Mar 2nd, 2024, 07:45 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()
MsgBox "" & Shell("D:\Test\ucShellBrowse\Demo2\Project4.exe", vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
MsgBox "" & ShellExecute(0, "open", "D:\Test\ucShellBrowse\Demo2\Project4.exe", vbNullString, vbNullString, 0)
End Sub
In IDE I got 11672 for shell and 42 for ShellExecute with Project4.exe not showing.
When compiled, I got 12148 and 42 with Project4.exe executing as expected.
I tried on a Windows7 machine, and it works in the IDE as it should. I will try on other machines next week.
EDIT : I tried on a Windows 10 machine and it works in the IDE. Must be my main machine under Windows 11 which has a problem...
Last edited by Crapahute; Mar 2nd, 2024 at 07:50 AM.
Mar 2nd, 2024, 09:18 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Did you try with other programs? Very curious to see if this is specific to ucShellBrowse or maybe the demo program.
Those numbers indicate success (For shell, anything nonzero, and for ShellExecute, anything >32, is success according to MSDN). Did you look in task manager to see if it's running, just not showing the window?
One other possibility is Defender or another AV interfering, though they should have gave you a notice about it.
Mar 4th, 2024, 01:54 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Yes I tried with my own programs which use your ucShellBrowse.
I have investigated a bit further.
Looking in ucShellBrowse.ctl I remerbered that I had to make changes to make it work in the IDE. What I did at the time is
change :
Private Const mDefHighPerfMode As Boolean = True
Private mDefHighPerfMode As Boolean
and add in UserControl_Initialize
If IsIDE = True Then
mDefHighPerfMode = False
mDefHighPerfMode = True
End If
With these changes, the program works in the IDE and when it's compiled. Without, it crashes the IDE.
But when I compile and run it from the IDE with Shell/ShellExecute, it doesn't work. It crashes whenever a form with ucShellBrowse object is open.
I tried to change IsIDE with InIDE by adding this function :
Private Function InIDE(Optional ByRef b As Boolean = True) As Boolean
If b = True Then Debug.Assert Not InIDE(InIDE) Else b = True
End Function
with no luck.
Then I forced
mDefHighPerfMode = False
and there, the program works when run from the IDE (Shell and ShellExecute). So my problem is about mDefHighPerfMode. When false it works all the time. With my patch it also works except when launched from the IDE.
Last edited by Crapahute; Mar 4th, 2024 at 01:57 AM.
Mar 4th, 2024, 03:38 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
High performance mode shouldn't be crashing the IDE to begin with... perhaps the issue is it that is *is* executing, but crashing out on load? You can enable printing debug output to a file, by changing dbg_PrintToFile to True, so you can view the log from the exe like you would in the IDE.
The only thing I remember is there was some Windows 11 issue with one of the Unicode functions... In FindFirstFileNt, the first fewlines after the Dims should be
strFolder = "\??\"
strFolder = strFolder & strDirectory
' RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U StrPtr(strFolder), strUnicode, fp, rn
RtlInitUnicodeString strUnicode, StrPtr(strFolder)
with RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U commented out like that... I think there's where the problem was.
Mar 4th, 2024, 04:10 AM
Lively Member
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Hi Crapahute
mDefHighPerfMode = False seems to be THE SOLUTION !
Thank you
Mar 4th, 2024, 04:24 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Originally Posted by fafalone
strFolder = "\??\"
strFolder = strFolder & strDirectory
' RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U StrPtr(strFolder), strUnicode, fp, rn
RtlInitUnicodeString strUnicode, StrPtr(strFolder)
with RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U commented out like that... I think there's where the problem was.
The code you provide is already set like that, I did not touch anything.
