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Thread: [RESOLVED] parseJSON Returning Wrong Type

  1. #1

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    Super Moderator dday9's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    South Louisiana

    Resolved [RESOLVED] parseJSON Returning Wrong Type

    I'm attempting to load the following literal into a JSON object, but when I call typeof on the variable it says that it is an object rather than an array. Can you spot what could be causing this:
    var data = $.parseJSON('[{"Type":"Boat","Name":"Merle Gonsoulin","Official_Number":"1270118","Length":78,"Breadth":34,"Depth":10,"Gross_Tons":222,"HP":2000,"Engine":"Cummins KTA38M2","Built":2016,"Status":"Standby"},{"Type":"Barge","Name":"Gonsoulin 546","Official_Number":"1263066","Length":297.5,"Width":54,"Depth":12,"BBL":30000,"Built":2015,"Status":"Standby"},{"Type":"Barge","Name":"Gonsoulin 528","Official_Number":"1240327","Length":297.5,"Width":54,"Depth":12,"BBL":30000,"Built":2015,"Status":"Standby"}]');
    Here is the JSON uncompacted:
        "Type": "Boat",
        "Name": "Merle Gonsoulin",
        "Official Number": "1270118",
        "Length": 78,
        "Breadth": 34,
        "Depth": 10,
        "Gross Tons": 222,
        "HP": 2000,
        "Engine": "Cummins KTA38M2",
        "Built": 2016,
        "Status": "Standby"
        "Type": "Barge",
        "Name": "Gonsoulin 546",
        "Official Number": "1263066",
        "Length": 297.5,
        "Width": 54,
        "Depth": 12,
        "BBL": 30000,
        "Built": 2015,
        "Status": "Standby"
        "Type": "Barge",
        "Name": "Gonsoulin 528",
        "Official Number": "1240327",
        "Length": 297.5,
        "Width": 54,
        "Depth": 12,
        "BBL": 30000,
        "Built": 2015,
        "Status": "Standby"
    "Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it is bad." - Cory House
    VbLessons | Code Tags | Sword of Fury - Jameram

  2. #2

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    Super Moderator dday9's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    South Louisiana

    Re: parseJSON Returning Wrong Type

    For those of you wondering, it is because an array in JavaScript is an object. To determine if it is truly an array, I used the Array.isArray method.
    "Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it is bad." - Cory House
    VbLessons | Code Tags | Sword of Fury - Jameram

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