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Thread: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

  1. #1

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    PowerPoster Poppa Mintin's Avatar
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    How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?


    Loads of 'How to set Remember Folder Options in Windows 10?' hits in Google, I've not found one which tells us how to do this for an individual folder.

    They all follow more or less the same format, and they more or less all say the same thing, but I've not found one which actually answers the question: "How do we set Remember Folder Options for an individual folder? in Windows 10.

    I've found a few which Say they address the question, but sadly don't. Some have headings which include Windows 10, but the instructions are clearly not for Windows 10... The buttons they say to click are just not there in Windows 10.

    Along with the sunshine there has to be a little rain sometime.

  2. #2
    PowerPoster jdc2000's Avatar
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    Re: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

    I don't think you can do that in Windows 10. That is an option that Microsoft removed some time ago.

  3. #3

    Thread Starter
    PowerPoster Poppa Mintin's Avatar
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    Re: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

    Thanks for the reply jdc2000

    My laptop is about a year old, it came with Windows 10 so it's not an 'Upgrade'. Until early this week the folders which I use as menus on my desktop all displayed Medium Icons, and the folders elsewhere displayed in Details.

    Since sometime early this week all folders wherever they are, are displaying in details, I can change the desktop folders to display Medium Icons, but then All folders use that format. Then the next time I come to use the laptop, all the folders have returned to details. That doesn't mean a re-start I usually close the laptop in Sleep mode for a faster open, I do re-start now and then to keep things running smoothly.

    I've run AV checks (I use Malwarebytes), I've been using CCleaner and System Ninja now and then for several years, and on this laptop since I've had it, without any problems but they've not resolved my problem.

    Since this problem's only a few days old I can't see how it can have been removed unless it was in these last few days, and why would they remove a useful function anyway (I know Microsoft have a reputation for screwing up their software so that they can sell us a cure. I can't believe even they would be that blatant)

    Along with the sunshine there has to be a little rain sometime.

  4. #4
    PowerPoster jdc2000's Avatar
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    Re: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

    Here are some links about the "Remember Folder View Settings" issue that may be of interest. After XP, this functionality was removed from Windows.

    Windows 10 is a moving target, and you are the beta tester. A feature that you were using may disappear during the next "Update" so Microsoft can add some new bling-bling and eye-candy. Usability is no longer a concern with Windows 10.

    Potential "fix" link for the resetting problem you are having in Windows 10:
    (No guarantee that it will work with the latest "update" though.)

    More possibly useful links:
    Last edited by jdc2000; Aug 30th, 2017 at 12:22 PM.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Johannah's Avatar
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    Re: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

    I'm not sure that's possible with Window 10. It is on Mac though....
    "The science of today is the technology of tomorrow" - Edward Teller

  6. #6
    You don't want to know.
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    Re: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

    Yeah but then you have to use Finder and holy smokes it's the worst file manager I've ever used. I live on a Mac and Finder is the worst part of every day.
    This answer is wrong. You should be using TableAdapter and Dictionaries instead.

  7. #7
    PowerPoster jdc2000's Avatar
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    Re: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

  8. #8
    New Member Jack11's Avatar
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    Re: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

    I tried my best but it doesn't work. please mentioned if you missed anything, Thnaks.

  9. #9
    New Member Jack11's Avatar
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    Re: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by jdc2000 View Post
    Here are some links about the "Remember Folder View Settings" issue that may be of interest. After XP, this functionality was removed from Windows.

    Windows 10 is a moving target, and you are the beta tester. A feature that you were using may disappear during the next "Update" so Microsoft can add some new bling-bling and eye-candy. Usability is no longer a concern with Windows 10.

    Potential "fix" link for the resetting problem you are having in Windows 10:
    (No guarantee that it will work with the latest "update" though.)

    More possibly useful links:
    I tried my best but it doesn't work. please mentioned if you missed anything, Thnaks.

  10. #10
    PowerPoster jdc2000's Avatar
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    Idaho Falls, Idaho USA

    Re: How to set 'Remember Folder Options' in Windows 10 ?

    A few more recent links:

    No guarantees on any of these ideas working, however, my Windows 10 systems will remember folder view settings, up to the limit.

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