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Thread: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

  1. #121

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    The solution is what is outlined on post #118 in the second part, from the line "If it didn't work, then:"

    Anyway I still don't know if that "SSTabEX - SSTab Replacement" that is listed on your Components dialog is one that you compiled yourself or the one that can be downloaded from GitHub.

    If you want, send me privately that ocx that is registered in your Windows (ensure that you are sending the correct one file), the *.vbp file of the non-working project, and the form(s) file(s) that use the SSTabEx control, and I'll modify them for you.

  2. #122

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    PS: thinking about it, I guess that you compiled a new ocx in Windows 11. That's an error, if you want to compile the control again, you need to do that with binary compatibility to the previous version (that is the one that your vbp project is already using).

  3. #123

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by KenHorse View Post
    Name:  capture.jpg
Views: 849
Size:  46.3 KB
    If you uncheck the "Selected Items Only" box, you'll see that there is another "SSTabEx - SSTab Replacement" registered on your Windows, that is the one that is using your compiled exe that it working (as you said).

  4. #124
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Dear Eduardo,

    Warm Greetings! Thanks a TON once again for your wonderful SSTabEx.

    Well, I have some ListBoxes contained in your SSTabEx in a form.

    Whenever I resize the form, I resize the SSTabEx.

    And whenever I resize the SSTabEx, all the ListBoxes in the SSTabEx flicker heavily.

    May be there is an option or a simple way to stop that flickering which I
    don't know right now. If so, kindly let me know that simple method.

    If no such simple method exists, then what are all the available not-so-simple techniques? What is the best one among them, which can work bullet proof all the time? If possible, can you kindly provide me a sample code of the best technique (in a sample project with several ListBoxes inside your SSTabEx)? I would be much grateful.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind Regards.

    N.B.: I did read some 2 threads (related to flickering in SSTab and not yours; for instance

    Update-1: As of now, LockWindowUpdate seems to be working. The flickering is minute, if ever any. I hope LockWindowUpdate does not give rise to some other problems. I will keep observing and if any problems, will write again. Thanks.
    Last edited by softv; Mar 9th, 2022 at 09:35 AM.

  5. #125

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    It is a problem of the VB.ListBox, not the SSTabEx or SSTab.
    You can use Krool's ListBoxW instead, it seems to flicker only the selected item (not all items like the VB.ListBox does) but maybe you can ask Krool to fix that minor issue too.

  6. #126
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Dear Eduardo,

    Thanks a lot for suggesting to use ListBoxW. Will use the same hereafter.

    By the by, while resizing sstabex at runtime, I noticed that at some values of widths, slight gaps were existing between one or more pairs of tabs. The following screenshot will make it clear. You can see gaps between tabs 1&2, 3&4, etc. This happens in both cases (VisualStyles on and off)

    Attachment 184247

    I noted down the values of such widths and replicated them at design time. For some values, at design time also, the same gaps (as seen in the screenshot above) were existing. I don't know whether I am doing any mistake or it needs your attention. If the former, kindly let me know what mistake I am doing. Thanks.

    Kind regards.

  7. #127
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    One more thing, dear Eduardo.

    As you can see in the screenshot below, Tab9 (that last tab) is not aligned with the right edge of the SSTabEx control. This issue also happens at random values of widths, either without the abovementioned gaps problem OR along with the gaps problem (as is the case in the screenshot below). I don't know whether I am doing any mistake which causes this misalignment of the last tab. If not any mistake of mine, then if the alignment of the last tab cannot be done with the right edge for certain widths (even while maintaining equal widths for all tabs), then is it possible to increase the width of the last tab alone so that it aligns with the right edge? Thanks.

    Name:  sstab-gaps-1.jpg
Views: 815
Size:  10.6 KB

    Kind Regards.

  8. #128

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Could you please make a test project to see the issue (and possibly fix it)?

    Also I want to know the DPI setting (Screen scale %) you are testing on.

  9. #129

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    One more thing, dear Eduardo.

