Aug 18th, 2017, 11:06 AM
[RESOLVED] Find Method Not Returning Value
I am using twitter-bootstrap as my CSS framework and I have a sidebar that is made up of various list-groups and those list-groups have several list-group-items. However, only one list-group-item will ever have the active class.
What I'm attempting to do is set the href of previous/next buttons based on which list-group-item currently has the active class.
This is what I'm trying right now:
//get all of the list-group-items
var lessons = $('li.list-group-item').not('.list-group-item-info');
//get the index of the current lesson
var currentIndex = lessons.index(lessons.find('.active'));
//check to see if there is a previous lesson
if (currentIndex > 0) {
$('#previousLesson').attr('href', lessons.get(currentIndex - 1).children('a:first').attr('href'));
//check to see if there is a next lesson
if (currentIndex < lessons.length - 1) {
$('#nextLesson').attr('href', lessons.get(currentIndex + 1).children('a:first').attr('href'));
The lessons variable returns all of the valid list-group-items, but the currentIndex is always returning a -1. I'm not understanding why it is returning a -1 because whenever I debug my code and view the lessons collection in the watch window, I can clearly see an item that contains the active class.
So my question is, why is the find Method not returning the item?
Aug 18th, 2017, 11:13 AM
Re: Find Method Not Returning Value
I was able to solve my issue by using the Filter method:
var currentIndex = lessons.index(lessons.filter('.active'));
Aug 18th, 2017, 11:16 AM
Re: [RESOLVED] Find Method Not Returning Value
Aug 18th, 2017, 03:51 PM
Re: [RESOLVED] Find Method Not Returning Value
Hey dday...
Here is how I grab HTML content from the server in the .ready() event...
$(document).ready(function() {
ctrlWebService("editpanels", "editpanels_health, "", "", "", []);
The function ctrlWebService does an AJAX POST to a backend web method...
function ctrlWebService(strOpt, strVal1, strVal2, strVal3, strId, source, extra) {
var newId = "";
var objWebParam = {};
var wesId = [];
objWebParam.username = window.username || "";
objWebParam.ctrloption = strOpt;
objWebParam.ctrlval1 = strVal1;
objWebParam.ctrlval2 = strVal2;
objWebParam.ctrlval3 = strVal3;
objWebParam.ctrlextra = extra || {};
objWebParam.sguid = window.bootguid || "";
var strWebParam = $.toJSON(objWebParam);
type: "POST",
url: "WebService.asmx/CtrlService",
dataType: "json",
data: strWebParam,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function(msg) {
ajaxCtrlFinished(msg, strId, "success", objWebParam);
failure: function(msg) {
ajaxCtrlFinished(msg, strId, "failure", objWebParam);
error: function(msg) {
ajaxCtrlFinished(msg, strId, "error", objWebParam);
That backend VB function looks like this...
<WebMethod()> _
<ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet:=False)> _
Public Function CtrlService(ByVal ctrloption As String, ByVal ctrlval1 As String _
, ByVal ctrlval2 As String _
, ByVal ctrlval3 As String _
, ByVal ctrlextra As Dictionary(Of String, String) _
, ByVal username As String _
, ByVal sguid As String _
, ByVal source As IList(Of Dictionary(Of String, String))) As String
Dim rtnString As String = ""
If ctrloption = "login" Then
rtnString = ctrlLogin(credDB, ctrlval1, ctrlval2, ctrlval3)
ElseIf ctrloption = "updatealert" Then
rtnString = ctrlAlert(ctrlval1, ctrlval2, ctrlval3, sguid)
If checkGuid(sguid) Then
rtnString = ctrlAction(credDB, ctrloption, ctrlval1, ctrlval2, ctrlval3, ctrlextra, username, source, sguid)
rtnString = "{""LoginRequired"": true}"
LogOutput("GUID not found (CtrlService): " & ctrloption)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
LogOutput(ex.Message & " (CtrlService): " & ctrloption)
End Try
End If
Return rtnString
End Function
In that web service above the ctrlAction function is called - and the IF statement below is run though - where the folder of .ASPX files is opened up and those files read and turned into a JSON string for return to the browser.
