Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by immortalx
Krool I noticed that properties RowIsVisible, ColIsVisible return always true, no matter if the respective Row or Col are hidden or not.
Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?
VBFlexGrid1.RowHidden(0) = True is just an "extended" way of VBFlexGrid1.RowHeight(0) = 0.
Thus like in original MSFlexGrid those zero height rows will still be return True by RowIsVisible if the row is within client rect, even if it's height is zero.
Even in the VSFlexGrid control it says: If a row has zero height or is hidden but is within the scrollable area, RowIsVisible will return True.
So I won't change the behavior in order to be full compatible.
However, you can make your own workaround helper function as following:
Public Function FlexGridRowIsVisible(ByRef FlexGrid As VBFlexGrid, ByVal Row As Long) As Boolean
If FlexGrid.RowIsVisible(Row) = True And FlexGrid.RowHidden(Row) = False Then FlexGridRowIsVisible = True
End Function
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Thank you very much for the explanation Krool. I didn't know that was the case for MSFlexGrid too and certainly I'd never ask you to change this behavior! I was just curious as a beginner and the original property names RowIsVisible/RowHidden were a bit misleading to me
Also thank you for the helper function and for all your contributions to this community. Much appreciated!
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Update released.
The FlexSortCustom was totally broken. This fact appeared when I needed in a case a custom sorting and I noticed that Row1 in the Compare event was correct but Row2 was totally off.
Row2 had two errors, one could be fixed but the other is kind of impossible due to the partial temp out-of-place sorting in the recursive stable merge sort.
So now, whenever a custom sort is invoked an optimized stable bubble sort is performed internally. This ensure that the Row1/Row2/Col text matrix subscripts is meaningful and properly. Because bubble sort is full in-place and is swapping one by one. So .TextMatrix is always up to date. So no problem for the Compare event anymore.
If no custom sort is applied, then the fast and efficient stable merge sort is again internally used.
In order to decrease the need of custom sorting I have included now the possibility to sort by currency and date. (FlexCurrencyAscending/FlexCurrencyDescending and FlexDateAscending/FlexDateDescending)
These new enum flag can be set to both Sort and ColSort property. (Info: In order to use ColSort set FlexUseColSort enum into the Sort property)
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
DividerDblClick event included.
This convenient event can be a very quick helper for implementing an "user auto auto-sizing" functionality.
Example usage:
Private Sub VBFlexGrid1_DividerDblClick(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long)
If Row = -1 Then
VBFlexGrid1.AutoSize Col, , FlexAutoSizeModeColWidth
ElseIf Col = -1 Then
VBFlexGrid1.AutoSize Row, , FlexAutoSizeModeRowHeight
End If
End Sub
Like in the ListView control it only fires on left mouse button.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Updated released.
Optimized the divider row/col dragging.
This means that now the splitter rect displayed during the divider row/col dragging starts not anymore at the current mouse position.
It now starts exactly at the divider line and calculates internally an offset to the current mouse position.
Of course when moving and releasing the mouse the offset is also considered.
The benefit of this optimization is a more precise dragging and no mini pixel movings anymore when pressing and releasing the mouse without moving.
Included the HitRowDivider/HitColDivider property which returns the divider row/col from the last invoked .HitTest.
The difference between HitRowDivider/HitColDivider and the normal HitRow/HitCol is an offset applied.
Also either HitRowDivider and HitColDivider is set to -1 or both. Never both can be higher than -1. Unlike HitRow/HitCol where both are usually higher than -1.
The offset accounts following:
Normally for FlexHitResultDividerRowTop/FlexHitResultDividerColumnLeft an offset of -1 must be applied to shift to the actual row/col.
For FlexHitResultDividerRowBottom/FlexHitResultDividerColumnRight an offset was never necessary.
In addition (new feature) the offset also accounts for hidden rows and cols. Though zero width rows/cols are not accounted to preserve MSFlexGrid compatibility.
Example: In MSFlexGrid a zero width row/col can be resized (unhide). This is also possible in VBFlexGrid.
Only when using ColHidden/RowHidden the hidden rows/cols cannot be resized anymore as they were offset.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Update released.