    As you can see in the screenshot below, Tab9 (that last tab) is not aligned with the right edge of the SSTabEx control. This issue also happens at random values of widths, either without the abovementioned gaps problem OR along with the gaps problem (as is the case in the screenshot below).
    Now I don't remember the reason but I think I recall that was on purpose when you use visual styles.
    They are tabs, in my opinion they don't need to be aligned to the end. Leaving some space make the last one look more like a tab.
    But of course that's is a matter of taste.

    If you set visual styles off, that doesn't happen.

  10. #130

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    About the spaces between tabs, are you using the latest version that is posted?

    Because I remember that I already fixed that problem like a year ago.

  11. #131

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by Eduardo- View Post
    They are tabs, in my opinion they don't need to be aligned to the end. Leaving some space make the last one look more like a tab.
    But of course that's is a matter of taste.
    I'll keep this request in mind, but right now I'm working in something else and these issues are not simple, so I don't want to do it right now.

    PS: thanks for your feedback.

  12. #132
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Dear Eduardo,

    1. Regarding
    'gap after the last tab'

    I agree with you. I myself already felt that a slight gap after the last tab looks nice too. So, it would be good to have an option (Extend last tab to align with right edge) in the 'Property Pages' windows so that according to one's choice (or based on what is best for a particular tabbed interface), one can avail this option or not. This option can be provided for 'Visual Styles' off case also, in my opinion.

    Quoting you:
    // If you set visual styles off, that doesn't happen. //

    Actually, when 'Visual Styles' is off also, the misalignment issue arises, if the 'TabAppearance' is ssTAPropertyPageRounded or ssTAPropertyPage. It is a slight misalignment, either slightly pulled in (i.e. slight gap between last tab and right edge) or slightly pushed out. 'Pulled in' - perhaps may be by design it is so (for PropertyPage appearance)? But, 'Pushed out', I don't know. Well, you are the best person to let me know the right info on both the cases. Await the same. Well, just now I observed that when 'Style' is set to 'ssStylePropertyPage' also, same issue arises (even when TabAppearance is still ssTATabbedDialog only). In fact, at some widths, the last tab's caption is slightly getting cut (please see screenshot below), when it is the case of the last tab being 'pushed out'.

    Name:  sstab - last tab not fully visible.png
Views: 764
Size:  913 Bytes

    And, thanks, as always, Eduardo, for taking up the above task for your consideration. I understand your time constraints. So, will surely wait until you get time to put in your invaluable efforts on the above task, which would be of benefit to us all, as ever.

    Note that I had my 'TabSelFontBold' as 'Yes' during most of my observations. Anyway, I observed the case of the "last tab's caption slightly being cut" even when I set 'TabSelFontBold' to 'No'.

    2. Regarding 'gap between tabs'

    a) With respect to dpi, I am working on 1366x768 resolution at 100% scaling, with an external monitor (having a wider screen than the laptop screen) connected to the laptop.

    b) With respect to SSTabEx version I am working with, yes, its the latest version. Actually, if I remember right, after last year's June/July updates also I noticed the 'gaps between tabs' with VisualStyles ON but with VisualStyles OFF, all seemed to work well. So, for that time being, I did not write back to you immediately. Plus, I think I thought I will give some time interval before writing to you again. But thereafter, since September 2021 or so I did not get to use SSTabEx in my new project screens and so I just postponed writing to you. Now, having come back to working with SSTabEx again with full focus on it, I have been sharing what all I noticed with you.

    c) As of now, with VisualStyles Off (and with my present preferred 'TabAppearance' of 'ssTAPropertyPageRounded' and 'Style' of 'ssStyleTabbedDialog'), gaps do not appear between tabs at any time when the final ".exe" is run. The only issue during final .exe execution is the slight 'pushing in' and 'pushing out' I have mentioned in Point 1.
    Note: With above setting, in IDE runtime, gaps do appear sometimes but if and when the gaps appear, they do appear between "all" tabs at same width. Anyway, it is in IDE runtime only. So, not an issue except that new users who see the gaps might get to presume that they will appear in final .exe also.

    d) And, as of now, with VisualStyles On also, the same above behaviour can be replicated, if 'Style' is set to 'ssStylePropertyPage' (along with 'TabAppearance' of 'ssTAPropertyPageRounded'). I notice no gaps between tabs but only 'push-pull' problem.
    Note: With above setting, when VisualStyles is Off also, same behaviour seen. I notice no gaps between tabs but only 'push-pull' problem.