Mar 4th, 2024, 04:35 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Here is the 'log' I get. When launched from IDE with Shell, the program (Demo\ShellBrowse-v111-RC1-Std01.exe) crashes after the last line :
DebugAppend UCSB Initialize Entry at 04/03/24 10:32:31 0
DebugAppend dpix=1 0
DebugAppend Initializing Rating column 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=0 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=1 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=2 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x0 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Ordinateur, icon=shell32.dll#0016 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x0 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Intranet local, icon=shell32.dll#0018 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Sites de confiance, icon=inetcpl.cpl#00004480 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Internet, icon=inetcpl.cpl#001313 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Sites sensibles, icon=inetcpl.cpl#00004481 0
DebugAppend -->UC_INIT_OUT 0
Exit Sub
DebugAppend ScaledDtFontHeight=13 444
DebugAppend FontDetailsPropset DtFont=218771098 444
DebugAppend ReadLVFont Tahoma 444
DebugAppend SetFontFileControls Tahoma,hLVS=0 444
DebugAppend ReadProp ViewMode=1 0
DebugAppend -->PvCreate 0
DebugAppend ComCtlDGV hr=0x0 0
DebugAppend ComCtl major=6,minor=16 0
DebugAppend Initializing Display Columns... 0
DebugAppend SYSTEM.FILENAME: 0x41CF5AE0,0xF75A,last=0xB9,pid=100 0
DebugAppend Added 1690 columns 0
DebugAppend pvCreateCombo() 3
DebugAppend pvCreateCombo cyCombo=26 0
DebugAppend Set Font->Size=8,25 0
DebugAppend SetFont.Out cyCombo=26 0
DebugAppend dpix=1 0
DebugAppend color=&H0 0
DebugAppend lvrEnable=Vrai 0
DebugAppend Ambient.UserMode=Faux 0
DebugAppend Exit UC_SHow, LastSessionPath= 0
DebugAppend UCSB Initialize Entry at 04/03/24 10:32:31 0
DebugAppend dpix=1 0
DebugAppend Initializing Rating column 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=0 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=1 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=2 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x0 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Ordinateur, icon=shell32.dll#0016 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x0 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Intranet local, icon=shell32.dll#0018 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Sites de confiance, icon=inetcpl.cpl#00004480 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Internet, icon=inetcpl.cpl#001313 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Sites sensibles, icon=inetcpl.cpl#00004481 0
DebugAppend -->UC_INIT_OUT 0
Exit Sub
DebugAppend ScaledDtFontHeight=13 444
DebugAppend FontDetailsPropset DtFont=218771499 444
DebugAppend ReadLVFont Tahoma 444
DebugAppend SetFontFileControls Tahoma,hLVS=0 444
DebugAppend ReadProp ViewMode=1 0
DebugAppend -->PvCreate 0
DebugAppend ComCtlDGV hr=0x0 0
DebugAppend ComCtl major=6,minor=16 0
DebugAppend Initializing Display Columns... 0
DebugAppend SYSTEM.FILENAME: 0x41CF5AE0,0xF75A,last=0xB9,pid=100 0
DebugAppend Added 1690 columns 0
DebugAppend pvCreateCombo() 3
DebugAppend pvCreateCombo cyCombo=26 0
DebugAppend Set Font->Size=8,25 0
DebugAppend SetFont.Out cyCombo=26 0
DebugAppend dpix=1 0
DebugAppend color=&H0 0
DebugAppend lvrEnable=Vrai 0
DebugAppend Ambient.UserMode=Faux 0
DebugAppend Exit UC_SHow, LastSessionPath= 0
DebugAppend WriteLVFont Tahoma 444
DebugAppend UserControl_WriteProperties() 1
DebugAppend WriteLVFont Tahoma 444
DebugAppend UserControl_WriteProperties() 1
DebugAppend terminate event 0
DebugAppend terminate event 0
DebugAppend UCSB Initialize Entry at 04/03/24 10:32:32 0
DebugAppend dpix=1 0
