTTON, tvhti.hItem)
RaiseEvent ItemClickByShellItem(siSelected, TVEntries(tVI.lParam).sName, TVEntries(tVI.lParam).sFullPath, b_isFolder, MK_LBUTTON, tvhti.hItem)
Now the variable bFolder returns False for ZIP files.
Jan 27th, 2024, 12:31 PM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
No need to apologize for bug reports-- I'm sorry they're needed, but I definitely want to get them so I can fix it.
Post 82-- Try .RefreshTreeView() after changing the check; that destroys and recreates-- I spent tons of time working out how to restore the expansion states of the filesystem too, so it won't go back to startup state (if you want that, .ResetTreeView). I'll add in routine to this automatically if transitioning from checked to unchecked.
Post 83-- If ShowFiles = False, I can't reproduce this-- it correctly excludes zip files. If ShowFiles = True, then it's by design-- perhaps it's not the best name; ExpandZip is more along the lines of 'treat zip as folder'; I hadn't set it up to treat a zip as a file but block expansion anyway.
Post 84 - This is the same design issue. If ExpandZip is True, a zip *should be* reported as a folder (as Explorer does). I'll modify that block to check that setting, but it will still return bFolder = True when ExpandZip = True.
Actually, try this:
In TVAddItem, prior to TVEntries(nCur).sFullPath = sFPP, add this block:
If (mShowFiles = True) And (mExpandZip = False) Then
If (bFolder = True) And (bZip = True) Then
bFolder = False
End If
End If
Also add that in TVExpandFolder, just before TVEntries(nCur).sFullPath = LPWSTRtoStr(lpFull)
That should resolve issues globally instead of just at the click spot, because it impacts drag/drop too.
Last edited by fafalone; Jan 27th, 2024 at 12:39 PM.
Jan 27th, 2024, 06:30 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
If (mShowFiles = True) And (mExpandZip = False) Then
If (bFolder = True) And (bZip = True) Then
bFolder = False
End If
End If
Your code snippet fixed the problem for ShowFiles=True & ExpandZip=false. The variable bFolder returns now True in the ItemClick event if i click on a ZIP file.
Jan 27th, 2024, 06:37 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
Post 82-- Try .RefreshTreeView() after changing the check; that destroys and recreates-- I spent tons of time working out how to restore the expansion states of the filesystem too, so it won't go back to startup state (if you want that, .ResetTreeView). I'll add in routine to this automatically if transitioning from checked to unchecked.
I tried both (RefreshTreeView & ResetTreeView) and they don't remove the checkboxes in the the control:
control properties: Checkboxes = True
Private Sub Form_Load()
ucTree.Checkboxes = False
End Sub
Jan 27th, 2024, 06:52 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Event bug:
You only raise the event "ItemCheck" if Autocheck=True. See unWndProc -> TVN_ITEMCHANGEDW.
The event "ItemCheck" should also raised if AutoCheck=False.
Add this line:
RaiseEvent ItemCheck(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sName, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sFullPath, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).bFolder, CLng(Abs(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked)), nmtvic.hItem)
If (nmtvic.uStateNew And TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) = &H1000 Then
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked = False
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Excluded = False
RaiseEvent ItemCheck(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sName, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sFullPath, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).bFolder, CLng(Abs(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked)), nmtvic.hItem)
ElseIf (nmtvic.uStateNew And TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) = &H2000 Then
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked = True
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Excluded = False
RaiseEvent ItemCheck(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sName, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sFullPath, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).bFolder, CLng(Abs(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked)), nmtvic.hItem)
What about &H3000 and &H4000?
Last edited by Mith; Jan 27th, 2024 at 07:14 PM.
Jan 27th, 2024, 07:48 PM
Hyperactive Member
ucTree Enhancement "ShowOnlyFileCheckboxes"
ucTree Enhancement "ShowOnlyFileCheckboxes"
A user should select some files via checkboxes but not select any folders via the checkboxes.
A solution could be to show checkboxes only for files using a control property like "ShowOnlyFileCheckboxes".