    Sorry, due to my time constraints, I am unable to put all my above observations together in a sample project and send to you, right now. Actually, it has taken a few hours to try out the above and correctly document my observations to you (as above) itself. May be I can try to make a sample project after some days but I very much doubt whether I will get the time. Sorry about it. I am not able to put the above in a tabulated form too. Sorry again. But, I am sure you got all the points, anyway. And, I hope all or at least some of my observations are correct. Sorry, if not. Kindly please bear with me in that case. The thing is that different combinations of the properties have to be set in the 'Property Pages' sheet and each one tried out for gap between tabs, gap after last tab, last tab pushing out, etc.

    Thanks once again for all your stupendous efforts with regard to fabulous SSTabEx control. God Bless you! God Bless all!

    Kind Regards.
    Last edited by softv; Mar 10th, 2022 at 04:20 AM.

  13. #133

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    At least part of the issue of the last tab gap, is because Windows themes has different images for the first and last tab, so it is normal, at least in part, to se a little gap when the control is themed. The same happens in the first tab (when it is not selected).
    You can observe that look also in Windows screens, go to somewhere that is a tab, for example Net properties.

    Regarding the other issue (of the gaps between tabs), and any issue, I need to be able to reproduce the issue here, so I need a sample project where I can see it.
    Making a sample project could take some time, I know, but it can take like 1/20 (or less) of the time that I will need to fix it.

    So, unless the issue is easily reproducible following some clear steps from zero, I will always need a sample project.

    Of course if there is something wrong I would like to fix it, but I''m using the control in many projects without seeing any current issue.
    I believe you, nevertheless. But I repeat: I need to see the problem.

  14. #134
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Dear Eduardo,

    I fully understand your situation. So, will try to make a sample project at some point of time, if and when possible, for you to reproduce the issues at your end.

    Now, coming to ListBoxW, I observed that the 'flicker in highlighted item alone' is not present when LockWindowUpdate is used. But, using LockWindowUpdate introduces a mild flicker of some or all the items of the ListBoxW once in a while, when I randomly keep resizing. Well, that's what happens, as far as my system in concerned.

    Coming to a more important thing, I observed since day-before-yesterday that some of my SSTabEx tabs' contents were not showing up during IDE runtime as well as when I ran them as .exe executables. In design time, all the tabs' contents were showing up correctly. Getting no clue as to why for a long time, I finally found out yesterday that the issue seems to be to do with having a coolbar (krool's) inside another coolbar in any one of the SSTabEx tabs. I don't know whether the problem is with Krool's coolbar or SSTabEx or some mistake on my part.

    Well, these are my preliminary findings only. I will come back with more details on the above after some time. I am posting my preliminary findings itself here so that if ever the mistake is only on my side OR you know already that coolbar-inside-coolbar in an SSTabEx tab is an issue and how that can be easily solved, then you can quickly share the same with me so that I need not spend time further exploring the abovesaid issue. That's the only reason I am posting my preliminary finding itself. So, kindly wait for more details from me. Kindly do not test out the abovesaid issue noticed by me, by yourself. I know your time is invaluable for both you and us.

    Kind regards.

  15. #135
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    By the by, I am using the ocx version (latest) of sstabex and in that only, I noticed the gap issues. I have not tested with the std-exe version of sstabex yet.

    The abovementioned coolbar-inside-coolbar issue (not yet fully confirmed by me) is also while using the ocx versions of vbccr17 (latest) and sstabex (latest).

    I keep forgetting to mention that I am using the ocx version. Lest I forget again, I quickly came here to share just that info alone.

    Kind Regards.

  16. #136

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    OK, I also use the latest compiled ocx.

    And no, I don't use coolbars. I would try with .Refresh (I'm not sure whether that control has that method, though).