DebugAppend Initializing Rating column 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=0 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=1 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=2 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x0 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Ordinateur, icon=shell32.dll#0016 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x0 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Intranet local, icon=shell32.dll#0018 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Sites de confiance, icon=inetcpl.cpl#00004480 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Internet, icon=inetcpl.cpl#001313 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Sites sensibles, icon=inetcpl.cpl#00004481 0
DebugAppend -->UC_INIT_OUT 0
Exit Sub
DebugAppend ScaledDtFontHeight=17 444
DebugAppend FontDetailsPropset DtFont=705310523 444
DebugAppend ReadLVFont Comic Sans MS 444
DebugAppend SetFontFileControls Comic Sans MS,hLVS=0 444
DebugAppend ReadProp ViewMode=1 0
DebugAppend -->PvCreate 0
DebugAppend ComCtlDGV hr=0x0 0
DebugAppend ComCtl major=6,minor=16 0
DebugAppend Initializing Display Columns... 0
DebugAppend SYSTEM.FILENAME: 0x41CF5AE0,0xF75A,last=0xB9,pid=100 0
DebugAppend Added 1690 columns 0
DebugAppend pvCreateCombo() 3
DebugAppend pvCreateCombo cyCombo=31 0
DebugAppend InitLV Viewmode=1 0
DebugAppend InitLV set view LVS_ICON 4
DebugAppend InitLV->hLVSHdr=1642922 0
DebugAppend InitLV->cnt=4 0
DebugAppend Set Font->Size=9 0
DebugAppend SetFont.Out cyCombo=31 0
DebugAppend dpix=1 0
DebugAppend color=&H0 0
DebugAppend lvrEnable=Vrai 0
DebugAppend Ambient.UserMode=Faux 0
DebugAppend Exit UC_SHow, LastSessionPath= 0
DebugAppend UCSB Initialize Entry at 04/03/24 10:32:58 0
DebugAppend dpix=1 0
DebugAppend Initializing Rating column 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=0 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=1 0
DebugAppend PBEncodedPNGtoHIML hr=2 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x0 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Ordinateur, icon=shell32.dll#0016 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x0 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Intranet local, icon=shell32.dll#0018 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Sites de confiance, icon=inetcpl.cpl#00004480 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Internet, icon=inetcpl.cpl#001313 0
DebugAppend LastError=0x1 0
DebugAppend Added Zone Sites sensibles, icon=inetcpl.cpl#00004481 0
DebugAppend -->UC_INIT_OUT 0
Exit Sub
DebugAppend ScaledDtFontHeight=17 444
DebugAppend FontDetailsPropset DtFont=17445101 444
DebugAppend ReadLVFont Comic Sans MS 444
DebugAppend SetFontFileControls Comic Sans MS,hLVS=0 444
DebugAppend ReadProp ViewMode=1 0
DebugAppend -->PvCreate 0
DebugAppend ComCtlDGV hr=0x0 0
DebugAppend ComCtl major=6,minor=16 0
DebugAppend Initializing Display Columns... 0
DebugAppend SYSTEM.FILENAME: 0x41CF5AE0,0xF75A,last=0xB9,pid=100 0
DebugAppend Added 1690 columns 0
DebugAppend pvCreateCombo() 3
DebugAppend Got NFMT on ucWndProc main 0
DebugAppend pvCreateCombo cyCombo=31 0
DebugAppend EnumRoot::SetRoot=Desktop 2
DebugAppend Got siDesk 0
DebugAppend EnumRoot::sName=Bureau 0
DebugAppend Insertitem n=Bureau,i=34 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Ce PC,full=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} 0
DebugAppend Insert n=xxxx (xxxx),full=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\uuid:a74ff7f3-4452-4f8f-98f1-836957945ebd 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Install (xxxx),full=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\uuid:7a366a15-ac7e-494a-be32-71ea7c702b57 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Test (xxxx),full=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\uuid:6e0ba2f8-39d4-4f80-99ee-770d9e46137c 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Windows (C,full=C:\ 0
DebugAppend Insert n=DOCUMENTS (D,full=D:\ 0
DebugAppend Insert n=DATA2 (E,full=E:\ 0