Private Function ctrlAction(credDB As String, ctrloption As String, ctrlval1 As String, ctrlval2 As String, ctrlval3 As String _
, ctrlextra As Dictionary(Of String, String) _
, username As String _
, source As IList(Of Dictionary(Of String, String)) _
, sguid As String) As String
Dim JsonMaker As JsonWriter = New JsonWriter
With JsonMaker
Dim strMessage As String = "%no operation performed%"
Dim strSuccess As String = "success"
If ctrloption = "editpanels" Then
Dim strEditPanelsFolder As String = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("editpanelsfolder")
Dim strActualFolder As String = Path.Combine(strEditPanelsFolder, ctrlval1)
Dim sHtml As New StringBuilder
.NewObject("editpanels", True)
For Each fil As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(strActualFolder)
If IO.Path.GetExtension(fil).ToLower = ".aspx" Then
Dim strFileName As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fil).ToLower
If ctrlval2 = "" OrElse ctrlval2 = strFileName Then
Dim inEditPanel As Boolean = False
Dim strContent As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(fil)
Dim strLine As String() = strContent.Split(New String() {Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.None)
Dim sLine As Integer = 0
Dim eLine As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To strLine.Count - 1
If sLine = 0 AndAlso strLine(i).Contains("<form") Then
sLine = i + 1
End If
If strLine(i).Contains("</form>") Then
eLine = i - 1
End If
sHtml.Length = 0
For i As Integer = sLine To eLine
.NewObject(strFileName, sHtml.ToString, True, True)
If ctrlval2 <> "" Then
.NewObject("update", True)
.NewObject("panelname", strFileName)
End If
End If
End If
strMessage = "Search Done"
End If
.NewObject("success", strSuccess)
.NewObject("message", strMessage)
End With
Return JsonMaker.GetJson()
End Function
The HTML files all look like the below. The <head> and <form> are needed to allow the .ASPX file to be edited in VS. You'll notice in the code that reads these above that the HTML up to the <FORM> is ignored - NOT sent to the browser. The snippet below is in a file called "compgroupinvestigation.aspx"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<link href="../css/AWCOffice.css"rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="../css/Final.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<form id="form1" onsubmit="return false;" runat="server">
<div id="acs-edit-compgroupinvestigation" style="padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 10px;">
<div class="acs-edit-lefthalf">
<div class="acs-div-p">
<span class="acs-span-large">Complaint Date</span>
<input type="text" class="awc-CompDate acs-edit-medium-text acs-class-datepicker acs-class-maxtoday"/>
Id: <label class="awc-CompId"></label>
<br />
<span class="acs-span-large">Close Date</span>
<input type="text" class="awc-ClosedDate acs-edit-medium-text acs-class-datepicker acs-class-maxtoday"/>
The raw JSON looks something like the below. Notice the KEY/VALUE pairs in the JSON object. The KEY names are the filenames that were read on the server. The VALUE is the HTM
"editpanels": true,
"compgroupinvestigation": "<div id=\\\"acs-edit-compgroupinvestigation\\\" style=\\\"padding-left: 10px...
"doctypedocument": "<div id=\\\"acs-edit-doctypedocument\\\" style=\\\"padding-left: 10px...
And to finish this up the CALLBACK function from the AJAX POST that started all this does this with the JSON returned...
function ajaxCtrlFinished(msg, sender, rtnstatus, objOptions) {
var objReturn = $.parseJSON(msg.d);
if ((objReturn == null) || (objReturn.LoginRequired || false)) {
errorMessage("Login Required", "Session has timed out - please login again!");
if (g_GAWorker) {
} else {
objReturn.login = objReturn.login || false;
objReturn.button = objReturn.button || false;
objReturn.editpanels = objReturn.editpanels || false;
objReturn.filter = objReturn.filter || false;
} else if (objReturn.editpanels) {
g_editpanels = objReturn;
g_editpanels.loaded = true;
Then later on when I need the HTML I simply get it from the global object variable "g_editpanels".
strEP = g_editpanels[strFromTo] || "";
if (strEP.length == 0) {
strEP = "<br /><span>Edit Panel not found, please try to log out and log in again.</span>";
$(strEP).css("display", "none").appendTo(strEditPanel).addClass("acs-edit-bottom").removeAttr("id").attr("id", strNewId);
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