    I'm already a bit intrigued what is that issue of the gaps.

  17. #137

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    About the coolbar inside another coolbar that is on an SSTabEx, try putting them inside a PictureBox instead, and see what happens. In the same program with the same code.
    If the problems happens too, it has nothing to do with the SStabEx.
    I think anyway that most probably it is a problem of that control, but... everything need to be tested and checked.

    PS: the flicker of the ListBox is a hard issue, I recall at some point (some years ago) I had spent some time with that and found no solution.
    At the end I think I recall I did it with a timer, for no resizing it so many times.

  18. #138
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by Eduardo- View Post
    OK, I also use the latest compiled ocx.

    And no, I don't use coolbars. I would try with .Refresh (I'm not sure whether that control has that method, though).

    I'm already a bit intrigued what is that issue of the gaps.
    // I'm already a bit intrigued what is that issue of the gaps //
    Sorry. this is the not anything new. This is just the earlier 'gap between tabs' issue I had written about.

    // I would try with .Refresh //
    tried .Refresh with both coolbars and sstabex. that did not help. will post next message with details soon. Thanks Eduardo for your quick suggestion though.

  19. #139

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    // I'm already a bit intrigued what is that issue of the gaps //
    Sorry. this is the not anything new. This is just the earlier 'gap between tabs' issue I had written about.
    But I remember I fixed that.

    OK, this control has many options/configurations.
    Maybe it happens in one that I didn't test.

    If you cannot make a sample project at least I need to know the exact steps to reproduce it.

  20. #140

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    About the Coolbar painting, if the sst is themed I now think it could be that it is not handling well the theming (because it handles the background colors of contained controls).
    I'll check it (later).

  21. #141
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by Eduardo- View Post
    But I remember I fixed that.

    OK, this control has many options/configurations.
    Maybe it happens in one that I didn't test.

    If you cannot make a sample project at least I need to know the exact steps to reproduce it.
    // at least I need to know the exact steps //
    yes, I am generating the steps only, right now

  22. #142
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Dear Eduardo,

    Here are the steps for a sample test. To be sure they are fully correct, I did this same test in 3 separate new projects. Confirmed that the results are the same every time. Hoping still that I have not gone wrong anywhere and committed any mistake anywhere. If so, kindly bear with me.

    Note: using sst and cbr as short for SSTabEx and Coolbar, resp., in the following steps. Have used sstabex (latest ocx) and krool's coolbar (from latest vbccr17.ocx) for the following basic test.

    - open a new project (with default form, Form1).
    - in Form1:
    - have one sst with 3 tabs. UNTICK 'ChangeControlsBackcolor' in 'Property Pages'.
    - in all 3 tabs, have a cbr (say cbr1, cbr2, cbr3)
    - in the form also (i.e. outside of the sstabex), have a cbr (cbr100)

    - keep the 2nd tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - all 4 cbrs get displayed normally

    - come back to the form.
    - have one cbr (cbr11) inside cbr1, in cbr1's first band. i.e by opening the 'Property Pages' of cbr1, ensure that cbr11 has been selected as the child in band1
    - have one cbr (cbr33) inside cbr3, in cbr3's first band. i.e by opening the 'Property Pages' of cbr3, ensure that cbr33 has been selected as the child in band1
    - have one cbr (cbr101) inside cbr100 in cbr100's first band. ensure the same.

    - keep the 2nd tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - cbr100 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr101 inside it
    - cbr2 gets displayed normally in tab2
    - but if you change focus to tab1 or tab3, nothing gets displayed

    - come back to the form.

    - keep the 1st tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - cbr100 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr101 inside it
    - cbr2 gets displayed normally in tab2
    - cbr1 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr11 inside it
    - but, if you change focus to tab3, nothing gets displayed

    - come back to the form.