Current solution:
Currently i modified the ItemCheck event to respond to changes of the variable fCheck to change back the Check-State if necessary:
If (nmtvic.uStateNew And TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) = &H1000 Then
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked = False
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Excluded = False
i = CLng(Abs(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked))
lSel = i
RaiseEvent ItemCheck(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sName, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sFullPath, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).bFolder, lSel, nmtvic.hItem)
If lSel <> i Then
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked = True
SetTVItemStateImage nmtvic.hItem, tvcsChecked
End If
ElseIf (nmtvic.uStateNew And TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) = &H2000 Then
DebugAppend "ItemCheck"
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked = True
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Excluded = False
i = CLng(Abs(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked))
lSel = i
RaiseEvent ItemCheck(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sName, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sFullPath, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).bFolder, lSel, nmtvic.hItem)
If lSel <> i Then
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked = False
SetTVItemStateImage nmtvic.hItem, tvcsEmpty
End If
Private Sub ucFiles_ItemCheck(sName As String, sFullPath As String, bFolder As Boolean, fCheck As Long, hItem As Long)
If bFolder = True And fCheck = 1 Then
fCheck = 0 ' dont allow check folders & others
End If
End Sub
What do you think?
Last edited by Mith; Jan 27th, 2024 at 07:57 PM.
Jan 27th, 2024, 09:15 PM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by Mith
I tried both (RefreshTreeView & ResetTreeView) and they don't remove the checkboxes in the the control:
control properties: Checkboxes = True
Private Sub Form_Load()
ucTree.Checkboxes = False
End Sub
Try this:
Public Sub HardResetTreeView()
If Ambient.UserMode Then
DestroyWindow hTVD
End If
End Sub
Public Sub HardRefreshTreeView()
'Resets to the root then expands all the previous locations
'The lengthy code involves minimizing the OpenToPath calls by calculating
'smallest group of folders that will give us the same setup. E.g.:
'C:\a\b\(c,d,e,f) will call only C:\a\b\c, and not d,e,f or C:\a or b, because
'expanding to c will give us a b d e and f too
Dim i As Long
Dim sData() As String
If CalcRefreshData(sData) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(sData)
OpenToPath sData(i), False
Next i
End If
OpenToPath sSelectedItem, False, True
Exit Sub
DebugAppend "PruneParentsFromRPL.Error->" & Err.Description & "(0x" & Hex$(Err.Number) & ")"
End Sub
You only raise the event "ItemCheck" if Autocheck=True. See unWndProc -> TVN_ITEMCHANGEDW.
The event "ItemCheck" should also raised if AutoCheck=False.
Good catch-- I think you should have it *only* at the spots your fix puts, otherwise it would fire twice when AutoCheck = True. Will include in next release, thanks.
&H3000 and &H4000 are partial check and exclusion check; they shouldn't raise a check event. Perhaps a new event should be added for ItemExclude, but it really shouldn't be a check event.
A user should select some files via checkboxes but not select any folders via the checkboxes.
You're of course welcome to modify ucShellTree but I think that's going a little beyond scope-- you'd be better off pairing a ucShellTree with ucShellBrowse; you could set the latter to turn off the top bar, hide folders, and show checkboxes, with the folder tree to the side for navigation.
Like this, but with Checkboxes = True for the ucShellBrowse control:
Last edited by fafalone; Jan 28th, 2024 at 01:21 AM.
Jan 28th, 2024, 12:02 AM
Hyperactive Member
helper function addon
I added a useful helper function to the control:
Public Property Get CheckedPathCount() As Variant
CheckedPathCount = GetCheckedPathCount
End Property
Private Function GetCheckedPathCount() As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lCount As Long
lCount = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(TVEntries)
If (TVEntries(i).Checked = True) And (TVEntries(i).bDeleted = False) Then
lCount = lCount + 1
End If
Next i
GetCheckedPathCount = lCount
End Function
This helps to decide e.g. to enabled or disabled a OK-button on a dialog window.
Do you have any explanation why i can't return a LONG with this helper function? The control crahses when i return a LONG...
Jan 28th, 2024, 12:05 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
You're of course welcome to modify ucShellTree but I think that's going a little beyond scope-- you'd be better off pairing a ucShellTree with ucShellBrowse; you could set the latter to turn off the top bar, hide folders, and show checkboxes, with the folder tree to the side for navigation.
That's not possible, because the user must have the possibility to select files from different directories/drives. Thats the reason i switched from CommonDialogs to this ShellTree!
Jan 28th, 2024, 12:09 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
Good catch-- I think you should have it *only* at the spots your fix puts, otherwise it would fire twice when AutoCheck = True. Will include in next release, thanks.