Originally Posted by Krool
FontCharset issue resolved. Whenever the FontName is changed the FontCharset will be amended as well by default. Thus always working.
However, afterwards the FontCharset can be changed manually, if necessary.
Now that fix applies also for FlexFillStyleRepeat instead of FlexFillStyleSingle only. (FlexFillStyleRepeat was skip by an oversight..)
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
I find the .Clip property useful for copy/paste between grid and excel for example.
I also use RowHidden/ColHidden often to filter stuff out of sight.
Therefore the question in the room:
May the .Clip property skip hidden rows/cols by get and also set? (Kind of intuitive feature)
Or bring out a further property that controls such new behavior?
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Krool
I find the .Clip property useful for copy/paste between grid and excel for example.
I also use RowHidden/ColHidden often to filter stuff out of sight.
Therefore the question in the room:
May the .Clip property skip hidden rows/cols by get and also set? (Kind of intuitive feature)
Or bring out a further property that controls such new behavior?
I vote for a new property. While the intuitive behavior works from an end user point of view (this is how excel works), it may not be obvious to a programmer.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Who has the VBFlexGrid drag and drop example? How can I not use the following example?
Private m_bDragOK As Boolean
Private m_iDragCol As Integer
Private xdn As Integer, ydn As Integer
Private Sub VBFlexGrid1_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
If m_iDragCol = -1 Then Exit Sub
If VBFlexGrid1.MouseRow <> 0 Then Exit Sub
With VBFlexGrid1
.Redraw = False
.ColPosition(m_iDragCol) = .MouseCol
.Redraw = True
End With
End Sub
Private Sub VBFlexGrid1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
xdn = X
ydn = Y
m_iDragCol = -1 ' 清除拖拽标志
m_bDragOK = True
End Sub
Private Sub VBFlexGrid1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
m_bDragOK = False
End Sub
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Thank you Krool. The problem is solved. I hope this drag and drop attribute is the default, and no user need to write the code again. That's the best thing to do.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by DEXWERX
I vote for a new property. While the intuitive behavior works from an end user point of view (this is how excel works), it may not be obvious to a programmer.
Update, included ClipMode property that determines whether to include (default) or to exclude hidden cells in a clip command.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Further question in the room:
The AutoSize feature does not currently allow to exclude hidden rows or cols in it's calculation.
This can be disturbing in a filtered grid and you double click on a divider to autosize and it sizes larger as it should be visibly due to hidden cells that are larger in it's content.
So bring out a new parameter for this or rely on what is set in the new ClipMode property? (Kind of half intiutive)
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Dear Krool, Excellent Grid control. I have tested the Demo with some variations and it works well. But when I compile the OCX, I am unable to register it on windows 10 (It is saying some dll library file is missing) or use it in my other applications. Where I could be going wrong?
Last edited by amitabh srivastav; May 4th, 2018 at 07:15 AM.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Hi Krool,I want to implement the following functions:
For i = 1 To VBFlexGrid1.Rows - 1’Set the backcolor and forecolor of each row according to the conditions
If VBFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 3) = -1 Then
VBFlexGrid1.RowBackColor(i) = vbRed
VBFlexGrid1.RowForeColor(i) = vbWhite
BFlexGrid1.RowBackColor(i) = vbBlue
VBFlexGrid1.RowForeColor(i) = vbYellow
End If
Next i