    - keep the 3rd tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - cbr100 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr101 inside it
    - cbr2 gets displayed normally in tab2
    - cbr3 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr33 inside it
    - but, if you change focus to tab1, nothing gets displayed

    - come back to the form.
    - change TabSelBackColor to white color (i.e. 'Highlight Text' color)

    - keep the 2nd tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - cbr100 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr101 inside it
    - cbr2 gets displayed normally in tab2
    - but if you change focus to tab1, a plain rectangular box (in gray color; i.e. 'Button Face' color) gets displayed in place of cbr1
    - similarly, if you change focus to tab3, a plain rectangular box (in gray color; i.e. 'Button Face' color) gets displayed in place of cbr3

    Kind Regards.

    N.B. the 'ChangeControlsBackcolor' in 'Property Pages' of sst is ticked by default. Any special reason that it is kept ticked by default? If no special reason, can it be kept unticked by default, please? Thanks.

  23. #143
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by Eduardo- View Post
    About the coolbar inside another coolbar that is on an SSTabEx, try putting them inside a PictureBox instead, and see what happens. In the same program with the same code.
    If the problems happens too, it has nothing to do with the SStabEx.
    I think anyway that most probably it is a problem of that control, but... everything need to be tested and checked.

    PS: the flicker of the ListBox is a hard issue, I recall at some point (some years ago) I had spent some time with that and found no solution.
    At the end I think I recall I did it with a timer, for no resizing it so many times.
    // try putting them inside a PictureBox instead //
    sorry, I missed seeing this message earlier as I started concentrating on creating the steps for the sample test. Just a few minutes back only I saw it and I tested. It seems to be working in my preliminary testing. Thanks a TONNNN. . But anyway, I shall work more with this setup and let you know whether all is well this way. Thank you so much again.

    Kind regards.

  24. #144

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Thanks, but I thought you were going to say the steps to reproduce the issue of the gaps...

  25. #145
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by Eduardo- View Post
    Thanks, but I thought you were going to say the steps to reproduce the issue of the gaps...
    Oh... sorry that I misunderstood that you asked the steps for the 'coolbar within coolbar' issue.

    well, anyway, any straight solution to the abovesaid issue? Because, just a while ago, I had only one coolbar inside my SSTabEx. But still the coolbar did not show up when running the app. But this time, I deduced the reason for it quickly. The reason was there was a frame in the 1st band of the coolbar.

    So, the issue is not 'coolbar inside coolbar', as such. Even if a frame (may be a picturebox too) is inside a coolbar, the coolbar will not appear in the tab during runtime unless I enclose the coolbar inside a picturebox (or a frame) first. Well, not a big thing enclosing every coolbar in a picturebox first (since the case of having a frame inside a coolbar can arise any time, even if I don't have one initially). But, can this restriction be done away with, in case it is to do with SSTabEx? If you feel that the issue is not due to SSTabEx at all and due to Coolbar only, I need to write to Krool then? Can you kindly confirm the same?

    Kind regards.

  26. #146

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Does it happen in the IDE or compiled?
    Does it happen when the sst is themed or not? (is your IDE themed?)

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    I need to write to Krool then?
    I would not do that unless you can reproduce the problem without the sst.
    That was the idea of suggesting using a PictureBox, to test without the sst (sst = SSTabEx), but you understood something else and by chance it seems it somewhat worked as a solution... or sort of.

    BTW: for the coolbar issue please make a simple sample project.

  27. #147

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Example of describing the issue of the gaps:

    "I use the IDE themed and with DPI awareness.
    The screen DPI is set to 125% (120 DPI).
    Add a new sst control to a form, Style property set to its default TabDialog.
    Set the Tabs property to 7.
    The width of the sst is 2000.
    Keep the VisualStyles to it default that is True.

    (That was an example explanation).

    For the coolbars, just start a new project, reference the sst ocx, the krool CCR ocx, add an sst, add a coolbar, add another coolbar inside it, set all properties to whatever causes the problem and please post it here.

  28. #148
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    Dear Eduardo,

    Here are the steps for a sample test. To be sure they are fully correct, I did this same test in 3 separate new projects. Confirmed that the results are the same every time. Hoping still that I have not gone wrong anywhere and committed any mistake anywhere. If so, kindly bear with me.