How about to add this before the event-raise for check/uncheck?
if AutoCheck = false then
i = CLng(Abs(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked))
lSel = i
RaiseEvent ItemCheck(TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sName, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).sFullPath, TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).bFolder, lSel, nmtvic.hItem)
If lSel <> i Then
TVEntries(nmtvic.lParam).Checked = True
SetTVItemStateImage nmtvic.hItem, tvcsChecked
End If
end if
Jan 28th, 2024, 01:27 AM
Hyperactive Member
BorderStyle property bug
I found another bug:
The change of the control property BorderStyle isnt stored because at UserControl_ReadProperties you read the property with the name "Border" but you save the property with the name "BorderStyle".
Easy to fix
Jan 28th, 2024, 01:31 AM
Re: helper function addon
Originally Posted by Mith
I added a useful helper function to the control:
Public Property Get CheckedPathCount() As Variant
CheckedPathCount = GetCheckedPathCount
End Property
Private Function GetCheckedPathCount() As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lCount As Long
lCount = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(TVEntries)
If (TVEntries(i).Checked = True) And (TVEntries(i).bDeleted = False) Then
lCount = lCount + 1
End If
Next i
GetCheckedPathCount = lCount
End Function
This helps to decide e.g. to enabled or disabled a OK-button on a dialog window.
Do you have any explanation why i can't return a LONG with this helper function? The control crahses when i return a LONG...
Try ()?
Public Property Get CheckedPathCount() As Long
CheckedPathCount = GetCheckedPathCount()
End Property
I've seen some weird bugs around () before.
That's not possible, because the user must have the possibility to select files from different directories/drives. Thats the reason i switched from CommonDialogs to this ShellTree!
Strictly speaking it would be; you'd just cache the check status on your end to combine from multiple folders and restore it if needed. But yes ucShellTree is better for this. You could in theory remove the checkboxes from folders by setting the state image index to 0... it would require some doing, I'll look into it as a feature for next version. I'll be doing big work on these controls again soon now that twinBASIC's new version is out (ucShellTree is currently not working on it so not for another few days).
How about to add this before the event-raise for check/uncheck?
Was there an issue with how I was going to set it up? I haven't tested it yet, no time right now.
Jan 28th, 2024, 07:54 PM
Hyperactive Member
Feature request: "ShowHiddenFileExtensions"
Feature request: "ShowHiddenFileExtensions":
Your control supports ShowHiddenItems & ShowSuperHidden but i miss a property to enable the forced display of file extensions to override the system settings of the windows explorer.
Is that possible?
Jan 28th, 2024, 08:54 PM
Hyperactive Member
VB crashes using the control as an OCX
VB6SP6 Win10x64
I compiled your control as an OCX and use binary compatibility to avoid multiple ClassIDs for each new compiled OCX.
Now VB6 crashes everytime when i start my test project in the IDE and a form with the control is displayed.
This also happens when i run the test project as an compiled EXE.
I get no crash if i open the form with the control in the IDE and edit some properties.
Info: No crash happens if i compile the OCX without any compatibility but this no pratical solution.
How to use the ShellTree as an OCX with binary compatibility?
Jan 28th, 2024, 10:22 PM
Re: Feature request: "ShowHiddenFileExtensions"
Originally Posted by Mith
Feature request: "ShowHiddenFileExtensions":
Your control supports ShowHiddenItems & ShowSuperHidden but i miss a property to enable the forced display of file extensions to override the system settings of the windows explorer.
Is that possible?
Certainly possible; ucShellBrowse has such an option. Just takes a bit of work to set up correctly; you can't just switch the name queried for everything because then you wind up showing extensions that should be hidden even when extensions are shown (e.g. .lnk on shortcuts) and GUIDs for some virtual items.
How to use the ShellTree as an OCX with binary compatibility?
I really don't know too much about this since I never use them as ocx myself beyond test compiles; I think it's a general issue rather than ucShellTree-specific so a thread about it might get some answers; you may need to unregister and delete the previous versions if you want to compile with binary compatibility, because I think that problem arises when you compile it and it's *not* actually compatible.