VBFlexGrid1.AllowMultiSelection = True‘To press Ctrl and Shift to implement multiple selection
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
@ ChenLin,
you could make a helper function like following:
Private Sub RowBackColor(ByVal FlexGrid As VBFlexGrid, ByVal iRow As Long)
Dim OldFillStyle As FlexFillStyleConstants
With FlexGrid
OldFillStyle = .FillStyle
.FillStyle = FlexFillStyleRepeat
.Cell(FlexCellBackColor, iRow, .FixedCols, , .Cols - 1) = vbRed
.FillStyle = OldFillStyle
End With
End Sub
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Thanks Krool. The problem has been solved. I modify the color parameters and specify the colors directly:
Private Sub Command19_Click()
RowBackColor Me.VBFlexGrid1, 8
RowForceColor Me.VBFlexGrid1, 8
RowBackColor Me.VBFlexGrid1, 9, vbBlue
RowForceColor Me.VBFlexGrid1, 9, vbGreen
RowBackColor Me.VBFlexGrid1, 10, vbGreen
RowForceColor Me.VBFlexGrid1, 12, vbRed
End Sub
Private Sub RowBackColor(ByVal FlexGrid As VBFlexGrid, ByVal iRow As Long, Optional ByVal lColor As Long = vbRed)
Dim OldFillStyle As FlexFillStyleConstants
With FlexGrid
OldFillStyle = .FillStyle
.FillStyle = FlexFillStyleRepeat
.Cell(FlexCellBackColor, iRow, .FixedCols, , .Cols - 1) = lColor
.FillStyle = OldFillStyle
End With
End Sub
Private Sub RowForceColor(ByVal FlexGrid As VBFlexGrid, ByVal iRow As Long, Optional ByVal lColor As Long = vbBlack)
Dim OldFillStyle As FlexFillStyleConstants
With FlexGrid
OldFillStyle = .FillStyle
.FillStyle = FlexFillStyleRepeat
.Cell(FlexCellForeColor, iRow, .FixedCols, , .Cols - 1) = lColor
.FillStyle = OldFillStyle
End With
End Sub
Private Sub VBFlexGrid1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim i As Long, j As Long
If Button = 1 Then
If Shift = 2 Then '按Ctrl键
With VBFlexGrid1
If .CellBackColor = &H8000000D Then
RowBackColor VBFlexGrid1, VBFlexGrid1.Row, IIf((i Mod 2) <> 0, &H80000005, RGB(227, 239, 218)) '修正点击后颜色不正确问题
RowForeColor VBFlexGrid1, VBFlexGrid1.Row, &H80000008
.RowData(.Row) = 0
RowBackColor VBFlexGrid1, VBFlexGrid1.Row
RowForeColor VBFlexGrid1, VBFlexGrid1.Row
.RowData(.Row) = 1
End If
End With
ElseIf Shift = 1 Then '按Shift键
With VBFlexGrid1
If .Row <= .RowSel Then
For i = .Row To .RowSel
RowBackColor VBFlexGrid1, i
RowForeColor VBFlexGrid1, i
.RowData(i) = 1
For i = .Row To .RowSel Step -1
RowBackColor VBFlexGrid1, i
RowForeColor VBFlexGrid1, i
.RowData(i) = 1
End If
End With
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub VBFlexGrid1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim i As Integer
Dim lngRow As Long, lngRowSel As Long
If Shift = 0 Then
With VBFlexGrid1
.Redraw = False
lngRow = .Row
lngRowSel = .RowSel
For i = 1 To .Rows - 1
If i <> lngRowSel And .RowData(i) = 1 Then
RowBackColor VBFlexGrid1, i, IIf((i Mod 2) <> 0, &H80000005, RGB(227, 239, 218)) '修正点击后颜色不正确问题
RowForeColor VBFlexGrid1, i, &H80000008
.RowData(i) = 0
End If
.Row = lngRow
If .Row <= lngRowSel Then
For i = lngRow To lngRowSel
.RowData(i) = 1
RowBackColor VBFlexGrid1, i
RowForeColor VBFlexGrid1, i
For i = lngRow To lngRowSel Step -1
.RowData(i) = 1
RowBackColor VBFlexGrid1, i
RowForeColor VBFlexGrid1, i
End If
.Redraw = True
End With
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RowBackColor(ByVal FlexGrid As VBFlexGrid, ByVal iRow As Long, Optional ByVal lColor As Long = &H8000000D)
Dim OldFillStyle As FlexFillStyleConstants
With FlexGrid
OldFillStyle = .FillStyle
.FillStyle = FlexFillStyleRepeat
.Cell(FlexCellBackColor, iRow, .FixedCols, , .Cols - 1) = lColor
.FillStyle = OldFillStyle
End With
End Sub
Public Sub RowForeColor(ByVal FlexGrid As VBFlexGrid, ByVal iRow As Long, Optional ByVal lColor As Long = &H8000000E)
Dim OldFillStyle As FlexFillStyleConstants
With FlexGrid
OldFillStyle = .FillStyle
.FillStyle = FlexFillStyleRepeat
.Cell(FlexCellForeColor, iRow, .FixedCols, , .Cols - 1) = lColor
.FillStyle = OldFillStyle
End With
End Sub
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
TopRow Add a New line to prevent errors when the mouse is rolled up.