    Note: using sst and cbr as short for SSTabEx and Coolbar, resp., in the following steps. Have used sstabex (latest ocx) and krool's coolbar (from latest vbccr17.ocx) for the following basic test.

    - open a new project (with default form, Form1).
    - in Form1:
    - have one sst with 3 tabs. UNTICK 'ChangeControlsBackcolor' in 'Property Pages'.
    - in all 3 tabs, have a cbr (say cbr1, cbr2, cbr3)
    - in the form also (i.e. outside of the sstabex), have a cbr (cbr100)

    - keep the 2nd tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - all 4 cbrs get displayed normally

    - come back to the form.
    - have one cbr (cbr11) inside cbr1, in cbr1's first band. i.e by opening the 'Property Pages' of cbr1, ensure that cbr11 has been selected as the child in band1
    - have one cbr (cbr33) inside cbr3, in cbr3's first band. i.e by opening the 'Property Pages' of cbr3, ensure that cbr33 has been selected as the child in band1
    - have one cbr (cbr101) inside cbr100 in cbr100's first band. ensure the same.

    - keep the 2nd tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - cbr100 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr101 inside it
    - cbr2 gets displayed normally in tab2
    - but if you change focus to tab1 or tab3, nothing gets displayed

    - come back to the form.

    - keep the 1st tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - cbr100 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr101 inside it
    - cbr2 gets displayed normally in tab2
    - cbr1 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr11 inside it
    - but, if you change focus to tab3, nothing gets displayed

    - come back to the form.

    - keep the 3rd tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - cbr100 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr101 inside it
    - cbr2 gets displayed normally in tab2
    - cbr3 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr33 inside it
    - but, if you change focus to tab1, nothing gets displayed

    - come back to the form.
    - change TabSelBackColor to white color (i.e. 'Highlight Text' color)

    - keep the 2nd tab of sst highlighted.
    - save the project, create an exe and run
    - cbr100 gets displayed correctly, along with cbr101 inside it
    - cbr2 gets displayed normally in tab2
    - but if you change focus to tab1, a plain rectangular box (in gray color; i.e. 'Button Face' color) gets displayed in place of cbr1
    - similarly, if you change focus to tab3, a plain rectangular box (in gray color; i.e. 'Button Face' color) gets displayed in place of cbr3

    Kind Regards.

    N.B. the 'ChangeControlsBackcolor' in 'Property Pages' of sst is ticked by default. Any special reason that it is kept ticked by default? If no special reason, can it be kept unticked by default, please? Thanks.
    a) You mean, Eduardo, the above detailed steps are not enough? hmm... I spent quite a time creating it.

    b) Well, the steps already include a coolbar outside the sst. Since you have instructed me now to test it inside a picturebox, I have done that too. I have enclosed a coolbar within a picturebox (no sst involved) and it appears normally and correctly. No issues in such a coolbar's display, even if one more coolbar is present inside it.

    c) by the by, I have already used the same short name 'sst' in my steps, thanks to you.

    d) As far as i can remember, I tried the above steps with all the 3 options of themes in your 'Property Pages'. Also, with VisualStyles Off and On too. The issue persists.

    e) My VB6.exe has Comctl32 ref. embedded in it, if that is what you mean by IDE being themed.

    By the by, the issue, as such, is very simple now.

    - It is not coolbar inside coolbar issue any more.
    - Even if it is a frame or richtextbox present inside a coolbar's band, the coolbar is not displayed in sst tabs.
    - However, if I enclose the coolbar inside a picturebox or frame, it readily and normally gets displayed in sst tabs.
    - So, all that you need now to see the issue is just to have a coolbar (with a frame in its band1) in an sst tab (say T2). Select the first tab (say T1) at design time. Press F5. Select T2 now. The coolbar will not display.

    Kind regards.

  29. #149
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by Eduardo- View Post
    Example of describing the issue of the gaps:

    "I use the IDE themed and with DPI awareness.
    The screen DPI is set to 125% (120 DPI).
    Add a new sst control to a form, Style property set to its default TabDialog.
    Set the Tabs property to 7.
    The width of the sst is 2000.
    Keep the VisualStyles to it default that is True.

