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Thread: [RESOLVED] jQueryUI - Autocomplete

  1. #1

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    Super Moderator dday9's Avatar
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    Resolved [RESOLVED] jQueryUI - Autocomplete

    I currently have a PHP file that is returning the JSON equivalent of some rows returned from a database, for what its worth, here is the PHP file:
      $configs_database = include('config_database.php');
      // Database variables
      $dbHost = $configs_database['host'];
      $dbUsername = $configs_database['username'];
      $dbPassword = $configs_database['password'];
      $dbName = $configs_database['name'];
      /* Create connection */
      $dsn = "mysql:dbname=$dbName;host=$dbHost;charset=utf8mb4";
      $db = new PDO($dsn, $dbUsername, $dbPassword);
      $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
      // Search for 
      $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT `customer`.`household_id`, `customer`.`first_name`, `customer`.`last_name`, `suffix`.`suffix`, `customer`.`phone`, `customer`.`email`
                            FROM `customer`
                            INNER JOIN `suffix` ON `suffix`.`suffix_id` = `customer`.`suffix_id`;");
      $rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
      $json = [];
      // Iterate through each row
      foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $customer = new stdClass();
        $customer->label=implode(' ', [$row['first_name'], $row['last_name'], $row['suffix'], format_phone($row['phone']), $row['email']]);
        array_push($json, $customer);     
      // Return the array encoded as JSON data
      echo json_encode($json);
      function format_phone($phone) {
        if(preg_match( '/^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/', $phone,  $matches )) {
            $phone = $matches[1] . '-' .$matches[2] . '-' . $matches[3];
        return $phone;
    Then in my jQuery that runs at the bottom of my webpage, I have the following code:
      // Get the autocomplete label/value pairs
      var autocomplete_source = [];
      $.get("php/autocomplete_source.php", function(data){
        autocomplete_source = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
      //Auto complete the quick_search input
        source: autocomplete_source,
        minLength: 3,
        select: function( event, ui ) {
          // Debugging, simply alert what was selected
          alert("Selected: " + ui.item.label + " Household ID: " + ui.item.value );
    I verify that the JSON is being returned in the $.get function, but whenever I start typing and get past my 3rd character I get "No search results.".
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  2. #2

    Thread Starter
    Super Moderator dday9's Avatar
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    South Louisiana

    Re: jQueryUI - Autocomplete

    I figured out what was going on, I moved the .autocomplete code inside the get function:
      var autocomplete_source = [];
      $.get("php/autocomplete_source.php", function(data){
        autocomplete_source = $.parseJSON(data);
          source: autocomplete_source,
          minLength: 0,
          select: function( event, ui ) {
            alert("Selected: " + ui.item.label + " Household ID: " + ui.item.value );
    Last edited by dday9; Oct 18th, 2017 at 09:07 AM.
    "Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it is bad." - Cory House
    VbLessons | Code Tags | Sword of Fury - Jameram

  3. #3
    MS SQL Powerposter szlamany's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: [RESOLVED] jQueryUI - Autocomplete

    I believe SELECT is called when you pick an item - you are not getting that far.

    What does your DATA look like?

    It should be an array of objects - like this:

    [{"label":"aaaona, Laura","value":"laaaona"},{"label":bbbell, Michelle","value":"mbbbell"},{"label":"Br

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