Do not know if my method is wrong or a bug?
Public Property Let TopRow(ByVal Value As Long)
If Value < 0 Then Value = 0 'Add
If Value < 0 Or Value > (PropRows - 1) Then
err.Raise Number:=30009, Description:="Invalid Row value"
End If
With RCP
.TopRow = Value
Call SetRowColParams(RCP)
End With
End Property
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Krool
When you use any of FlexSortString... constants it should work as Wide API lstrcmp/lstrcmpi is used. What kind of problem do you have?
example code:
The problem is solved, the use is FlexSortStringNoCaseAscending, it is recommended that Chinese characters use this, numbers and money to use FlexSortCurrencyAscending
Public Sub Sort(Sgrd As VBFlexGrid)
IntSort = IntSort + 1
With Sgrd
If .MouseRow <> 0 Then Exit Sub '如果不是标题行就不排序
.Col = .MouseCol
Dim i As Integer
If IsNumeric(Sgrd.TextMatrix(1, Sgrd.MouseCol)) = True Then
.Sort = FlexSortCurrencyAscending + IntSort Mod 2 '按金额排序
.Sort = FlexSortStringNoCaseAscending + IntSort Mod 2 '按字符排序
End If
.Col = 0 '这个为0避免排序后当前列之前为白色……
End With
End Sub
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Karl77
Basic question
In a populated grid, a left mouse click fires a SelChange.
Is there a simple way to fire the Selchange with the right mouse button as well?
I'm not sure what your goal is but it looks like you want to have a convenient way of span selection ranges with the right mouse button (?)
If yes here is a proposal:
Private Sub VBFlexGrid1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = vbRightButton Then
With VBFlexGrid1
.HitTest X, Y
If .HitResult = FlexHitResultCell Then
If .HitRow > (.FixedRows - 1) And .HitCol > (.FixedCols - 1) Then
.RowSel = .HitRow
.ColSel = .HitCol
End If
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Sorry for the unclear description.
It is about a single cell only.
I want to invoke a context menu.
This works ok now when I first select the cell by left click, and then do a right click.
If I right click only, then I get my context menu, but the cell where the click happened doesn't get selected before.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
In Farpoint Spread and my own Spread control, I can achieve Karl77's purpose by the following method:
Private Sub fpSpread1_RightClick(ByVal ClickType As Integer, ByVal Col As Long, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal MouseX As Long, ByVal MouseY As Long)
If ClickType = 1 Then '--- 0: MouseDown, 1: MouseUp ---
fpSpread1.SetActiveCell Col, Row
PopupMenu MnuTools
End If
End Sub
Maybe Krool could add the RightClick event for VBFlexGrid.
Last edited by dreammanor; Jun 22nd, 2018 at 06:48 AM.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
The MS(H)FlexGrid control has MouseRow/MouseCol properties, these return the row/col which the mouse is hovering, without the need for a click or selecting the cells.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Just replaced RowSel to Row and ColSel to Col to get behavior of right click activating cell.
Also MouseUp instead MouseDown.
This should work, please try:
Private Sub VBFlexGrid1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = vbRightButton Then
With VBFlexGrid1
.HitTest X, Y
If .HitResult = FlexHitResultCell Then
If .HitRow > (.FixedRows - 1) And .HitCol > (.FixedCols - 1) Then
.Row = .HitRow
.Col = .HitCol
PopupMenu MnuTools
End If
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Can anyone have a way to convert this to a VB.NET version? My VB.NET is still learning and currently has no ability to solve the problems that arise in the conversion.