    (That was an example explanation).

    For the coolbars, just start a new project, reference the sst ocx, the krool CCR ocx, add an sst, add a coolbar, add another coolbar inside it, set all properties to whatever causes the problem and please post it here.
    I have just now seen this message of yours. As written earlier, it is not coolbar inside coolbar any more. And, reg. properties, no properties need to be changed in a newly added sst or coolbar.

    Kind regards.

  30. #150
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    // 'ChangeControlsBackcolor' in 'Property Pages' of sst //
    me writing about this property has nothing to do with the coolbar issue. I always UNTICK this property in my SSTs because if I remember right, if it is TICKED, it shows certain controls' background in black. Coolbar is one such control. I dont remember the other controls as of now. So, that is the only reason for unticking it. It has
    nothing to do with the coolbar issue, as such.

    Kind regards.

  31. #151

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    Since you have instructed me now to test it inside a picturebox, I have done that too. I have enclosed a coolbar within a picturebox (no sst involved) and it appears normally and correctly. No issues in such a coolbar's display, even if one more coolbar is present inside it.
    I repeat once more: that was intended to test whether the coolbar had the problem without the stt, the idea was to replace the sst with another container, a PictureBox.
    You misunderstood it and luckily, by chance, found a solution.

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    d) As far as i can remember, I tried the above steps with all the 3 options of themes in your 'Property Pages'. Also, with VisualStyles Off and On too. The issue persists.
    I never know whether you are talking about the gaps problem of the coolbar problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    e) My VB6.exe has Comctl32 ref. embedded in it, if that is what you mean by IDE being themed.
    I don't know what "Comctl32 ref. embedded in it" means, I have the IDE themed with a manifest file embed in it (and it is also declared DPI aware in the same manifest). But I can test in whatever other setting that is causing the problem, in case those setting have anything to do with it anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    By the by, the issue, as such, is very simple now.
    For the coolbar please send a sample test project, if it is easy to do it then the better.
    I don't want to spend time figuring how to add bands and such with a control I seldom used.

    PS: please make things simple to me, I'm currently very busy (and having headaches with other things).

  32. #152
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    // I don't want to spend time figuring how to add bands and such with a control I seldom used. //
    Oh okay eduardo. I fully understand your situation. You have not used coolbar at all and you are too busy right now.

    Well, the resolving of these issues is not urgent for me since I have a solution in hand for the coolbar issue. Even otherwise, it is not urgent. I just reported the coolbar issue for your information. That's all. The gaps problem is also a minor issue for me since with VisualStyles off, its just to do with the slight space after the last tab. Not a big thing for me.

    So, I will read through your messages again and write back after some days, since I am also very much running short of time with my own work schedules. Also, I do not have prior knowledge of posting any sample project in this forum. Will learn about it. So, will write back after some days. Happy continuation with our work for both of us.

    Kind regards.

  33. #153

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    OK, thanks.
    To post a test project, you need to zip the files without any exe, dll or ocx, and clcik the Go Advanced button, the click manage attachment, then browse to where the file is and attach to the post.

    Name:  Attach1.jpg
Views: 641
Size:  9.9 KB

    Name:  Attach2.jpg
Views: 647
Size:  14.8 KB

    Name:  Attach3.jpg
Views: 640
Size:  51.2 KB

    Name:  Attach4.jpg
Views: 647
Size:  53.1 KB

  34. #154
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Hi Eduardo,
    SStabEx is fantastic as a replacement of SSTab!
    Unfortunately I use widely Janus Gridex2000 which doesn't repaint correctly when you choose a tab where it is.
    The same not happens with Janus Gridex 1.6 whic is the previous version of the control.
    Can you check why? if you need other info let me know
    Thanks in advance

  35. #155

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Hello! Welcome to the forum.

    Try with .Refresh on the Gridex in the TabSelChange event of the SStabEx (not tested, just a shot in the dark).

  36. #156
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by Eduardo- View Post
    Hello! Welcome to the forum.