Jan 28th, 2024, 10:55 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: Feature request: "ShowHiddenFileExtensions"
Originally Posted by fafalone
I really don't know too much about this since I never use them as ocx myself beyond test compiles; I think it's a general issue rather than ucShellTree-specific so a thread about it might get some answers; you may need to unregister and delete the previous versions if you want to compile with binary compatibility, because I think that problem arises when you compile it and it's *not* actually compatible.
I posted a question to the VB6 group: OCX crashes when compiled with binary compatibility
But i guess it have something to do with your code because i use a lof of OCXs with binary compatibility and never had any issue until today.
I guess i will add debug code to the OCX to check where exactly the OCX crashes. Stay tuned for the result...
Jan 29th, 2024, 12:56 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: Feature request: "ShowHiddenFileExtensions"
The compiled OCX with binary compatibility crashes in the function CreateTreeView at the line CreateTreeView = CreateWindowEx(...)
Private Function CreateTreeView(hwndParent As Long, _
iid As Long, _
dwStyle As Long, _
dwExStyle As Long) As Long
DebugToFile "CreateTreeView_Start"
Dim rc As oleexp.RECT ' parent client rect
Call GetClientRect(hwndParent, rc)
DebugToFile "CreateTreeView_1"
' Create the TreeView control.
CreateTreeView = CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, WC_TREEVIEW, "", _
dwStyle, 0, 0, rc.Right, rc.Bottom, _
hwndParent, iid, App.hInstance, 0)
DebugToFile "CreateTreeView_End"
End Function
Debug values before CreateWindowEx:
dwStyle: 1350638121
rc.Right: 297
rc.Bottom: 340
hwndParent: 3348196
iid: 100
App.hInstance: 285212672
Do you have any idea whats going on?
Jan 29th, 2024, 09:14 AM
Hyperactive Member
Double trouble folder display bug
I found another bug:
The folder "C:\test1" is root but showed again inside himself as a sub folder:
Windows Explorer:
Code to reproduce:
ucTree.CustomRoot = "C:\test1"
ucTree.OpenToPath "C:\test1", True
Avoid using OpenToPath with a path that is used as CustomRoot or add this to the OpenToPath function:
if OpenToPath = CustomRoot then Cancel OpenToPath
Jan 29th, 2024, 10:25 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Yeah I didn't put in too many checks against the user shooting themselves in the foot But I'll add that check.
Jan 30th, 2024, 04:55 AM
Jan 30th, 2024, 10:14 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
But I definitely wouldn't want that behavior so if I add it, it would be a default-off option. Note it's probably going to trigger all the code that fires when you click the item; if it does, to avoid it you'd have to set a module-level flag like 'bIgnoreThisSelection' and set it before then clear it after, then wrap all the selected item code in it.
Jan 30th, 2024, 07:51 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
I tried it with SendMessage inside the ItemClick event but it doesnt work:
Public Declare Function SendMessageAny Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Sub ucTree_ItemCheck(sName As String, sFullPath As String, bFolder As Boolean, fCheck As Long, hItem As Long)
Const TV_FIRST = &H1100
Const TVGN_CARET = &H9
Debug.Print "hWndTreeView:"; ucTree.hWndTreeView
Debug.Print "hItem:"; hItem
Debug.Print SendMessageAny(ucTree.hWndTreeView, TVM_SELECTITEM, TVGN_CARET, hItem)
End Sub
Debug values:
hWndTreeView: 4659090
hItem: 230647432
Strange, you use the same SendMessage call in the CTL to select an item but in the ItemClick event it doesnt work.
Any ideas?
Jan 30th, 2024, 08:58 PM
Hyperactive Member
Create new folder
The SHBrowseForFolder dialog supports the creation of new folders in the tree.
Is this somehow possible with ucShellTree too?
e.g. add a new TreeViewItem and start the Label edit mode to set the name of the new folder.
Jan 31st, 2024, 01:22 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Thought I added that already... guess not... ucShellBrowse can... Will do. Going to need a few days though my Windows install went insane I'm going to be down a couple days for a reinstall, can't do any serious programming on my tablet.
Jan 31st, 2024, 01:54 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
Going to need a few days though my Windows install went insane I'm going to be down a couple days for a reinstall, can't do any serious programming on my tablet.
Install and use VB6 inside a virtual machine like VMware. Easy to reset to the default installation. No heavy reinstallation & configuration of your dev environment needed
Jan 31st, 2024, 06:59 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
I have tB on my tablet its just a pain to use and im focused on fixing things. I'm done backing up files and making install media so hopefully by tonight; vb6 and tB get reinstalled first.