DebugAppend Insert n=PRG (G,full=G:\ 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Corbeille,full=::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Panneau de configuration,full=::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} 0
DebugAppend Insert n=xxxx,full=C:\Users\xxxx 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Biblioth ques,full=::{031E4825-7B94-4DC3-B131-E946B44C8DD5} 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Musique,full=::{031E4825-7B94-4DC3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}\Music.library-ms 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Images enregistr es,full=::{031E4825-7B94-4DC3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}\SavedPictures.library-ms 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Vid os,full=::{031E4825-7B94-4DC3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}\Videos.library-ms 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Pellicule,full=::{031E4825-7B94-4DC3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}\CameraRoll.library-ms 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Documents,full=::{031E4825-7B94-4DC3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}\Documents.library-ms 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Images,full=::{031E4825-7B94-4DC3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}\Pictures.library-ms 0
DebugAppend Insert n=R seau,full=::{F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C} 0
DebugAppend Insert n=OneDrive,full=C:\Users\xxxx\OneDrive 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Dropbox,full=G:\Dropbox 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Musique,full=D:\xxxx\Music 0
DebugAppend Insert n=T l chargements,full=D:\Downloads 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Images,full=D:\xxxx\Pictures 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Vid os,full=D:\xxxx\Videos 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Documents,full=D:\xxxx\Documents 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Bureau,full=C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Accueil,full=::{F874310E-B6B7-47DC-BC84-B9E6B38F5903} 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Galerie,full=::{E88865EA-0E1C-4E20-9AA6-EDCD0212C87C} 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Images,full=D:\xxxx\Pictures 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Dev,full=C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\Dev 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Graphisme,full=C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\Graphisme 0
DebugAppend Insert n=Utilitaires,full=C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\Utilitaires 0
DebugAppend Insert n=WIP,full=C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\WIP 0
DebugAppend Got NFMT on ucWndProc main 0
DebugAppend InitLV Viewmode=1 0
DebugAppend InitLV set view LVS_ICON 4
DebugAppend Got NFMT on ucWndProc main 0
DebugAppend Set Font->Size=9 0
DebugAppend SetFont.Out cyCombo=31 0
DebugAppend Subclass LV, h=71034 0
DebugAppend Got NFMT on ucWndProc main 0
DebugAppend Got NFMT on ucWndProc main 0
DebugAppend InitLV->hLVSHdr=71036 0
DebugAppend InitLV->cnt=4 0
DebugAppend SwitchView 1|1, bForcedDFS=Faux 0
DebugAppend cxyDispL=96 11
DebugAppend SwitchView::StandardSet,vw=1 0
DebugAppend SwitchView::CRITTEST, sending LVM_SETVIEW 0
DebugAppend LVM_SETVIEW 0x1 0
DebugAppend UserControl_Show::LVLoadFolder 0
DebugAppend LVLoadFolder->Using high performance loader for d:\test\Demo 23
DebugAppend ucShellBrowse.LVLoadFolderEx d:\test\Demo,m_sCurPath=d:\test\Demo,sPrevPath=,GrpMode=0 2
DebugAppend ResetSpecialCols() 0
DebugAppend ResetSpecialCols, m_SubItemProgress=0 0
DebugAppend In Computer, trying catprovider 0
DebugAppend Got IShellFolder2 0
DebugAppend Got category provider 0
DebugAppend guid={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0
DebugAppend LVLoadFolderEx::No category support (SCID=NULL) 0
DebugAppend LVLoadFolderEx::Start main loop... 0
Last edited by Crapahute; Mar 4th, 2024 at 04:40 AM.