    Try with .Refresh on the Gridex in the TabSelChange event of the SStabEx (not tested, just a shot in the dark).
    I had already tried .Refresh without success ... but it seems that I solved it by putting the .Rebind instead of the refresh in the event...

  37. #157
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by Albey View Post
    I had already tried .Refresh without success ... but it seems that I solved it by putting the .Rebind instead of the refresh in the event...
    More Info: when the Gridex is in Unbound mode (.datamode=99) you have to use the .Rebind method... when in Ado mode (.datamode=1) you have to use .Refresh (instead you get an odbc error)...

  38. #158
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Dear Eduardo,

    Warm Greetings! Happy to be writing to you again, though I am still under time constraints only.

    As suggested by you, I have made a small project (a test app) to highlight an issue which I encountered while using Krool's command button control (kcb, for short) inside SST control. I have attached the same ("1. Buttons Inside Tabs - Test") in this post.

    A screenshot of the test app below, just after starting it.
    Name:  Buttons Inside Tabs - Test App - 1.png
Views: 523
Size:  15.3 KB

    A screenshot of the test app below, after clicking the button captioned 'Resize CmdNormal and CmdKrools', immediately after starting the app. The caption for Krool's command button has disappeared, as you can see.
    Name:  Buttons Inside Tabs - Test App - 2.png
Views: 416
Size:  15.4 KB

    I felt I will post the abovementioned 'test app' (for the issue with kcb) first, rather than the one for the coolbar control, since I thought perhaps solving this issue with the kcb will solve the issue for the coolbar control too.

    Note-1: Please do read the comments in my code, wherever they appear. Those comments are very important, as far as this 'test app' is concerned.

    Note-2: In case the caption for 'kcb' does not disappear at your end and its all working correctly, then kindly bear with me and kindly let me know what could be the mistake I am doing at my end which makes the caption disappear.

    Note-3: You have written in your post no. 151 as follows:
    I have the IDE themed with a manifest file embed in it (and it is also declared DPI aware in the same manifest)
    As far as I can say, my vb6 IDE is themed too. But, I am not sure about that 'DPI aware' part. I don't exactly remember what all my manifest file contained when I added it to the VB6 executable, few years ago. And, as stated in some of my past replies, my OS is Windows10, 64-bit. Screen resolution is 1920*1080. Under 'Scale and Layout' in Display settings, it shows '100% (Recommended)'.

    Note-4: If the above-explained issue occurs at your end too, and if it is not due to 'Sst', then kindly let me know as to what I should do further. As of now, the PictureBox is solving the issue for me in my projects. But then, for every tab, I need to necessarily have a PictureBox (to hold the 'kcb's).

    Note-5: This is the first time ever I am posting a project (of any kind, 'test app' or otherwise) in our VbForums. So, if any mistake on my part, kindly bear with me and kindly guide me as to how I can post projects in a better manner in the future.

    I believe I have kept things simple while explaining the above 'disappearing caption' issue with 'kcb'. Kindly bear with me, if I have not, because, this is the best extent to which 'I' could manage to keep it simple.

    Kind regards.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by softv; Jun 2nd, 2022 at 10:19 AM.

  39. #159

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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Hello, I fixed the issue.

    It was that Krool's controls returns one hWnd for the control that is inside and another hWnd from another property (hWndUserControl) for the control-container (the UserControl).

    I was working with the generic .hWnd that usually is "the control-container" because there is not control-container at all.

    Now it first checks for .hWndUserControl and if it is not found, then tries .hWnd

  40. #160
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    Re: (VB6) SSTabEx: SSTab replacement. Themed and with new features

    Quote Originally Posted by Eduardo- View Post
    Hello, I fixed the issue.

    It was that Krool's controls returns one hWnd for the control that is inside and another hWnd from another property (hWndUserControl) for the control-container (the UserControl).

    I was working with the generic .hWnd that usually is "the control-container" because there is not control-container at all.

    Now it first checks for .hWndUserControl and if it is not found, then tries .hWnd
    As always, thanks a TON, Eduardo.

    Kind regards.

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