Jan 31st, 2024, 08:32 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
Expanding a zip when ShowFiles = True is by design; as I explained it's more of a poorly named property issue.
What I'll do for you is add a module level property, mNeverExpandZip, in the User Options section up top below the changelog.
Then in TVExpandFolder,
and in TVAddItem,
How can i display the .ZIP extension in the tree?
For the user it is confusing without the file extension.
The first and second zip file looks like a folder and the 3. zip file looks like a txt file...
my ucShellTree properties:
ShowFiles = True
mNeverExpandZip = True
ExpandZip = False
i guess something like this should be added:
if ShowFiles = True AND mNeverExpandZip = True AND ExpandZip = False then ShowZipExtension=True
Jan 31st, 2024, 09:44 PM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Hiding extensions is one of the worst default settings of Windows ever yet they've refused to correct that for decades despite being bad for usability and worse for security.
The option to always show extensions or use explorer will be in the next version. If you want to test if it's working right for me and/or backport from tB to VB6, https://github.com/fafalone/ShellCon...ellTree2-9-2-a
If you're still refusing to join us in the future, you can view ucShellTree.twin as text in the browser, it's the source code file for the control.
The changes are much more substantial than the others; a lot more sections had to be changed and rearranged for this, too many to put into this post.
'v2.9.2 (ALPHA, 29 Jan 2024)
'-New FileExtensions property to choose between following Explorer's setting for hiding
' known extensions, over forcing them to always show.
'-Added property CheckedPathCount.
'-Added UserOption mNeverExpandZip, to prevent expansion of .zip when ShowFiles = True.
'-(Bug fix) Border property not restored correctly due to re-reading it with the wrong
' name from the property bag.
'-(Bug fix) Opening to a custom root would add the root as a child of itself.
Feb 1st, 2024, 03:16 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
If you're still refusing to join us in the future, you can view ucShellTree.twin as text in the browser, it's the source code file for the control.
The changes are much more substantial than the others; a lot more sections had to be changed and rearranged for this, too many to put into this post.
I transfered all your changes from the Twinbasic control to the VB6 control but now i see that your changes make it impossible to use them in the VB6 CTL file.
You added Krool's subclassing and this requires the use of an external module for the subclassing functions. The use of the AddressOf operator doesnt work if the sublass functions are not in a module...
Feb 1st, 2024, 03:57 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
I use not only ucShellTree as a ctl exclusively, but also Krool's VBCCR and VBFlexGrid controls, exclusively, as ctl. I assure you it's not impossible, it just requires having a standard module as a helper.
But the method of subclassing isn't of particular importance. You could leave the old IPAO/subclassing routines and just port the substantive code changes.
ucShellTree and ucShellBrowse was the very first project I ported... was just excited to try out tB and didn't think to keep the code completely compatible. I was thinking more along the lines of 'look for the FileExtensions property, it's associated variable and property, and add those in' rather than backport the entire project... that's going to be much more work. There's changes to be made to switch between WinDevLib and oleexp.tlb too. And IIRC I used tB syntax in other places. Later projects I tried to keep the code of existing projects compatible, but I've never gotten around to wholesale backporting the new ucShellTree/ucShellBrowse versions.
Feb 1st, 2024, 07:31 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by Mith
The use of the AddressOf operator doesn't work if the sublass functions are not in a module...
Even if the "WndProc" needs to reside in a module as to accommodate the "AddressOf" operator, all it does is forward messages to any of your classes that implement the "ISubclass" interface:
Private Function WndProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long, ByVal Subclass As ISubclass, ByVal dwRefData As Long) As Long
Select Case uMsg
UnSubclassWnd hWnd: WndProc = DefSubclassProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
Case Else
WndProc = Subclass.WndProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam, dwRefData)
End Select
End Function
Public Function WndProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long, ByVal dwRefData As Long) As Long
End Function
I haven't looked at Krool's controls but isn't he using the same subclassing method? It's pretty "boiler plate"...
Feb 1st, 2024, 09:21 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
I transfered all your changes from the Twinbasic control (v2.9.2) to the VB6 control excluding the Subclassing.
The control is running but now something is strange:
ucTree.OpenToPath "C:", True
drive C should be displayed under Computer and not as a child of the Desktop.