Mar 4th, 2024, 04:38 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
To be comlete, that's what I did to get the log :
private Sub PrintLog(s As String)
Dim n As Long
n = FreeFile
Open "d:\test\test.txt" For Append As #n
Print #n, s
Close #n
End Sub
Private Sub DebugAppend(ByVal sMsg As String, Optional ilvl As Long = 0)
PrintLog "DebugAppend " & sMsg & " " & ilvl
If ilvl < dbg_MinLevel Then Exit Sub
If dbg_IncludeDate Then sMsg = "[" & Format$(Now, dbg_dtFormat) & "] " & sMsg
If dbg_PrintToImmediate Then Debug.Print sMsg
If dbg_RaiseEvent = True Then RaiseEvent DebugMessage(sMsg, CInt(ilvl))
If dbg_PrintToFile Then
If log_hFile Then
WriteLog sMsg
End If
End If
End Sub
Last edited by Crapahute; Mar 4th, 2024 at 04:42 AM.
Mar 4th, 2024, 05:01 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Ok, it crashes there :
Private Sub LVLoadFolderEx(ByVal sPath As String, Optional bLoadFID As Boolean = False, Optional bFallbackPresent As Boolean = False, Optional siFallback As oleexp.IShellItem, Optional IsRefresh As Boolean = False, Optional lAssignSearchIdx As Long = -1&)
DebugAppend "LVLoadFolderEx:: Line 3"
If Right$(strPath, 1) <> "\" Then strPath = strPath & "\"
hFind = FindFirstFileNt(strPath, bytBuffer)
DebugAppend "LVLoadFolderEx:: Line 4"
I get Line 3 in my log and not Line 4, so I think that it is FindFirstFileNt(strPath, bytBuffer) that makes the crash.
Last edited by Crapahute; Mar 4th, 2024 at 05:55 AM.
Mar 4th, 2024, 06:22 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Yeah figured it was something in there... no idea what could be crashing only on some versions.
If you're not worried about long load times for folders with thousands of items, you can leave it off like you had. Otherwise I'd need you to narrow down the exact line within FindFirstFileNt that's causing the issue, and I could provide an alternative. There's no logging in there by default since it would eliminate all the performance benefits. But just add DebugAppend "message", and will show up in the log.
One other way, if you could provide your exact Windows version number, I'll try setting up a VM with that.
Mar 4th, 2024, 10:09 AM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Here is what crashes :
Private Function FindFirstFileNt(ByVal strDirectory As String, bytBuffer() As Byte) As Long
RtlFreeUnicodeString strUnicode
If I quote it, all works ok, but is it secure ?
My system :
Édition Windows 11 Professionnel
Version 23H2
Installé le ?21/?03/?23
Build du système d’exploitation 22631.3155
Expérience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22684.1000.0
Last edited by Crapahute; Mar 4th, 2024 at 10:17 AM.
Mar 4th, 2024, 02:55 PM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
Ah yes that's the more recent one I recall! Omg, so sorry I forgot--- I had even added it to "Known Issues" 6 months ago--
[*] On certain versions of Windows 11, a crash occurs in FindFirstFileNt on the RtlFreeUnicodeString call. This call was an improper usage of the API and you can safely comment that line out.
RtlFreeUnicodeString isn't supposed to be used in this scenario--- since the string wasn't allocated by the Rtl* functions (RtlInitUnicodeString only sets the struct to an existing string) but by VB, it's resulting in either a double free, or some weird memory access issue. Which never caused a problem up until recently, but I guess some update changed that.
Yes, leave it commented out, it will be removed in the next update (it's already removed in twinBASIC versions).
Really appreciate the effort to run that down, sorry for the bug, and double sorry for forgetting I already went through this once. Though if you checked Known Issues
Last edited by fafalone; Mar 4th, 2024 at 03:18 PM.
Mar 4th, 2024, 03:26 PM
Re: [VB6] ucShellBrowse: A modern replacement for Drive/FileList w/ extensive feature
No problem and thank you for the great codes of yours !
(Next time I will look for known issues )
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