Expanding some items:
control properties:
ShowFavorites = False
Checkboxes = True
ShowFiles = False
AutoExpandComputer = False
AutoExpandLibraries = False
ShowQuickAccessOnWin10 = false
How to fix that?
Feb 1st, 2024, 11:40 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by Mith
I transfered all your changes from the Twinbasic control (v2.9.2) to the VB6 control excluding the Subclassing.
The control is running but now something is strange:
I checked the code between Twinbasic and VB6 again and found the problem!
Everything looks fine again!
I'll test some more and then report back.
Feb 1st, 2024, 07:24 PM
Hyperactive Member
crash: ExtendedOverlays=True
VB6SP6, Win10x64, uShell 2.9.2
I miss the overlay icons for LNK files, junctions and symbolic links in the tree.
Windows Explorer:
I set .ExtendedOverlays = True to get this overlay icons but the app/ide crashes when displayed.
Does ExtendedOverlays show the missing overlay icons or is this a new feature to add?
'v2.17 (Released 15 Mar 2020)
'-(Bug fix) The default overlays that should always stay on weren't showing (Link/Share)
Last edited by Mith; Feb 1st, 2024 at 07:36 PM.
Feb 1st, 2024, 09:02 PM
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Extended overlays is for overlays besides links/junctions and shares; if you turn off extended overlays, the simple ones should still show:
lpIconOvr = -1
If mExtOverlay Then
Set pIconOvr = psf
pIconOvr.GetOverlayIndex pidlRel, lpIconOvr
End If
If (lpIconOvr > 15) Or (lpIconOvr < 0) Then
'Overlay icons are a mess. On Win7 there's a bunch in root that return 16, which is invalid
'and will cause a crash later one, and doesn't show anything. Shares never get shown so I'm
'going to manually set those
lpIconOvr = -1
lpIconOvr = 1
End If
lpIconOvr = 2
End If
End If
But it looks like a bug. Not sure how it happened because I specifically made sure it was working before I released the icon size update a few weeks ago.
I think Windows uses one or two more in some cases but it's mostly for apps that install custom ones; not too many do because there's a global system limit of 15. I'll investigate the crashing and why it's failing to show the overlays despite no errors setting them; the code is taken from ucShellBrowse where they're still working.
Feb 1st, 2024, 11:00 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
Originally Posted by fafalone
Extended overlays is for overlays besides links/junctions and shares; if you turn off extended overlays, the simple ones should still show:
With ucShell v2.7 the overlay icons are visible but the icon for a junction is wrong:
A junction uses a different icon than a symbolic link or a shortcut:
I guess the problem with the missing overlay icons is triggered by the new function EnsureOverlay:
lpIconOvr = -1
If mExtOverlay Then
Set pIconOvr = psf
pIconOvr.GetOverlayIndex pidlRel, VarPtr(lpIconOvr)
End If
If (lpIconOvr > 15) Or (lpIconOvr < 0) Then
'Overlay icons are a mess. On Win7 there's a bunch in root that return 16, which is invalid
'and will cause a crash later one, and doesn't show anything. Shares never get shown so I'm
'going to manually set those
lpIconOvr = -1
lpIconOvr = 1
End If
lpIconOvr = 2
End If
End If
EnsureOverlay lpIconOvr
Feb 1st, 2024, 11:29 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellTree - Full-featured Shell Tree UserControl
I debugged a little bit and it's not the new function "EnsureOverlay" because after this function returns the value of lpIconOvr is still 2 (LINK).
I guess there is something wrong with the ImageList that stores the overlay icons...
Originally Posted by Mith
I guess the problem with the missing overlay icons is triggered by the new function EnsureOverlay:
lpIconOvr = -1
If mExtOverlay Then
Set pIconOvr = psf
pIconOvr.GetOverlayIndex pidlRel, VarPtr(lpIconOvr)
End If
If (lpIconOvr > 15) Or (lpIconOvr < 0) Then
'Overlay icons are a mess. On Win7 there's a bunch in root that return 16, which is invalid
'and will cause a crash later one, and doesn't show anything. Shares never get shown so I'm
'going to manually set those
lpIconOvr = -1
lpIconOvr = 1
End If
lpIconOvr = 2
End If
End If
EnsureOverlay lpIconOvr
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